his cornerwall melking mark so murry, the queen was steep in | 1 |
armbour feeling fain and furry, the mayds was midst the haw- | 2 |
thorns shoeing up their hose, out pimps the back guards (pomp!) | 3 |
and pump gun they goes; to all his foretellers he reared a stone | 4 |
and for all his comethers he planted a tree; forty acres, sixty miles, | 5 |
white stripe, red stripe, washes his fleet in annacrwatter; whou | 6 |
missed a porter so whot shall he do for he wanted to sit for | 7 |
Pimploco but they've caught him to stand for Sue?; Dutchlord, | 8 |
Dutchlord, overawes us; Headmound, king and martyr, dunstung | 9 |
in the Yeast, Pitre-le-Pore-in Petrin, Barth-the-Grete-by-the- | 10 |
Exchange; he hestens towards dames troth and wedding hand | 11 |
like the prince of Orange and Nassau while he has trinity left | 12 |
behind him like Bowlbeggar Bill-the-Bustonly; brow of a hazel- | 13 |
wood, pool in the dark; changes blowicks into bullocks and a | 14 |
well of Artesia into a bird of Arabia; the handwriting on his | 15 |
facewall, the cryptoconchoidsiphonostomata in his exprussians; | 16 |
his birthspot lies beyond the herospont and his burialplot in the | 17 |
pleasant little field; is the yldist kiosk on the pleninsula and the | 18 |
unguest hostel in Saint Scholarland; walked many hundreds and | 19 |
many score miles of streets and lit thousands in one nightlights | 20 |
in hectares of windows; his great wide cloak lies on fifteen acres | 21 |
and his little white horse decks by dozens our doors; O sorrow | 22 |
the sail and woe the rudder that were set for Mairie Quai!; his | 23 |
suns the huns, his dartars the tartars, are plenty here today; who | 24 |
repulsed from his burst the bombolts of Ostenton and falchioned | 25 |
each flash downsaduck in the deep; apersonal problem, a loca- | 26 |
tive enigma; upright one, vehicule of arcanisation in the field, | 27 |
lying chap, floodsupplier of celiculation through ebblanes; a part | 28 |
of the whole as a port for a whale; Dear Hewitt Castello, Equerry, | 29 |
were daylighted with our outing and are looking backwards to | 30 |
unearly summers, from Rhoda Dundrums; is above the seedfruit | 31 |
level and outside the leguminiferous zone; when older links lock | 32 |
older hearts then he'll resemble she; can be built with glue and | 33 |
clippings, scrawled or voided on a buttress; the night express | 34 |
sings his story, the song of sparrownotes on his stave of wires; | 35 |
he crawls with lice, he swarms with saggarts; is as quiet as a | 36 |