BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|141 | 142 |143 |

grackles and I skimming the crock on all your sangwidges fip-1
pence per leg per drake.Tuk. And who eight the last of the goose-2
bellies that was mowlding from measlest years and who leff that3
there and who put that here and who let the kilkenny stale the4
chump. Tek. And whowasit youwasit propped the pot in the5
yard and whatinthe nameofsen lukeareyou rubbinthe sideofthe6
flureofthe lobbywith. Shite! will you have a plateful? Tak.7
    7. Who are those component partners of our societate, the 8
doorboy, the cleaner, the sojer, the crook, the squeezer, the loun-9
ger, the curman, the tourabout, the mussroomsniffer, the bleaka-10
blue tramp, the funpowtherplother, the christymansboxer, from11
their prés salés and Donnybrook prater and Roebuck's campos12
and the Ager Arountown and Crumglen's grassy but Kimmage's13
champ and Ashtown fields and Cabra fields and Finglas fields14
and Santry fields and the feels of Raheny and their fails and Bal-15
doygle to them who are latecomers all the year's round by anti-16
cipation, are the porters of the passions in virtue of retroratioci-17
nation, and, contributting their conflingent controversies of18
differentiation, unify their voxes in a vote of vaticination, who19
crunch the crusts of comfort due to depredation, drain the mead20
for misery to incur intoxication, condone every evil by practical21
justification and condam any good to its own gratification, who22
are ruled, roped, duped and driven by those numen daimons,23
the feekeepers at their laws, nightly consternation, fortnightly24
fornication, monthly miserecordation and omniannual recreation,25
doyles when they deliberate but sullivans when they are26
swordsed, Matey, Teddy, Simon, Jorn, Pedher, Andy, Barty,27
Philly, Jamesy Mor and Tom, Matt and Jakes Mac Carty?28
    Answer: The Morphios! 29
    8. And how war yore maggies? 30
    Answer: They war loving, they love laughing, they laugh 31
weeping, they weep smelling, they smell smiling, they smile hat-32
ing, they hate thinking, they think feeling, they feel tempting,33
they tempt daring, they dare waiting, they wait taking, they take34
thanking, they thank seeking, as born for lorn in lore of love to35
live and wive by wile and rile by rule of ruse 'reathed rose and36