Tark's bimboowood so pleasekindly communicake with the | 1 |
original sinse we are only yearning as yet how to burgeon. It's | 2 |
meant milliems of centiments deadlost or mislaid on them but, | 3 |
master of snakes, we can sloughchange in the nip of a napple | 4 |
solongas we can allsee for deedsetton your quick. By the hook | 5 |
in your look we're eyed for aye were you begging the questuan | 6 |
with your lutean bowl round Monkmesserag. And whenever | 7 |
you're tingling in your trout we're sure to be tangled in our tice- | 8 |
ments. It's game, ma chère, be offwith your shepherdress on! Up- | 9 |
some cauda! Behose our handmades for the lured! To these nunce | 10 |
we are but yours in ammatures yet well come that day we shall ope | 11 |
to be ores. Then shalt thou see, seeing, the sight. No more hoax- | 12 |
ites! Nay more gifting in mennage! A her's fancy for a his friend | 13 |
and then that fellow yours after this follow ours. Vania, Vania | 14 |
Vaniorum, Domne Vanias! | 15 |
    Hightime is ups be it down into outs according! When there | 16 |
shall be foods for vermin as full as feeds for the fett, eat on earth | 17 |
as there's hot in oven. When every Klitty of a scolderymeid shall | 18 |
hold every yardscullion's right to stimm her uprecht for whimso- | 19 |
ever, whether on privates, whather in publics. And when all us | 20 |
romance catholeens shall have ones for all amanseprated. And the | 21 |
world is maidfree. Methanks. So much for His Meignysthy man! | 22 |
And all his bigyttens. So till Coquette to tell Cockotte to teach | 23 |
Connie Curley to touch Cattie Hayre and tip Carminia to tap La | 24 |
Chèrie though where the diggings he dwellst amongst us here's | 25 |
nobody knows save Mary. Whyfor we go ringing hands in hands | 26 |
in gyrogyrorondo. | 27 |
    These bright elects, consentconsorted, they were waltzing up | 28 |
their willside with their princesome handsome angeline chiuff | 29 |
while in those wherebus there wont bears way (mearing un- | 30 |
known, a place where pigeons carry fire to seethe viands, a miry | 31 |
hill, belge end sore footh) oaths and screams and bawley groans | 32 |
with a belchybubhub and a hellabelow bedemmed and bediabbled | 33 |
the arimaining lucisphere. Helldsdend, whelldselse! Lonedom's | 34 |
breach lay foulend up uncouth not be broched by punns and | 35 |
reedles. Yet the ring gayed rund rorosily with a drat for a brat | 36 |