Yuinness or Yennessy, Laagen or Niger, for Festus King and | 1 |
Roaring Peter and Frisky Shorty and Treacle Tom and O. B. | 2 |
Behan and Sully the Thug and Master Magrath and Peter Cloran | 3 |
and O'Delawarr Rossa and Nerone MacPacem and whoever you | 4 |
chance to meet knocking around; and a pig's bladder balloon for | 5 |
Selina Susquehanna Stakelum. But what did she give to Pruda | 6 |
Ward and Katty Kanel and Peggy Quilty and Briery Brosna and | 7 |
Teasy Kieran and Ena Lappin and Muriel Maassy and Zusan Camac | 8 |
and Melissa Bradogue and Flora Ferns and Fauna Fox-Good- | 9 |
man and Grettna Greaney and Penelope Inglesante and Lezba | 10 |
Licking like Leytha Liane and Roxana Rohan with Simpatica | 11 |
Sohan and Una Bina Laterza and Trina La Mesme and Philomena | 12 |
O'Farrell and Irmak Elly and Josephine Foyle and Snakeshead | 13 |
Lily and Fountainoy Laura and Marie Xavier Agnes Daisy | 14 |
Frances de Sales Macleay? She gave them ilcka madre's daughter | 15 |
a moonflower and a bloodvein: but the grapes that ripe before | 16 |
reason to them that devide the vinedress. So on Izzy, her shame- | 17 |
maid, love shone befond her tears as from Shem, her penmight, | 18 |
life past befoul his prime. | 19 |
    My colonial, wardha bagful! A bakereen's dusind with tithe | 20 |
tillies to boot. That's what you may call a tale of a tub ! And Hi- | 21 |
bernonian market! All that and more under one crinoline enve- | 22 |
lope if you dare to break the porkbarrel seal. No wonder they'd | 23 |
run from her pison plague. Throw us your hudson soap for the | 24 |
honour of Clane! The wee taste the water left. I'll raft it back, | 25 |
first thing in the marne. Merced mulde! Ay, and don't forget the | 26 |
reckitts I lohaned you. You've all the swirls your side of the cur- | 27 |
rent. Well, am I to blame for that if I have? Who said you're to | 28 |
blame for that if you have? You're a bit on the sharp side. I'm on | 29 |
the wide. Only snuffers' cornets drifts my way that the cracka | 30 |
dvine chucks out of his cassock, with her estheryear's marsh | 31 |
narcissus to make him recant his vanitty fair. Foul strips of his | 32 |
chinook's bible I do be reading, dodwell disgustered but chickled | 33 |
with chuckles at the tittles is drawn on the tattlepage. Senior ga | 34 |
dito: Faciasi Omo! E omo fu fò. Ho! Ho! Senior ga dito: Faciasi | 35 |
Hidamo! Hidamo se ga facessà. Ha! Ha! And Die Windermere | 36 |