at my apron stage. Shy is him, dovey? Musforget there's an | 1 |
audience. I have been lost, angel. Cuddle, ye divil ye! It's our | 2 |
toot-a-toot. Hearhere! Sensation! Let them, their whole four | 3 |
courtships! Let them, Bigbawl and his boosers' eleven makes | 4 |
twelve territorials. The Old Sot's Hole that wants wide streets to | 5 |
commission their noisense in, at the Mitchells v. Nicholls. Aves | 6 |
Selvae Acquae Valles! And my waiting twenty classbirds, sitting | 7 |
on their stiles! Let me finger their eurhythmytic. And you'll see | 8 |
if I'm selfthought. They're all of them out to please. Wait! In | 9 |
the name of. And all the holly. And some the mistle and it Saint | 10 |
Yves. Hoost! Ahem! There's Ada, Bett, Celia, Delia, Ena, | 11 |
Fretta, Gilda, Hilda, Ita, Jess, Katty, Lou, (they make me cough | 12 |
as sure as I read them) Mina, Nippa, Opsy, Poll, Queeniee, Ruth, | 13 |
Saucy, Trix, Una, Vela, Wanda, Xenia, Yva, Zulma, Phoebe, | 14 |
Thelma. And Mee! The reformatory boys is goaling in for the | 15 |
church so we've all comefeast like the groupsuppers and caught | 16 |
lipsolution from Anty Pravidance under penancies for myrtle | 17 |
sins. When their bride was married all my belles began ti ting. | 18 |
A ring a ring a rosaring! Then everyone will hear of it. Whoses | 19 |
wishes is the farther to my thoughts. But I'll plant them a poser | 20 |
for their nomanclatter. When they're out with the daynurse | 21 |
doing Chaperon Mall. Bright pigeons all over the whirrld will | 22 |
fly with my mistletoe message round their loveribboned necks | 23 |
and a crumb of my cake for each chasta dieva. We keeps all and | 24 |
sundry papers. In th' amourlight, O my darling! No, I swear to | 25 |
you by Fibsburrow churchdome and Sainte Andrée's Under- | 26 |
shift, by all I hold secret from my world and in my underworld | 27 |
of nighties and naughties and all the other wonderwearlds! | 28 |
Close your, notmust look! Now open, pet, your lips, pepette, | 29 |
like I used my sweet parted lipsabuss with Dan Holohan of | 30 |
facetious memory taught me after the flannel dance, with the | 31 |
proof of love, up Smock Alley the first night he smelled pouder | 32 |
and I coloured beneath my fan, pipetta mia, when you learned | 33 |
me the linguo to melt. Whowham would have ears like ours, | 34 |
the blackhaired! Do you like that, silenzioso? Are you enjoying, | 35 |
this same little me, my life, my love? Why do you like my | 36 |