- Fanning the Sparks
- Rhuidean
- Pale Shadows
- Twilight
- Among the Wise Ones
- Gateways
- A Departure
- Over the Border
- A Signal
- Figs and Mice
- The Nine Horse Hitch
- An Old Pipe
- A Small Room in Sienda
- Meetings
- What Can Be Learned in Dreams
- An Unexpected Offer
- Heading West
- A Hound of Darkness
- Memories
- Jangai Pass
- The Gift of a Blade
- Birdcalls by Night
- “The Fifth, I Give You”
- A Message Sent
- Dreams of Galad
- Sallie Daera
- The Practice of Diffidence
- Trapped
- Memories of Saldaea
- A Wager
- The Far Snows
- A Short Spear
- A Question of Crimson
- A Silver Arrow
- Ripped Away
- A New Name
- Performances in Samara
- An Old Acquaintance
- Encounters in Samara
- The Wheel Weaves
- The Craft of Kin Tovere
- Before the Arrow
- This Place, This Day
- The Lesser Sadness
- After the Storm
- Other Battles, Other Weapons
- The Price of a Ship
- Leavetakings
- To Boannda
- To Teach, and Learn
- News Comes to Cairhien
- Choices
- Fading Words
- To Caemlyn
- The Threads Burn
- Glowing Embers