to the New Edition of 1918
was said by critics of this book immediately after
its publication that it does not give a picture of Goethe's “world
view” but only of his “view of nature.” I do not think
that this judgment comes from a justified point of view, even though,
looked at externally, the book deals almost exclusively with Goethe's
ideas about nature. For I believe that in the course of what has been
said I have shown that these ideas about nature rest upon a quite definite
way of looking at the phenomena of the world. And in my opinion I have
indicated in the book itself that taking a point of view toward the
phenomena of nature such as Goethe had can lead to definite views about
psychological, historical, and still wider phenomena of the world. What
expresses itself in Goethe's view of nature about a particular area
is, in fact, a world view, not a mere view of nature which a person
could also have whose thoughts have no significance for a wider picture
of the world. On the other hand, however, I believed I should not present
anything in this book other than what can be said in direct connection
with the realm which Goethe himself worked through out of the totality
of his world view. To sketch the picture of the world which arises out
of Goethe's literary works, out of his ideas on an history, etc. is
of course altogether possible and certainly of the greatest possible
interest. A person who is attentive to the stance of this book will
not, however, seek in it any such world picture. Such a person
will recognize that I set myself the task of resketching that pan of
the Goethean world picture for which in his own writings there are statements
which emerge in an unbroken sequence from each other. I have indeed
also indicated in many places the points at which Goethe got stuck in
this unbroken development of his world picture, but which,he did successfully
achieve in certain realms of nature. Goethe's views about the world
and life show themselves to the broadest extent. How these views emerge
out of his own particular world view, however, is not observable in
his works outside the area of natural phenomena in the same way that
it is within this area. In these other areas what Goethe's soul had
to manifest to the world becomes observable; in the area of his ideas
about nature there becomes visible how the basic impulse of his spirit
achieved, step by step, a world view up to a certain boundary. Precisely
through the fact that one does not for once go further in sketching
Goethe's thought-work than to present what developed within him as a
conceptually cohesive part of a world view, light will be shed upon
the particular coloration of what otherwise reveals itself in his life's
work. Therefore I did not want to paint the picture of the world which
speaks out of Goethe's life work as a whole but rather that part which
comes to light with him in the form in which one brings a world view
to expression in thought. Views which well up in a personality, however
great that personality may be, are not yet parts of a world view picture
which is cohesive in itself and which the personality himself conceives
to be a coherent whole. But Goethe's nature ideas are just such a cohesive
part of a world view picture. And, as illumination for natural phenomena,
these ideas are not merely a view of nature but rather a part of a world
The fact that I have also
been reproached with respect to this book for changing my views after
its publication does not surprise me since I am not unfamiliar with
the presuppositions which move a person to make such judgments. I have
expressed myself about this search for contradictions in my books in
the preface to the first volume of my
Riddles of Philosophy
and in an article in the journal, Das Reich
(“Spiritual Science as Anthroposophy and Contemporary
This kind of search is possible only for critics who completely fail to
recognize how in fact my world view must proceed in order to grasp
the different areas of life. I do not want to go into this question in a
general way again here but rather will just briefly state a few things
about this book on Goethe. I consider the anthroposophically oriented
spiritual science which I have been presenting in my books for sixteen
years to be a way of knowing the spiritual world content accessible
to man; and a person who has enlivened within himself Goethe's ideas
on nature as something right for him and, starting there, strives for
experiences of knowledge about the spirit realm, must come to this way
of knowing. I am of the view that this spiritual science presupposes
a natural science which corresponds to the Goethean one. I not only
mean by this that the spiritual science presented by me does not contradict
this natural science. For I know how little it signifies for there to
be only no logical contradiction between different assertions.
In spite of this they could in reality be utterly incompatible. But
rather I belie\1t: I have insight into the fact that Goethe's ideas
about the realm of nature, if really experienced, must necessarily lead
to the anthroposophical knowledge presented by me, if a person does
something which Goethe did not yet do, which is to lead experiences
in the realm of nature over into experiences in the realm of spirit.
The nature of these latter experiences is described in my spiritual
scientific works. This is the reason for also reprinting now, after
the publication of my spiritual scientific books, the essential content
of this present book, which I brought out for the f11'St time in 1897,
as my recapitulation of the Goethean world view. I consider all the
thoughts presented in it to be still valid today, unchanged. I have
only in individual places made changes which do not pertain to the configuration
of thoughts but only to the style of individual expressions. And the
fact that after twenty years one would want to make a few stylistic
changes here and there in a book can, after all, seem comprehensible.
Otherwise, what is different in the new edition from the previous one
are only some expansions, not changes, of the content. I believe that
a person who is seeking a natural scientific foundation for spiritual
science can find it through Goethe's world view. Therefore it seems
to me that a book about Goethe's world view can also be of significance
for someone who wants to concern himself with anthroposophically oriented
spiritual science. But the stance of my book is that it wants to consider
Goethe's world view entirely for itself, without reference to actual
spiritual science. (One will find in my book, Goethe's
and the
Fairy Tale of the Green Snake,
something of what there is to say about Goethe from the particularly
spiritual scientific point of view.)
Supplementary note:
A critic of this book of mine on Goethe believed he had found a special
trove of “contradictions,” when he placed what I say about
Platonism in this book (in the first edition of 1897) beside a statement
I made at almost exactly the same time in my introduction to volume
four of Goethe's natural scientific writings (Kuerschner edition): “The
philosophy of Plato is one of the most sublime edifices of thought that
has ever sprung from the spirit of mankind. It is one of the saddest
signs of our time that the Platonic way of looking at things is regarded
in philosophy as the exact opposite of healthy reason.” It is indeed
difficult for certain minds to grasp that each thing, when looked at
from different sides, presents itself differently. It will be easy to
see that my different statements about Platonism do not represent any
real contradiction to anyone who does not get stuck at the mere sound
of the words but who goes into the different relationships into which
I had to bring Platonism, through its own being, at this or that time.
It is on the one hand a sad sign when Platonism is regarded as going
against healthy reason because only that is considered to be in accordance
with reason which stays with mere sense perception as the sole reality.
And it does go against a healthy view of idea and sense world to change
Platonism in such a way that through it an unhealthy separation of idea
and sense perception is brought about. Someone who cannot enter into
this kind of thinking penetration of the phenomena of life remains,
with what he grasps, always outside of reality. Someone — as Goethe
expresses it — who plants a concept in the way in order to limit a
rich life's content has no sense for the fact that life unfolds in relationships
which work differently in different directions. It is more comfortable,
to be sure, to set a schematic concept in the place of a view of the
fullness of life; with such concepts one can indeed judge easily and
schematically. But one lives, through such a process, in abstractions
without being. Thus human concepts mm into abstractions, which one believes
can be treated in the intellect in the same way that things treat each
other. But these concepts are much more like pictures which one receives
of a thing from different sides. The thing is one; the pictures are
many. And it is not focusing on one picture that leads to a view of
the thing but rather looking at several pictures together. Unfortunately
I now had to see how strongly many critics are inclined to construct
contradictions out of such a consideration of a phenomenon from different
points of view, which strives to merge with reality. Because of this
I felt moved, with respect to the passages on Platonism in this new
edition, first of all to change the style of presentation and thus to
make even more definite what seemed to me twenty years ago really to
be clear enough in the context in which it stands; secondly, by directly
placing the statement from my other book beside what is said
in this book, to show how both statements stand in total harmony with
each other. In doing so I have spared anyone who still has a taste for
finding contradictions in such things the trouble of having to gather
them from two books.