games like Thom Thom the Thonderman, Put the Wind up the | 1 |
Peeler, Hat in the Ring, Prisson your Pritchards and Play Withers | 2 |
Team, Mikel on the Luckypig, Nickel in the Slot, Sheila Harnett and | 3 |
her Cow, Adam and Ell, Humble Bumble, Moggie's on the Wall, | 4 |
Twos and Threes, American Jump, Fox Come out of your Den, | 5 |
Broken Bottles, Writing a Letter to Punch, Tiptop is a Sweetstore, | 6 |
Henressy Crump Expolled, Postman's Knock, Are We Fairlys Rep- | 7 |
resented?, Solomon Silent reading, Appletree Bearstone, I know a | 8 |
Washerwoman, Hospitals, As I was Walking, There is Oneyone's | 9 |
House in Dreamcolohour, Battle of Waterloo, Colours, Eggs in the | 10 |
Bush, Habberdasherisher, Telling your Dreams, What's the Time, | 11 |
Nap, Ducking Mammy, Last Man Standing, Heali Baboon and the | 12 |
Forky Theagues, Fickleyes and Futilears, Handmarried but once in | 13 |
my Life and I'll never commit such a Sin agin, Zip Cooney Candy, | 14 |
Turkey in the Straw, This is the Way we sow the Seed of a long and | 15 |
lusty Morning, Hops of Fun at Miliken's Make, I seen the Tooth- | 16 |
brush with Pat Farrel, Here's the Fat to graze the Priest's Boots, | 17 |
When his Steam was like a Raimbrandt round Mac Garvey. | 18 |
    Now it is notoriously known how on that surprisingly bludgeony | 19 |
Unity Sunday when the grand germogall allstar bout was harrily | 20 |
the rage between our weltingtoms extraordinary and our petty- | 21 |
thicks the marshalaisy and Irish eyes of welcome were smiling | 22 |
daggers down their backs, when the roth, vice and blause met the | 23 |
noyr blank and rogues and the grim white and cold bet the black | 24 |
fighting tans, categorically unimperatived by the maxims, a rank | 25 |
funk getting the better of him, the scut in a bad fit of pyjamas | 26 |
fled like a leveret for his bare lives, to Talviland, ahone ahaza, pur- | 27 |
sued by the scented curses of all the village belles and, without | 28 |
having struck one blow, (pig stole on him was lust he lagging it | 29 |
was becaused dust he shook) kuskykorked himself up tight in | 30 |
his inkbattle house, badly the worse for boosegas, there to stay | 31 |
in afar for the life, where, as there was not a moment to be lost, | 32 |
after he had boxed around with his fortepiano till he was whole | 33 |
bach bamp him and bump him blues, he collapsed carefully under | 34 |
a bedtick from Schwitzer's, his face enveloped into a dead war- | 35 |
rior's telemac, with a lullobaw's somnbomnet and a whotwater- | 36 |