realise that she is not out to dizzledazzle with a graith uncouthre- | 1 |
ment of postmantuam glasseries from the lapins and the grigs. | 2 |
Nuttings on her wilelife! Grabar gooden grandy for old almea- | 3 |
nium adamologists like Dariaumaurius and Zovotrimaserov- | 4 |
meravmerouvian; (dmzn!); she feel plain plate one flat fact thing | 5 |
and if, lastways firdstwise, a man alones sine anyon anyons | 6 |
utharas has no rates to done a kik at with anyon anakars about | 7 |
tutus milking fores and the rereres on the outerrand asikin the | 8 |
tutus to be forrarder. Thingcrooklyexineverypasturesixdix- | 9 |
likencehimaroundhersthemaggerbykinkinkankanwithdownmind- | 10 |
lookingated. Mesdaims, Marmouselles, Mescerfs! Silvapais! All | 11 |
schwants (schwrites) ischt tell the cock's trootabout him. Ka- | 12 |
pak kapuk. No minzies matter. He had to see life foully the | 13 |
plak and the smut, (schwrites). There were three men in him | 14 |
(schwrites). Dancings (schwrites) was his only ttoo feebles. | 15 |
With apple harlottes. And a little mollvogels. Spissially (schwrites) | 16 |
when they peaches. Honeys wore camelia paints. Yours very | 17 |
truthful. Add dapple inn. Yet is it but an old story, the tale of | 18 |
a Treestone with one Ysold, of a Mons held by tentpegs and his | 19 |
pal whatholoosed on the run, what Cadman could but Badman | 20 |
wouldn't, any Genoaman against any Venis, and why Kate takes | 21 |
charge of the waxworks. | 22 |
    Let us now, weather, health, dangers, public orders and other | 23 |
circumstances permitting, of perfectly convenient, if you police, | 24 |
after you, policepolice, pardoning mein, ich beam so fresch, bey? | 25 |
drop this jiggerypokery and talk straight turkey meet to mate, for | 26 |
while the ear, be we mikealls or nicholists, may sometimes be in- | 27 |
clined to believe others the eye, whether browned or nolensed, | 28 |
find it devilish hard now and again even to believe itself. Habes | 29 |
aures et num videbis? Habes oculos ac mannepalpabuat? Tip! Draw- | 30 |
ing nearer to take our slant at it (since after all it has met with | 31 |
misfortune while all underground), let us see all there may remain | 32 |
to be seen. | 33 |
    I am a worker, a tombstone mason, anxious to pleace avery- | 34 |
buries and jully glad when Christmas comes his once ayear. You | 35 |
are a poorjoist, unctuous to polise nopebobbies and tunnibelly | 36 |