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ABOUT THIS BOOK Original Publication Date: 1997 Title: Douglas Adams' Starship Titanic Author: Terry Jones This work was originally published/written/is intended as a Paperback/Hardcover novel by/for ABOUT THIS IPB Filename: IPB Terry Jones Douglas Adams' Starship Titanic 1.0.zip Alt. Filename: IPBSta10.zip Vers.: 1.00 IPB initial publication date: 1/4/01 This IPB WebBook may not be sold. Redistribution for free is strongly encouraged and should be outlined within the zip file that came with this site. If you are a reader of an IPB WebBook for the first time and would like more information about IPB WebBooks, click here. All rights available. All parts of this IPB WebBook may be reproduced and transmitted in any form and by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storgage and retrieval system. Transcription: Anada Sucka transcription notes: Comments: This book is very loosely related to the "Starship Titanic" computer game by Douglas Adams, a pirate copy of which circulated on Usenet in 1998. The picture of Terry Jones contained in this archive is from inside the back cover of the book. To my knowledge, this is the only available e- text of this book. Source: scanned and OCR-read from a paperback edition with Xerox TextBridge Pro 9.0, proofread in MS Word 2000. Date of e-text: August 7, 1999 Prepared by: Anada Sucka ipb publisher: crazies ipb creator 1: ipbcreator 2: ipbcreator 3: ipbcreator 4: illustrations: additional graphics & artwork: ipb founder/program: batman (hehe) ipb founder/developer: assorted ipb skin creator (classic): assorted/micheleamy notes: If you make any changes & improvements to this IPB WebBook, I politely ask that you add a .1 to the version number before redistributing and enter the new version into the database on our website. For information on updating these WebBooks, please check the Creators Section of our website. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |