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Next—Book Seven: A Crown of Swords
The Toman Calendar (devised by Toma dur Ahmid) was adopted
approximately two centuries after the death of the last male Aes
Sedai, recording years After the Breaking of the World (AB). So
many records were destroyed in the Trolloc Wars that at their end
there was argument about the exact year under the old system. A new
calendar, proposed by Tiam of Gazar, celebrated freedom from the
Trolloc threat and recorded each year as a Free Year (FY). The
Gazaran Calendar gained wide acceptance within twenty years after
the Wars’ end. Artur Hawkwing attempted to establish a new
calendar based on the founding of his empire (FF, From the
Founding), but only historians now refer to it. After the death and
destruction of the War of the Hundred Years, a third calendar was
devised by Uren din Jubai Soaring Gull, a scholar of the Sea Folk,
and promulgated by the Panarch Farede of Tarabon. The Farede
Calendar, dating from the arbitrarily decided end of the War of the
Hundred Years and recording years of the New Era (NE), is currently
in use.
- Accepted:
- Young women in training to be Aes Sedai who have reached a
certain level of power and passed certain tests. It normally takes
five to ten years to be raised from novice to Accepted. Somewhat
less confined by rules than novices, they are allowed to choose
their own areas of study, within limits. Accepted wear a Great
Serpent ring on the third finger of the left hand. When an Accepted
is raised Aes Sedai, she chooses her Ajah, gains the right to wear
the shawl, and may wear the ring on any finger or not at all if
circumstances warrant. See also Aes Sedai.
- a’dam (AYE-dam):
- A device for controlling a woman who can channel, usable only
by either a woman who can channel or a woman who can be taught to
channel, and having no effect on any woman who cannot channel. It
creates a link between the two women. The Seanchan version consists
of a collar and bracelet linked by a leash, all of silvery metal.
If a man who can channel is linked to a woman by an
a’dam, the likely result is death for both. Simply
touching an a’dam can result in pain for a man who
can channel when the a’dam is being worn by a woman
who can channel. See also linking; Seanchan.
- Aes Sedai (EYEZ seh-DEYE):
- Wielders of the One Power. Since the Breaking of the World
ended, all are women. Respected and honored by many, yet widely
distrusted and feared, even hated. Also widely blamed for the
Breaking of the World, and thought to meddle in the affairs of
nations. At the same time, few rulers are without an Aes Sedai
advisor, even where such a connection must be secret. Apparently
after some years of channeling the One Power, Aes Sedai take on an
ageless quality, so that one old enough to be a grandmother may
show no signs of age except perhaps a few gray hairs. See
also Ajah; Amyrlin Seat; Breaking of the World.
- Age of Legends:
- Age ended by the War of the Shadow and the Breaking of the
World. A time when Aes Sedai performed wonders now only dreamed of.
See also Breaking of the World; War of the Shadow.
- Aiel (eye-EEL):
- The people of the Aiel Waste. Fierce and hardy. They veil their
faces before they kill. Deadly warriors with weapons or bare hands,
they will not touch a sword even on the point of death, nor ride a
horse unless pressed. Aiel call battle “the dance,” and “the dance
of spears.” They are divided into twelve clans: the Chareen, the
Codarra, the Daryne, the Goshien, the Miagoma, the Nakai, the Reyn,
the Shaarad, the Shaido, the Shiande, the Taardad, and the
Tomanelle. Each clan is divided into septs. Sometimes they speak of
a thirteenth clan, the Clan That Is Not, the Jenn, who were the
builders of Rhuidean. All know that Aiel supposedly once failed the
Aes Sedai and were banished to the Aiel Waste for that sin, and
that they will be destroyed if they ever fail the Aes Sedai again.
See also Aiel warrior societies; Aiel Waste;
gai’shain; bleakness; Rhuidean.
- Aiel War (976-78 NE):
- When King Laman (LAY-mahn) of Cairhien cut down
Avendoraldera, four clans of the Aiel crossed the Spine of
the World. They looted and burned the capital city of Cairhien as
well as many other cities and towns, and the conflict extended into
Andor and Tear. By the conventional view, the Aiel were finally
defeated at the Battle of the Shining Walls, before Tar Valon; in
fact, Laman was killed in that battle, and having done what they
came for, the Aiel re-crossed the Spine. See also
Avendoraldera; Cairhien; Spine of the World.
- Aiel warrior societies:
- Aiel warriors are all members of one of twelve societies. These
are Black Eyes (Seia Doon), Brothers of the Eagle (Far
Aldazar Din), Dawn Runners (Rahien Sorei), Knife
Hands (Sovin Nai), Maidens of the Spear (Far Dareis
Mai), Mountain Dancers (Hama N’dore), Night
Spears (Cor Darei), Red Shields (Aethan Dor),
Stone Dogs (Shoe’en M’taal), Thunder Walkers
(Sha’mad Conde), True Bloods (Tain Shari),
and Water Seekers (Duadhe Mahdi’in). Each has its own
customs, and sometimes specific duties. For example, Red Shields
act as police, and Stone Dogs are often used as rear guards during
retreats, while Maidens are often scouts. Aiel clans frequently
raid and battle one another, but members of the same society will
not fight each other even if their clans do so. Thus there are
always lines of contact between the clans, even during open
warfare. See also Aiel; Aiel Waste; Far Dareis
- Aiel Waste:
- Harsh, rugged and all-but-waterless land east of the Spine of
the World. Called the Three-fold Land by the Aiel. Few outsiders
enter; the Aiel consider themselves at war with all other peoples
and do not welcome strangers. Only peddlers, gleemen, and the
Tuatha’an are allowed safe entry, although Aiel avoid all
contact with the Tuatha’an, whom they call “the Lost Ones.” No
maps of the Waste itself are known to exist.
- Ajah (AH-jah):
- Societies among the Aes Sedai, seven in number and designated
by colors: Blue, Red, White, Green, Brown, Yellow and Gray. All Aes
Sedai except the Amyrlin Seat belong to one. Each follows a
specific philosophy of the use of the One Power and the purposes of
the Aes Sedai. The Red Ajah bends its energies to finding men who
can channel, and to gentling them. The Brown forsakes the mundane
world and dedicates itself to seeking knowledge, while the White,
largely eschewing both the world and the value of worldly
knowledge, devotes itself to questions of philosophy and truth. The
Green Ajah (called the Battle Ajah during the Trolloc Wars) holds
itself ready for Tarmon Gai’don, the Yellow concentrates on
the study of Healing, and Blue sisters involve themselves with
causes and justice. The Gray are mediators, seeking harmony and
consensus. A Black Ajah, dedicated to serving the Dark One, is
officially and vehemently denied.
- Altara (al-TAH-rah):
- A nation on the Sea of Storms, though in truth little unifies
it except a name. The people of Altara think of themselves as
inhabitants of a town or village, or as this lord’s or that
lady’s people, first, and only second if at all as Altaran.
Few nobles pay taxes to the crown or offer more than lip service,
and that often slight. The ruler of Altara (currently Queen Tylin
Quintara of House Mitsobar; TIE-lihn quin-TAHR-ah; MIHT-soh-bahr)
is seldom more than the most powerful noble in the land, and at
times has not even really been that. The Throne of the Winds holds
so little power that many powerful nobles have scorned to take it
when they could have.
- Amyrlin Seat (AHM-ehr-lihn SEAT):
- (1) Leader of the Aes Sedai. Elected for life by the Hall of
the Tower, which consists of three representatives (called Sitters,
as in “a Sitter for the Green”) from each Ajah. The Amyrlin Seat
has, theoretically, supreme authority among the Aes Sedai, and
ranks as the equal of a king or queen. A slightly less formal usage
is “the Amyrlin.”
- (2) The throne on which the leader of the Aes Sedai sits.
- Amys (ah-MEESE):
- Wise One of Cold Rocks Hold, and a dreamwalker. An Aiel of the
Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Wife of Rhuarc, sister-wife
to Lian (lee-AHN), who is roofmistress of Cold Rocks Hold. Amys is
sister-mother to Aviendha.
- angreal (ahn-gree-AHL):
- Remnants of the Age of Legends that allow anyone capable of
channeling to handle a greater amount of the Power than is safe or
even possible unaided. Some were made for use by women, others by
men. Rumors of angreal usable by both men and women have
never been confirmed. Their making is no longer known, and few
remain in existence. See also channel;
sa’angreal; ter’angreal.
- Arad Doman (AH-rad do-MAHN):
- Nation on the Aryth Ocean. Presently racked by civil war and
simultaneously by wars against those who have declared for the
Dragon Reborn and against Tarabon. Domani women are famous—or infamous—for their beauty, seductiveness and scandalous
- Artur Hawkwing:
- Legendary king, Artur Paendrag Tanreall (AHR-tuhr PAY-ehn-DRAG
tahn-REE-ahl). Ruled FY 943-94. United all lands west of the Spine
of the World. Sent armies across the Aryth Ocean (FY 992), but
contact with these was lost at his death, which set off the War of
the Hundred Years. His sign was a golden hawk in flight. See
also War of the Hundred Years.
- Avendoraldera
- Tree grown in the city of Cairhien from a sapling of
Avendesora, a gift from the Aiel in 566 NE, although no
record shows any connection between the Aiel and the legendary Tree
of Life.
- Atha’an Miere (ah-thah-AHN
- See Sea Folk.
- Bair (BAYR):
- A Wise One of the Haido sept of the Shaarad Aiel. A
dreamwalker. She cannot channel. See also
- Berelain sur Paendrag (BEH-reh-lain suhr
- First of Mayene, Blessed of the Light, Defender of the Waves,
High Seat of House Paeron (pay-eh-ROHN). A beautiful and willful
young woman, and a skillful ruler. See also Mayene.
- Birgitte (ber-GEET-teh):
- Hero of legend and story, renowned for her beauty almost as
much as for her bravery and skill at archery. Supposedly carried a
silver bow and silver arrows with which she never missed. One of
the heroes to be called back when the Horn of Valere is sounded.
Always linked with the hero-swordsman Gaidal Cain. Except for her
beauty and skill with a bow, she is little like the stories of her.
See also Horn of Valere.
- Bleakness, the:
- Term given by the Aiel to the effects on many of learning that
rather than having always been fierce warriors, their ancestors
were strict pacifists forced into defending themselves during the
Breaking of the World and the years following. Many feel that this
was their failure of the Aes Sedai. Some throw down their spears
and run away. Others refuse to put off gai’shain
white when their time is up. Still others deny the truth of this,
and with it deny necessarily that Rand al’Thor is truly the
Car’a’carn; these either return to the Aiel
Waste or go to join the Shaido opposing him. See also
Aiel; Aiel Waste; Car’a’carn;
- Blight, the:
- See Great Blight.
- Borderlands:
- The nations bordering the Great Blight: Saldaea, Arafel,
Kandor, and Shienar. Their history is one of unending raids and war
against Trollocs and Myrddraal. See also Great
- Breaking of the World:
- During the Time of Madness, male Aes Sedai who had gone insane
changed the face of the earth. They leveled mountain ranges and
raised new mountains, lifted dry land where seas had been and made
oceans cover once dry land. Much of the world was completely
depopulated, the survivors scattered like dust on the wind. This
destruction is remembered in stories, legends, and history as the
Breaking of the World.
- Bryne, Gareth (BRIHN, GAH-rehth):
- Once Captain-General of the Queen’s Guards in Andor.
Exiled by Queen Morgase. Considered one of the greatest generals
living. The sigil of House Bryne is a wild bull, the rose crown of
Andor around its neck. Gareth Bryne’s personal sigil is three
golden stars, each of five rays.
- cadin’sor (KAH-dihn-sohr):
- Garb of Aiel warriors; coat and breeches in browns and grays
that fade into rock or shadow, along with soft, laced knee-high
boots. In the Old Tongue, “working clothes,” though this is of
course an imprecise translation.
- Cairhien (KEYE-ree-EHN):
- Both a nation along the Spine of the World and the capital city
of that nation. The city was burned and looted during the Aiel War,
as were many other towns and villages. The abandonment of farmland
near the Spine of the World after the war made necessary the
importation of grain. The assassination of King Galldrian (998 NE)
resulted in war for succession to the Sun Throne, disrupting grain
shipments and bringing famine. The city was besieged by the Shaido
in what some now call the Second Aiel War; this siege was lifted by
other Aiel under the command of Rand al’Thor. The banner of
Cairhien is a many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of sky blue.
See also Aiel War.
- calendar:
- There are 10 days to the week, 28 days to the month and 13
months to the year. Several feast days are not part of any month;
these include Sunday (the longest day of the year), the Feast of
Thanksgiving (once every four years at the spring equinox), and the
Feast of All Souls Salvation, also called All Souls Day (once every
ten years at the autumn equinox).
- Callandor (CAH-lahn-DOOR):
- The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the Sword That Cannot Be
Touched. Crystal sword once held in the Stone of Tear. A powerful
male sa’angreal. Its removal from the chamber called
the Heart of the Stone was, along with the fall of the Stone, a
major sign of the Dragon’s Rebirth and the approach of Tarmon
Gai’don. Replaced in the Heart, driven into the stone, by Rand
al’Thor. See also Dragon Reborn;
sa’angreal; Stone of Tear.
- Car’a’carn:
- In the Old Tongue, “chief of chiefs.” According to Aiel
prophecy, a man who would come from Rhuidean at dawn, marked with
two Dragons, and lead them across the Dragonwall. The Prophecy of
Rhuidean says that he will unite the Aiel and destroy them, all but
a remnant of a remnant. See also Aiel; Rhuidean.
- Caraighan Maconar (kah-RYE-gihn
- Legendary Green sister (212 AB-373 AB), the heroine of a
hundred adventures credited with exploits that even some Aes Sedai
consider improbable despite their inclusion in the records of the
White Tower, such as single-handedly putting down a rebellion in
Mosadorin and quelling the Comaidin Riots at a time when she had no
Warders. Considered by the Green Ajah to be the archetype of a
Green sister. See also Aes Sedai; Ajah.
- Carridin, Jaichim (CAHR-ih-dihn,
- An Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light, a high officer of the
Children of the Light and a Darkfriend.
- Cauthon, Abell (CAW-thon, AY-bell):
- A farmer in the Two Rivers. Father of Mat Cauthon. Wife: Natti
(NAT-tee). Daughters: Eldrin (EHL-drihn), and Bodewhin (BOHD-wihn),
called Bode.
- channel (verb):
- To control the flow of the One Power. See also One
- Children of the Light:
- Society of strict ascetic beliefs, owing allegiance to no
nation and dedicated to the defeat of the Dark One and the
destruction of all Darkfriends. Founded during the War of the
Hundred Years to proselytize against an increase in Darkfriends,
they evolved during the war into a completely military society.
Extremely rigid in beliefs, and certain that only they know the
truth and the right. Consider Aes Sedai and any who support them to
be Darkfriends. Known disparagingly as Whitecloaks. Their sign is a
golden sunburst on a field of white. See also
- Darkfriends:
- Adherents of the Dark One. They believe they will gain great
power and rewards, even immortality, when he is freed. Among
themselves, they sometimes use the ancient name Friends of the
- Dark One:
- Most common name, used in every land, for Shai’tan
(SHAY-ih-TAN). The source of evil, antithesis of the Creator.
Imprisoned by the Creator in Shayol Ghul at the moment of Creation.
An attempt to free him brought about the War of the Shadow, the
tainting of saidin, the Breaking of the World and the end
of the Age of Legends. See also Dragon, Prophecies of
- Daughter-Heir:
- Title of the heir to the Lion Throne of Andor. Without a
surviving daughter, the throne goes to the nearest female blood
relation of the Queen. Dissension over exactly who was nearest by
blood has several times led to power struggles, the latest being
“the Succession”—so called in Andor and “the Third War of
Andoran Succession” elsewhere—which brought Morgase of House
Trakand to the throne.
- Deane Aryman (dee-AHN-eh AH-rih-mahn):
- Amyrlin Seat who saved the White Tower from the damage done by
Bonwhin in attempting to control Artur Hawkwing. Born circa FY 920
in the village of Salidar, in Eharon, she was raised Amyrlin from
the Blue Ajah in FY 992. Credited with convincing Souran Maravaile
to raise the siege of Tar Valon (which had begun in FY 975) at
Hawkwing’s death. Deane restored the Tower’s prestige,
and it is believed that at the time of her death in FY 1084, in a
fall from a horse, she was on the point of convincing the nobles
warring over the remains of Hawkwing’s empire to accept the
leadership of the White Tower as a means of restoring unity to the
land. See also Amyrlin Seat; Artur Hawkwing.
- Dragon, false:
- Name given to various men who have claimed to be the Dragon
Reborn. Some began wars that involved many nations. Over the
centuries most were unable to channel, but a few could. All,
however, either disappeared or were captured or killed without
fulfilling any of the Prophecies of the Dragon. Among those who
could channel, the most powerful were Raolin Darksbane (335-36 AB),
Yurian Stonebow (circa 1300-1308 AB), Davian (FY 351), Guaire
Amalasan (FY 939-43), Logain (997 NE) and Mazrim Taim (998 NE).
See also Dragon Reborn.
- Dragon, Prophecies of the:
- Little known except among the well-educated and seldom spoken
of, the Prophecies, given in The Karaethon Cycle
(ka-REE-ah-thon), foretell that the Dark One will be freed again,
and that Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon, will be Reborn to fight
Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle against the Shadow. He will,
say the Prophecies, save the world—and Break it again.
See also Dragon, the.
- Dragon, the:
- Name by which Lews Therin Telamon was known during the War of
the Shadow, some three thousand or more years ago. In the madness
that overtook all male Aes Sedai, Lews Therin killed everyone who
carried any of his blood, as well as everyone he loved, thus
earning the name Kinslayer. See also Dragon, Prophecies of
the; Dragon Reborn.
- Dragon Reborn:
- According to the Prophecies of the Dragon, the man who is the
Rebirth of Lews Therin Kinslayer. Most people, but not all,
acknowledge Rand al’Thor as the Dragon Reborn. See
also Dragon, false; Dragon, Prophecies of the; Dragon,
- Dreadlords:
- Men and women able to channel, who went over to the Shadow
during the Trolloc Wars, acting as generals over armies of Trollocs
and Darkfriends. Occasionally confused with the Forsaken by the
less well educated.
- Dreamer:
- See Talents.
- dreamwalker:
- Aiel name for a woman able to enter
Tel’aran’rhiod, interpret dreams and speak to
others in their dreams. Aes Sedai also use the term, referring to
Dreamers, but rarely, and they capitalize it—Dreamwalker.
See also Talents; Tel’aran’rhiod.
- Elaida do Avriny a’Roihan (eh-LY-da doh
AHV-rih-nee ah-ROY-han):
- An Aes Sedai, formerly of the Red Ajah, now raised to the
Amyrlin Seat. Once advisor to Queen Morgase of Andor. She sometimes
has the Foretelling.
- Far Dareis Mai (FAHR DAH-rize
- In the Old Tongue, literally, “Of the Spear Maidens.” Aiel
warrior society which, unlike any other, admits women and only
women. A Maiden may not marry and remain in the society, nor may
she fight while carrying a child. Any child born to a Maiden is
given to another woman to raise, in such a way that no one knows
the child’s mother. (“You may belong to no man, nor may any
man belong to you, nor any child. The spear is your lover, your
child, and your life.”) See also Aiel; Aiel warrior
- first-sister; first-brother:
- Aiel kinship term meaning having the same mother. Among the
Aiel, having the same mother means a closer relationship than
having the same father.
- Five Powers:
- There are threads to the One Power, named according to the
sorts of things that can be done using them—Earth, Air
(sometimes called Wind), Fire, Water and Spirit, which are called
the Five Powers. A wielder of the Power will have a greater
strength with one, possibly two but rarely more, and lesser with
the others. In the Age of Legends, Spirit was found equally in men
and in women, but great ability with Earth and/or Fire occurred
much more often among men, ability with Water and/or Air among
women. Despite exceptions, it was so often so that Earth and Fire
came to be regarded as male Powers, Air and Water as female.
- Flame of Tar Valon:
- Symbol of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat, and the Aes Sedai. A
stylized representation of a flame; a white teardrop, point
- Forsaken, the:
- Name given to thirteen of the most powerful Aes Sedai of the
Age of Legends, thus among the most powerful ever known, who went
over to the Dark One during the War of the Shadow in return for the
promise of immortality. Their own name for themselves was “the
Chosen.” According to both legend and fragmentary records, they
were imprisoned along with the Dark One when his prison was
resealed. The names given to them are still used to frighten
children. They were: Aginor (AGH-ih-nohr), Asmodean
(ahs-MOH-dee-an), Balthamel (BAAL-thah-mell), Be’lal
(BEH-lahl), Demandred (DEE-man-drehd), Graendal (GREHN-dahl),
Ishamael (ih-SHAH-may-EHL), Lanfear (LAN-feer), Mesaana
(meh-SAH-nah), Moghedien (moh-GHEH-dee-ehn), Rahvin (RAAV-ihn),
Sammael (SAHM-may-EHL) and Semirhage (SEH-mih-RHAHG).
- Gaidin (GYE-deen):
- In the Old Tongue, “Brother to Battles.” A title used by Aes
Sedai for the Warders. See also Warder.
- gai’shain (GYE-shain):
- In the Old Tongue, “Pledged to Peace in Battle” is as close a
translation as is possible. An Aiel taken prisoner by other Aiel
during raid or battle is required by ji’e’toh to
serve his or her captor humbly and obediently for one year and a
day, touching no weapon and doing no violence. A Wise One, a
blacksmith, a child or a woman with a child under the age of ten
may not be made gai’shain. See also
- Galad (gah-LAHD):
- Lord Galadedrid Damodred (gah-LAHD-eh-drihd DAHM-oh-drehd).
Half-brother to Elayne and Gawyn, sharing the same father,
Taringail (TAH-rihn-gail) Damodred. His sign is a winged silver
sword, point down.
- Game of Houses:
- Name given the scheming, plots and manipulations for advantage
by noble Houses. Great value is given to subtlety, to aiming at one
thing while seeming to aim at another, and to achieving ends with
the least visible effort. Also known as the Great Game, and
sometimes by its name in the Old Tongue: Daes Dae’mar
(DAH-ess day-MAR).
- Gawyn (GAH-wihn) of House Trakand
- Queen Morgase’s son, and Elayne’s brother, who will
be First Prince of the Sword when Elayne ascends to the throne.
Half-brother to Galad. His sign is a white boar.
- gentling:
- The act, performed by Aes Sedai, of shutting off a male who can
channel from the One Power. Necessary because any man who channels
will go insane from the taint on saidin and almost
certainly do horrible things with the Power in his madness before
the taint kills him. One who has been gentled can still sense the
True Source, but cannot touch it. Whatever madness has come before
gentling is arrested but not cured, and if it is done soon enough
death can be averted. A man who is gentled, however, inevitably
gives up wanting to live; those who do not succeed in committing
suicide usually die anyway within a year or two. See also
One Power; stilling.
- gleeman:
- A traveling storyteller, musician, juggler, tumbler and
all-around entertainer. Known by trademark cloaks of many-colored
patches, gleemen perform mainly in the villages and smaller
- Gray Man:
- One who has voluntarily surrendered his or her soul in order to
become an assassin serving the Shadow. Gray Men are so ordinary in
appearance that the eye can slide right past without noticing them.
The vast majority of Gray Men are indeed men, but a small number
are women. Also called the Soulless.
- Great Blight, the:
- A region in the far north, entirely corrupted by the Dark One.
A haunt of Trollocs, Myrddraal and other creatures of the
- Great Lord of the Dark:
- Name by which Darkfriends refer to the Dark One, claiming that
to speak his true name would be blasphemous.
- Great Serpent:
- A symbol for time and eternity, ancient before the Age of
Legends began, consisting of a serpent eating its own tail. A ring
in the shape of the Great Serpent is awarded to women who have been
raised to the Accepted among the Aes Sedai.
- High Lords of Tear:
- Acting as a council, the High Lords are historically the rulers
of the nation of Tear, which has neither king nor queen. Their
numbers are not fixed, and have varied from as many as twenty to as
few as six. Not to be confused with the Lords of the Land, who are
lesser Tairen lords.
- Horn of Valere (vah-LEER):
- The legendary object of the Great Hunt of the Horn, it can call
back dead heroes from the grave to fight against the Shadow. A new
Hunt of the Horn has been called, and sworn Hunters for the Horn
can now be found in many nations.
- Illian (IHL-lee-an):
- A great port on the Sea of Storms, capital city of the nation
of the same name.
- Juilin Sandar (JUY-Iihn sahn-DAHR):
- A thief-catcher from Tear.
- Lan (LAN); al’Lan Mandragoran (AHL-LAN
- Uncrowned King of Malkier, a land swallowed by the Blight in
the year he was born (953 NE), Dai Shan (Battle Lord), and the last
surviving Malkieri lord. At the age of sixteen he began a one-man
war against the Blight and the Shadow, which continued until he was
bonded as a Warder by Moiraine in 979 NE. See also Warder;
- length, units of:
- 10 inches = 1 foot; 3 feet = 1 pace; 2 paces = 1 span; 1000
spans = 1 mile; 4 miles = 1 league.
- Lews Therin Telamon; Lews Therin
- See Dragon, the.
- Lini (LIHN-nee):
- Childhood nurse to the Lady Elayne, and before her to
Elayne’s mother, Morgase, as well as to Morgase’s mother.
A woman of vast inner strength, considerable perception, and a
great many sayings.
- linking:
- The ability of women who can channel to combine their flows of
the One Power. While the combined flow is not as great as the sum
total of the individual flows, it is directed by the person who
leads the link and that can be used much more precisely and to far
greater effect than the individual flows could be. Men cannot link
their abilities without the presence of a woman or women in the
circle. Up to thirteen women can link without the presence of a
man. With the addition of one man, the circle can increase to
twenty-six women. Two men can take the circle to include
thirty-four women, and so on until the limit of six men and
sixty-six women is reached. There are links that include more men
and fewer women, but except in the linking of one man and one
woman, one woman and two men, or of course, two men and two women,
there must always be at least one more woman in the circle than
there are men. In most circles, either a man or a woman can control
the link, but a man must control in the circle of seventy-two as
well as in mixed circles of fewer than thirteen. Although men are
in general stronger in the Power than women, the strongest circles
are those which contain as near as possible to equal numbers of men
and women. See also Aes Sedai.
- Logain (loh-GAIN):
- A man who once claimed to be the Dragon Reborn. Captured after
carrying war across Ghealdan, Altara and Murandy, he was carried to
the White Tower and gentled, later escaping in the confusion after
Siuan Sanche was deposed. A man who yet has greatness ahead of
- Manetheren (mahn-EHTH-ehr-ehn):
- One of the Ten Nations that made the Second Covenant. Also the
capital city of that nation. Both city and nation were utterly
destroyed in the Trolloc Wars. The sign of Manetheren was a Red
Eagle in flight. See also Trolloc Wars.
- Mayene (may-EHN):
- City-state on the Sea of Storms, hemmed in and historically
oppressed by Tear. The ruler of Mayene is styled the First, which
was once the First Lord or Lady; Firsts claim to be descendants of
Artur Hawkwing. The title of Second, once held by a single lord or
lady, has in the last four hundred years or so been held by as many
as nine at once. The banner of Mayene is a golden hawk in flight on
a field of blue.
- Mazrim Taim (MAHZ-rihm tah-EEM):
- A false Dragon who raised havoc in Saldaea until he was
defeated and captured. Not only able to channel, but of great
strength. See also Dragon, false.
- Melaine (meh-LAYN):
- A Wise One of the Jhirad sept of Goshien Aiel. A dreamwalker.
Moderately strong in the One Power. Married to Bael, clan chief of
the Goshien. Sister-wife to Dorindha, roofmistress of Smoke Springs
Hold. See also dreamwalker.
- Moiraine Damodred (mwah-RAIN
- Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Born 956 NE in the Royal Palace of
Cairhien. After coming to the White Tower as a novice in 972 NE,
her rise was meteoric, being raised Accepted in just three years
and Aes Sedai only three more after that, at the end of the Aiel
War. From that time she began a search for the young man who had
(according to Gitara Moroso, an Aes Sedai with the Foretelling)
been born on the slopes of Dragonmount during the Battle of the
Shining Walls and who would be the Dragon Reborn. It was she who
took Rand al’Thor, Mat Cauthon, Perrin Aybara and Egwene
al’Vere out of the Two Rivers. She vanished into a
ter’angreal in Cairhien while battling Lanfear,
apparently killing both herself and the Forsaken.
- Morgase (moor-GAYZ):
- By the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the
Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand. Now in
exile and believed dead, murdered by the Dragon Reborn, so many
think. Her sign is three golden keys. The sign of House Trakand is
a silver keystone.
- Myrddraal (MUHRD-draal):
- Creatures of the Dark One, commanders of the Trollocs. Twisted
offspring of Trollocs in which the human stock used to create the
Trollocs has resurfaced, but tainted by the evil that made the
Trollocs. They have no eyes, but can see like eagles in light or
dark. They have certain powers stemming from the Dark One,
including the ability to cause paralyzing fear with a look, and to
vanish wherever there are shadows. Among Myrddraal’s known
weaknesses is that they are reluctant to cross running water.
Mirrors reflect them only mistily. In different lands they are
known by many names, among them Halfman, the Eyeless, Shadowman,
Lurk, Fetch and Fade.
- near-sister; near-brother:
- Aiel kinship terms meaning friend as close as first-sisters or
first-brothers. Near-sisters often adopt one another formally as
first-sisters. Near-brothers almost never do.
- Oaths, Three:
- The oaths taken by an Accepted on being raised to Aes Sedai.
Spoken while holding the Oath Rod, a ter’angreal that
makes oaths binding. They are:
- (1) To speak no word that is not true.
- (2) To make no weapon with which one man may kill another.
- (3) Never to use the One Power as a weapon except against
Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme of defense of her own life, or
that of her Warder or another Aes Sedai.
- The second oath was the first adopted after the War of the
Shadow. The first oath, while held to the letter, is often
circumvented by careful speaking. It is believed that the last two
are inviolable.
- Ogier (OH-gehr):
- (1) A nonhuman race, characterized by great height (ten feet is
average for adult males), broad, almost snoutlike noses and long,
tufted ears. They live in areas called stedding, which
they rarely leave, and they typically have little contact with
humankind. Knowledge of them among humans is sparse, and many
believe Ogier to be only legends, though they are wondrous
stonemasons and built most of the great cities constructed after
the Breaking. Although they are thought to be a pacific people and
extremely slow to anger, some old stories say they fought alongside
humans in the Trolloc Wars, and call them implacable enemies. By
and large, they are extremely fond of knowledge, and their books
and stories often contain information lost to humans. A typical
Ogier life span is at least three to four times that of a
- (2) Any individual of that nonhuman race. See also
Breaking of the World; stedding.
- Old Tongue:
- The language spoken during the Age of Legends. It is generally
expected that nobles and the educated can speak it, but most know
only a few words. Translation is often difficult, as it is a
language capable of many subtly different meanings. See
also Age of Legends.
- One Power:
- The power drawn from the True Source. The vast majority of
people are completely unable to learn to channel the One Power. A
very small number can be taught to channel, and an even tinier
number have the ability inborn. These few have no need to be
taught; eventually they will channel whether they want to or not,
often without even realizing what they are doing. This inborn
ability usually manifests itself in late adolescence or early
adulthood. If control is not taught, or self-learned (extremely
difficult, with a success rate of only one in four), death is
certain. Since the Time of Madness, no man has been able to channel
the Power without eventually going completely, horribly mad, and
then, even if he has learned some control, dying from a wasting
sickness that causes the sufferer to rot alive, a sickness caused,
as is the madness, by the Dark One’s taint on saidin.
See also Aes Sedai; Breaking of the World; channel; Five
Powers; True Source.
- Padan Fain (PAD-an FAIN):
- Once a peddler trading into the Two Rivers, and a Darkfriend,
he was transformed at Shayol Ghul not only to enable him to find
the young man who would become the Dragon Reborn as a hound finds
prey for the hunter, but to ingrain the need to find him. The pain
of this induced in Fain a hatred both of the Dark One and of Rand
al’Thor. While following al’Thor, he encountered the
trapped soul of Mordeth in Shadar Logoth, and this soul tried to
take Pain’s body. Because of what had been made of Fain,
though, the result was an amalgamation which was mostly Fain and
which has abilities beyond what either man had originally, though
Fain does not understand them fully yet. Most men feel fear at a
Myrddraal’s eyeless gaze; Myrddraal feel fear at Fain’s
- Pattern of an Age:
- The Wheel of Time weaves the threads of human lives into the
Pattern of an Age, often called simply the Pattern, which forms the
substance of reality for that Age. See also
- Questioners, the:
- An order within the Children of the Light. Avowed purposes are
to discover the truth in disputations and uncover Darkfriends. In
the search for truth and the Light, their normal method of inquiry
is torture, their normal manner that they know the truth already
and must only make their victim confess to it. Refer to themselves
as the Hand of the Light, the Hand that digs out truth, and at
times act as if they were entirely separate from the Children and
the Council of the Anointed, which commands the Children. The head
of the Questioners is the High Inquisitor, who sits on the Council
of the Anointed. Their sign is a blood-red shepherd’s crook.
See also Children of the Light.
- Rashima Kerenmosa (rah-SHE-mah
- Called the Soldier Amyrlin. Born circa 1150 AB. Raised Amyrlin
from the Green Ajah in 1251 AB. Personally leading the Tower
armies, she won innumerable victories, most notably Kaisin Pass,
the Soralle Step, Larapelle, Tel Norwin and Maighande, where she
died in 1301 AB. Her body was discovered after the battle
surrounded by her five Warders and a vast wall of Trollocs and
Myrddraal which contained the corpses of no fewer than nine
Dreadlords. See also Aes Sedai; Ajah; Amyrlin Seat;
Dreadlords; Warders.
- Rhuidean (RHUY-dee-ahn):
- A great city, the only one in the Aiel Waste and totally
unknown to the outside world. Abandoned for nearly three thousand
years. Once men among the Aiel were allowed to enter Rhuidean only
once, in order to be tested inside a great
ter’angreal for fitness to become clan chief (only
one in three survived), and women only twice, for testing to become
Wise Ones, the second time in the same ter’angreal,
though with a considerably higher survival rate than the men. Now
the city is inhabited again, by Aiel, and a great lake occupies one
end of the valley of Rhuidean, fed by an underground ocean of fresh
water and in turn feeding the only river in the Waste. See
also Aiel.
- sa’angreal
- Remnants of the Age of Legends that allow channeling much more
of the One Power than is otherwise possible or safe. A
sa’angreal is similar to, but more powerful than, an
angreal. The amount of the Power that can be wielded with
a sa’angreal compares to the amount that can be
handled with an angreal as the Power wielded with the aid
of an angreal does to the amount that can be handled
unaided. The making of them is no longer known. As with
angreal, there are male and female
sa’angreal. Only a handful remain, far fewer even
than angreal.
- saidar (sah-ih-DAHR); saidin
- See True Source.
- Sea Folk:
- More properly, the Atha’an Miere, the People of the Sea. A
secretive people. Inhabitants of islands in the Aryth (AH-rihth)
Ocean and the Sea of Storms, they spend little time ashore, living
most of their lives on their ships. Most seaborne trade is carried
by Sea Folk ships.
- Seanchan (SHAWN-CHAN):
- (1) Descendants of the armies Artur Hawkwing sent across the
Aryth Ocean, who conquered the lands there. They believe that any
woman who can channel must be controlled for the safety of everyone
else, and any man who can channel must be killed for the same
- (2)The land from which the Seanchan come.
- Shayol Ghul (SHAY-ol GHOOL):
- A mountain in the Blasted Lands, beyond the Great Blight. Site
of the Dark One’s prison.
- sister-wife:
- Aiel kinship term. Aiel women who are near-sisters or
first-sisters who discover they love the same man, or who simply do
not want a man to come between them, will both marry him, thus
becoming sister-wives. Women who love the same man will sometimes
try to find out whether they can become near-sisters and adopted
first-sisters, a first step to becoming sister-wives.
- Sorilea (soh-rih-LEE-ah):
- The Wise One of Shende Hold, a Jarra Chareen. Barely able to
channel, she is the oldest living Wise One, though not by as much
as many think.
- Spine of the World:
- A towering mountain range, with few passes, which separates the
Aiel Waste from the lands to the west. Also called the
- stedding (STEHD-ding):
- An Ogier (OH-gehr) homeland. Many stedding have been
abandoned since the Breaking of the World. They are shielded in
some way, no longer understood, so that within them no Aes Sedai
can channel the One Power, nor even sense the True Source. Attempts
to wield the One Power from outside a stedding have no
effect inside the stedding boundary. No Trolloc will enter
a stedding unless driven, and even Myrddraal will do so
only at the greatest need and with the greatest reluctance. Even
Darkfriends, if truly dedicated, feel uncomfortable within a
- stilling:
- The removal of a woman’s ability to channel. A woman who
has been stilled can sense but not touch the True Source.
Officially, stilling is the result of trial and sentence for a
crime. Novices in the White Tower are required to learn the name
and crimes of all women who have suffered stilling. When the
ability to channel is lost accidentally, it is called being burned
out, though “stilling” is often used for that also. Women who are
stilled, however it occurs, seldom survive long; they seem to
simply give up and die unless they find something to replace the
emptiness left by the One Power.
- Stone of Tear:
- A great fortress in the city of Tear, said to have been made
with the One Power soon after the Breaking of the World. Attacked
and besieged unsuccessfully countless times, it fell in a single
night to the Dragon Reborn and a few hundred Aiel, thus fulfilling
two parts of the Prophecies of the Dragon. See also
Dragon, Prophecies of the.
- Talents:
- Abilities in the use of the One Power in specific areas.
Aptitude in various Talents varies widely from individual to
individual and is seldom related to the strength of the
individual’s ability to channel. There are major Talents, the
best known and most widespread of which is Healing. Other examples
are Cloud Dancing, the control of weather, and Earth Singing, which
involves controlling movements of the earth—for example,
preventing, or causing, earthquakes or avalanches. There are also
minor Talents, seldom given a name, such as the ability to see
ta’veren or to duplicate the chance-twisting effect
of ta’veren, though in a very small and localized
area rarely covering more than a few square feet. Many Talents are
now known only by their names and sometimes vague descriptions.
Some, such as Traveling (the ability to shift from one place to
another without crossing the intervening space) are only now being
rediscovered. Others, such as Foretelling (the ability to foretell
future events, but in a general way) and Delving (the location of
ores and possibly their removal from the ground), are found rarely.
Another Talent long thought lost is Dreaming, interpreting the
Dreamer’s dreams to foretell future events in more specific
fashion than Foretelling. Some Dreamers had the ability to enter
Tel’aran’rhiod, the World of Dreams, and (it is
said) even other people’s dreams. The last acknowledged
Dreamer previously was Corianin Nedeal (coh-ree-AHN-ihn
neh-dee-AHL), who died in 526 NE, but there is now another. See
also Tel’aran’rhiod.
- Tallanvor, Martyn (TAL-lahn-vohr,
- Guardsman-Lieutenant of the Queen’s Guards who loves his
queen more than life or honor.
- Tam al’Thor (TAM al-THOR):
- A farmer and shepherd in the Two Rivers. As a young man, he
left to become a soldier, returning with a wife (Kari, now
deceased) and a child (Rand).
- Tarabon (TAH-rah-BON):
- Nation on the Aryth Ocean. Once a great trading nation, a
source of rugs, dyes and fireworks produced by the Guild of
Illuminators, among other things. Little news has come out of
Tarabon since the land became racked by anarchy and civil war
compounded by simultaneous wars against Arad Doman and the
Dragonsworn, people who have sworn to follow the Dragon
- Tarmon Gai’don (TAHR-mohn GAY-dohn):
- The Last Battle. See also Dragon, Prophecies of the;
Horn of Valere.
- ta’veren (tah-VEER-ehn):
- A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding
life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads. See also Pattern
of an Age.
- Tear (TEER):
- A nation on the Sea of Storms. Also the capital city of that
nation, a great seaport. The banner of Tear is three white crescent
moons slanting across a field half-red, half-gold. See
also Stone of Tear.
- Telamon, Lews Therin (TEHL-ah-mon, LOOZ
- See Dragon, the.
- Tel’aran’rhiod
- In the Old Tongue, “the Unseen World,” or “the World of
Dreams.” A world or place, glimpsed in dreams, which was believed
by the ancients to permeate and surround all other possible worlds.
Many can touch Tel’aran’rhiod for a few moments
in their dreams, but few have ever had the ability to enter it at
will, though some ter’angreal confer that ability.
Unlike other dreams, what happens to living things in the World of
Dreams is real; a wound taken there will still exist on awakening,
and one who dies there does not wake at all. Otherwise, though,
nothing done there affects the waking world in any way. See
also ter’angreal
- ter’angreal
- Remnants of the Age of Legends that use the One Power. Unlike
angreal and sa’angreal, each
ter’angreal was made to do a particular thing. Some
ter’angreal are used by Aes Sedai, but the original
purposes of many are unknown. Some require channeling, while others
may be used by anyone. Some will kill or destroy the ability to
channel of any woman who uses them. Like angreal and
sa’angreal, the making of them has been lost since
the Breaking of the World. See also angreal;
- Thom Merrilin (TOM MER-rih-lihn):
- A not-so-simple gleeman and traveler. See also Game
of Houses; gleeman.
- Tinkers:
- Properly, the Tuatha’an (too-AH-thah-AHN), also called the
Traveling People. A wandering folk who live in brightly painted
wagons and follow a totally pacifist philosophy called the Way of
the Leaf. They are among the few who can cross the Aiel Waste
unmolested, for the Aiel strictly avoid all contact with them. Very
few people even suspect that the Tuatha’an are descended from
Aiel who broke away during the Breaking of the World in an attempt
to find a way back to the time of peace. See also
- Trollocs (TRAHL-lohks):
- Creatures of the Dark One, created during the War of the
Shadow. Huge of stature, they are a twisted blend of animal and
human stock. Vicious by nature, they kill for the pure pleasure of
killing. Deceitful in the extreme, they cannot be trusted unless
coerced by fear. They will eat anything—or anyone. See
also Trolloc Wars.
- Trolloc Wars:
- A series of wars, beginning about 1000 AB and lasting more than
three hundred years, during which Trolloc armies ravaged the world
under the command of Myrddraal and Dreadlords. Eventually the
Trollocs were driven back into the Great Blight, but some nations
ceased to exist, and others that survived were almost depopulated.
All records of the time are fragmentary. See also
Dreadlords; Myrddraal; Trollocs.
- True Source:
- The driving force of the universe, which turns the Wheel of
Time. Divided into a male half (saidin) and a female half
(saidar), which work at the same time with and against
each other. Only a man can draw on saidin, only a woman on
saidar. For more than three thousand years,
saidin has been tainted by the Dark One’s touch.
See also One Power.
- Warder:
- A warrior bonded to an Aes Sedai. The bonding is a thing of the
One Power: by it he gains such gifts as quick healing, the ability
to go long periods without food, water, or rest and the ability to
sense the taint of the Dark One at a distance. So long as a Warder
lives, the Aes Sedai to whom he is bonded knows he is alive however
far away he is, and when he dies she will know the moment and
manner of his death. While most Ajahs believe an Aes Sedai may have
one Warder bonded to her at a time, the Red Ajah refuses to bond
any Warders at all, and the Green Ajah believes an Aes Sedai may
bond as many as she wishes. Ethically the Warder must accede to the
bonding voluntarily, but it has been known to be done against the
Warder’s will. What the Aes Sedai gain from the bonding is a
closely held secret. See also Aes Sedai.
- War of Power:
- See War of the Shadow.
- War of the Hundred Years (FY 994-FY
- A series of overlapping wars among constantly shifting
alliances, precipitated by the death of Artur Hawkwing and the
resulting struggle for his empire. The War of the Hundred Years
depopulated large parts of the lands between the Aryth Ocean and
the Aiel Waste, from the Sea of Storms to the Great Blight. So
great was the destruction that only fragmentary records of the time
remain. The empire of Artur Hawkwing was pulled apart, and the
nations of the present day were formed. See also Hawkwing,
- War of the Shadow:
- Also known as the War of Power. Began shortly after the attempt
to free the Dark One, and soon involved the whole world. In a world
where even the memory of war had been forgotten, every facet of war
was rediscovered, often twisted by the Dark One’s touch on the
world, and the One Power was used as a weapon. The war was ended by
the resealing of the Dark One into his prison in a strike led by
Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon, and one hundred male Aes Sedai
called the Hundred Companions. The Dark One’s counterstroke
tainted saidin and drove Lews Therin and the Hundred
Companions insane, thus beginning the Time of Madness and the
Breaking of the World. See also Dragon, the; One Power,
- weight, units of:
- 10 ounces = 1 pound; 10 pounds = 1 stone; 10 stone = 1
hundredweight; 10 hundredweight = 1 ton.
- Wheel of Time, the:
- Time is a wheel with seven spokes, each spoke an Age. As the
Wheel turns, Ages come and go, each leaving memories that fade to
legend, then to myth, and are forgotten by the time that Age comes
again. The Pattern of an Age is slightly different each time an Age
comes, and each time it is subject to greater change.
- Whitecloaks:
- See Children of the Light.
- White Tower:
- The center and heart of Aes Sedai power, located in the heart
of the great island city of Tar Valon.
- wilder:
- A woman who has learned to channel the One Power on her own;
only one in four survive this. Such women usually build barriers
against knowing what it is they are doing, but if these can be
broken down, wilders are among the most powerful of channelers. The
term is often used in derogatory fashion.
- Wisdom:
- In villages, a woman chosen by the Women’s Circle for her
knowledge of such things as healing and foretelling the weather, as
well as common good sense. Generally considered the equal of the
Mayor, and in some villages his superior. She is chosen for life,
and it is very rare for a Wisdom to be removed from office before
her death. Depending on the land, she may instead have another
title, such as Guide, Healer, Wise Woman, or Seeker, among
- Wise One:
- Among the Aiel, Wise Ones are women chosen by other Wise Ones
and trained in healing, herbs and other things, much like Wisdoms.
They have great authority and responsibility, as well as great
influence with sept and clan chiefs, though these men often accuse
them of meddling. A good many Wise Ones can channel to one degree
or another; they find every Aiel woman born with the spark in her
and most of those who can learn. The fact that Wise Ones can
channel is not spoken of among Aiel, by custom. Also by custom,
Wise Ones avoid all contact with Aes Sedai, even more so than other
Aiel. Wise Ones stand outside all feuds and battle, and according
to ji’e’toh may not be harmed or impeded in any
way. For a Wise One to take part in a battle would be a great
violation of custom and tradition. Three Wise Ones now living are
dreamwalkers, with the ability to enter
Tel’aran’rhiod and to speak to other people in
their dreams among other things. See also dreamwalker;
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