Looking Upward Through the Microscope:
Robert A. Heinlein
This is the article I wrote for the New York Sunday News
in July, 1973, based on my interview with Heinlein. The News
didn't publish it; Reason Magazine did, two years later.
In a letter to me, when I sent a copy of this to the
Heinleins for their opinion, Virginia Heinlein said that Robert
called it, "The best article -- in style, content, and accuracy
-- of the many, many written about him over the years."
His devotees range from freaked-out astrologers to coolly
rational astronomers; from Goldwater-country conservatives to
Greenwich Village anarchists; from atheists such as Madalyn
Murray O'Hair to members of the Church of All Worlds who proclaim
him a prophet and his novel, Stranger in A Strange Land, a holy
Robert Heinlein's appeal knows no generation gap, spanning
from his first story published in 1939 to his most recent
bestseller, Time Enough For Love. Though he has written both
novels aimed at adults and those for children, you'd be just as
likely to find a doctoral candidate rereading one of his
"juveniles" as you would to see a fifth-grader tackling one of
his more advanced books for the first time. But as paradoxical
as the sheer spectrum of readers he attracts is the man himself.
The unparalleled author of over 35 volumes of science
fiction and adult fantasy, Robert Anson Heinlein is a fiery
intellectual who feels as much at home with an anecdote as a
syllogism. An indomitable individualist, he still believes the
racial survival of humanity must be regarded as being of final
importance. A devastating satirist of human society and
government, he nonetheless prefers to keep silent about current
His approach to life and literature is that of the field
scientist: making observations and forming hypotheses. With this
approach, combined with a style that invites the reader to draw
up an asteroid and set a spell, Heinlein has influenced the
development of modern science fiction more than any writer since
H.G. Wells.
The most telling witness to his yarn-spinning abilities is
that every book he's authored is still in print--this including
stories that predict events now contradicted by reality. Even
when his predictions have been dead wrong, when three decades of
progress have turned what was thought to be hard scientific
possibility into the improbabilities of fantasy, his stories
still maintain a necessary ring of authenticity.
This shouldn't suggest that his ability to forecast the
future had been any less than amazingly prophetic at times,
though Heinlein stresses that prophecy as such is not the aim of
science fiction. Nevertheless, in his 1941 novel, Methuselah's
Children, he predicted a socially disoriented 1969 with such
startling newspaper headlines as. "LOS ANGELES HIGH SCHOOL MOB
YEAR." Heinlein comments that nowadays such headlines don't
even seem odd. His detailed description of the lunar surface in
his 1947 juvenile novel, Rocket Ship Galileo, was accurate down
even to the moon dust--and no one then knew whether moon dust
even existed, or viewed it close up until the flight of Apollo 11
twenty-two years later.
Much of his prophecy, however, has been of the self-
fulfilling type. His fictional word "grok," used in Stranger in
A Strange Land as a verb for total empathetic understanding, has
been elevated to common usage. In his 1942 story, "Waldo,"
mechanical hands called waldoes were invented by the title
character; when shortly thereafter such hands were actually
developed to cope with highly radioactive materials, they were
appropriately dubbed waldoes after those in the story. Heinlein
designed a waterbed as far back as the 1930's but couldn't afford
to build it then; he started using waterbeds in his fiction and
now owns one sent to him as a compliment by the first man to
manufacture them; he had gotten the idea from Stranger in A
Strange Land.
But if writing prophecy is not Robert Heinlein's main
intention, then what is?
"As far as I'm concerned, " Heinlein told this writer,
"fiction is intended to entertain. If I can manage to entertain
with it, that's what the cash customer is paying for. So I don't
hesitate to write straight science fiction, straight fantasy, or
a mixture of the two--or anything else."
What is science fiction, and how does it differ from
"As you know, everybody takes a whack at that every now and
then," said Heinlein. "Science fiction is, to my mind, based on
the real world; extrapolation from the real world, speculation
that takes place--usually into the future--about the real world,
and which takes science as a necessary aspect of the story that
you're writing--meaning if you left the science out the story
would fall to pieces. Fantasy, on the other hand, is a fairy-
tale for grown-ups. It is not based on the real world. This
is no criticism of fantasy. I'm not opposed to it at all... I
wrote both science fiction and fantasy and I sometimes mix them
up in the same story in a way that purists do not like...but,
sometimes you can tell a good story that way."
"I prefer the term 'speculative fiction,'" Heinlein
continued, "because there isn't anything about that term which
ties me down to putting a lot of atomic physics and such into a
story. It's a looser term--more elbow room. Speculation about
the future, but serious speculation."
With speculations in mind, does Heinlein believe travel
through time is possible, or is it merely a fictional device?
"There is no basis for belief or nonbelief in this
question. We don't have any data from which to work. There is
at present no satisfactory theory of time. We haven't the
slightest idea of how you might get your teeth into the fabric of
time--whatever it is. Time travel, as of now, comes under the
head of fantasy, inasmuch as it requires one to postulate
something about which we know nothing...But it makes an excellent
device for telling stories, particularly stories that speculate
about the condition of mankind and his future." Heinlein cited
as classic examples of this type of story Mark Twain's
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and H.G. Wells' Time
Does Heinlein think any of the Unidentified Flying Objects
have been actual contacts with beings from outer space?
"I don't know," he answered. "I simply don't have data.
There have been some UFO sightings that are extremely hard to
explain. I'm reminded of something Willy Ley said to me, oh, 20,
25 years ago. He said, "Vun. Dere is something dere. Two. I do
not know vat it iss." I'm just about where Willy Ley put it
then; there is something there and I do not know what it is."
In response to related questions, Heinlein added, "There
have been lots of other writers who have always talked as if just
as soon as we got in touch with really intelligent, highly
advanced races, we will find them to be peaceful vegetarians.
Well, I don't think that is necessarily true at all. There's no
data on which to base that; it is simply wishful thinking on the
part of the writers who write that way. The universe might turn
out to be a hell of a sight nastier and tougher place than we
have any reason to guess at this point. That first contact just
might wipe out the human race, because we would encounter
somebody who was meaner and tougher, and not at all inclined to
be bothered by genocide. Be no more bothered by genocide than I
am when I put out ant poison in the kitchen when the ants start
swarming in."
Nonetheless Heinlein is definitely not preaching
defeatism. "We got this way--we got where we are--over the
course of a long stretch of evolution, by being survivor types in
a very tough jungle. And from all I've seen of the human race so
far, they're still that; mean, tough, and nasty. I do not mean
that as a derogatory remark, either; I think that's what it takes
to survive. That doesn't mean you have to be mean, tough, and
nasty in your daily behavior. In other words I am not a
pacifist, and I do not think the human animal is put together so
he can be a pacifist and still survive."
Heinlein's views on government and individual freedom?
"I would say my position is not too far from that of Ayn
Rand's; that I would like to see government reduced to no more
than internal police and courts, external armed forces--with the
other matters handled otherwise. I'm sick of the way the
government sticks its nose into everything, now...It seems to
me that every time we manage to establish one freedom, they take
another away. Maybe two."
But Robert Heinlein, being from Missouri, is careful not to
represent any opinion as the final solution to any question. "I
got over looking for final solutions," he explained, "a good,
long time ago because once you get this point shored up,
something breaks out somewhere else. The human race gets along
by the skin of its teeth, and it's been doing so for some
hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Human solutions are
never final solutions, at least so far as the history of the
race up to now indicates.
"When I was a kid we had the 'War to End All Wars'--going
to make the world 'safe for democracy.' Now look at the damn
thing...We thought we had all the problems of our economy solved
except the problems of distribution...and now we suddenly
discover that we're in a closed spaceship, a goldfish bowl, and
if we don't get a balanced aquarium we're going to poison
ourselves with our own poisons. It is the common human condition
all through history that every time you solve a problem you
discover that you've also created a new problem."
Intellectual surefootedness in the midst of an ever-
changing universe is a prime requisite for sanity, and perhaps it
is this quality that has earned Robert Heinlein so many devoted
readers. Perhaps, however, his popularity can equally be traced
to each of his stories being based on a postulate appealing to a
different type of reader--though a substantial number of
worshipful Heinlein fans have read all his published books.
While Heinlein's stories have the nasty habit of being as
difficult to label as Heinlein himself, some indications may be
given as to which of his books appeals to what kind of reader.
His early stories (1939 to approx. 1950) might best be
called "straight" science fiction or fantasy--depending on the
particular story. Much of his science fiction during this period
was included in what editors and publishers called his "Future
History" series, though each story is complete unto itself.
These include such titles The Man Who Sold The Moon, The Green
Hills of Earth, Revolt in 2100, and Methuselah's Children.
This last is particularly interesting as its main character,
Lazarus Long, is also the protagonist of his latest novel, Time
Enough For Love. Other of his science fiction novels worth
noting from this period are Orphans of the Sky (tangentially
part of the "Future History") and Beyond This Horizon, in which
Heinlein deals directly with the question of "final answers."
For some of his best fantasy from this period, see his two-in-one
volume, Waldo & Magic, Inc.
Chronologically overlapping somewhat would be the dozen or
so "juvenile" novels Heinlein wrote from about 1947 to 1958,
though the juvenile categorization has much more to do with
publishing industry traditions regarding youthful protagonists in
fiction than literary treatment; most of Heinlein's novels so
called are in no way juvenile. Among this writer's favorites are
Citizen of the Galaxy, Have Space--Will Travel, and Between
Planets, with the rest just a short step behind. Favorite
"adult" novels from this period include The Puppet Masters,
Double Star, and his time travel novel, The Door Into Summer.
Starting with 1959 and Starship Troopers, Robert
Heinlein's fiction has become ever more controversial with
devotees sharply polarized in their favorites. Any attempt to
pigeonhole novels of this period ends in chaos.
Stranger in A Strange Land (1961) awoke slowly to become
an underground bestseller--must reading in college literary
courses and communes--and remains one of Heinlein's all-time
bestsellers. Glory Road is his 1963 science fantasy novel
about a Vietnam veteran who meets a beautiful woman on I'lle du
Levant and finds himself defending her in sword and sorcery
combat. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966) is regarded by some
to be Heinlein's all-around best novel. It tells of the fight of
a 21st century lunar colony to gain in political independence
from earth; its antiauthoritarian overtones have won it wide
popularity among libertarians and classical liberals.
Both I Will Fear No Evil (1970) and Time Enough For
Love (1973) represent a shift in emphasis in Heinlein's
writings; more sex and philosophy, less fast-paced adventure.
Heinlein comments; "Sex is so central an element in every human
being and in the development of the human race that to have left
it out of science fiction--as it was for many years--was a major
fault in science fiction, and I'm very pleased that it's now
possible to write about it...Human sexuality is so major a factor
in the human race that any attempt to deal with the human race or
with people realistically which omits this factor cannot really
be a mature treatment. And yet I know there are people who
would be made uneasy in some fashion if sex gets into it, and yet
sex has to be in it if we're to have human beings.
For an author to explore new regions sometimes earns him
harsh criticisms from fans who have liked previous works. "I
never pay any attention to this," said Heinlein, "because it has
been my intention--my purpose--to make every story I've written
different from every other story I've written-never to write a
story just like my last one."
And though he has been successful in this quest, every
Heinlein story does have at least one thing in common with the
others; each has the unmistakable imprint of the scientist-
turned-minstrel who from under the microscope looks up at the
most interesting specimens of all.
beHEIN the LEIN:
Robert Heinlein was born in Butler, Missouri on July 7,
1907 into a large family tracing it roots back to a Bavarian-
German ancestor who emigrated to America in 1756. He was raised
in Kansas City, Missouri, won an appointment to Annapolis where
he was noted as a champion swordsman, and served as a line
officer on destroyers and aircraft carriers for five years until
being disabled out of the Navy. He started writing science
fiction in 1938 "to pay off a mortgage" and within two years was
regarded as one of the leaders in the field.
A widely traveled man of may interests and skills, Heinlein
is an experienced research & development engineer in aircraft and
high altitudes, as well as being a capable architect, mechanic,
and construction worker. He is a lover of Chopin, chess, and
contract bridge, the last two being "compelling time-takers"
which he says he won't again have time for until he retires from
writing--if ever.
He presently lives in a self-designed house outside Santa
Cruz, California "which is circular because Mrs. Heinlein wanted
a circular house." Virginia Heinlein is a biochemist
specializing in the genetics of tropical plants, and is an
amateur linguist who can speak eight languages.
Robert Heinlein has twice been Guest of Honor at World
Science Fiction Conventions (1941 and 1961) and he will again be
Guest of Honor at the 1976 Worldcon to be held in his hometown of
Kansas City. Four of Heinlein's novels have won the coveted Hugo
award given out by the World SF Conventions (an unmatched
record), and this past April, the professional organization of
the field, the Science Fiction Writers of America, made Heinlein
the first and so far only recipient of its Grand Master Nebula
Award for a lifetime of outstanding achievement in the science
fiction genre.
Rumor has it that Mr. Heinlein has started work on yet
another novel, and Berkeley Books has released his entire "Future
History" in one paperback volume for the first time under the
title, The Past Through Tomorrow.