BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|168 | 169 |170 |

  Shem is as short for Shemus as Jem is joky for Jacob. A few 1
toughnecks are still getatable who pretend that aboriginally he 2
was of respectable stemming (he was an outlex between the lines 3
of Ragonar Blaubarb and Horrild Hairwire and an inlaw to Capt. 4
the Hon. and Rev. Mr Bbyrdwood de Trop Blogg was among 5
his most distant connections) but every honest to goodness man 6
in the land of the space of today knows that his back life will 7
not stand being written about in black and white. Putting truth 8
and untruth together a shot may be made at what this hybrid 9
actually was like to look at. 10
    Shem's bodily getup, it seems, included an adze of a skull, an 11
eight of a larkseye, the whoel of a nose, one numb arm up a 12
sleeve, fortytwo hairs off his uncrown, eighteen to his mock lip, 13
a trio of barbels from his megageg chin (sowman's son), the 14
wrong shoulder higher than the right, all ears, an artificial 15
tongue with a natural curl, not a foot to stand on, a handful of 16
thumbs, a blind stomach, a deaf heart, a loose liver, two fifths of 17
two buttocks, one gleetsteen avoirdupoider for him, a manroot 18
of all evil, a salmonkelt's thinskin, eelsblood in his cold toes, a 19
bladder tristended, so much so that young Master Shemmy on 20
his very first debouch at the very dawn of protohistory seeing 21
himself such and such, when playing with thistlewords in their 22
garden nursery, Griefotrofio, at Phig Streat III Shuvlin, Old 23
Hoeland, (would we go back there now for sounds, pillings and 24