The Fires of Heaven

Serpent and Wheel

  1. Fanning the Sparks
  2. Rhuidean
  3. Pale Shadows
  4. Twilight
  5. Among the Wise Ones
  6. Gateways
  7. A Departure
  8. Over the Border
  9. A Signal
  10. Figs and Mice
  11. The Nine Horse Hitch
  12. An Old Pipe
  13. A Small Room in Sienda
  14. Meetings
  15. What Can Be Learned in Dreams
  16. An Unexpected Offer
  17. Heading West
  18. A Hound of Darkness
  19. Memories
  20. Jangai Pass
  1. The Gift of a Blade
  2. Birdcalls by Night
  3. “The Fifth, I Give You”
  4. A Message Sent
  5. Dreams of Galad
  6. Sallie Daera
  7. The Practice of Diffidence
  8. Trapped
  9. Memories of Saldaea
  10. A Wager
  11. The Far Snows
  12. A Short Spear
  13. A Question of Crimson
  14. A Silver Arrow
  15. Ripped Away
  16. A New Name
  17. Performances in Samara
  18. An Old Acquaintance
  19. Encounters in Samara
  20. The Wheel Weaves
  1. The Craft of Kin Tovere
  2. Before the Arrow
  3. This Place, This Day
  4. The Lesser Sadness
  5. After the Storm
  6. Other Battles, Other Weapons
  7. The Price of a Ship
  8. Leavetakings
  9. To Boannda
  10. To Teach, and Learn
  11. News Comes to Cairhien
  12. Choices
  13. Fading Words
  14. To Caemlyn
  15. The Threads Burn
  16. Glowing Embers

Book 5 of The Wheel of Time

Robert Jordan