Electronic versions of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake and Ulysses are made available via FTP and Gopher through the courtesy of Trent University. Both texts are available in WP, with many of the graphics and typographic effects included, and in ASCII text without these features.

The FW text was prepared by scanning the Second Edition (Faber, 1950). The scanned text was checked against a speller, created from a word count list provided by Professor Mark Olsen of the University of Chicago, based on scanning Clive Hart's Concordance. (WP 5.1 happily accepted this speller as the language "Icelandic" -- IS!) Errata to the Second Edition were consulted and corrections incorporated into the text.

The Ulysses text is a compromise based on the three major editions, using the currently accepted episode and line numbers as the means of organizing the text. It is a pragmatic text that one can alter or adopt to one's own needs and makes no claim to authoritativeness in relation to the decisions that it opts for, though these choices have often been checked with the facsimiles of the manuscript as well as other editions of the text.

The texts were commercially scanned, then edited and proofread by Joan Benedict Theall and Donald Theall, assisted by Ray Fritz- Nèmeth. The funding that enabled the preparation of both Finnegans Wake and Ulysses e-texts was provided by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and by Trent University.

While every effort has been made to guarantee the accuracy of the texts, there will be some errors in the first renditions of such complex texts. Since we are interested in developing the most accurate electronic text possible, we would appreciate those using the e-text materials to notify us of errors. We will periodically incorporate any corrections into the original e-text.

Please send corrections and comments either by e-mail, Internet: DTHEALL@TRENTU.CA or by regular mail to Prof. D. Theall, 1604 Champlain Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA K9L 1N6. (Phone: (705)-748-6504). If you find it of value, please let us know, so that we can inform the University and the Council.

Donald F. Theall