Bethmoora byLord Dunsany There is a faint freshness in theLondon night as though somestrayed reveller of a breeze had left his comrades in theKentish uplands and had entered the town by stealth. The pavements are a little damp and shiny. Upon one's ears thatat this late hour have become very acute there hits the tap of a remote footfall. Louder and louder grow the taps, filling the whole night. And a black cloaked figure passes by, and goes tapping into the dark. One who has dancedgoes homewards. Somewhere a ball has closed its doors and ended. Its yellow lights areout, its musicians are silent, itsdancers have all gone into the night air, and Time has saidof it, "Let it be past and over, and among the things thatI have put away." Shadows begin to detach themselves from their great gathering places. No less silently than those shadows that are thin and dead move homewards the stealthy cats. Thus havewe even inLondon our faint forebodings of the dawn's approach, which the birds and the beasts and the stars are cryingaloud to the untrammelled fields. At what moment I know not I perceive that the night itself is irrecoverably overthrown. It is suddenly revealed tome by the weary pallor of the street lamps that the streetsare silent and nocturnal still, not because there is anystrength in night, but because men have not yet arisen from sleep to defy him. So have I seen dejected and untidy guardsstill bearing antique muskets in palatial gateways, althoughthe realms of the monarch that they guard have shrunkto a single province which no enemy yet has troubled tooverrun. And it is now manifest from the aspect of the street lamps, those abashed dependants of night, that already English mountain peaks have seen the dawn, that the cliffs ofDoverare standing white to the morning, that the sea-misthas lifted and is pouring inland. And now men with a hose have come and are sluicing out thestreets. Behold now night is dead. What memories, what fancies throng one's mind! A night butjust now gathered out ofLondon by the hostile hand of Time. A million common artificial things all cloaked for a whilein mystery, like beggars robed in purple, and seated on dread thrones. Four million people asleep, dreaming perhaps. What worlds have they gone into? Whomhave they met? But my thoughts are far off with Bethmoora in her loneliness, whose gates swing to and fro. To and fro they swing, and creak and creak in the wind, but no one hears them. They are of green copper, very lovely, but no one sees them now. The desert wind pours sand into their hinges, no watchman comes to ease them. No guard goes round Bethmoora's battlements, no enemy assails them. There are nolights in her houses, no footfall in her streets; she standsthere dead and lonely beyond the Hills of Hap, and I wouldsee Bethmoora once again, but dare not. It is many a year, as they tell me, since Bethmoora becamedesolate. Her desolation is spoken of in taverns where sailors meet, and certain travellers have told me of it. I had hoped to see Bethmoora once again. It is many a yearago, they say, when the vintage was last gathered in fromthe vineyards that I knew, where it is all desert now. It was a radiant day, and the people of the city were dancingby the vineyards, while here and there one played upon the kalipac. The purple flowering shrubs were all in bloom, and the snow shone upon the Hills of Hap. Outside the copper gates they crushed the grapes in vats to make the syrabub. It had been a goodly vintage. In little gardens at the desert's edge men beat the tambangand the tittibuk, and blew melodiously the zootibar. All there was mirth and song and dance, because the vintagehad been gathered in, and there would be ample syrabubfor the winter months, and much left over to exchangefor turquoises and emeralds with the merchants who come down from Oxuhahn. Thus they rejoiced all day over theirvintage on the narrow strip of cultivated ground that laybetween Bethmoora and the desert which meets the sky to the South. And when the heat of the day began to abate, and thesun drew near to the snows on the Hills of Hap, the note ofthe zootibar still rose clear from the gardens, and the brilliantdresses of the dancers still wound among the flowers. All that day three men on mules had been noticed crossing the face of the Hills of Hap. Backwards and forwardsthey moved as the track wound lower and lower, three little specks of black against the snow. They were seenfirst in the very early morning up near the shoulder of Peol Jagganoth, and seemed to be coming out of Utnar Vehi. All day they came. And in the evening, just before lights comeout and colours change, they appeared before Bethmoora's copper gates. They carried staves, such as messengersbear in those lands, and seemed sombrely clad whenthe dancers all came round them with their green and lilac dresses. Those Europeans who were present and heard themessage given were ignorant of the language, and only caught the name of Utnar Vehi. But it was brief, and passed rapidlyfrom mouth to mouth, and almost at once the people burnttheir vineyards and began to flee away from Bethmoora, goingfor the most part northwards, though some went to the East. They ran down out of their fair white houses, and streamedthrough the copper gate; the throbbing of the tambangand the tittibuk suddenly ceased with the note of thezootibar, and the clinking kalipac stopped a moment after. The three strange travellers went back the way they came the instant their message was given. It was the hour whena light would have appeared in some high tower, and windowafter window would have poured into the dusk its lion-frighteninglight, and the copper gates would have been fastened up. But no lights came out in windows there that nightand have not ever since, and those copper gates were leftwide and have never shut, and the sound arose of the redfire crackling in the vineyards, and the pattering of feet fleeing softly. There were no cries, no other sounds at all, only the rapid and determined flight. They fled as swiftlyand quietly as a herd of wild cattle flee when they suddenly see a man. It was as though something had befallen whichhad been feared for generations, which could only be escapedby instant flight, which left no time for indecision. Then fear took the Europeans also, and they too fled. And what the message was I have never heard. Many believe that it was a message from Thuba Mleen, the mysteriousemperor of those lands, who is never seen by man, advising that Bethmoora should be left desolate. Others say thatthe message was one of warning from the gods, whether fromfriendly gods or from adverse ones they know not. And others hold that the Plague was ravaging a line of citiesover in Utnar Vehi, following the South-west wind whichfor many weeks had been blowing across them towards Bethmoora. Some say that the terrible gnousar sickness was upon the threetravellers, and that their very mules were dripping withit, and suppose that they were driven to the city by hunger, but suggest no better reason for so terrible a crime. But most believe that it was a message from the desert himself, who owns all the Earth to the southwards, spoken withhis peculiar cry to those three who knew his voice -- menwho had been out on the sand-wastes without tents by night, who had been by day without water, men who had been outthere where the desert mutters, and had grown to know his needs and his malevolence. They say that the desert had aneed for Bethmoora, that he wished to come into her lovely streets, and to send into her temples and her houses his storm-winds draped with sand. For he hates the sound and thesight of men in his old evil heart, and he would have Bethmoora silent and undisturbed, save for the weird lovehe whispersat her gates. If I knew what that message was that the three men broughton mules, and told in the copper gate, I think that I should go and see Bethmoora once again. For a great longingcomes on me here inLondon to see once more that whiteand beautiful city; and yet I dare not, for I know not thedanger I should have to face, whether I should risk the furyof unknown dreadful gods, or some disease unspeakable andslow, or the desert's curse, or torture in some little privateroom of the Emperor Thuba Mleen, or something that thetravellers have not told -- perhaps more fearful still.