de kerkegaard. So who over comes ever for Whoopee Weeks | 1 |
must put up with the Jug and Chambers. | 2 |
    But heed! Our thirty minutes war's alull. All's quiet on the | 3 |
felled of Gorey. Between the starfort and the thornwood brass | 4 |
castle flambs with mutton candles. Hushkah, a horn! Gadolmag- | 5 |
tog! God es El? Housefather calls enthreateningly. From Bran- | 6 |
denborgenthor. At Asa's arthre. In thundercloud periwig. With | 7 |
lightning bug aflash from afinger. My souls and by jings, should | 8 |
he work his jaw to give down the banks and hark from the tomb! | 9 |
Ansighosa pokes in her potstill to souse at the sop be sodden | 10 |
enow and to hear to all the bubbles besaying: the coming man, the | 11 |
future woman, the food that is to build, what he with fifteen years | 12 |
will do, the ring in her mouth of joyous guard, stars astir and | 13 |
stirabout. A palashe for hirs, a saucy for hers and ladlelike spoons | 14 |
for the wonner. But ein and twee were never worth three. So they | 15 |
must have their final since he's on parole. Et la pau' Leonie has the | 16 |
choice of her lives between Josephinus and Mario-Louis for who | 17 |
is to wear the lily of Bohemey, Florestan, Thaddeus, Hardress or | 18 |
Myles. And lead raptivity captive. Ready! Like a Finn at a fair. | 19 |
Now for la belle! Icy-la-Belle! | 20 |
    The campus calls them. Ninan ninan, the gattling gan! Childs | 21 |
will be wilds. 'Twastold. And vamp, vamp, vamp, the girls are | 22 |
merchand. The horseshow magnete draws his field and don't the | 23 |
fillyings fly? Educande of Sorrento, they newknow knowwell | 24 |
their Vico's road. Arranked in their array and flocking for the | 25 |
fray on that old orangeray, Dolly Brae. For these are not on | 26 |
terms, they twain, bartrossers, since their baffle of Whatalose | 27 |
when Adam Leftus and the devil took our hindmost, gegifting | 28 |
her with his painapple, nor will not be atoned at all in fight to | 29 |
no finish, that dark deed doer, this wellwilled wooer, Jerkoff and | 30 |
Eatsoup, Yem or Yan, while felixed is who culpas does and harm's | 31 |
worth healing and Brune is bad French for Jour d'Anno. Tiggers | 32 |
and Tuggers they're all for tenzones. Bettlimbraves. For she must | 33 |
walk out. And it must be with who. Teaseforhim. Toesforhim. | 34 |
Tossforhim. Two. Else there is danger of. Solitude. | 35 |
    Postreintroducing Jeremy, the chastenot coulter, the flowing | 36 |