michelangelines have fooled to dread I proved to mindself as to | 1 |
your sotisfiction how his abject all through (the quickquid of Pro- | 2 |
fessor Ciondolone's too frequently hypothecated Bettlermensch) | 3 |
is nothing so much more than a mere cashdime however genteel | 4 |
he may want ours, if we please (I am speaking to us in the second | 5 |
person), for to this graded intellecktuals dime is cash and the | 6 |
cash system (you must not be allowed to forget that this is all | 7 |
contained, I mean the system, in the dogmarks of origen on | 8 |
spurios) means that I cannot now have or nothave a piece of | 9 |
cheeps in your pocket at the same time and with the same man- | 10 |
ners as you can now nothalf or half the cheek apiece I've in mind | 11 |
unless Burrus and Caseous have not or not have seemaultaneous- | 12 |
ly sysentangled themselves, selldear to soldthere, once in the | 13 |
dairy days of buy and buy. | 14 |
    Burrus, let us like to imagine, is a genuine prime, the real | 15 |
choice, full of natural greace, the mildest of milkstoffs yet un- | 16 |
beaten as a risicide and, of course, obsoletely unadulterous | 17 |
whereat Caseous is obversely the revise of him and in fact not an | 18 |
ideal choose by any meals, though the betterman of the two is | 19 |
meltingly addicted to the more casual side of the arrivaliste case | 20 |
and, let me say it at once, as zealous over him as is passably he. | 21 |
The seemsame home and histry seeks and hidepence which we | 22 |
used to be reading for our prepurgatory, hot, Schott? till Duddy | 23 |
shut the shopper op and Mutti, poor Mutti! brought us our poor | 24 |
suppy, (ah who! eh how!) in Acetius and Oleosus and Sellius | 25 |
Volatilis and Petrus Papricus! Our Old Party quite united round | 26 |
the Slatbowel at Commons: Pfarrer Salamoss himself and that | 27 |
sprog of a Pedersill and his Sprig of Thyme and a dozen of the | 28 |
Murphybuds and a score and more of the hot young Capels and | 29 |
Lettucia in her greensleeves and you too and me three, twinsome | 30 |
bibs but hansome ates, like shakespill and eggs! But there's many | 31 |
a split pretext bowl and jowl; and (snob screwing that cork, | 32 |
Schott!) to understand this as well as you can, feeling how back- | 33 |
ward you are in your down-to-the-ground benches, I have com- | 34 |
pleted the following arrangement for the coarse use of stools and | 35 |
if I don't make away with you I'm beyond Caesar outnullused. | 36 |