BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|163 | 164 |165 |

I helped him to in my princeps edition which is all so munch1
to the cud) are mutuearly polarised the incompatabilily of any2
delusional acting as ambivalent to the fixation of his pivotism.3
Positing, as above, too males pooles, the one the pictor of the4
other and the omber the Skotia of the one, and looking want-5
ingly around our undistributed middle between males we feel6
we must waistfully woent a female to focus and on this stage7
there pleasantly appears the cowrymaid M. whom we shall8
often meet below who introduces herself upon us at some precise9
hour which we shall again agree to call absolute zero or the10
babbling pumpt of platinism. And so like that former son11
of a kish who went up and out to found his farmer's ashes we12
come down home gently on our own turnedabout asses to meet13
    We now romp through a period of pure lyricism of shame- 15
bred music (technologically, let me say, the appetising entry of16
this subject on a fool chest of vialds is plumply pudding the carp17
before doevre hors) evidenced by such words in distress as I18
cream for thee, Sweet Margareen, and the more hopeful O Mar-19
gareena! O Margareena! Still in the bowl is left a lump of gold!20
(Correspondents, by the way, will keep on asking me what is the21
correct garnish to serve drisheens with. Tansy Sauce. Enough).22
The pawnbreaking pathos of the first of these shoddy pieces23
reveals it as a Caseous effort. Burrus's bit is often used for a toast.24
Criniculture can tell us very precisely indeed how and why this25
particular streak of yellow silver first appeared on (not in) the26
bowel, that is to see, the human head, bald, black, bronze, brown,27
brindled, betteraved or blanchemanged where it might be use-28
fully compared with an earwig on a fullbottom. I am offering29
this to Signorina Cuticura and I intend to take it up and bring it30
under the nosetice of Herr Harlene by way of diverting his31
attentions. Of course the unskilled singer continues to pervert32
our wiser ears by subordinating the space-element, that is to33
sing, the aria, to the time-factor, which ought to be killed, ill34
tempor. I should advise any unborn singer who may still be35
among my heeders to forget her temporal diaphragm at home36