lionses of Lumdrum hivanhoesed up gagainst him, being a lapsis | 1 |
linquo with a ruvidubb shortartempa, bad cad dad fad sad mad | 2 |
nad vanhaty bear, the consciquenchers of casuality prepestered | 3 |
crusswords in postposition, scruff, scruffer, scrufferumurraimost | 4 |
andallthatsortofthing, if reams stood to reason and his lanka- | 5 |
livline lasted he would wipe alley english spooker, multapho- | 6 |
niaksically spuking, off the face of the erse. | 7 |
    After the thorough fright he got that bloody, Swithun's day, | 8 |
though every doorpost in muchtried Lucalizod was smeared with | 9 |
generous erstborn gore and every free for all cobbleway slippery | 10 |
with the bloods of heroes, crying to Welkins for others, and | 11 |
noahs and cul verts agush with tears of joy, our low waster never | 12 |
had the common baalamb's pluck to stir out and about the com- | 13 |
pound while everyone else of the torchlit throng, slashers and | 14 |
sliced alike, mobbu on massa, waaded and baaded around, yamp- | 15 |
yam pampyam, chanting the Gillooly chorus, from the Monster | 16 |
Book of Paltryattic Puetrie, O pura e pia bella! in junk et sampam | 17 |
or in secular sinkalarum, heads up, on his bonafide avocation (the | 18 |
little folk creeping on all fours to their natural school treat but | 19 |
childishly gleeful when a stray whizzer sang out intermediately) | 20 |
and happy belongers to the fairer sex on their usual quest for | 21 |
higher things, but vying with Lady Smythe to avenge Mac- | 22 |
Jobber, went stonestepping with their bickerrstaffs on educated | 23 |
feet, plinkity plonk, across the sevenspan ponte dei colori set up | 24 |
over the slop after the war-to-end war by Messrs a charitable | 25 |
government for the only once (dia dose Finnados!) he did take | 26 |
a tompip peepestrella throug a threedraw eighteen hawkspower | 27 |
durdicky telescope, luminous to larbourd only like the lamps in | 28 |
Nassaustrass, out of his westernmost keyhole, spitting at the | 29 |
impenetrablum wetter, (and it was porcoghastly that outumn) with | 30 |
an eachway hope in his shivering soul, as he prayed to the cloud | 31 |
Incertitude, of finding out for himself, on akkount of all the | 32 |
kules in Kroukaparka or oving to all the kodseoggs in Kalatavala, | 33 |
whether true conciliation was forging ahead or falling back after | 34 |
the celestious intemperance and, for Duvvelsache, why, with his | 35 |
see me see and his my see a corves and his frokerfoskerfuskar | 36 |