Letter to Brad Linaweaver

14 July 1987

Dear Brad,

Re. your post card on To Sail Beyond the Sunset. I guess I'm not inclined to review it publicly, as I did with Job, because I have the awful feeling--from the ending--that this might be Heinlein signing off fiction writing, and I don't want to contend with this. I will say, privately, that I think this novel demonstrates that Heinlein has successfully showed his critics that he can, indeed, write female characters with the best of them.

As for the swipes at revisionism contained therein, I noticed them too, but I would like to note the following.

As you recall, Bob Wilson wrote an article in NL chiding me for a sign in Alongside Night that read, "No Dogs or Welfare Parasites," and used my inclusion of this sign in my novel as evidence that the author hated the poor. Neal Wilgus brought this up again in my SFR interview. And what I said in both cases is that one should not hold an author responsible for opinions expressed by a fictional character in that author's novels. You might also recall that in my author's note beginning Rainbow Cadenza, I explicitly state, "The opinions ... of the characters in this book should not be taken as being the author's own or those of any real person. If there's anything I want to pin myself down on, I'll do it in my own voice." I certainly pinned myself down in the glossary on a number of points "in my own voice" and, since Rainbow was written third person, my own voice was heard in some places in the novel's exposition as well.

I'm extending to Mr. Heinlein the courtesy I asked Wilson and Wilgus to extend me. To Sail Beyond the Sunset is written first person in the voice of Maureen; Heinlein's own voice is never heard. Maureen is characterized as expressing anti- revisionist viewpoints by her first-person statements. This is therefore as much the author's statement about that character as it is a statement of that character's view on a particular issue. Maureen is on record regarding revisionism; to the best of my recollection, Heinlein is not.

If we want to know Mr. Heinlein's viewpoint on revisionism, we'll still have to ask him.

[Some personal material deleted.]

All best,


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