- Time to Be Gone
- Two Captains
- A Fan of Colors
- The Tale of a Doll
- The Forging of a Hammer
- The Scent of a Dream
- Blacksmith’s Puzzle
- Whirlpools of Color
- Traps
- A Blazing Beacon
- Talk of Debts
- A Bargain
- High Seats
- What Wise Ones Know
- Gathering Darkness
- The Subject of Negotiations
- Secrets
- A Chat with Siuan
- Surprises
- In the Night
- A Mark
- One Answer
- Ornaments
- A Strengthening Storm
- When to Wear Jewels
- In So Habor
- What Must Be Done
- A Cluster of Rosebuds
- Something Flickers
- What the Oath Rod Can Do