What is amaid today todo? So angelland all weeping bin that Izzy | 1 |
most unhappy is. Fain Essie fie onhapje? laughs her stella's vispirine. | 2 |
    While, running about their ways, going and coming, now at | 3 |
rhimba rhomba, now in trippiza trappaza, pleating a pattern Gran | 4 |
Geamatron showed them of gracehoppers, auntskippers and coney- | 5 |
farm leppers, they jeerilied along, durian gay and marian maid- | 6 |
cap, lou Dariou beside la Matieto, all boy more all girl singout- | 7 |
feller longa house blong store Huddy, whilest nin nin nin nin that | 8 |
Boorman's clock, a winny on the tinny side, ninned nin nin nin | 9 |
nin, about old Father Barley how he got up of a morning arley | 10 |
and he met with a plattonem blondes named Hips and Haws and | 11 |
fell in with a fellows of Trinity some header Skowood Shaws like | 12 |
(You'll catch it, don't fret, Mrs Tummy Lupton! Come indoor, | 13 |
Scoffynosey, and shed your swank!) auld Daddy Deacon who | 14 |
could stow well his place of beacon but he never could hold his | 15 |
kerosene's candle to (The nurse'll give it you, stickypots! And you | 16 |
wait, my lasso, fecking the twine!) bold Farmer Burleigh who | 17 |
wuck up in a hurlywurly where he huddly could wuddle to wal- | 18 |
low his weg tillbag of the baker's booth to beg of (You're well | 19 |
held now, Missy Cheekspeer, and your panto's off! Fie, for shame, | 20 |
Ruth Wheatacre, after all the booz said!) illed Diddiddy Achin | 21 |
for the prize of a pease of bakin with a pinch of the panch of the | 22 |
ponch in jurys for (Ah, crabeyes, I have you, showing off to the | 23 |
world with that gape in your stocking!) Wold Forrester Farley | 24 |
who, in deesperation of deispiration at the diasporation of his | 25 |
diesparation, was found of the round of the sound of the lound | 26 |
of the.Lukkedoerendunandurraskewdylooshoofermoyportertoo- | 27 |
ryzooysphalnabortansporthaokansakroidverjkapakkapuk. | 28 |
    Byfall. | 29 |
    Upploud! | 30 |
    The play thou schouwburgst, Game, here endeth. The curtain | 31 |
drops by deep request. | 32 |
    Uplouderamain! | 33 |
    Gonn the gawds, Gunnar's gustspells. When the h, who the | 34 |
hu, how the hue, where the huer? Orbiter onswers: lots lives | 35 |
lost. Fionia is fed up with Fidge Fudgesons. Sealand snorres. | 36 |