affect, as singsing so Salaman susuing to swittvitles while as un- | 1 |
bluffingly blurtubruskblunt as an Esra, the cat, the cat's meeter, | 2 |
the meeter's cat's wife, the meeter's cat's wife's half better, the | 3 |
meeter's cat's wife's half better's meeter, and so back to our | 4 |
horses, for we also know, what we have perused from the pages | 5 |
of I Was A Gemral, that Showting up of Bulsklivism by 'Schot- | 6 |
tenboum', that Father Michael about this red time of the white | 7 |
terror equals the old regime and Margaret is the social revolution | 8 |
while cakes mean the party funds and dear thank you signifies | 9 |
national gratitude. In fine, we have heard, as it happened, of | 10 |
Spartacus intercellular. We are not corknered yet,dead hand! | 11 |
We can recall, with voluntears, the froggy jew, and sweeter far | 12 |
'twere now westhinks in Dumbil's fair city ere one more year is | 13 |
o'er. We tourned our coasts to the good gay tunes. When from | 14 |
down swords the sea merged the oldowth guns and answer made | 15 |
the bold O' Dwyer. But. Est modest in verbos. Let a prostitute | 16 |
be whoso stands before a door and winks or parks herself in the | 17 |
fornix near a makeussin wall (sinsin! sinsin!) and the curate one | 18 |
who brings strong waters (gingin! gingin!), but also, and dinna | 19 |
forget, that there is many asleeps between someathome's first | 20 |
and moreinausland's last and that the beautiful presence of wait- | 21 |
ing kates will until life's (!) be more than enough to make any | 22 |
milkmike in the language of sweet tarts punch hell's hate into his | 23 |
twin nicky and that Maggy's tea, or your majesty, if heard as a | 24 |
boost from a born gentleman is (?). For if the lingo gasped between | 25 |
kicksheets, however basically English, were to be preached from | 26 |
the mouths of wickerchurchwardens and metaphysicians in the | 27 |
row and advokaatoes, allvoyous, demivoyelles, languoaths, les- | 28 |
biels, dentelles, gutterhowls and furtz, where would their prac- | 29 |
tice be or where the human race itself were the Pythagorean ses- | 30 |
quipedalia of the panepistemion, however apically Volapucky, | 31 |
grunted and gromwelled, ichabod, habakuk, opanoff, uggamyg, | 32 |
hapaxle, gomenon, ppppfff, over country stiles, behind slated | 33 |
dwellinghouses, down blind lanes, or, when all fruit fails, under | 34 |
some sacking left on a coarse cart? | 35 |
So hath been, love: tis tis: and will be: till wears and tears and | 36 |