Gordon Dickson - Time Storm The leopard-I called him Sunday, after the day I found him-almost never became annoyed with the girl, for all her hanging on to him. But he was only a wild animal, after all, and there were Hants to his patience. What had moved me to pick up first him, then her, was something I asked myself often without getting a good answer. They were nothing but encumbrances and no concern of mine. My only concern was getting to Omaha and Swannee. Beyond that point there was no need for me to think. But... I don't know. Somehow out of the terrible feeling of emptiness that I kept waking up to in the mornings, I had gotten a notion that *n a world where nearly all the people and animals had vanished, they would be living creatures I could talk to. Talk to," however, had turned out to be the working phrase; because certainly neither of them was able to talk back. Crazy cat and speechless girl and with them, myself, who before had always had the good sense never to need anybody, dragging them both along with me across a landscape as mixed up and insane as they were. But, of course, without me they would have bean helpless. This time, the trouble erupted just as I pushed the panel truck over a rise in late summer wheat country, which I figured had once been comland, a little below the one-time northern border of Iowa. AH the warning I heard was a sort of combination meow-snarl. Not a top-pitch, ready-to-fight sound, but a plain signal that Sunday bad had enough of being treated tike a stuffed animal and wanted the girl to leave him alone. I braked the panel sharply to a stop on the side of the empty, two-lane asphalt road and scrambled over the seat backs into the body of the truck. "Cat!" I raved at him. "What the. hell's got Into yon now?" But of course, having said his piece and already gotten her to let him go, Sunday was now feeling just fine. He lay there, completely self-possessed, cleaning the fur on the back of his right forepaw with his tongue. Only, the girl was huddled up into a tight little ball that looked as if it never intended to come unwound again; and that made me lose my temper. I cuffed Sunday; and he cringed, putting his head down as I crawled over him to get to the girl. A second later I felt his rough tongue rasping on my left ankle in a plea for forgiveness-for what he did not even understand. And that made me angry all over again, because fflogical-ry, now, I was the one who felt guilty. He was literally insane where I was concerned. I knew it, and yet I bad taken advantage of that to knock him around, knowing I was quite safe in doing so when otherwise he could have had my throat out in two seconds as easy as yawning. But I was only human myself, I told myself; and here I had the girl to unwind again. She was still in her ball, completely unyielding, afl elbows and rigid muscle when I put my hands on her. I had told myself I had no real feeling for her, any more man I had for Sunday. But somehow, for some reason I had never understood, it always damn near broke my heart when she went like that My younger sister had had moments of withdrawal something Hke that-before she grew out of diem. I bad guessed this girl to be no more than fifteen or sixteen at die most, and she had not said a word since the day I found her wandering by the road. But she had taken to Sunday from the moment I had led her back to the truck and she first laid eyes on him. Now, it was as if he was the only living thing in the world for her; and when he snarled at her like that, it seemed to hit her like being rejected by everyone who had ever loved her, all at once. I had been through a number of crises Hke this one with her before-though the others bad not been so obviously Sunday's fault-and I knew that mere was nothing much to be done with her until she began to relax. So I sat down and wrapped my arms around her, cuddling her as close as her rigidness would allow, and began to try to talk her out of it The sound of my voice seemed to help. although at that time she would never show any kind of direct response to it, except to follow orders. So, there I sat, on the mattresses and blankets in the back of the panel truck, with my arms around her narrow body that was more sharp bones than anything else, talking to her and telling her over and over again ft at Sunday wasn't mad at her; he was just a crazy cat, and she should pay no attention when he snarled, except to leave him alone for a while. After a while I got tired of repeating the same words and tried singing to her-any song that I could remember. I was aware it was no great performance. I may have believed at mat time that I was hell on wheels at a number of things, but I knew singing was not one of them. I had a voice to scare bullfrogs. However, that had never seemed to matter with the girt It was keeping up the human noise and holding her that helped. Meanwhile, all the time this was going on, Sunday had crept up as close to us as he could and had his fore-paws around my left ankle, his forehead butted against my knee. So, after a while, illogically, I reached down and patted his head, which he took as forgiveness. I was a complete fool for both of them, in some ways. Shortly after that, the girl began to stir. The stiffness went out of her. Her arms and legs extended themselves; and without a word to me she pulled away, crawled off and put her arms around Sunday. He suffered it, even licking at her face with his tongue. I unkinked my own cramped muscles and wem back up front to the driver's seat of the truck. Then I saw it, to the left of the highway. It was a line of sky-liigh mist or dust-haze, less than a couple of hundred yards away, rolling down on uc at an angle. There was no time for checking on the two back mere to see if they were braced for a racing start I jammed the key over, got the motor started, and slammed the panel into motion down the narrow asphalt lane between the brown-yellow of the standing wheat, now gently wind-rippled by the breeze that always preceded a mistwall, until the plant-tops wavered into varying shades of gold. No mistwall I had seen, with the time change line its presence always signalled, had ever moved faster than about thirty miles an hour. That meant that unless this one was an exception, theoretically, any car in good working order on a decent road should have no trouble outrunning it The difficulty arose, however, wheat-as now -the mistwall was not simply coming up behind us, but moving at an angle ifontcjng the road. I would have to drive over half the length of the wall or more-and some mistwaQs were up to ten miles long-to get out of its path before it caught us, along with everything else in its way. I held the pedal of the accelerator to the floor and sweated. According to the needle on the speedometer, we were doing nearly a hundred and ten-which was nonsense. Eighty-five miles an hour was more like the absolute top speed of the panel truck. As it was, we swayed and bounced along the empty road as if five more miles an hour would have seat us flying off it I could now see the far end of the mistwall. It was still a good two or three miles away; and the wall itself was only a few hundred yards off and closing swiftly. I may have prayed a little bit at tins point, in spite of being completely irreligious. I seem to remember that I did. In the weeks since the whole business of the time changes started, I had not been this close to being caught since that first day in the cabin northwest of Duluth, when I had, in fact, been caught without knowing what hit me. I had thought then it was another heart attack, come to carry me off for good this time; and the bitterness of being chopped down before I was thirty and after I had spent nearly two years putting myself into the best posrible physical shape, had been like a dry, ugly taste in my throat just before the change tine reached me and knocked me out I remember still thinking that it was a heart attack, even after I came to. I had gone on tM"*"ng that way, even after I found the squirrel that was still in shock from k; the way Sunday had been later, when I found him. For several days afterwards, with the squirrel tagging along behind me tike some miniature dog until I either exhausted it or lost it, I did not begin to realize the size of what bad happened. It was only later that I began to understand, when I came to where Duluth should have been and found virgin forest where a couple of hundred thousand people had lived, and later yet, as I moved south, and stumbled across the tog cabin with the bearded man in cord-wrapped leather leggings. The bearded man had nearly finished me. It took me almost three minutes too long after I met him to realize mat he did not understand that the rifle in my hand was a weapon. It was only when I stepped back and picked up the hunting bow, that he pulled his fancy quick-draw trick with the axe he had been using to chop wood when I stepped into his clearing. I never saw anything fike it and I hope I never see it again, unless Fm on the side of the man with the axe. It was a sort of scunitar-bladed tool with a wide, curving forward edge; and he had hung it on his shoulder, blade-forward, in what I took to be a reassuring gesture, when I first tried to speak to him. Then he came toward me, speaking some kind of Scanduuvian-sounding gibberish in a friendly voice, the axe hung on his shoulder as if he had forgotten it was there. It was when I began to get worried about the steady way he was coming on and warned him back with the rifle, that I recognized suddenly that, apparently, as far as he was concerned, I was carrying nothing more man a dub. For a second I was merer/ paralyzed by the enormity of that insight. Then, before I could bring myself to shoot Urn after all in self-defense, I had the idea of trying to pick op the bow with my free hand. As an idea, it was a good one-but the minute he saw the bow in my hand he acted; and to this day, I*m not sure exactly how he did it He reached back at belt-level and jerked forward on the handle-end of the axe. It came off his shoulderspinning, back, around, under his arm, up !n the air and over, and came down, incredibly, with the end of its handle into his fist and die blade edge forward. Then he threw it I saw it come whirling toward me, ducked instinctively and ran. I heard it thunk into a tree somewhere behind me; but by then I was into the cover of the woods, and he did not follow. Five days later I was where die twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul bad been-and they looked as if they had been abandoned for a hundred years after a bombing raid that had nearly leveled them. But I found the panel truck there, and it started when I turned its key. There was gas in the filling station pumps, though I had to rig up a little kerosene generator I liberated from a sporting goods store, in order to pump some of ft into the tank of the truck, and I headed south along U*S. 3SW. Then came Sunday. Then came the girt... I was almost to the far end of the mistwaE now, although to the left of the road die haze was less than a hundred yards from the roadway; and little stinging sprays of everything from dust to fine gravel were beginning to pepper the left side of the panel, including my own bnd and shoulder where the window on that side was not rolled up. But I had no time to roll it up now. I kept pushing the gas pedal through the floor, and suddenly we whipped past the end of the wall of mist, and I could see open country clear to the summer horizon. Sweating, I eased back on the gas, let use truck roll to a stop, and half-turned it across die road so I could look behind us. Back where we had been, seconds before, die mist had already crossed die road and was moving on into die fields that bad been on die road's far aide. They were ceasing to be there as it passed-as die road itself had already ceased to be, and die farm land on the near side of the road. Where die grain had rippled in die wind, there was now wild, grassy hillside-open country sparsely interspersed with a few chimps of bees, rising to a bluff, a crown of land, less than a quarter of a mile off, looking so close I could reach out and touch it There was not a breath of wind stirring. I put die panel back in gear again and drove off. After a while die road swung in a gentle curve toward a small Mown that looked as normal as apple pie, as if no mistwall had ever passed through it It could be. of course. My heart began to pound a little with hope of running into someone sane I could talk with, about everything that had happened since that apparent heart attack of mine in die cabin. But when I drove into Main Street of die town, between die buildings, there was no one in sight; and die whole place seemed deserted. Hope evaporated into caution. Then I saw what seemed to be a barricade across the street up ahead; and a single figure crouched behind it with what looked like a rocket launcher cm his shoulder. He was peering over die barricade away from me; al-tiiaugh he must have heard die sound of die motor coming up die street behind him. I pulled die truck into an alley between two stores and stopped it "Stay here and stay quiet," I told die girl and Sunday. I took die carbine from beside my driver's seat and got out Holding it ready, just in case, I went up behind dw man crouched at die barricade. Up tiiis close I could see easily over die barricade-and sure enough, tiiere was another mistwall, less than a mile away, but unmoving. For die first time since I had come into die silent town, I became conscious of a steady sound. It came from somewhere up ahead, beyond the point where the straight white concrete highway vanished into the unmoving haze of the mistwaU-a sftiall buzzing sound. Like the sound of a fly in an enclosed box on a hot July day such as this one was. "Get down," said the man with the rocket launcher. I pulled my head below the top line of the makeshift barricade-furniture, rolls of carpeting, cans of paint-that barred the empty street between the gritty sidewalks and the unbroken store windows in the red brick sides of the Main Street building. Driving hi from the northwest, I had thought at first that mis small town was still living. Then, when I got closer, I guessed it was one of those places, untouched but abandoned, such as I bad run into further north. And so it was, in fact; except for the man, his homemade barricade, and the rocket launcher. The buzzing grew louder. I looked behind me, back down Main Street I could just make out the brown, left front fender of the panel truck showing at the mouth of the alley into which I had backed it There was no sound or movement from inside it The two of them in there would be obeying my orders, tying still on the blankets in the van section, the leopard probably purring a little in its rough, throaty way and cleaning the fur of a forepaw with its tongue, while the girl held to the animal for comfort and companionship, in spite of the heat When I looked back through a chink in the barricade, mere was something already visible hi the road. It had evidently just appeared out of the naze, for it was coming very fast Its sound was die buzzing sound I had heard earlier, now growing rapidly louder as the object raced toward us, It came so fast that there was only time to get a glimpse of it It was yellow and black in color, like a wasp, a small gadget with an amazing resemblance to a late-model compact car, but half the size of such a car, charging at us down the ruler-straight section of highway like some outsize wind-up toy. I jerked up my rifle; but at the same time the rocket launcher went off beside me with a flat dap of sound. The rocket was slow enough so that we could see it like a black speck, curving through the air to meet the gadget coming at us. They met and there was an explosion. The gadget bopped up off the road shedding parts which flew toward us, whacking into the far side of the barricade like shrapnel. For a full minute after ft quit moving, there was no sound to be heard. Then the whistling of birds and the trifling of crickets took up again. I looked over at the rocket launcher. "Good," I said to the man. "Where did you get that launcher, anyway?" "Somebody must have stolen it from a National Guard outfit,'* he said. "Or brought it back from overseas. I found it with a bunch of knives and guns and other things, in a storeroom behind the town police office.*1 He was as tall as I was, a tight-shouldered, narrow-bodied man with a deep tan on his forearms, and on his quiet, bony face. Maybe a little older than I; possibly in his late thirties. I studied him, trying to estimate how hard it would be to kill him if I had to. I could see him watching, doubtless with the same thought in mind. It was the way things were, now. There was no shortage of food or drink, or anything material you could want But neither was there any law, anymore-at least nøne I'd been able to find in the last three weeks. To break the staring match, I deliberately looked away to the gadget, lying still now beyond the barricades, and nodded at it, "I'd Hke to have a look at it dose up," I said. "Is it safer "Sure." He got to his feet, laying down the rocket launcher. I saw, however, he had a heavy revolver-possibly a thirty-eight or forty-four-in a bolster on the hip away from me; and a deer rifle carbine Hke mine was lying against the barricade. He picked it up in his left hand. "Come on," he said. "They only show up one at a time; on a staggered schedule, seven to ten hours apart." I looked down the road. There were no other wrecked shapes in black and yellow in sight along ft. "You're sure?** I said. "How many have you seen?* He laughed, making a dry sound in his throat Hke an old man. "They're never quite stopped," he said. "Like this one. Ifs harmless, now, but not really done for. Later HH crawl back, or get puttied back behind the mist over there-you'll see. Come on." He climbed over the barricade and I followed him. When we got to the gadget, it looked more than ever Hke an overlarge toy car-except that where the windows should be, there was a flat yeOow surface; and instead of four ordinary-sized wheels with tires, the lower halves of something Hke sixteen or eighteen small metal disks showed through the panel sealing the underbody. The rocket had torn a huge hole in the gadget's side. "Listen," said the man, stooping over the bole. I came Tdose and listened myself. There was a faint buzzing still going on down there someplace inside it "Who sends these things?** I said. "Or what sends them?** He shrugged. "By the way," I said, "I'm Marc Despard." I held out my hand. He hesitated. "Raymond Samuelson," he said. I saw his hand jerk forward a Httle, men back again. Outside of that, he ignored my offered hand; and I let it drop. I guessed that he might not want to shake hands with a man he might later have to try to kill; and I judged mat anyone who worried about a nicety like that was not Ekety to shoot me in the back, at least, unless lie had to. At the same time, there was no point in asking for trouble by letting any nrisimrtftrsfandings arise. "I'm Just on my way through to Omaha,** I said. "My wife's there, if she's still all right But I'm not going to drive right across that time change fine out there if I've got a choke." I nodded at the haze from which the gadget had come. "Have you got any other roads leading south or east from the town?" "Yes," be said. He was frowning. "Did you say your wife was mere?" "Yes," I answered. For the life of me, I had meant to say "ex-wife," but my tongue had slipped; and it was not worm straightening the matter out now for someone Hke Samuelson. "Look," he said, "you don't have to go right away. Stop and have dinner.** Stop and have dinner. Something about my mentioning ft wife had triggered off a hospitality reflex in him. The famuiar, homely words he spoke seemed as strange and out of place, here between the empty town and the haze that barred the landscape to our right, as the wrecked gadget at our feet. "AH right," I said. W¯ went back, over the barricade and down to the panel truck. I called to the leopard and the girl to come out, and introduced them to Samuelson. His eyes widened at the sight of the leopard; but they opened even more at the sight of the gui behind the big cat- "I caU the leopard 'Sunday/ ** I said. "Hie guTs never told me her name." I put out my band and Sunday stepped forward, flattening his ears and nibbing his head up under my palm with a sound that was like a whimper of pleasure. **I came across him just after a time change had swept die area where he was," I said. "He was still in shock when I first touched him; and now I've got his soul in pawn, or something like that. You've seen how animals act, if you get them right after a change, before they come all the way back to being themselves?" Samuefeon shook his head. He was looking at me now with some distrust and suspicion. "That*s too bad," I said. "Maybe you'll take my word for it, then. He's perfectly safe as long as I'm around." I petted Sunday. Samuelson looked at the girl. "Hello," he said, smiling at her. But she simply stared back without answering. She would do anything I set her to doing, but I had never been able to make her seem conscious of herself. The straight, dark hair hanging down around her shoulders always had a wild look; and even the shirt and jeans she was wearing looked as if they did not belong on her. They were the best of available choices, though, I had put her into a dress once, shortly after I had found her; and the effect had been pitiful. She had looked like a caricature of a young girl in that dress. "She doesn't talk," I said. MI came across her a couple of days after I found the leopard, about two hundred miles south. The leopard was about where the Minneapo-fis-St Paul area used to be. It could have come from a zoo. The girl was just wandering along the road. No telling where she came from." "Poor kid," said Samuelson. He evidently meant it; and I began to think it even more unlikely that he would shoot me in (he back. We went to bis house, one block off Main Street, for dinner. "What about the-whatever-you-can-them?" I asked. "What if one comes while you aren't there to stop it?" The buzzers," he said. "No, Hke I told you, they don't run on schedule, but after one's come by, if s at least six and a half hours before the next one. It's my guess there's HMB STORM 13 * some kind of automatic factory behind the mist mere, mat takes mat kmg to make a new one." Samuelson's house turned out to be one of those tall, ornate, late-nineteenth century homes you still see in small towns. Two stories and an attic with a wide screen porch in front and lilac bushes growing aH along one side of it The rooms inside were small, dark and high-ccalinged, with too much furniture for their flborspace. He had rigged a gas motor and a water tank to the well m his basement that had formerly been run by an electric pump; and he had found an old, black, wood-burning stove to block up in one corner of this spacious kitchen. The furniture was clean of dust and in order. He gave us the closest thing to a normal meal mat Fd eaten-or the girt had, undoubtedly-since the time storm first hit Earth. I knew k had affected all the Barm, by mis time; not just the little part west of the Great lakes in Norm America, where I was. I carried a good all-bands portable radio along and, once in a whfle, picked up a fragment of a broadcast from somewhere. The continuity-or discontinuity-Unes dividing the time areas usually blocked off radio. But sometimes things came through. Hawaii, evidently, was unique in hardly having been touched, and Fd occasionally heard bits of shortwave from as far away as Greece. Not that I listened much. There was nothing I could do for me people broadcasting, any more man there was anything they could do for me. I told Samuelson about this whfle he was fixing dinner, and he said he had run into the same thing with bom the shortwave and long-wave radios- he had set up. We agreed that the storm was not over. "We've only had the one time change here in Saulsburg, though," he said. "Every so often, 111 ace a line of change moving across country off on the horizon, or gta^fog still for a whfle out mere; but so far, none's come this way." "Where did all the people go, mat were in this placer I asked. His face changed, all at once. "I don't know," he said. Then he bent over the biscuit dough he was making, so mat his face was hidden away from me. **! had to drive over to Peppard-that*s the next town. I drove and drove and couldn't find it. I began to think I was sick or crazy, so I turned the car around and drove home. When I got back here, it was like you see it now." It was dear he did not want to talk about it But 1 could guess some of what he had lost from the house. It had been lived in by more than one adult, and several children. There were a woman's overshoes in the front closet, toys in a box in one corner of the living room, and three bicycles in good condition in the garage. "What did you do for a living?" he asked me after a moment "I was retired,** I said. He frowned over that, too. So I told him about myself. The time storm had done nothing in my case to leave me with things I did not want to talk about, except for the matter of Swannee, down in Omaha; and somehow I was perfectly comforted and sure that she and that city had come through the time storm changes unharmed, though I had heard no radio broadcasts from there. MI started investing in the stock market when I was nineteen," I said, "before I was even out of college, I struck it lucky." Luck, of course, had nothing to do with it; but I had found I could not tell people that Because the word "stocks" was involved, it had to be hick, not hard research and harder-headed decision-making, that hint made money for me. "Then I used what I had to take over a company that made trailers and snowmobiles; and that did all right I'd be there yet, but I had a heart attack." Samuelson's eyebrows went up. "A heart attackr he said. "You're pretty young for something like that." "I was damned young," I said. "I was twenty-four.** I discovered suddenly that I had been wrong about not having things I did not want to talk about I did not want to tell him about my heart attack. He looked too much tike a man who'd never had a sick day in his life. "Anyway," I said, "my doctor told me to take H easy and lose weight That was two yean ago. So I sold out, set up a trust to support me, and bought a place up in the woods of northern Minnesota, beyond Ely-if you know fhet state. I got back in shape, and I've been fine ever since; until the time storm hit three weeks ago." "Yes," he said. The food was ready, so I helped him carry it into the dining room and we all ate there; even Sunday, curled up in a corner. I had thought Samuelson might object to my bringing the leopard into his house, but he had not Afterwards, we sat on his screened porch at the front of the house, with the thick leaves of tile sugar maple in the yard screening us from the western sun. It was after six by my watch, but now in midsummer, there were at least another three hours of light left Samuelson had some homemade white wine which was not bad. It was not very good either, but the town was apparently a dry town; and of course, he had not left it since he had first come back here and found his people gone. "How about the girl?" he asked me, when he first poured the wine into water glasses. "Why notr I said. "We may be aU dead-her included -tomorrow, if the wrong sort of time change catches us." So he gave her a glass. But she only took a small sip, then put it down on the floor of the porch by her chair. After a bit while Samuelson and I talked, she got out of the chair itself and sat down on the floor where she could put an arm around Sunday, who was lying there, dozing. Outside of raising a lazy eyebrow when he fett the weight of her arm, the leopard paid no attention. It was amazing what he would stand from her, sometimes. "What is itr Samuelson asked me, after we'd been talking for a while about how things used to be. "I mean-where did it come from?** He was talking about the time storm. "I dont know," I said. "FH bet nobody does. But Fve got a theory." "What*s that?" He was looking at me closely in the shadow of the porch. A little evening breeze stirred the lilac bushes into scraping their upper branches against the side of the house. "I think it*s just what we're calling ft," I said. "A storm. Some sort of storm in space that the whole world ran into, the same way you could be out driving in your car and run into a thunderstorm. Only in this case, instead of wind and rain, thunder and lightning, we get these time changes, like ripples moving across the surface of tile world, with everything getting moved either forward or back in time. Wherever a change passes over them." **How about here?" he asked. "The town's just where tt was before. Only the people..." He trailed off. "How do you know?" I said. "Maybe the area right around here was moved forward just a year, say, or even a month. That wouldn't be enough to make any change in the buildings and streets you could notice, but it might have been beyond the point where everybody living here, for some reason, decided to get out" "WhyT "Those buzzers, as you call them," I said. "Seeing one of them come at the town would be pretty good reason to me to get out, if I was someone living here." lie shook his head. "Not everybody," he said, "Not without leaving some kind of message." I gave up. If he did not want reasonable explanations, there was no point in my forcing them on him. TeQ me," be said, after we had sat there without talking for a while, "do you think God had something to dowithitr So mat was his hang-up. That was why he stayed here, day after day, defending a town with no people in it That was why he had carefully adapted the well in the basement to the new conditions and set up a wood stove so dial he could give a regular meal at a moment's notice to a complete family, if they should return unexpectedly, showing op at the front door, tired and hungry. I wanted to tell him neither God nor human had ever changed tilings much for me; but now that I knew what his question meant to him, I could not do it All at once I felt the pain in him-and I found myself suddenly angry that someone I did not even know should be able to export his troubles to me, like that It was true I had lost no**"i>gj not Mice him. Still.... "Who can tell?" I said, standing up. "We'd better be going." He stood up also, quickly. Before he was on his feet, Sunday was on his, and that brought the girl scrambling upright "You could stay here overnight,'* he said. I shook my head. "You don't want to drive in the dark," he went on. I led the leopard and the girl out to the panel, which I bad driven over and now stood in his driveway. I opened the door on the driver's side, and the other two got in, crawling back into the body. I waited until they were settled, then got in myself and was about to back out, when Samuelson, who had gone in the house instead of following us to the truck, came out again, almost shyly, with a pair of large paper grocery sacks. He pushed them in through the open window at my left. "Here," he said. There's some food you could use. I put in a bottle of the wine, too." Thanks." I put the two sacks on the empty front seat beside me. He looked past me, back into the body of the van, where the girl and the leopard were already curled up, ready for sleep. *Tve got everything, you know," he said. "Everything you could want There's nothing she could use-clothes, or anything?" "Sunday's the only thing she wants," I said. "As long as she's got him, there's nothing eke she cares about" "Well, goodby then," he said. "So long." I backed out into the street and drove off. In the side-view mirror I could see him walk into the street himself so that he could look after us and wave. I turned a corner two blocks down and the houses shut him from view. He had given me a filling station map earner, with a route marked in pencil, that led me to the south edge of the city and out at last on a two-lane asphalt road rising and dipping over the land, with open, farmers* fields on either side. The fields had all been planted that spring; and as I drove along I was surrounded by acres of corn and wheat and peas no one would ever harvest or use. The sky-high wall of haze that was the time change line, holding its position just outside of Samuelson's town, now to the left and behind us, grew smaller as I drove the van away from there. In a car we were pretty safe, according to what I had learned so far. These time lines were like lengths of rod, rolling across the landscape; but as I say, I had yet to encounter any that seemed to travel at more than thirty miles an hour. It was not hard to get away from them as long as you could stick to a road. I had been keeping my eyes open for something in the way of an aH-terrain vehicle, but with adequate speed. Something like a Land Rover that could make good time on the roads but could also cut across open country, if necessary. But so far I had not found anything. I became aware that the engine of the van was roaring furiously under the hood. I was belting us along the empty asphalt road at nearly seventy miles an hour. There was no need for anything like that It was both safer and easier on the gas consumption to travel at about forty or forty-five; and now and then gas was not easily available, just when the tank ran low. It was true I had four spare five-gallon cans-full* lashed to the luggage carrier on the van's roof. But that was for real emergencies. Besides, none of the three of us had anything that urgent to run to-¯or away from. I throttled down to forty mOes an hour, wondering how I had let my speed creep up in the first place. Hum, of course, I realized why. I had been letting Samudson's feelings get to me. Why should I cry for hint? He was as crazy from the loss of his family as the girl was-or Sunday. But he had really wanted us to stay the night, hi that huge house of his from which his family had disappeared; and it would have been a kindness to him if we had stayed. Only, I could not take the chance. Sometime in the night he might change suddenly from the man who was desperate for company to a man who thought that I, or all of us, had something to do with whatever it was that had taken his people away from him. I could not trust his momentary sanity. Samuelson had talked for a while like a sane man; but he was still someone sitting in a deserted town, shooting rockets fun of high explosives at cut-size toys that attacked at regular intervals. No one in that position could be completely sane. Besides, insanity was part of things, now. Sunday was the definitive example. I could have cut the leopard's throat, and he would have licked my hand as I was doing it. The girl was in no better mental condition. Samuelson, like them, was caught in this cosmic joke that had over- HME STORM 19 'taken the world we knew-so he was insane too, by definition. There was no other possibility. Which of course, I thought, following the idea to its logical conclusion, as I drove into the increasing twilight, meant that I had to be insane, too. The idea was almost laughable. I felt perfectly sane. But just as I had not trusted Samuelson, if I were him, or anyone else looking at me from the outside as I drove across the country with a leopard and a speechless girl for companions, I would not trust myself. I would have been afraid that there could be a madness hi me too, that would overtake me sometime, suddenly and without warning. Of course, that was all nonsense. I put the ridiculous thought out of my head. When the red flush of the sunset above the horizon to our right began to grow narrow and dark, and stars were dearly visible in the clear sky to the east, I pulled the van off the road into a comfortable spot under some cot-tonwood trees growing down in a little dip between two hills and set up camp. It was so warm that I had the tent flaps tied all the way back. I lay there looking out at the stars, seeming to move deeper and deeper hi the night sky, becoming more and more important and making the earth under me feel more like a chip of matter lost in the universe. But I could not sleep. That had happened to me a lot, lately. I wanted to get up and go sit outside the tent by myself, with my back to the trunk of one of the cottonwoods. But if I did, Sunday would get up and come out with me; and then the girl would get up and follow Sunday. It was a chain reaction. A tag-end of a line from my previous two years of steady reading, during my hermit-like existence above Ely, came back to me. Privatum comntoaum pubUco cettit-"private advantage yields to public.** I decided to lie there and tough it out What I had to tough out was the replaying in my head of all the things that had happened. I had almost forgotten, until now, my last summer in high school when I started teaching myself to read Latin because I had just learned how powerfully it underlays all our English language. Underlays and outdoes. "Bow long, O Cataline, will you abuse our patience?* Good, but not in the same ball game with the thunder of old Cicero's original: "Quo usque, Catilina, abutere patienta nostra?" After the sweep of the first time change that I thought waa my second heart attack come to take me for good this time-after I had found I was not dead, or even hurt-there had been the squirrel, frozen in shock. The little gray body had been relaxed hi my hands when I picked it up; the small forepaws had clung to my fingers. It had followed me after that for at least the first three days, when I finally decided to walk south from my cabin and reach a city called Ely, that turned out to be no longer there. I had not understood then that what I had done to the squirrel was what later I was to do to Sunday -be with h when it came out of shock, making it totally dependent on me *... Then, a week or so later, there had been the log cabin and the man in leggings, the transplanted Viking or whoever, who I thought was just anyone cutting firewood with his shirt off, until he saw me, hooked the axe over his shoulder as if holstering it, and started walking toward me.... I was into it again. I was really starting to replay tin whole sequence, whether I wanted to or not; and I could not endure that, lying trapped in this tent with two other bodies. I had to get out I got to my feet as quietly as I could. Sunday lifted bis head, but I hissed at bin between my teeth so angrily that he lay down again. The girt only stirred in her sleep and made a little noise in her throat, one hand flung out to touch the fur of Sunday's back. So I made it outside without them after all, into the open air where I could breathe; and I sat down with my back against the rugged, soft bark of one of the big cottonwoods. Overhead the sky was perfectly dear and the stars were everywhere. The air was still and warm, very transparent and dean. I leaned the back of my head against the tree trunk and let my mental machinery go. It was simply something I was stuck with-had always been stuck with, all my lifetime. Well, perhaps not all Before the age of seven or eight tilings had been different But by the time I was that old, I had begun to recognize that I was on my own-and needed no one else. My father had been a cipher as far back as I could remember. If someone were to tell me that he had never actually realized he had two children, I would be inclined to believe it Certainly I had seen him forget us even when we were before his eyes, in the same room with him. He had been the director of the Walter H. Mannheim private library in St Paul; and he was a harmless man-a bookworm. But he was no use either to me or my' younger sister as a parent. My mother was something else. To begin with, she was beautiful. Yes I know, every child thinks that about its mother. But I had independent testimony from a number of other people; particularly a long tine of men, other than my father, who not only thought so, also, but told my mother so, when I was there to overhear them. However, most of that came later. Before my sister was born my mother was my whole family, by herself. We used to play games together, she and I. Also, she sang and talked to me and told me stories endlessly. But then, after my sister was born, things began to change. Not at once, of course. It was not until Beth was old enough to run around that the alteration in my mother became clearly visible. I now mink that she had counted on Beth's birth to do something for her marriage; and it had not done so. At any rate, from that time on, she began to forget us. Not that I blamed her for it She had forgotten our rather long since-in fact, there was nothing there to forget But now she began to forget us as well. Not all of the time, to start with; but we came to know when she was about to start forgetting because she would show up one day with some new, tall man we had never seen, who smelted of cigars and alcohol. When this first started happening, it was the beginning of ft bad time for me. I was too young then to accept it and I wanted to fight whatever was taking her away from me; but there was nothing there with which I could come to grips. It was only as if a glass window had suddenly been rolled up between her and me; and no matter how I shouted or pounded on its transparent surface, she did not hear. Still, I kept on trying to fight it for several years, during which she began to stay away for longer and longer periods-all with my father's sQent consent, or at least with no objections from him. It was at the dose of those years that my fight finally came to an end. I did not give up, because I could not; but the time came when my mother disappeared completely. She went away on one last trip and never came back. So at last I was able to stop struggling; and as a result I came to the first great discovery of my life, which was that nobody ever really loved anyone. There was a vu3t-ln instinct when you were young that made yon mink you needed a mother; and another built-in instinct in that mother to pay attention to you. But as you got older you discovered your parents were only other humanly selfish people, in competition with you for fife's pleasures; and your parents came to realize that this chfld of theirs that was you was not so unique and wonderful after all, but only a small savage with whom they were burdened. When I understood this at last, I began to see how knowing it gave me a great advantage over everyone else; because I realized then that life was not love, as my mother had told me it was when I was very young, but competition -fighting; and, knowing this, I was now set free to give aD my attention to what really mattered. So, from that moment on I became a fighter without match, a fighter nothing could stop. It was not quite that sudden and complete a change, of course. I still had, and probably always would have, absent-minded moments when I would still react to other people out of my early training, as if it mattered to me whether they lived or died. Indeed, after my mother disappeared for good, there was a period of several years in which Beth clung to me-quite naturally, of course, because I was all she had-and I responded unthinkingly with the false affection reflex. But in time she too grew up and went looking somewhere else for attention; and I became completely free. It was a freedom so great I saw most people could not even conceive of it When I was still less than hatf-grown, adults would remark on how strong-minded I was. They talked of how I would make my mark in die world. I used to want to laugh, hearing them say that, because.anything else was unthinkable. I not only had every intention of leaving my mark on the world; I intended to put my brand on it and turn it into my own personal property; and I had no doubt I could do it Free as I was of the love delusion that blinkered all the rest of them, there was nothing to stop me; and I had already found out that I would go on trying for what I wanted as long as it was there for me to get I had found that out when I had fought my mother's withdrawal from us, I had not been able to stop struggling against that until it had finally sunk in on me that she was gone lor good. Up until that time I had not been able to accept the fact she might leave us. My mind simply refused to give up on her. It would keep going over and over the available data or evidence, with near-idiot, unending patience, searching for some crack in the problem, like a rat chewing at a steel plate across the bottom of a granary door. A steel plate could wear down a rat's teeth; but he would only rest a while to let them grow again, and then go back once more to chewing, until one day he would wear his way through to where the grain was. So it was with me. Pure reflex kept the rat chewing tike that; and, as far as I was concerned, it was a pure reflex that kept my mind coming back and back to a problem until it found a solution. There was only one way to turn it off, one I had never found out how to control. That was if somehow the knowledge managed to filter through to me that the answer I sought would have no usefulness after I found it When that happened-as when I finally realized my mother was gone for good-there would be an almost audible dick in my mind, and the whole process would blank out It was as if the reflex suddenly went dead. But that did not happen often; and it was certainly not happening now. The problem my mind would not give up on at the moment was the question of what bad happened to the world. My head kept replaying aQ its available evidence, from the moment of my collapse in the cabin near Duluth to the present trying for one solid, explainable picture that would pull everything together. Sitting now under the tree, in the shade of a new-risen quarter moon and staring up at the star-bright sky of summer, I went clear back to reliving my college days, to the paper I had written on the methods of charting stocks, followed by the theoretical investments, then the actual investments, then the penthouse suite in the Bellecourt Towers, hotel service twenty-four hours a day, and the reputation for being some sort of young financial wizard. Then my cashing out and buying into Snowman, Inc., my three years as president of that company, while snowmobile and motor home sales climbed up off the watt chart-and my marriage to Swannee. I had never blamed Swannee a bit for what had happened. It must have been as irritating to her aft it would have been to me to have someone hanging on to her the * way I ended up doing. The way I had decided to get married in the first place was that I had gotten tired of living in the penthouse apartment I wanted a real house, and found one. An architecturally modern, rambling building with five bedrooms, on about twenty acres of land with its own small lake. And of course, once I had decided to have a house, I realized what I really needed was a wife to go along with it. And I looked around a bit and married Swannee. She was not as beautiful as my mother, but she was close to it Tall, with a superb body and a sort of golden-custard colored hair, very fine, that she wore long and which floated around her shoulders like a cloud. By education she had been headed for being a lawyer; but her instincts for work were not all that strong. In spite of the fact that she had done well academically in law school, she had never taken her bar exams and was, nt fact, working as a sort of ornamental legal assistant to a firm of corporation attorneys down in St Paul, I think she was glad to give up the pretense of going to the office every day and simply take over as my wife. She was, in fact, ideal from my standpoint I had no fflusioas about her. I had buried those with the memories of my mother years before. So I had not asked her to be any more than she was; ornamental, good hi bed, and able to do the relatively easy job of managing tins home of mine. I mink, in fact we had an ideal marriage-until I spoiled It As I said, occasionally I would become absent-minded and respond as if other people really mattered to me. Apparently I made the migfaAg of doing this with Swannee; because little by tittle she drifted off from me, began disappearing on short trips almost as my mother had done, and then one day she told me she wanted a divorce and left I was disappointed, but of course, not much more than mat; and I decided that trying to have an ordinary, live-in wife had been a mistake hi the first place. I now had all my time to devote to work, and for the next year I did just that Right up to the moment of my first heart attack; At twenty-four. God damn ft, no one should have to have a heart attack after only twenty-four years in this worldl Bat again there was my rat-reflex mind chewing away at that problem, too, until it broke through to a way out I cashed in and set up a living trust to support me in style forever, if necessary; and I went up to the cabin to live and make myself healthy again. Two years of that-and then the blackout, the squirrel, the trek south, the man with the axe... and Sunday. I had almost shot Sunday hi the first second I saw him, before I realized that he was hi the same sort of trance the squirrel had been in. We ran into each other about twenty miles or so south of the Twin Cities, in an area where they had started to put together a really good modern zoo-one in which the animal^ wandered about almost without restriction; and the people visiting were moved through wire tunnels and cages to see the creatures in something like their natural, wild, free states. But there was no zoo left when I got there; only half-timbered country. A time change line had moved through, taking out about three miles of highway. The ground was rough, but dry and open. I coaxed the panel truck across it in low gear, picking as level a route as I could and doing all right, until I got one rear wheel down into a hole and had to jack it up to get traction again. I needed something firm to rest the jack base on. I walked into a little patch of woods nearby looking for a piece of fallen tree limb the right size, and hteralty stumbled over a leopard. He was crouched low on the ground, head twisted a fittle sideways and looking up as if cringing from something large mat was about to attack him. Like the squirrel, he was unmoving in that position when I walked into him-the time storm that had taken out the road and caught bun as well, must have passed only minutes previously. When I stubbed my toe on his soft flank, he came out of his trance and looked at me. I jumped back and jerked up the rifle I had had the sense to carry with me. But he stepped forward and rubbed along the side of my upper leg, purring, 90 much tike an overgrown household pussycat that I could not have brought myself to shoot him, even if I had had the sense to do so. He was a large young male, weighing a hundred and forty pounds when I later managed to coax him onto a bathroom scale in an abandoned hardware store. He rubbed by me, turned and came back to slide up along my other side, licking at my hands where they held the rifle. And from then on, like it or not, I had Sunday. I had puzzled about him, and the squirrel, a number of times since. The closest I had come to satisfying my search for what had made them react as they had, was that being caught by a time change jarred anything living right back to its infancy. After I first came to in the cabin- wen, I had generally avoided thinking about that For one thing I had a job to dean myself up. But I do remember that first, terrible feeling of helplessness and abandonment - like a very young child lost hi a woods from which he knows he can never find his way out. If someone had turned up then to hold my hand, I might have reacted just like the squirrel or the leopard. Then there had been our meeting - Sunday's and mine - with the girt That had been a different kettle of fish. For one thing, evidently she had passed the point of initial recovery from being caught in a time change; but equally evidently, the experience - or something just before the experience - had hit her a great deal more severely than my experience with the time change had done. But about this time, the stars started to swim slowly in a circular dance, and I fell asleep. I woke with the sun in my eyes, feeling hot and itchy all over. It was a bright cloudless day, at least a couple of hours old, since dawn; evidently the tree had shaded me from the sun's waking me earlier. Sunday lay curled within the open entrance to the tent; but he was all alone. The girl was gone. My first reaction, out of that old, false, early training of mine, was to worry. Then common sense returned. It would only be a relief, as far as I was concerned, to have her gone; with her fits of withdrawal and her pestering Sunday until he, in turn, became a bother. Damn it, I thought, let her go. But then it occurred to me that something might have happened to her. It was open country all around us here, except for a screen of young popple, beyond which there was a small creek. I went down through the popple and looked across the creek, up over a swelling expanse of meadow lifting to a near horizon maybe three hundred yards off. There was nothing to be seen. I went down to took at the creek itself, the edges of which were muddy and marshy, and found her footprints in soft earth, going toward the water. A little further, one of her shoes was stuck in the mud and abandoned. The creek was shallow-no more than knee deep for someone her size. I waded across, picked up the shoe, located her tracks in the mud on the far side and saw them joined by two other sets of footprints. Bare feet, larger than hers. 1 began to feel cold and hot inside at the same time. I went back to the tent, strapped on the belt with the bolstered revolver and took the carbine. The carbine held thirteen shells and it was semi-automatic. My first thought was of following the tracks up the hill; and then I realized that this would be more likely to alert whoever the other two people had been than if I drove. If they saw me coming in the panel, they might figure Fd given up the girl and left her. If they saw me coming on foot, particularfy with Sunday, they wouldn't have much choice but to think I was chasing her down. I packed the gear. It would be hard to replace, maybe; end there was no guarantee we'd be coming back mis way again. Then I got into the panel, letting Sunday up on the seat beside me for once, but making him lie down out of sight from outside. I pulled out on the highway and headed up the road parallel to the way I had last seen the footprints going. We did not have far to go. Just up and over the rise mat belonged to the meadow across the creek, I saw a trailer camp with some sort of large building up in front of all the trailers. No one had cut the grass in the camp for a long time, but there were figures moving about the trailers. I drove up to the building in front There were a couple of dusty gas pumps mere, and a cheerfully grinning, skinny, little old man in coveralls too big for him came oat of the building as I stopped, "Hi," he said, coming up within about four feet of Sunday's side of the car and squinting across through the open window at me. "Want some gas?" "No thanks," I said. "I'm looking for a girl A girl about fourteen, fifteen years old with dark hair and doesn't talk. Have you seen-" **Noper he chirped. "Want some gas?" Gas was something yon had to scrounge for these days. I was suddenly very interested in him. "Yes," I said. "I think FU have some gas. And..." I let my voice trail off into silence. He came closer, cocking his left ear at me. "What* d y*8¯yr He stuck his bead in the window aad came face to face with Sunday, only inches between them. He stopped, perfectly still. "That's Tight," I said. "Don't move or make a sound, now. And don't try to run. The leopard can catch you before you can take three steps.** He didnt know that Sunday would never have understood in a million years any command I might have given to chase someone. I jerked my thumb at the back of the panel Sunday understood that He turned and leaped into the back, out of the right hand seat in one flowing movement The old man's eyes followed him. I slid over into the right hand seat "Now,*1 I said, "turn around. Give me room to open the door." He did. I opened the door on that tide of the panel a crack. The baggy coverall on his back was only inches away. Vertically in the center of the back, about belt level, was a tear or cut about eight inches long. I reached in through it and closed my hand on pretty much what I expected. A handgun-a five-chamber.22 revolver-stuck in a belt around his waist under the coveralls. "All right," I said, picking up the carbine and getting out of the panel behind him. "Walk straight ahead of me. Act ordinary and don't try to run. The leopard will be with me; and if I don't get you, he will Now, where's the girl? Keep your voice down when you answer." "Bub-bu-bu--," the old man stammered. Sounds, nothing understandable. Plainly, as his repeated offer of gas had shown, whoever lived in this camp had chosen one of their less bright citizens to stand out front and make the place look harmless. "Come on, Sunday," I said. The leopard came. We followed the old man across the drive, past the pumps. The large building looked not only dosed, but abandoned. Darkness was behind its windows, and spider webs hung over the cracked white paint of its door frame. I poked the old man with the carbine muzzle, directing him around the right end of the building and back into the camp. I was expecting to be jumped or fired at, at any second. But nothing happened. When I got around the end of die building, I saw why. They were all at the party. God knows, they might have been normal people once. But what I saw now were somewhere between starving savages and starving animals. They were mostly late adolescents, rib-skinny every one of them, male and female alike barefoot below the ragged cuff-edges of the jeans they wore and naked above the waistband. Everyone of them, as well, was striped and marked with black paint oa face and body. They were gathered, maybe thirty or forty of them, in an open space before the rows of trailers began. It might have been a stretch of show lawn, or a voUeyball court, once. At the end of it, tied to a sort of X of planks set upright and surrounded by burnable trash, paper and bits of wood, was the girL Whether she bad come there wflHngly, I do not know. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that she had finally despaired of ever having Sunday love her; and when she met those two other pairs of feet by the creek, she had gone off of her own free will with them. But she was terrified now. Her eyes were enormous, and her mouth was stretched wide in a scream that she could not bring forth. I poked the old man with the gun muzzle and walked in among them. I saw no weapons; but it stood to reason they must have something more than the revolver that had been hidden on the old man. The back of my neck prickled; but on the spur of the moment the best thing I could think of was to put a bold front on it, and maybe we could just all walk out of here-the girl, Sunday and I-with no trouble. They said not a word, they did not move as I walked through them. And then, when I was less than a dozen feet from tile girl, she finally got that scream out of her. "LookoutT For a part of a second I was so stunned to hear her otter something understandable that I only stared. Then it registered on me that she was looking over my shoulder at something behind me. I spun around, dropping on one knee instinctively and bringing up the carbine to my shoulder. There were two of them, lying on the roof of the house with either rifles or shotguns-I had no time to decide which. They were just like the others, except for their firearms. The girl's shriek must have startled them as much as it had me, because they were simply lying there, staring down at me with their weapons forgotten. But it was not them I bad to worry about, anyway, because-I have no idea from where--die crowd I had just passed had since produced bows and arrows; perhaps a bow for every five or six of them, so that half a dozen of them were already fitting arrows to their strings as I turned-1 started firing. I shot the two on the roof first, without flunking- which was pure foolishness, the reflex of a man brought up to dunk of firearms as deadly, but of arrows as playthings-because the two on the roof did not even have their guns aimed, and by die time Fd fired at diem a couple of arrows had already whistled by me. They were target arrows, lacking barbed hunting heads, but nonetheless deadly for that The rest of the ones being aimed would certainly not all have missed me-if it had not been for Sunday. There was nothing of the Lassie-dog-to-the-rescue about Sunday. The situation was entirely beyond his understanding; and if the two on the roof or the bow-wielders had shot me quickly and quietly enough, probably be would merely have sniffed sadly at me as I lay on the ground and wondered why I had stopped moving. But the girl had screamed-and I must suddenly have reeked of the body chemicals released by fear and fury-so Sunday operated by instinct x If I was frightened, he was frightened, too. And in wild flnimqia, as in man himself once he is broken down to it, fear and fury are die same thing. Sunday attacked the only fear-making cause in view-the group of archers and their friends before us; and they found themselves suddenly facing a wild, snarling, pinwbeel-of-kmves that was a hundred and forty pound member of the cat family gone berserk. They ran from him. Of course they ran. AH but three or four that were too badly clawed or bitten to get away. I bad plenty of time and freedom to get the girl untied from the planks and start to lead her out of the dealing. By that time Sunday was off in one corner of the open space, daintily toying, with one hooked claw, at a bleeding, moaning figure that was trying to crawl away from him. It was a little sickening; but so was what they had planned for the girl. I called the leopard. He came-if reluctantly-and followed us back to the truck. We got out of there. Half a mile down the highway I.had to pull over to the boulder and stop the car, again. Sunday was still prickly from die adrenaline of the battle. He wanted to Ue in die back of the panel all alone and lick his fur. The girl, rebuffed by him, was suddenly sick. I helped her out of the car and held her head until it was over. Then I got her back into the front seat of the car, curled up there with a blanket over her. They were going to EAT me," she whispered, when I covered her up. ft was the second time she had spoken, and an in one day. I looked at her, but her eyes were squeezed shut I could not tell if she had been talking to me, or only to herself. I got the panel moving again and let her sleep. That evening when we camped, I tried talking to her myself. But she had gone back to being dumb. She would neither speak nor look at me. Foolishly, I even found myself feeling disappointed-even a little hurt at that But of course that was just the wrong-headed early training at work in me again. I had been feeling good over the fact that she was coming out of her mental prison-as if that really mattered, one way or another. The next day we headed south by west again. It was a bright, hot day, and I was feeling good. We had gotten off the asphalt on to a stretch of superhighway, and there was no one to be seen-not even anything on the road as inconsequential as an abandoned car. We were making good tune; and Samuelson had helped me to fix myself on the map. We were close enough to the location of Omaha-that barring unforeseen delays along the road, we would reach it by sunset When noon came, I picked a ramp and pulled off the freeway-just to be on the safe side in case someone unfriendly should be cruising it about the time we were having lunch-and found a patch of shade under some large, scraggly-limbed trees I could not identify. We had hardly glimpsed the mistwafl of a time change all morning-and the few we had seen had been far off, so far off that in the bright daylight it was impossible to tell whether they were standing still or moving. But obviously one had passed by where we were sometime since the storms started. About four hundred yards front the exit ramp of the highway the cross road ended abruptly in a clump of tall mop-headed palms, the kind you find lining the street boulevards in Los Angeles. The palms and the big scraggly-limbed trees signalled mat we were into a different time-changed territory than we bad been earlier. Now that I stopped to notice it for some time there had been a different kind of dampness to the air than that which comes from midwestern, midsummer humidity. The softness of the atmosphere was more like that of a seacoast; and the few white clouds that moved overhead seemed to hang low and opulent in the sky, the way they do in Florida, instead of being high and distant like piled up castles, as they are in temperate zone mid-continental skies during the warm months. ft was a bint, I thought, to be on our guard against strange company. As far as I had been able to determine, it was only everything below the animal level that got changed by the time storms when they passed. I had begun to add up some evidence in what I saw to teach the conclusion that much of what I came across was several hundred, if not several thousand, years forward from my own original time. There was some evidence of extensive storm damage and geological change, followed by considered reforestation in a majority of the landscapes I moved through. There must have been massive loss of life in most areas at the same time or another, which accounted for the scarcity of most warm-blooded creatures, except for birds. Certainty topography and vegetation changed when a time line passed; and I had noticed fish in lakes that had not been lakes before the time change. But just where on the scale of life the dividing tine was drawn, I had no idea. It would pay to be watchfuL If, for example, snakes were below the dividing fine, then we might suddenly encounter poisonous varieties in latitudes or areas where such varieties had never existed before. I spent part of the lunch hour trying to get the girl to talk; but she was back at being voiceless again. I kept chattering to her, though, partly out of stubbornness and partly out of the idea that if ane had loosened up once, she could again; and the more I tried to wear down the barrier between us, possibly, the sooner she would. When we were done with lunch, we buried the tin cans and die paper. The girl and I ate a tot of canned stuff, which made meals easy; and I had fallen into the habit of feeding Sunday on canned dog food or any other meat that could be found. He also hunted occasionally as we went along. But he would never go very far from me to do it, and this restricted what he could catch. We buried our trash fust in case some one or something might find the remains and take a notion to trail us. We got back in the panel truck and headed once more down the superhighway. But it was exactly as if stopping to eat lunch had changed our luck. Within five mites the superhighway disappeared-cut off by some past time storm line. It ended in a neat lip of concrete hanging thirty feet in die air with nothing in the shape of a road below or beyond it but sandy mus, covered with cactus and scraggly trees. I had to backtrack two miles to find an exit ramp that led down on to a road that appeared to keep going off at an angle as far as I could see. It was asphalt, like most of the roads we had been travelling earlier, but it was not in as good shape as the ones that had ted us through Sarauelson's small town and past the trailer camp. It was narrower, high-crowned, and weedy along the edges. I hesitated because, although the road angled exactly in the direction I wanted to go, there was something about ft that filled me with uneasiness. I simply did not like the look of it. Here and there sand had blown across it, a smudge of gold on black-but not to any depth that would slow down the panel truck. Still, I slowed on my own and cruised at no more than thirty miles an hour, keeping my eyes open. The road seemed to run on without end, which did nothing to allay that uneasiness of mine. There was something about it that was unfamiliar-not of any recognizable time-in spite of the fact that it looked like a backwoods road anywhere. The sandy hflbcapes following us on either side were alien, too, as if they had been transported from a desert somewhere and set down here. Also, it was getting hotter and the humidity was worse. I stopped the panel, finally, to do a more precise job of estimating our position on the map than I could do while driving. According to the compass I had mounted on the instrument panel on our vehicle, the asphalt road had been running almost exactly due west; and the outskirts of Omaha should be less than twenty miles southwest of us. As long as we had been on the superhighway, I had not worried; because a road like that, obviously belonging to our original twentieth century time, had to be beaded toward the nearest large city-which bad to be Omaha. Just as on the asphalt road at first I had not worried either, because it headed so nearly in the direction I wanted to go. But it was stretching out now to the point where I began to worry that it would carry me to the north and past the city, without letting me catch sight of it Certainly, by this tune we had gone far enough to intersect some other roads beading south and into the metropolitan area, But we had crossed no other road. For that matter, we had come across nothing else that indicated a city nearby. no railroad tracks, no isolated houses, no fences, no suburban developments in the bulldozer stage of construction.... I was uneasy. Laying out the road map on the hood of the car, I traced our route to the superhighway, traced the superhighway to what I believed to be the exit by which we had come down off it, and along the road that exit tied into-headed west The road was mere; but according to the map, less than a dozen miles farmer on, it ran through a small town called Leeder; and we had come twenty miles without seeing as much as a road sign. I went through the whole thing twice more, checked the compass and traced out our route, and checked the odometer on the panel to see how far we'd come since leaving the superhighway-and the results came out die same. We had to be bypassing Omaha to the north. I got back in the truck and started travelling again, driving slowly. I told myself Fd give myself another five miles without a crossroad before turning back. I drove them, and then another five. But I saw no crossroad. Nothing. Only the narrow, negtected-looking strip of asphalt which looked as if it might continue unchanged around to the Pacific Ocean. I stopped the panel again, got out and walked off the road to check the surface of the ground to the south. I walked back and forth and stamped a few tunes. The surface was sandy, but hard-easuy solid enough to bear the weight of the pane! truck; and the vegetation was scattered enough so mat there would be no trouble driving through it Up until now I had been very careful not to get off the roads, for fear of a breakdown of the truck which would strand us a distance from any hope of easily finding another vehicle. On foot we would be at the mercy of the first moving time storm wall that came toward us. But we were so close now-we were just a few miles away "from getting back to normal life. I could see Swan-nee in my mind's eye so dearly that she was almost like a mirage superimposed on the semidesert landscape around us. She had to be there, waiting for me. Something inside me was still positive, beyond all argument, that Omaha bad survived; and that along with it Swannee had survived in the sanity of a portion of the world as it had been before the time storm. In fact my mind had toyed a number of times with the idea that since Omaha, like Hawaii, had survived, it might mean there might be many other enclaves of safety; and the fact that there were such enclaves would mean there was a way of beating the time storm, by applying to all other places the special conditions or whatever unusual elements had kept these enclaves protected. In those enclaves she and I could still lead the reasonable and normal life we could have had before the time storm hit; and somehow I felt sure that the experience of the time storm would have straightened her out on what had gone wrong between us before. Time would have brought her to the realization that it was simply an old reflex on my part that had made me act like someone literally in love with her. Also, she would know how tough life could be outside the enclaves like the one she now fived in-or even there, for that matter. She would nave a new appreciation of what I could do for her, hi the way of taking care of her. In fact, the more I thought, the more confident I was mat by this time she would be ready to indulge these little emotional lapses of mine. All I bad to do was find her and tilings would go welL -But mat was something to think about when there was time to think about ft. The big question now was- should I take the panel cross-country, south, away from the road, to find a highway or street that would bring me to the city? There was really no argument about it I got Sunday and the girl back into the panel-they had followed me outside and wandered after me as I stamped on the ground to make sure it would not bog down the panel- men we got back in the truck, turned off the asphalt and headed due south by the compass. It was not bad driving at all. I had to slow down to about five to ten miles an hour; and I kept the panel in second gear, occasionally having to shift down to low on the hflb, but generally finding it easy going. It was all up and down, a roller coaster-type of going for about nine-tenths of a mile; and then suddenly we came up over a rise and looked down on a lakeshore. It was just a strip of whitish-brown, sandy beach. But file shallow, rather stagnant-looking water beyond the beach stretched out as far as I could see and out of sight right and left as welL Evidently the time storm had moved this whole ana into the northwest of the metropolitan area, pretty well blocking off access from that direction. The problem for me now was-which way would be the shortest way round die lake? Right or left? It was a toss-up. I squinted in both directions but for some reason, just while I bad been standing there, a haze of some sort seemed to have moved in, so that I could not see far out on the water in any direction. Finally I chose to go to the right, because I thought I saw a little darkness through the haze upon the sun-glare off the water and sand in that direction. I turned the nose of the truck and we got going. Hie beach was almost as good as a paved road to drive on. It was flat and firm. Apparently, the water adjoining it began to shelve more sharply as we went along, for it lost its stagnant, shallow appearance and began to develop quite a respectable surf. There was an onshore wind blowing; but it helped the heat and the humidity only a tittle. We kept driving. As I watched the miles add up on the truck's odometer, I began gradually to regret not trying in the other direction. Cleariy, I had picked the long way around this body of water, because looking ahead I could still see no end to it When the small, clicking figures of the odometer rolled up past the twelve mile mark, I braked the truck to a halt, turned around and headed back. As I said, the beach was good driving. I pushed our speed up to about forty, and it was not long before we were back at the point where we had first come across tile lake. I kept pounding along; and shortly I made out something op ahead. The dazzle of sunlight from the water seemed to have gotten hi my eyes so that I could not make out exactly what it was-something tike a handkerchief-sized island with a tree, or a large raft with a diving tower out hi the water, just a little way from the beach. But there were the black silhouettes of two-legged figures on the sand there. I could stop to get some directions, and we could still be pulling into Swannee's driveway in time for dinner. The dazzle-effect on my eyes got worse as the panel got dose to the figures; and the gutter of sunlight through the windshield was not helping. I blinked, and blinked again. I should have thought to pick up some dark glasses and keep them in the glove compartment of the panel "for situations tike this-but I just bad not expected to run into water-glare like this. I must have been no more than thirty or forty feet from the figures by the time I finally braked the panel to a stop and jumped out of it on to the sand, blinking to get the windshield-glitter out of the way between us-and I still could not see them clearly. There were at least half a dozen of them on the beach, and I saw more out on the raft or whatever it was. I started toward them. "Heyl" I said. "I'm lost. Can you put me on the road to Omaha? I want to get to Byerly Park, there." The figures did not answer. I was within a few steps of mem now. I stopped, closed my eyes and shook my head violently. Then I opened my eyes again. For the first time I saw mem clearly. They had two legs apiece all right; but that was the only thing people-like about them. As far as I could see, they wore no clothes; and I could.have sworn they were covered with greenish-gold scales. Heavy, lizard-like features with un-btinking dark eyes stared directly into my face. I stared back at them. Then I turned and looked out at the raft and beyond. All around were the beach and die water-nothing more. And finally, finally, the truth came crashing in on me. There was too much water. There was no way Omaha could still exist out there beyond the waves. I had been wrong all the time. I had been footing myself, hugging to my mind an impossible hope, as if it was the fixed center of the universe. Omaha was gone. Gone completely. Swannee was gone. Like so many other things, she had been taken away forever. I had lost her for good, just as I had lost my mother... The sun, which had been high overhead, seemed to swing halfway around the sky before my eyes and turn blood red. The water seemed to go black as ink and swirl up an around me and the watching lizard-humans. My mind felt as if it was cracking wide open; and everything spun about me tike liquid going down a dram, sucking water and beach and all, including me, away down into some place that was ugly and frightening. ft was the end of the world. I had been intending to survive anything for Swannee's sake; but all the time she had already been gone. She and Omaha had probably been lost in the first moment after the time storm hit From then on, there had only been the illusion of her In my sick mind. I had been as insane as Samuelson, after all The crazy cat, the idiot girl and I-we had been three loonies together. I had flattered myself that the mistwalls were all outside me; but now I could feel them breaching the walls of my skull, moving inside me, wiping clean and destroying everything over which they passed. I had a famt and distant impression of hearing myself howling like a chained dog; and of strong hands holding me. But this, too, swiftly faded away, into a complete and utter nothingness.... Hie world was rocking gently underneath me. No... it was not the world, it was the raft rocking. Waking, I began to remember that there had been moments of clarity before this. But they had been seldom. Most of the time I had been in a world in which I bad found Swannee-but a changed Swannee-after all; and we had settled down in an Omaha untouched by the time storm. Bin; slowly, mat world had begun to wear thin; and more and more often there had been moments when I was not in Omaha but here, seeing the raft and the rest of it from my present position. Now, there was no doubt which world I lived in. So I was back for good. I could feel that; along with a grim, aching hunger in my belly. For the first time I began to wonder where the raft was going, and to worry about Sunday and the girL I looked around, identifying things from the hazy periods earlier. It was a beautiful, clear day at sea, or at whatever equivalent of a sea it was upon which we were afloat A few inches from my nose were saplings, tree branches or what-have-you* that had been woven into a sort of cage about me. Beyond the cage, there was a little distance-perhaps ten feet-of open log surface to an edge of the raft, studded with the ever-sprouting twigs that tried to grow from the raft logs, though these bad been neatly and recently bitten off for this day. Beyond the togs was the restlessly heaving surface of the gray-blue water, stretching away to the curve of the horizon. I rolled over and looked out in the opposite direction, through another cage-side of loosely woven withes, at the rest of the raft It was about a hundred or so feet in length. At one 41 end was a stand of-I had to call them "trees" for want of any better name-their thick-leaved, almost furry-look* ing tops taking advantage of whatever breeze was blowing to push the raft along before it. Around their base grew the carefully cultivated stand of shoots from which my cage, and just about everything else the lizard-people seemed to make with their hands, had been constructed. Behind the trees and the shoots were a couple of other cages holding the girl and Sunday, plus a pUe of shells and stones that apparently had some value for the lizards. They looked all right They were both perhaps a little thinner; but they seemed lively enough; and, in fact, the girl was looking brighter and more in charge of herself than I could ever remember seeing her. From her cage on back, except for piles of assorted nibble and junk- everything from sand itself to what looked like a heap of furs-were the various members of the crew. I found myself calling them a crew for lack of a better term. For all I knew, most of them may have been passengers. Or perhaps they were all members of one family; there was DO way of telling. But in any case, there were thirty or forty of them, most simply lying on their bellies or sides, absolutely still in the sunlight, but with dark eyes open and heads up, not as if they were sleeping. The few on then* feet were moving about aimlessly. There were only four who seemed to have any occupation. One was an individual who was working his way down the far side of the raft on all fours, delicately biting off the newly sprouted twigs from the logs of the raft as he went, and three omen at the rear of the raft These three were holding the heavy shaft of a great steering oar, which evidently gave the raft what little directional purpose it could have while floating before the wind. In the very center of the raft back about twenty feet from my cage, was a roughly square hole in the logs, exposing a sort of small interior swimming pool of the same water that was all around us. For several minutes, I stared at the hole, puzzled. The sight of it triggered off a nagging feeling in the back of my mind, as of something that ought to be remembered, but which, annoyingly, refused to surface from the unconscious. Something half-ruralWrf from one or more moments of earlier temporary return to rationality. As I watched, one of the recumbent fizard-people got up, walked over to the pool and stepped into it He splashed down out of sight and stayed invisible for what must have been at least four or five minutes before his head bobbed to the surface momentarily, and then he disappeared again. There were several more splashes. A few of the others had joined him in the pool I watched the water there for a while, but the lizard-people stayed mainly below the surface. After about fifteen minutes or so, one of them climbed back out and lay down on the bare logs once more, scales wet and glistening in the sun. From my earlier brief moments of sanity, I remembered seeing a lot of this swimming pool activity, but without speculating about it Now that my mind was back in my head for good, the old reflex in me to gnaw away at answers I did not have went to work. The most obvious reason for their continual plunges was to keep the outside of their bodies reasonably damp. They had the look of a water-living race; either one which had evolved in the sea, or whatever we were on, or humans who had returned to an aquatic environment If it was the latter, then it could be that this part of the earth had been moved very far into the past or future indeed, either far enough back to find the great Nebraska sea-that shallow ocean that had occupied the interior of the North American continent in the Permian period, or far enough into the future to find a time when that sea had been geologically recreated, A shift that for forward would have given time for humans to deevolve and make a genetic shift to the form of these who had captured us. I studied them. I had not really looked closely at them before, but now that I did so, I could see clearly mat there were, indeed, two sexes aboard, and that the females had a mammalian breast development-although this was barely perceptible. The genitals of both sexes were all but hidden in a heavy horizontal fold of skin descending from the lower belly into the crotch; but what I could see of these external organs was also mammalian, even human-like, in appearance. So it looked strongly as if a far futureward development of this area under the time storm influence was a good guess. Outside of the slight bodily differences, the sex of the individual creatures around us seemed to make little difference in the ordinary conduct of their daily lives. I saw no signs of sexual response between individuals-no sign even of sexual awareness. Perhaps they had a season for such things, and this was not it They were clearly used to spending a good share of their time in water; and that perhaps explained their periodic dunkings in the raft pooL It could be that they were like dolphins who needed to be wetted down if they were out of water for any length of time. It seemed strange to me, though, that they should go to flie trouble of cutting a hole in the center of their raft, rather than just dunking themselves over one of the edges, if that was their reason for getting in the water. I was mulling this strangeness over, when something I had been looking at suddenly registered on me as an entirely different object from what I had taken it to be. Everybody has had the experience of looking right at an object and taking it for something entirely different from what it realty is-until abruptly, the mind clicks over and recognizes its true nature. I had been staring absently at a sort of vertical plane projecting from the water alongside the raft and perhaps half a dozen feet off the edge, and more or less half-wondering what usefulness it had, when the object suddenly took on its true character, and my heart gave an unusually heavy thump. I had been allowing the plane's apparent lack of motion relative to the raft to deceive me into thinking it was a surface of wood, a pan of the raft itself. Abruptly, I recognized what it really was-1 had seen enough of the same things charter-fishing on my vacations to South America, back when I still owned Snowman, Inc. What I was watching was a shark's fin, keeping pace with the raft There was no mistaking that particular shape for the fin of a sailfish, a tarpon, or any other sea denizen. It was the dorsal of a shark-but what a shark! If the fin was in proportion to the body beneath it, that body must be half as long as this raft Now that I saw it clearly for what it was, I could not imagine what had led me to mistake it for a plane of wood. But now my mind had clicked over and would not dick back. If monsters like that were about in these waters, no wonder the lizard-people wanted to do their swimming inboard. On the other hand, it was odd... once one or more of them were in the water, the shark should be able to get at them as easily underneath the raft as alongside it Unless there was some reason, it would not go under the raft after them. Or did the lizard-people figure that by the time die shark started under the raft, they would have time to get back out of the pool and back up on top of the logs of which it was built? Now, that was a good theory. On the other hand, I had seen no evidence of unusual haste in those getting out of the pool Was it possible that in the water the lizard-people could outswim the shark? That did not seem likely, although obviously, our captors were at home in the water, and obviously, they were built for swimming. They were thick-bodied and thick-limbed, their elbows and knees bent slightly so that they stood in a perpetual crouch; and both their hands and feet were webbed to near the ends of their fingers and toes. They looked to be very powerful, physically, compared to a human, and those teeth of theirs were almost shark-standard in themselves; although none of them were much more than five feet tall. But in relation to a shark that size, the strength of any one of them would not be worth considering. I was puzzling about these things, when a change came in the schedule. One of the lizard people approached the cage holding the girl and opened up some sort of trapdoor in one end of it The girl crept out, as if she had been through tins before and knew the procedure, and, without hesitation, got up, walked to the pool, and jumped in. She stayed there, holding onto an edge. The same lizard who had let her out was joined by another, and the two of them went over to the cage of Sunday, who snarled as they approached. They paid no attention to him but lifted up his cage easily between them-evidently I had been right about their strength- carried it to the edge of the pool and opened its end. Sunday, however, showed none of the girl's willingness to leave his cage for the water. But evidently the lizards had encountered this problem before. After a moment's wait, one of them got down into the pool, reached up with a scaly arm, and pulled cage and Sunday under the surface with him. For a moment there was no sign of leopard, cage, or lizard. Then the head of Sunday broke water in the exact center of die pool, snorting, and swimming strongly. He swam directly to the edge of the pool by the girl, crawled out, and sat down in the sun to tick himself dry, looking as furious as only a wet cat can look. The lizard rose behind him, towing an empty cage and climbed out on the other side. The two made no immediate attempt to recage him, and I was still watching him when a sudden squeaking sound behind me made me turn my head to look. A door in the far end of my own cage was being lifted. I turned around and crawled out A lizard-man was standing facing me, and I caught a sickish, if faint, reek of fish-smell from him before I turned and went toward the pooL But at the edge I stopped, looking once more to my right where the shark fin was still on patroL My escort picked me up and dropped me in the water. I came up sputtering, and grabbed hold of the edge to haul myself out. Then I saw the girl, still hanging on to a log, in the water near me, watching. Evidently, she considered it safe enough where we were. I turned and tried to look down through the water; but the shadow of the trees at the front of the raft was on it and made it too dark to see. I took a breath, stuck my head under the water and looked about Then I saw why the shark was nothing to worry about when you were in the pool. The underside of the raft was a tangle of tree-growth; either roots or saplings of the same'sort 1 could see growing upwards from the top of the logs. It was growth that had run wild, a veritable nightmare jungle of straight and twisted, vine-like limbs, some of mem almost half as thick as the togs of the raft itself. The roots grew everywhere but m toward the pool area itself; until about fifteen feet down or so, they curved hi and came together in a mat, like the bottom of an underwater nest. I assumed the lizards kept the pool area clear underwater by biting off the new suckers emerging from the logs, as they did in the clean areas topside. Plainly, even something the size of the shark companioning this raft could not get at us through that tangle below. So, the pool was safe territory after all. Not only that, it occurred to me now, but the heavy mass of vegetation underneath must act as a sort of keel for the raft I pulled my head back up out of water and looked around in the air. The girl was still hi the pool. Sunday was still out of it and licking his fur, undisturbed. The two lizards who had turned us out of our cages had wandered off and become indistinguishable from their companions. I wondered what would happen if I got out of the pool myself. I did so-the girl imitating my action a second later-and found that nothing happened. The lizards ignored us. I was startled suddenly to feel a hand slip into mine. I turned and it was the gut She had never done anything like that before. "What is ftT I asked. She paid no attention to the words. She was already leading me toward the back of the raft I followed along, puzzled, until a nagging sense of familiarity about our actions sprang an answer out of my hazy memory of those earlier brief returns to consciousness. She was leading me -the two of us completely ignored by the lizards-to the back edge of the raft; and the back edge was what was available to us by way of sanitary conveniences on tins voyage. Apparently, while I had been out of my head, she had acquired the responsibility of leading me back there to relieve myself, after each periodic dip in the pool. When this memory emerged, I put on the brakes. She and I had been living under pretty dose conditions from the moment we had met But now that my whs were back in my skull, I preferred at least the illusion of privacy in matters of elimination. After tugging at me vainly for a white, she gave up and went on by herself. I turned back to the pool. Sunday was nearly dry now, and once more on good terms with the world. When I got back to the pool edge, he got up from where he was lying and wound around my legs, purring. I patted his head and sat down on the logs to mink. After an unsuccessful-because I wouldn't let him-attempt to crawl into my lap, he gave up, lay down beside me and compromised by dropping his head on my knee. The head of a full-grown leopard is not a fight matter; but better the head than all of him. I stroked his fur to keep him where he was; and he closed his eyes, rumbling in sheer bliss at my giving him this much attention. After a little whfle the ghi came back, and I went off to the back of the raft by myself, warning her sternly to stay where she was, when she once more tried to accompany me. She looked worried, but stayed. When I came back, she was lying down with her arm flung across Sunday's back and was back to her customary pattern of acting as if I did not even exist I sat down on the other side of Sunday, to keep him quiet, and tried to think. I had not gotten very far, however, when a couple of the lizards showed up. The girl rose meekly and crawled back into her cage. I took the hint and went back into mine. Sunday, of course, showed no signs of being so obliging: but die lizards handled him efficiently enough. They dropped a sort of clumsy twig net over him, twisted him up in it, and put net and afl in his cage. Left alone there, Sunday struggled and squirmed until he was free; and a little later a lizard, passing, reached casually in through the bars of the cage, whisked the loose net out and carried it off. So, there I was, back in the cage-and it was only then that I realized that I was hungry and thirsty. Above all, thirsty. I tried yelling to attract the attention of die lizards, but they ignored me. I even tried calling to the girl for advice and help; but she was back to being as unresponsive as the lizards. In the end, tired out, I went to sleep. I woke about sunset to the sound of my cage being opened again. Before I knew it, I was being dumped in die pool once more. This tune, I got a taste of the water into which I had been thrown. It was not ocean-salty-it had a faint taste that could be a touch of brackishness, but it was clearly sweet enough for human consumption. K this was the Nebraska sea, it was open to the ocean at its lower end. But as I remembered reading, it had been very shallow; and like the Baltic in my time, this far north, in-flowing rivets and underground springs could have diluted it to nearly fresh-water condition. I climbed out of the pool and went to the side edge of the raft to drink, just to avoid any contamination there might be in the pool. I could not remember water tasting quite so good. I lay on the logs of the raft with my belly fun until the liquid began to disperse to the rest of my dehydrated body, then got up and went looking for something to eat A quick tour of the raft turned up coconuts, which I had no way of opening, some green leafy stuff which might or might not be an edible vegetable, and a stack of bananas-most of which were still green. I helped myself to the ripest I could find, half expecting the lizards to stop me. But they paid no attention. When I had taken care of my appetite, I thought of the girl and took some back to her. She gave me one quick glance and looked away. But she took the bananas and ate them. After she had finished, she got up and went a little way away from me and lay down on her side, apparently sticking her arm right through the solid surface of die raft I went over to her and saw that she had found a place where two adjoining logs gapped apart; and her arm was now reaching down through the gap into die water and die tangle of growth below. Something about her position as she lay there struck an odd note of familiarity. I straightened up and looked around the raft. Sure enough, die lizards who were lying down were nearly all in just die position she had taken. Apparendy, they too had found holes in die raft I wondered what sort of a game she and they were playing. I even asked her-but of course I got no answer. Then, just a few seconds later she sat up, withdrawing her arm and held out her closed fist to me. When she opened it up, there was a small fish in die palm of her hand-hardly bigger than die average goldfish in a home fishbowL She held it out to me widi her head averted; but clearly she was offering it to me. When I did not take it, she looked back at me with something hie a flash of anger on her face and tiirew die fish away. It landed on die raft surface only inches from Sunday. The leopard stretched out his neck to reach it and eagerly licked it up. The girl had gone back to her fishing. But whatever she caught next, she put in her own mouth. Later on, she made a number of trips to feed Sunday with what she caught Fun of curiosity, I went looking for another gap in die logs, lay down and put my eye to it In die shadow under die raft I could at first see nodiing. But as my vision adjusted, I looked into die tangle of growth there and saw a veritable aquarium of small marine life. So this was how die lizards provisioned diem-selves. It was like carrying a game farm along widi you on your travels. The small fish and squid-tike creatures I saw through the gap in the logs did not look all that appetizing to me, at first glance. But after my third day on bananas, I found myself eating them along with the girl and the lizards-eating them, and what's more, en* joying them. Protein hunger can be a remarkably powerful conditioning force. Meanwhile-on the days that immediately followed-I was trying to puzzle out a great many things, including why we had been brought along on the raft The most obvious answer that came to me was the one I liked least-that, like the bananas and the coconuts, we three represented a potential exotic addition to the ordinary lizard diet, a sort of special treat to be eaten later. I also toyed with the thought that we had been picked up as slaves, or as curiosities to be used or traded off at some later time. But this was hard to believe. The lizards were clearly an extremely primitive people, if they were a true people at all, and not some sort of ant-like society operating on instinct rather than intelligence. They had shown no sign of having a spoken language; and so far I had not seen any of them using even stone tools to make or do anything. The extent of their technology seemed to be the weaving of the nets and cages, the gathering of things like coconuts (and the three of us) and the building of this raft; if, indeed, this raft had been deliberately built, rather than being just grown to order, or chewed loose from some larger mass of vegetation of which it originally bad been a part No, I was forgetting the steering oar. The next time I was let out of my cage, I went back to the stern of the raft to look at it What I found was on a par with the rest of the raft The oar was not so much an oar as a thinner tree trunk of the same variety as those which made up the logs of the raft It had no true blade. It was bare trunk down to the point where it entered the water, and from there on, it was mop-like with a brush of untrimmed growth. It was pivoted in a notch between two logs of the raft, tied in place there with a great bundle of the same flexible vine or plant with which the lizards had made the net they used to restrain Sunday. This tie broke several times a day, but each time, it was patiently rewrapped and reknotted by the nearby lizards. Whatever their cultural level-in fact, whether they had a culture or not-they had clearly collected the three of us for their own purposes, not for ours. It struck me that the sooner we got away from them, the better. But here on a raft in the middle of an unknown body of water, getting away was something easier to imagine than do. For one thing, we would have to wait until we touched land again; and there was no telling when that would be. Or was there? I puzzled over the question. It was hard to believe that the lizards could be trying to follow any specific route with their clumsy sail of trees and their mop-ended steering oar. At best, I told myself, they could only impose a slight angle on the path of then-drift before the wind. But, when I thought about mis some more, it occurred to me that the wind had been blowing continually from the stern of the raft with about the same strength since I had gotten my senses back. We were, of course, stiD in the temperate latitudes of what had been the North American continent, well above me zone of any trade winds. But, what if here on this body of water, current climatic conditions made for seasonal winds blowing in a certain direction? Say, for example, winds that blew east in the summer and west in the winter, from generally the same quarters of the compass? Judging by the sun, we were now headed generally east With a continuous directional breeze tike that to rely on, even the crude rig of this raft could follow a roughly regular route depending only on the season of the year. That evening I marked on one of the logs the angle of the sunset on the horizon to the longitudinal axis of the raft, by cutting marks in one of the logs under my cage with my pocketknife. It set almost due astern of us, but a little to the north. The next morning I again marked the angle of the sunrise-again, a little to the norm of our long axis. A check of the angle of the steering oar confirmed this. The three lizards holding it had it angled to guide the raft slightly to the north from a true east-west line. It was not until then that I thought of checking the stars. So I did, as soon as they came out mat evening; but they were absolutely unfamiliar. I could not recognize a single constellation. Not that I was very knowledgable about astronomy; but tike most people, I was normally able to pick out the Little and Big Dippers and find the pole star from the Big Dipper. Such a difference in the patterns of the heavens I saw could only be strong evidence that a time change bad moved this part of the world a long way from the present I had known-either far into the future or far into the past If so... a new thought kindled in an odd back corner of my mind. If it was indeed the Permian period, or a future one tike it, through which this raft was now sailing, then one thing was highly likely. We were almost surely moving along roughly parallel to the northern shore of the inland sea since the beach where we had first run into the lizards had to be that same northern shore; and It now seemed probable we had been holding a steady northeasterly course ever since. I had seen a geology textbook map of the Great Nebraska Sea once, years ago. It had shown the land area of the southern and middle states depressed, and that part of the continent drowned, so that the Gulf of Mexico, in effect, filled most of the lower middle region of North America. That meant, almost certainly, we should be running into land again before long. We were not, as I had originally feared, off on some endless voyage to nowhere, as we were perfectly capable of being, while an endless supply of food swam underneath us and water all around us that was drinkable. The prospect of coming to land again before too long meant we ought to at least get a chance to escape. I cheered up at the thought and, with immediate anxieties out of the way, remembered the rest of what was still heavy in my mind. The insane belief I had had in the survival of Swaonee was, of course, still with me, like the mistwaU of a time change line in the. back of my thought But the rest of my brain recognized it for the illusion it was. Evidently, while I had been out of my head, what was left had bees coming to terms with this matter. I was now ready to admit that there had been something more than a lingering knee-jerk reflex of the affection response operating in me. The plain truth of the matter was that I had flipped over Swannee. Not only had I flipped, but I had done it after I married her, not before; and the thing that had driven her off was the fact mat I had tried to change the rules of the game after the game was started. I had let myself go with the idea that I loved Swannee; and made up in my mind a completely imaginary image of her as someone who was lovable. Of course she wasn't. She was an ordinary self-seeking human being tike all the rest of us, and when she acted like one and took off to escape my trying to make her into something she was not, I literally set out to work myself to death, and almost succeeded with the heart attack. I suppose, in a way, I had never really let go of Swannee-even then. So that when the time storm bit* the one thing I could not accept was that it could have touched her in any way. But I now had met &ød survived, the fact of her death. The madness, of course, was still back there id the recesses of my mind, and still virulent; but it was dying, and time would kill it off entirely. Just as time had healed my first sense of loss when she bad gotten married. Now that it was dying, locked in my wooden cage most of the time and going nowhere, I had plenty of leisure to begin looking more sanely at the world around me. Out of that look came a couple of recognitions I had been refusing to make earlier. One was that we would have to work hard to survive on this raft Sunday and the girl were not only thin, as I had noticed, but getting thinner. Sunday himself required tile equivalent of four pounds of meat a day to keep him alive. I needed about two thousand calories, or nearly half that amount; and tiie girl, because she was not yet at her fun growth, probably the same. We two, of course, could make use of carbohydrates-like the bananas-as well, as long as those lasted. But getting Sunday the equivalent of four pounds of protein daily through the cracks between the logs of the raft was impossible; even with both the ghi and I doing our best-which we did as soon as I realized what the situation was. The lizard-people showed no interest at all in providing food for us. We would need to reach land soon if we wanted to five. The second recognition was that only a few people, relatively, had escaped the time change. A few people and a few animab. Apparently the changes had been tike great rakes that swept away most of the population, but here and there let an individual tike me, the ghi, or Sunday, slip through their tines. Either that or some of us simply were natural survivors-statistical immunes. Whether the greater number of the population of my time had been carried off to some other continuum, or destroyed by the suddenly changed conditions, there was DO telling. But one fact was becoming more apparent day by day-there was no reasonable hope of their ever coining back. The moving finger writes... I, and the ghi, and Sunday, along with a relative handful of others, possibly including these lizard-people, were stuck with making what we could out of the world as it now was. What we had at the present, of course, was chaos, with the time fines still moving and different times coming into existence behind each of them. But maybe if I was right about some of us being statistical immunes, we would learn eventually to live with the lines, passing from zone to zone and becoming a new civilization which took constant time changes for granted. Unless, that is, there was some way of bringing the time changes to a haft.... Now, that was a new thought It exploded in me silently, one night as I toy there os my back, looking up through the bars of my cage at the unfamiliar star-patterns, white the raft rocked gently under me. I lay there, turning it over and over in my head, examining it That relentless part of my mind had fastened on the idea the second it emerged, like the jaws of a boa constrictor on part of a prey the snake intended to swallow, and now I knew I could never let it go, until I had succeeded with ft, or proved its impossibility. Ten mornings later we saw hind, and by noon it was obvious we would reach it the same day. I was ready to blow kisses at it from the first second it had appeared like a dark smudge on the horizon. Try as the girl and I might we could not keep the three of us properly fed with the small underraft wateriife; and I had lived with a sharp-toothed fear that we would have grown too weak to try escaping by the time our chance for it came. Our goal was a curving bay with a wide beach shelving gently down to it some hills hazy in the background, and one or two large rocks or small rocky islands just beyond the mouth of tibe bay. Shortly after noon the lizards fined up along the side of the raft facing the shark fin and began to roll up tile vegetable-tike leaves I bad seen and throw these small green balls at the shark. Where the balls of vegetable matter touched the water, a milky stain spread immediately and was still spreading, 'fike the blossoming of some underwater flower, as the motion of the raft left the spot behind us. As the lizards continued to pelt the water around the fin with the balls of green stuff, a milky rime gradually gathered around the base of the fin itself. Suddenly the fin moved, changed angle in the water and moved off rapidly until it was lost from sight Looking back along the wake of the raft, I saw the shapes of small fish come to the surface belly-up through the whitened water where the green stuff had fallen. So we half-drifted, half-steered at last into the bay without our overside companion. In the bay the water was as calm as a lake on a still day, and startiingly clear. I could look down at a sandy, plant-and-sheU strewn bottom, finally, that must have been fifty feet below, although it looked much shallower. I was able to estimate its true depth because the full extent of the growth on the underside of the raft was now visibte; and it stretched down almost as far, if not as far, as the trees that were our "sail" stretched up from the deck of the raft. A good two hundred yards or more from the beach we grounded, the lowest extensions of the growth under our raft touching against the bottom of the bay and stopping us from going further inshore. The lizards immediately began diving for what seemed to be some sort of large shellfish. The shells were a good foot in length, and when I picked up one of the first that was brought on board, I was startled by the heaviness of It The whole thing must have weighed twenty pounds. In the sun and the air, the shells soon opened of then1 own accord; and the lizards scooped the interior creatures out and swaOowed them more or less whole. So did the girl, Sunday and myself. They were delicious; and we would have stuffed ourselves if I had not stopped, and made the girl stop, feeding herself as well as Sunday, for fear of intestinal upset in all of us after such a period of semi-starvation. But beyond a few mild stomach cramps an hour or so later, I had no bad effects, and the girl and Sunday did not even seem to have mat So, I left them to eat or not as they wished; and during the next few days, we ate our persistent hunger out of existence through steady snackmgon the ®h^iifljat|T We were free to do this around the dock, because Sunday, the girl and I had been let out of our cages some time before we came to anchor, so to speak; and since then, none of the fizards had bothered to put us back in. As my hunger diminished, I began to think less of mat and more about escaping. I could stand on the edge of the raft and look at the sand of the beach. Only a couple of hundred yards away, as I said; but it might as well have been a couple of hundred miles away. There was no way to get ashore except to swim there. And even if the ghi could, and Sunday would make it through the water with me, any one of the amphibious-looking lizard-people could probably let us get nine-tenths of the way to the beach and still reach us in time to bring us back before we could wade ashore. They shot through the dear underwater like green rockets. But there had to be a way. It was bad enough to have to figure out a way of escaping by myself. The headache would come hi bringing the girl and Sunday safely with me. But I could not leave them behind. Neither one was able to survive alone. It had to be the three of us, together. I was standing looking down into the water at them, even envying them in a way, when something like a swiftly moving dark shadow suddenly intruded on the scene; and all at once lizards were literally leaping out of the water back on to the surface of the raft All but one. Down in the transparent depths, that one was being swallowed. Either our original shark, or one just like it, had joined us; and once more we had a deadly companion alongside. The lizards stood on the deck and stared down at the shark. I did not blame them. In the beautifully clear water the huge sea predator loomed tike a nuclear submarine. It was patrolling the water about the raft now, in short runs and turns back and forth, as if impatient for another victim. I looked at the still-large pile of green vegetation on me raft But none of the lizards made a move toward it, and after a second I realized why. Clearly the stuff, in water, was a potent poison. They could safely throw it overside when they were moving before a breeze, away from the place where the poison would linger. But here hi this bay, once the water was poisoned, they would not be able to return soon to their diving for shellfish. I waited. The shark stayed. The lizards waited. I fumed. The shark's presence was one more obstacle in the way of escape for the girl, Sunday and myself. At the same tune I was amazed at the apparent helplessness of the lizards. I had assumed without thinking that they would have some kind of plan to deal with a situation of this sort But apparently not-unless their technique was to simply wait out the shark, sit on the raft until it got tired and went away. However, if it was the same shark-or even of the same breed and temperament as the shark that bad dogged the raft earlier-it was not likely to leave in any reasonable length of time. The fin that had followed us earlier had been with us for days on end. The eerie pan of the whole business was that there was no visible sign of an attempt at consultation among the lizards. From the beginning they had shown no indication of having a spoken language; and I had not been able to make out any other method of signs or signalling they might be using between themselves. But I had always assumed that in some way, if they had to, they could communicate with each other. Now it seemed they could not even do that. A handful of them stood and watched the shark for a while; but eventually, all of them went back to acting as if they were still out at sea, resting on the logs, hunting between them in the growth under the raft in search of small marine life to eat, and so on. The only sign mat there was anything at all unusual about the situation was die fact that still none of them came to pot us back in our cages. Night came with no change. A day after that followed with the shark still waiting and the lizards still an on the raft Around noon of the third day, however, something new began to happen. Just before the son was fun overhead, one of die lizards lying near the edge of the raft, beyond which the shark was presently patrolling, got to his feet He stood facing down at the shark in the water, and then he began to bounce as he stood, not moving his feet, but bending his knees slightly so that he bobbed up and down like someone on a diving board getting ready to dive. Once started, he continued the bobbing steadily and with a sort of reflexive monotony of pace. The other lizards seemed to be paying no attention to him; but after perhaps half an hour, when I looked back over at where he was, after having my attention elsewhere for a while, I saw that another of the lizards, about ten feet from him, was now also on his feet and bobbing. The two of them matched their rhythms precisely, rising and falling together as if the same invisible spring was actuating them both. An hour later, there were four of them on their feet and bobbing. Gradually, more and more of the others joined them in silent, continuous movement-until by mid-afternoon all the lizards on the ship were performing flie same soundless, f eet-in-place dance. The shark, meanwhile, either having seen mem on the edge of the raft, or-what is more likely-having been attracted by the vibrations of their movements through the logs and the water, was now patrolling in very short runs back and forth, almost within touching distance, it seemed, of the raft edge. Suddenly, as the shark passed, one of the lizard figures leaped into the water upon its back... and all at once the air was fufl of lizards taking to the water. I ran to the side of the raft and looked out-and down* The shark was already at the bottom of the bay, moving rapidly away from the raft But the lizards were all over him, like green-scaled dogs clinging to a bull. Their heavy jaws were tearing chunks out of the shark's incredibly tough hide; and a filmy cloud of blood was spreading through the underwater. Not merely shark's blood, either. I saw the huge selachian catch a lizard in its jaws and literally divide him in half. Then the whole struggle moved away out of my sight, headed toward the open sea, as the shark evidently followed its reflex to go for deeper water. For some moments I simply stood, staring-then the implications of the situation exploded on me. I ran to the girl and grabbed her by the arm. "Come on,** I said. "Come on, now*s our chancel We can get ashore now, while they're all gone.** She did not answer. She only stared at me. I looked over at Sunday. "Come, Sundayf** He came. The girt came also. She did not hang back; but oa tile other hand, she only let me puQ her toward the shoreside of the raft, which was its forward end. "We've got to awim for the beachP' I shouted at her. "If you can't swim, hang on to me. You understand?" I roared the last two word* at her as if she was deaf; but she only stared back at me. She was not hindering, but neither was she helping. The cold thought came through me that, once more, I was being put in a concerned situation. Why didn't I go off and leave her-her and the leopard both, if it came to that? The important thing was that I live, not that I save other people's lives. But, you know, I could not Somehow, to go ashore by myself and leave both of mem here was unthinkable. But she would have to do something more than just stand there, not making an active effort to get ashore. I tried to tell her this; but it was at once like talking to someone, who was deaf and someone who had given up thinking. I was reaching the desperation point I was about to throw her bodily into the water when the first of the lizards started coming back aboard the raft, and our chance to escape was past. I gave up and turned back to watch them climb out of the water onto the logs. Those who had been hurt were the first to return. They crawled back up into the sunlight, one by one, and dropped down, to lie as still as if each of them had been knocked on the head. Lizards kept coming back over the next half hour or so. The last dozen or so to come aboard had been very badly bitten by the shark. Three of these later died, and the surviving lizards simply pushed the bodies overside. The tide took them out in the late afternoon, and in the morning they were gone. There would be plenty of scavengers waiting for them. The lizards did not go immediately back to their shell-fishing when day broke the following morning. They had evidently won their battle with the large shark-though my guess was that it had cost them at least a dozen of their number. But they seemed exhausted by the effort; and as the sun rose, the dear water of the bay showed Itself to be full of small sharks, not more than two or three feet long but dashing around madly as if still excited by the gore and torn meat of the day before. Sunday, the girl and I were still uncaged; and I began to hope that, possibly, tiii* would become the permanent state of affairs. If so, I appreciated it; although of course, I could always have cut myself out of my woven cage with my pocket-knife and then freed the girl and Sunday. I could not decide what was keeping the smaller sharks around us. There was nothing for them to feed on that I could see. Then that night the first storm I had ever tnown to ruffle that sea blew up, a heavy, tropical rainstorm type of atmospheric explosion; and I found out why they were still with us. The wind began in tin afternoon, and the sky pfled up with white clouds which crowded together and darkened until we had an early twilight. Then the breeze died and the water beneath us became viscid and heavy. The raft rocked, nibbing on the floor of the bay with its undergrowth, swayed by a swell that came in on us from far out on the airless water, even though we felt no wind where we were. Then lightning and thunder began to nicker and growl -high up in the clouds above us, but also far out, over the open water. A new, cold breeze sprang up, blowing shoreward* strengthening as the daylight faded; and the sound and activity of the storm grew, approaching us and coining lower, closer toward the surface of die sea. As the last of the sun's illumination went, leaving us in a pitch darkness, the storm broke over us with its full power; and we ching in darkness to the now heavily pitching and rolling raft I had found a place to wedge myself among the trees of our "sail," with one arm around tile girl and the other holding on to Sunday. The girl trembled and shivered as the cold rainwater poured down on us; but the leopard took it stoically, pressing dose to me but never moving. Around us, also wedged in among the trees, were some of the lizards. Where the rest of them were, I had no idea. It was impossible to see someone in the total darkness unless they were right beside you. In the total darkness, vision came only in brief glimpses, every few seconds or so, when there would be a crack of thunder and a vivid lightning flash that lit up the whole surface of the raft, streaming with the ram and phmgmg like a tethered horse as the black waves an around us tried to drive us up on the beach, and the raft's undergrowth, grounded on the sand below, resisted. The lightning flashes were like explosions in the mind. After the sudden brilliance of each was gone, the scene it revealed would finger for a second on the retina and in the mind before fading out I got wild glimpses of the struggling raft-and wilder gfimpsea of the waters of the bay, not merely their surface but their depths, as sometimes the raft heeled over to hold us in a position staring almost directly down into die heaving sea. The water was alive with marine life of all kinds, visible in the lightning flashes, dashing about in a frenzy. I had wondered what had brought an the small sharks into the bay after the fight with the big shark was over. Now I suddenly saw why. Like a great waterlogged mass bumping and rolling along the very floor of the bay, impelled by tiie storm and by the fly-like swarm of smaller fish tearing at its carcass, the huge shark, now dead, was with us again. It could not have died at die time die lizards abandoned their fight with H, or its skeleton would have been stripped dean long before this. It must have survived, weakly fighting off the smaller members of its.own spedes who were ready to devour it while it still lived, until just a few hours past when loss of blood and strength had finally let it down into death. Now, tike a dead man returned to the scene of the crime, It was back with us, courtesy of the storm and tiw onshore wind. A freak of that wind and storm was bringing it back, not merely into the bay, but right up agamrt the roots of our raft itself. Clinging to the tree-trunks on either side of me, looking down into the water with each flash of lightning. I was less than fifty feet or so in a straight line from where what was left of the carcass was being torn apart-now, by larger sharks and other fish up to fifteen or twenty feet long, still small compared to the sea corpse, but big enough from my point of view. I fretted over their presence. Even if another chance to escape should come, with all the lizards off the raft, we could not hope to make the swim ashore in safety, through those swarming shark jaws. Then, suddenly, there was a lightning flash and the underwater scavengers were an gone. The half-eaten body of the large shark lay rolling to the sea-disturbance and the tearing it had just been getting by its devourers, but now it was alone on the floor of the bay. I bunked and waited for the next flash. I could not believe what I saw. With the next flash came enlightenment; and with it, an end to shark carcass, raft, lizards, and everything. The next glare showed the shark overshadowed by a shape tsrice its size-a dark- body, like an underwater cloud. And it abo showed, out of the water and white against the black of the waves, a gray-white tentacle as thick as a cable used to tie up a superliner. The tentacle was out of the water. It stood erect in the air, like a telephone pole, twenty feet above the deck at the far end of the raft A moment later the raft shuddered, as if to the blow of an unthinkably huge axe, and the end where we were began to rise in the air. Another flash of lightning showed the great tentacle now gripping the whole far end of the raft and pulling ft over, down into the waves. There was no more time for waiting, nor any time to talk the two of them into coming with me. I yelled in Sunday's ear to come, pulled the girl after me, and jumped for the water. Its choking wetness closed over my head; but I came up still holding on to the girl, and taking a sight on the beach with the next flash, began to swim ashore. I do not remember how I made it It seemed I swam forever holding up the girl. But eventually the wet blackness that enclosed us threw us forward into a blackness that had no substance, and a split second later we slammed against hard, level sand. Even with most of the breath knocked out of me, I had the sense to crawl as much farther up the beach as I could, dragging the girl. Then I collapsed. I let myself drop on the beach, one hand still holding an arm of the girl. The damp, grainy surface beneath me went soft as a mattress and I fell into sudden, deep sleep. I woke to daylight and warming air. The girl was only a few feet away. So was Sunday. In the bay there was no sign of any raft, or anything, for that matter. We were as alone as if we had been lost in the desert for weeks. I lay there, slowly letting our new situation become real to me. We were free again, but without food, weapons, or transportation. In addition, I feft as if I had been drawn through a whole series of knotholes, one after another. By contrast, the girt and Sunday looked as rested and cheerful as if the storm and afl the rest of it had never happened. Well, their reactions were nothing to be surprised at, I told myself, grumpily. I was twice the age of the girl or nearly so and probably five time the age of Sunday. It didn't matter. By God, the three of us had madeitl The minute I tried to sit up, they noticed me. In a second they were all over me. Sunday gave one Urge leap to land beside me and started to rub himself up against my chest, knocking me flat The girl reached me a split-second later and picked me op. "Stop that," she scolded Sunday, out loud, in actual and unexpected words. I was sitting up again now, but her arms were still around me, her head against my chest; and I got the strange impression that she was hugging me. Thi¯ sort of response by the two of them made me feel absurdly warm inside; but when I tried to pat the girl on the head, she broke away at once, scrambling to her feet, turning her back and walking off a few steps. Sunday, purring loudly, was doing bis best to knock me down again; but I was braced for him. I leaned heavily on his back with one arm and pulled myself creakily to my feet. Seen from the shore, the place we had ended up had much less of the California look than the beach where we had first run into the lizards. Back from the stretch of open sand were some kind of pine-needle trees with a northerly look and a tree like a willow, with fairly thick-standing grass in the open spaces. I patted Sunday oa the head and spoke to the girl's back. "We'd better look around," I said, hoarsely. I led the way and the other two followed. Behind the immediate fringe of trees there was a small bluff. We went up to the top of that and looked out at what seemed to be a stretch of midcontinental prairie spottfly overgrown with clumps of trees. There were not quite enough trees to call it a forest and an almost total lack of undergrowth. In the open patches it was mainly high grass, green and brown, with just an occasional, scattered, lone sapling or bush. Nowhere hi sight was there any sign of civilization. I stood on the top of the bluff and did some pondering. I did not like the semi-arid look of the country before me. We were on foot now, and we could survive without food for a few days, if necessary; but what I was looking at did not have the appearance of being either lake or river country, and drinking water was a constant need. Add to that the fact that we were now completely unarmed except for my pocketknife; and it might not be just wild animals we would have to worry about encountering out there. In the end, I decided against leaving the only drinking water in view, which was the lake. We went east along the beach, the route in which the lizard raft had been headed anyway, for three days, living off shellfish and whatever small creatures we could find hi the sand or shallow water just offshore. Our diet of small things from the underside of the raft had done my sensibilities a world of good in that area of diet I could now eat anything that didn't look as if it would poison me-and eat it raw at that. The girl was equally open-minded, I noticed; and as for Sunday, he had never had a problem about the looks of his food to begin with. The third day we hit the jackpot-well, a jackpot of sorts. It must have been somebody's lakeshore home, on a lake that had now become part of the inland sea. There were no people in sight around it, and no other lakeshore houses or cabins nearby. But this place must have cost someone a good deal of money. It had a large house, with attached garage and a separate pole barn-that is, a type of barn-size building, made of metal roof and siding that were literally hung on wooden posts the thickness of telephone poles, set in the earth. It also had a dock and a boat A road that was dirt, but well-graded and well-kept, led from the house and the lake away into the country beyond the beach. The country here was treed thickly enough to be honestly called forested. The home looked as if it had been abandoned less than a week before. Some of the food in the refrigerator still looked edible; and the food in the large, chest-type freezer in the double garage would probably have been edible if the electric power had stayed on. We must have crossed a former mistwall line, some way back; because this was the kind of trick the time storm played. A few miles off, we had been several geologic ages in the past, here we were only in yesterday. Tomorrow we might be in any future tune, I supposed. As it was, I trusted none of it But there was a wealth of canned goods on shelves-also bottled goods. It gave me a peculiar feeling to mix myself a scotch and soda-even an iceless scotch and soda-and sit sipping it in the overstaffed chair of a carpeted living room. The only drawback to the place was that it had neither of the two things we needed most-weapons and transport ^^ car or truck hi which we could travel. I searched the place from dock to driveway. There was not even a canoe in the boathouse. There was, in the pole barn, a 1931 all-black Model A Ford roadster somebody had been restoring; but it was not in drivable condition, nor were there parts lying around that could be put in to make it drivable. It held only the block of a motor, with the head off and the cylinders, crankshaft and oil pan missing. There were a couple of bicycles in the garage, a battered girl's singlespeed, and a man-sized three-speed Raleigh, which had been kept in only slightly better condition. In one end of the pole barn, however, was a gasoline-driven electric generator, in beautiful condition under its protective coat of grease, and a good deal of wood and metal-working tools-power and otherwise-also in fine condition. I got the generator cleaned up and going; although after about fifteen minutes I shut it off again. The three of us were used to doing without the luxury of electric lights and appliances; and there was, I judged after measuring it with a stick, only ten or fifteen gallons of gas left hi a drum by the generator. I did not yet know exactly what I would use the gas for, but it was too useful a material to be wasted. Later, I found some empty pop bottles with screwtops and filled them with the gas, then tied rags around their necks, so that they could be turned into Molotov cocktails in a hurry. That gave us one kind of weapon. Meanwhile, the girl and Sunday were settling in. There were two bedrooms with closets holding women's clothes, and the girl, for the first time, began to show some interest in what she wore. She still stuck to shirt and jeans, generally, but I caught her a couple of times trying on things when I came into the house unexpectedly from outside. Sunday liked the carpets. He slept and ate. We all ate -and gained back some of the weight we had lost on the raft I was determined that we would not stir from where we were without some means of protecting ourselves. I had two ideas about weapons I might be able to make. I had rejected the thought of a bow and arrows. I was a mediocre-to-poor archer; and no bowyer at all. Making a really effective bow was beyond me. Other alternatives were, first a homemade, muzzle-loading gun using a length of metal water pipe wrapped with wire, if I could find any, and using match heads for the explosive element. In short-a zip gun. Second, a crossbow using a leaf from one of the springs of the Model A. There was enough gas to let me run the generator and get the wood and metal-working power tools operating in the pole barn. In the end, I chose the crossbow, not because it was simpler, but because I couldn't find any wire; and I had a vision of the water pipe blowing up in my face. I found a dry chunk of firewood that looked to me to be maple or oak, sawed it roughly to shape and then worked it on the lath to an approximation of a stock and frame for tile crossbow. I cut a slot across the frame, sank the leaf spring (the smallest of the leaf springs) into it crosswise and did as good a job of gluing it there as I could. Modern glues were miracle-workers, given half a chance. I glued a separate, notched bar of hard wood along the top of the frame for the cord of the crossbow, and set up a lever-crank to allow me to tighten the bow cord, notch by notch. I had more trouble making the short, heavy arrows- quarrels-for the thing than I did putting together the crossbow itself. It was not easy to make a straight shaft from a raw chunk of wood, I discovered. But the day came when I had both crossbow and. quarrels. Both had been tested. There was no lack of power in the crossbow. The problem was with my quarrels. Their shafts broke too easily when they hit something hard. But, they would do on any flesh and blood target. The morning came when we mounted the two bikes, the girl and I- happily she had evidently ridden a bicycle before, and the skill came back to her quickly-and wearing backpacks, we started off down the empty road, away from the lake, with Sunday footing it alongside us. The weather was pleasant, with the temperature in the high sixties, Fahrenheit, and the sky was lightly spotted with occasional clouds. As we got away from the water the humidity began to fall off sharply, until the day was almost like one in early autumn up near the Canadian border. We made good time, considering-considering Sunday, that was. Dogs are generally content to trot steadily alongside the bikers they belong to; but Sunday had a cat's dislike of regimentation. Sunday preferred that the gui and I travel at the equivalent of a slow walk, so that he could make short side excursions, or even take a quick nap and still catch up with us. When we did stop finally, to give him a break, he lay down heavily on top of the girl's bike and would not be moved until I hauled him dear by sheer muscle-strength and a good grip on the scruff of his neck. In the end we compromised with him, riding along at hardly more man a walking speed. As a result, it was not surprising that I got more and more involved in my own thoughts. The road we were on had yet to lead past any sign of civilization. But, of course, we were not covering ground at any great speed. Eventually our route must bring us to someplace where we could get the weapons and wheels I wanted. Then, once more mobile and protected, as it were, I meant to do a tittle investigating along the thought I had come to, lying on the lizard raft, nights. If the world was going to be as full of potential threats, as we had just seen it, it was high time we set actively about the business of learning the best ways to survive hi it... We hit no signs of civilization that day, but late afternoon, we crossed a creek hardly larger than a trickle, running through a culvert under the road, In this open territory it looked as though it probably contained clean water; but I boiled it to make sure, and we set up camp for the night by it Midway through the next morning on the road, we rode past a chunk of a suburb. I mean exactly that-a chunk. It was some two hundred yards off our asphalt highway, a roughly triangular piece of real estate with lawns, garages, streets and tract houses looking as if it had been sliced off at random and dropped down here hi the middle of nowhere. There were no people about it any more than there had been people about the lakeshore home. But these buildings were not in the untouched condition of the house by the hike. The area looked, in fact, as if a tornado had passed through it, a tornado, or else something with the size of a dinosaur and a destructive urge to match. There was not one building that was whole and weathertight, and some were all but flattened. Nonetheless, they represented a treasure trove for us. I went through all the houses and turned up a sixteen gauge shotgun and a carbine-type.22 rifle. There were no shells for the shotgun and only one box of shorts for the.22. But the odds on picking up ammunition for these two common caliber firearms were good enough to count on. The suburb-chunk also contained eight cars. Five of these had been made useless by whatever had smashed the buildings. Of the remaining three, all were more than a few years old, and one would not start at aH. That left me with a choice between a two-door Pontiac hardtop hi relatively good shape and a Volvo four-door sedan that was pretty well beaten up. I chose the Volvo, however. Not only for its extra carrying capacity, but because the gas mileage should be better. There was no filling station among the homes in the suburb, but I drained the gas tanks of all the other cars that proved to have anything hi them; and when we started out in the Volvo, we had a full tank plus another fifteen gallons in cans tied on to a makeshift rack on top of the trunk. Also, I had found two three-speed bikes in good shape. They were tied to the top of the car. The suburb had a fine, four-lane concrete road leading out of it, but that ended about two hundred yards from the last of the smashed houses. I drove the Volvo, bumping and bucking across a lumpy open field, to get it back on our familiar asphalt and turned left into the direction hi which we had been originally headed. We kept going; and about an hour later, I spotted a mistwaU to our right It was angled toward the road we were on, looking as if it crossed the asphalt somewhere up ahead of us. My heart jumped when I saw it; bat after watching it closely for a little while, I calmed down. Clearly, the wall was standing still. We continued on up along the road, with its vertical, white face getting closer and closer, until finally we were far enough along to see where it ended. It did indeed cut across the road at last, about a quarter mile ahead of where we were; but it only continued beyond that point of intersection for about a hundred yards. By going off the asphalt to the left just a short distance, we could get around the end of the cloud-high curtain. Not only could we bypass it safely; but after going a little further, we would be able to get where we could see what was behind it, without ever having to set foot in what might be dangerous territory. I kept us moving. We stopped finally and left the road, a good fifty or a hundred feet short of the point where it was intersected by the mistwall. Up this dose to the wall, we could see it seeming to reach clear out of sight above us; and we could feel the peculiar breeze and the dust that always eddied from it, like the peppering of a fine spray on our face and hands. We struck off into the trees and brush to the left of the road, with the car in low gear and moving along level with the face of the walL It did not take long to reach the end of it. I kept on a little further, however, not wanting to turn the corner until I could see behind it But though we kept going further and further, we still did not seem to quite dear the end. Finally, I saw why. We were not going to be able to see behind that mistwall after an. Here at what I had thought was its point of termination, it had either bent to the right and continued, or run into another mist-wan going off at an angle in that direction. At first, all I felt was disappointment that I was not going to get a look behind it Then it occurred to me that perhaps the reason neither mistwall nor mistwall section had been moving had been because each had butted up against the other; and the two time change lines coming together had somehow created an unusual state or condition that had halted them both. The moment that I thought it, I was hungry to see what was behind the intersection of those two mistwalls. Ever since, lying on the lizard raft, I had come up with the idea that perhaps those of us who were stifl here on the earth might be individually immune to the time changes, I had been playing with the idea of not avoiding the next mistwall we met, but deliberately walking Into it, to see if I could get through and survive. Now I had a double reason to try going through the one before me. It was not merely to find out if I could get through with nothing worse than the unconsciousness I bad experienced the first time, but to discover if there was something special or strange about the situation when oae time change line ran into another. I stopped the Volvo. I got out and looked at the wall I also looked forward along the other angle of the second, or continued, mistwall to see where the road emerged once more from it, only about a couple of hundred yards away. It occurred to me that an I had to do was get back on the road and keep going, and the three of us would continue to stay safe* united, and happy. Or, I could turn and go through the mistwall; and I might, just might, learn something-that is, if I made it through all right. I stood there. And the longer I stood, the stronger grew the desire in me to try going through the watt. It wss exactly the way it had always been, from my earliest childhood, when my mind fastened on to a question and would not let it go without finding the answer. The phenomenon was like every time since Td first let that relentless mental machinery in my head get its teeth into a problem. I remembered perfectly the terrible feeling I had felt during the initial seconds of that first time change, when I had thought I was having another heart attack. I remembered the miserable, helpless, empty sensation all through me after I had come to. I remembered every bit and part that had been bad about it; and still... still... as I stood there the wanting to go through that wall and find out what I did not know was like a sharp, sweet taste on my lips and a hunger that used me up inside like fire. I turned back at last to look at the girl and Sunday. If I went through the waU and never returned, what would happen to them? I told myself that I owed them nothing, and something inside me called me a liar. At the same time, the thought of any responsibility I might have toward either of them had about as much deterrent effect on the hunger that was eating me up as a cup of water tossed on a burning building. I had no real choice. I had to go through that wall if I-and they-died for it I turned back to the leopard and the girl, both of whom were still sitting in the car. "Stay here!" I said. "You understand me? Stay right here. Don't take as much as one step after me. Stay where youaref* They both stared at me silently. One of the girl's hands twitched-that was all. I turned and walked away from them, toward the mistwall, until I had to squint my eyes against the flying dust of it Just before I reached the actual mist of the wan, I turned and looked back. The girl still sat with Sunday beside her, both watching me. Neither had moved a muscle, I turned back again, dosed my eyes to the sting of the dust, and walked blindly forward. But the hard part was not the dust The hard part was that it was tike walking into an emotional tornado. It was bad. It was very bad. But, somehow, it was not as bad as I remembered it from the first time, outside my cabin. Maybe this was because my first time through had left me with a sort of immunity, as if I had been inoculated against the effects I felt Maybe it was easier because I now had some idea what to expect and was braced for it Basically, I felt as if my soul had been ripped out of my being. I felt naked, sick and frightened. But, you know, it was not the kind of fear I feared-if that statement makes any sense to yon. I stayed on my feet and came out tile other side, walking. I was suddenly assaulted by the clamor of dogs barking not far in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw them- more than a dozen of them, all tied to short leashes, but all barking, snarling and leaping against their tethers to get at me. They were tied to leashes anchored to thick stakes driven into the earth, in front of a slice of a house about fifty yards away, a house sitting on a chunk of a lawn in the interior angle of the two mistwalls. Behind the house was forest, and the house itself was a two-story frame building that looked as if it would be at home surrounded by a midwestern farmyard. As I looked, the door opened, and a woman came out with a rifle already at her shoulder, pointed at me. "Drop your gun." Her voice was a low, carrying soprano, soft but positive. "Wait a minute," I told her. "How about talking about this?" I had no intention of dropping my gun. She was standing behind the dogs, in the open, with no rest or other support for her rifle, but with the weapon up and aimed. If I had to shoot her to live myself, I would. At that distance, unless she was a natural markswoman, holding her gun steady enough to hit me would not be easy. Even from where I stood, I could see the end of the barrel waver slightly in the sunlight. I was more concerned about her dogs; and I was not about to drop the one weapon that could defend me against them. In fact-the situation framed itself in my mind and produced its own inescapable conclusion-if she turned the dogs loose on me, I was going to shoot her first. They were dogs of all sizes, but the least of them must have gone at least forty pounds, which is heavy enough to be a potential man-killer. I could shoot three-quarters of them, and there would still be enough left to pull me down and finish me off. Nor did I think she would be able to puD them off in time to save my life, once she had set them on me. "listen!" I called to her. "I'm just here by accident-" "I said put down your gun!" she cried. Her rifle went off, and a bullet whistled wide of me into the mistwall beside me. "Quit that!" I said, raising the.22. "Or HI have to start shooting back.1* She hesitated-or if it wasn't hesitation, at least she did not pull her trigger again. Perhaps the first shot had been more accidental than otherwise. I kept talking. "Look," I told her over the noise of the dogs. "I don't want to bother you. I just happened to stumble on your place here, and I'll be glad to be on my way again. Why would I want to be any trouble to you anyway? You're armed, you've got your dogs; and Fm all alone. Now, why don't we just both point our rifles to the ground and talk for a moment-** Her gaze, which had been focused on me, shifted suddenly. Her rifle barrel changed its aim slightly. "Alone?" she shouted back. "Do you call that alone?" I turned to look; and sure enough, her question was a good one. If there was one thing I could count on-if there was one damn thing under the sun that I could, absolutely be sure of with Sunday and the girl-it was that they would do exactly what I had told them not to. Somehow they had worked up the courage to come through the mistwafl on their own, and now they were standing right behind me. Of course, this changed the situation entirely. The woman had three times as much target, now. She might not hit me, but her chances of hitting one of our group was tripled. I f ett a touch of something not far from panic. Add to what was happening the fact that with Sunday in view and scent, the dogs were now really going crazy; while Sunday's own back was beginning to arch like the stave of a drawn bow. He did not like dogs. But for all that, he would not leave me to face them alone. He pressed dose against my leg and snarled softly in his throat, watching the dogs. It was magnificently touching and, at the same time, monumentally exasperating to know that the crazy cat would stay beside me, even if I tried to drive nun back with a club. I looked again at the woman-just in time. She had grown arm-tired of holding the rifle to her shoulder and was moving now to untie the nearest dogs. There was no time for me to debate the ethics of the situation. I put a shot from my own rifle into the dirt between her and the animal she was approaching. She froze. "Don't try letting any of them go!" I called to her. "I don't want to hurt you; but Fm not going to let us be chewed up by your qnimfti^, step back now and put your own gun down." She backed up, but without letting go of her rifle. I put another shot from the.22 into the frame of the doorway behind her. She checked, hesitated, and let the gun slip from her hands to the earth at her feet "All right!" I said. "Now, I'm not going to hurt you, but Fve got to make sure you're not going to hurt us. Stay where you are and don't move." She stood still. I turned to the girl. "Hold, Sunday!" I said. "Stay right where you are, both of you. This time, I mean itP I went forward, holding the.22- The dogs had then* tethers stretched taut, trying to reach me, so that it was possible for me to see where I needed to walk to stay out of reach of each one of them as I went through their pack. I came up to the woman, bent and picked up her gun. It was a 30.06, a good, clean, hunting rifle. With that in my hands, I felt more secure. I knew what I had to do, then-and that was shoot the dogs while they were all still safely tied up. But when I raised her rifle I found I could not do it It was not just that the woman would be vulnerable without them once I had taken her rifle and gone on. It was also the matter that I was still too civilized. I could not get over thinking of them as pets, instead of as the four-legged killers she had turned them into. I twisted about to face the woman. "Look," I said. Tm going to have to fcifl your dogs to make sure they won't hurt us, unless you can think of some way to fix things so I can trust them not to attack us." She sighed and shivered at the same time. It was as if all the strength in her had suddenly run out MI can do it," she said, in a dead voice. She looked away from me, to the dogs. "Quietl Down-all of you. Down! Be quiet!" They obeyed, to my astonishment. Their barking and snarling fell gradually into silence. They stared at the woman, licking their muzzles, and lay down one by one until they were an on the ground and silent, watching. That's pretty good," I said to the woman. "I used to ran an obedience school," she answered in the same dead voice. "You don't have to worry. You can go now." "Sorry,** I said. "But I don't know what else you have in the way of guns or dogs inside that house of yours. Let's go inside. You first" She stiffened. "No!" "Calm down, damn ill" I said. "I just want to look around." She was still stiff. "Just a minute," she said. She turned her head and called back through the open doorway into the dark interior behind her. "Wendy, come out here." "My daughter," she said, harshly. We waited, and after a second, a blonde-haired little girl of early grade school age came out and pressed herself up against the woman, who put her arm around the child. "It's all right," the woman said, "We're just going to show this man our house." She turned then, and with one arm still around her daughter, led the way inside. I followed, carrying both rifles. There was not a great deal to see inside. A time change line had cut the house very nearly in half. A portion of the living room, all of the kitchen and bathroom, plus one bedroom and a half, remained. The bright sun coming in the uncurtained windows of the rooms that were still whole made the spartan existence that the two of them had been living here all very clear and plain. I went over the rooms carefully, but there were no other guns and only some kitchen knives that might have possibilities as weapons. The woman said nothing all the time I was looking around. She stood by the living-room window and glanced out from time to time. I thought she was checking on the dogs, because they stayed quiet. But I was wrong. "Is that your wife out there?" she asked at last *Wif er I said. For a second, the question made no sense at aQ. I looked out the window where she was looking and saw only Sunday and the girl. Then, of course, I understood. "No!" I said. "She's just a kid. I picked her up after she'd just been through a time change; and it mixed her up pretty badly. She's not right yet, for that matter. I-" I broke off. I had been about to go on and tell her about my previous conviction that Swannee had escaped the time changes, and a lot more that was purely personal. But it was none of her business. For that matter, the girl was none of her business, either. The fact of the matter was, I had long since drifted into ignoring any sexual quality in the girl; if I had ever paid any attention to that, in the first place. My mind had been full of my own personal problems. But I could hardly try to explain mat to this woman without confusing the matter more than I would clear it up. I was a little surprised at the strength of the sudden urge in me to talk about it; then I realized tint she was the first rational, adult human I had met since the beginning of the time storms. But it was still none of her business. I looked once more around the living room of the house, ready to leave now. The woman spoke quickly, as if she could read my mind, "Why don't you ask her to come in?" "Ask her in?" I said. "If she comes in, the leopard has to come in, too." She grew a little pale at that and held the young child closer to her side. But then she tossed her bead back. "Is he dangerous?" she asked, "Hie leopard?" "Not if the two of you stay well back from him," I said. "But if he comes in here, he's got to pass by those dogs of yours, and I can't imagine that happening." "I can," she said, flatly. "They'll obey orders." She walked with her daughter to the door, which was standing open, and through it I followed her. "Come on inl" she called to the girl and Sunday. Of course the girl neither moved nor answered, any more than Sunday did. "It's all right," I told the girl. "You and Sunday come in." I turned to the woman. "And you'd better control those dogs." The girl had already started toward the house; but Sunday held back. Seeing he would not come, she turned back to him. I had to go out to both of them. "Come on," I said. I took a fistful of the loose skin at the scruff of Sunday's neck and led him with me toward the house. He came; a little reluctantly, but he came. The dogs tied nearest to his path shrank back from him as we approached, but those farther off whined and crawled forward to the limit of their tethers, white-toothed and panting. "Down!" said the woman from the doorstep, and, hearing her, if I'd been a dog I would not nave delayed doing what she said. The soft soprano now had a knife-edge to it It lifted and cut. It carried clearly without her seeming to have to raise the volume. "All of you-down! Quiat" The dogs followed the girl and Sunday with eyes and wet breath; but they neither got to their feet nor raised a clamor. We an went back inside the house and the woman shut the door behind us. One lone bark sounded from the yard as the door closed. The woman opened it again and looked out. There was silence. She closed the door once more and this tune the silence continued. "Hello," she said to the girl. "I'm Marie Walcott, and tbjs is my daughter, Wendy." The girl-my girl-said nothing. Her face had a look that made it appear merely as if she did not understand, but which I knew well enough to recognize as an expression of stubbornness. "She doesn't talk," I told the woman. "I mean, she can talk^ but she doesn't like to-part of the shock she went through, I suppose. But she hears and understands you, all right" The girl stepped to my side, at that, then went around me and knelt down on the other side of Sunday, putting an arm around the leopard's neck. "Poor thing**' said the woman, watching her. The expression on the girl's face did not change. The woman looked back at me. "What are you going to do now?" "Well move on," I said. "I told you that And I'm taking this rifle of yours. Ill leave you my.22 rifle-I'll drop it about five hundred yards out, so we'll be well gone by the time you get to it. If s a lighter gun and it'll suit you better in any use you've got for a rifle. The dogs are your real protection, and I'm leaving you those, alive. But try to track us down with them, and Til shoot every one of them mat Sunday doesn't tear up." "I wouldn't come after you that way," said the woman. "Where are you going anyway?" "Into the futuremost segment of time-changed country I can find," I said. "Somewhere there must be somebody wholl understand what's happened to die world." "What makes you so sure there's anyone like that?" "All right" I said, "if there isn't we're still going to be looking-for the best piece of time to stay with, or some way of living with the time changes, themselves. I've been running away from the mistwalls; but now I'm going through any one I meet, so I can find out what's on the other side." She looked out her window toward the two mistwalls overshadowing her dogs and her home. "What is on the other side out there?" she asked. "You wouldn't like it" I said. "What's farther in?" I pointed through tile back of the house toward the forest that crowded close upon her place. "1 don't know," she said. *There used to be a town of fifty thousand people-Gregory, Illinois-about ten miles down the road, there. But there's not even any road, now. I don't know." I looked closely at her. "You haven't moved from this place since the time storms first started?" "That's right" She looked somber. "Wendy and I sat here and prayed, after the first time change came close. At first we prayed for Tim-for my husband to come back. But now for some time we've just prayed that the mistwalls will leave us atone." "Two of them are right on top of you," I said. "Didnt you think of getting away from them?" "To what?" she said, shrugging. *Tve got half a year's supply of food in the basement here-had to, since we live out of town. If they move over us, then ifs over, all at once. Meanwhile, we're safer here than someplace else. I ran a boarding kennel, so I had the dogs, here, to guard me. And there was-or we thought there was-always the chance my husband....** She shrugged again and stopped talking. "All right" I hefted both rifles and turned toward the door. "Come on, Sunday, Girl. As for you, Mrs. Walcott wait fifteen minutes and then follow us out. You'll find the.22 leaning against a tree, a little way into the woods, there." I opened the door. The woman's voice spoke from behind me to the dogs, commandingry. "Quiet! Down!" Then her tone changed. "We could go with you." I turned around. My first, unthinking reaction was that she was joking. I saw she was not Then, suddenly, I saw and understood a great many other things. I had been assuming, without really looking at her, that she was housewifely middle-aged. She was wearing slacks and a man's shirt, and of course she had on no makeup. Her hair was cut short-rather clumsily cut short; and there were dark circles of weariness under her eyes. By contrast with the girl, the only human member of the opposite sex I had seen since the first time storm, at first glance, Marie Walcott had looked maturely-fleshed and unremarkable. Now, suddenly I realized that she was probably no older than I. In fact given the conditions of civilization once more she would have been damned attractive. She was full grown, someone my own age, with the body of a woman rather than that of a half-grown girl, with a sane adult mind and capability of speech. Suddenly I remembered that it had been a long tune since I and any woman.... I noticed all this in a moment; and in the same moment, I realized that she had wanted me to notice-had set out to make me notice. It changed the whole picture. "Go with us?" I said, more to myself than to her. "We'd all be safer, in one large group," she said. "You could use another grown-up. And of course, there's the She was right about the dogs. A pack like that, properly trained, could really be valuable. There's your daughter," I said. "She's too young to be making long marches every day." *Tve got a cart the dogs can pull her irt~also, we'd be running into roads, and some kind of transportation sooner or later, don't you think? Meanwhile, I... we'd both feel better with a man around." She was giving me all the practical reasons why our teaming up would work, and I was countering with all the practical arguments against it; and we both knew that we were talking around the one real reason I should or should not add her to my party, which was that I was male and she was female. "Why dont you think it over?" she said. "Stay here overnight and think about it Maybe we can talk about it some more, later on," "AH right," I said. "We'll stay until tomorrow." I glanced out the window. "I'd better camp off by the edge of the trees, there." I said. "Sunday isn't going to take to your dogs just like that-or they to him." "Sunday?" said the woman. "Is that what you call him9 I think you heard me say my name. I'm Marie Walcott and this is Wendy." "I'm Marc Despard," I said. "Marc, I'm pleased to meet you." She held out her hand and I took it It was a strange feeling to shake hands after the last few weeks. Her hand was small but firm, and there were callouses at the base of her fingers. "Are you French?" I laughed. "The name's French-Canadian." She let go of my hand and looked at the rid. "I didnt hear..." "She's never told me her name," I said. I looked at the girl. "How about it? Do you want to tell us now?" The girl was absolutely silent I shrugged. "I've just been calling her 'Girl.'" I said. "I (mess you'll have to do the same." "Maybe," Marie smiled at her, "she'll tell us her name -later on, when she feels like it" The girl stood without a word. "Dont count on it," I said to Marie. I had rigged a backpack-style tent for the girl and myself from some of the canvas in the boatdock before we left the deserted lakeshore house. I set this up at the edge of the trees, upwind of the dogs. Sunday had already begun ignoring the dog pack; and Marie rode herd on them through the afternoon, commanding them to be quiet any time they started to get worked up about Sunday or the rest of us. Once the camp was made, I left the girl with Sunday and went to die house alone. Marie took me around and introduced me individually to each of the dogs. I spoke to each and petted each one briefly while Marie stood sternly over them to make sure that they behaved. Occasionally I got a brief tail movement by the way of acknowledgment but most of them merely rolled their eyes up at me and only endured both my touch and my voice. I guessed that I smelled too much of cat for any of them to be really comfortable; and I mentioned this to Marie. But she shrugged it off. "They'll get used to you," she said. The tone of her voice indicated that they had better. She left me then, to get dinner ready. I spent a tittle time trying to make friends with her daughter. But Wendy was a quiet, shy child who-like the dogs-evidently found me too strange and potentially frightening to warm up to, on short acquaintance. She was obviously relieved when I left her at last and went back to camp. Sunday was there, tied to the trunk of a large tree with a length of our heaviest rope, ending in a loop around his neck. He was lying down and, to my surprise, did not seem to mind being restricted this way. Since he was not objecting and it was convenient to have him anchored so, I left him the way he was. The gui must have tied him up so that she could wander off by herself, because she was nowhere to be seen. She had not returned by the time Marie stuck her head out her door to call us to dinner. I waited a little while, but she still had not come back when Marie called a second time; and I decided not to worry about her. There was no counting on her, anyway. Sunday was still not objecting to being tied up-which was ideal from my point of view. He had dozed off kittenishly lying on his back with his paws in the air, as if there was no dog within a thousand miles. I got up and left; and all he did was open his eyes sleepily to look after me. The good smell of cooking reached me before I opened the door and surrounded me as soon as I came in. Marie had produced a ham-it had to have been a canned one -heated and glazed it, and filled out the meal with what must have been home-grown tomatoes, potatoes and a salad made with some greens I didn't identify, but which, with a cheese dressing, tasted magnificent "She didn't come with you?" Marie asked, as she sat down at the table with Wendy and me. "She's gone off somewhere. Sunday's tied up," I said. She nodded, evidently reassured. She did not know that Sunday was capable of chewing through any rope that tied him in no seconds flat, if the notion occurred to him. But he was not likely to wander off; and he bad sense enough not to start trouble with the dogs, but to pick his way among them, if be got the urge to free himself and join me in the house. It was a marvelous dinner. Marie had gotten rid of the slacks and shirt She was wearing a soft, yellow dress that went well with the color of her blond hair, which- while still short-was smoothed out somehow and looked less as if it had undergone home barbering. She had used a touch of lipstick too, and possibly a hint of other makeup. The total result was enough to bring back the past in a way that the scotch and sodas I had made in the lake-front home never had. I had been regretting aH afternoon that I had not had the sense to bring at least one bottle from the liquor stock of the lakeshore home. But as it turned out, Marie had her own supply. She had not produced any wine with the meal; but afterwards she came up with a bottle of rum, alter everything was over and Wendy had gone off to bed. It was not great rum, but it went well with the coffee. We sat on the couch in her living room and talked, about our situations-and a lot else. Under the influence of the rum, I remember telling her more about myself than I had intended to ever tell anyone. But in the warmth and privacy of the living room, I was lulled into a sense of security. I knew very well that Marie was only out after her own advantage.. I knew what was going on With both of us; but I did not give a damn. In fact, I remember thinking that I deserved something like this, after wet-nursing an insane leopard and a wild girl all these weeks. Somewhere along there with the rum and the coffee, I put my arm around Marie; and only a little later we turned die lights out. I dont know how kite it was. It was certainly sometime after midnight when I left the house. Marie followed me naked to the door in the darkness to put her head out and hiss the dogs into silence when they roused on seeing me. I gave her a last kiss and went across the dark ground under a young moon to the camp. Sunday was curled up under the tree to which he had been tied; and there was a lump on the ground beside him that was the girl, come back. The groundsheet out of our tent was a black pool under them on the semi-moonlighted ground; and some of our blankets were spread over both of them. I shrugged, drunkenly. If the girl wanted to lie out there and get soaked through with the morning dew, that was up to her. I crawled into the tent and wrapped myself as well as I could in the remaining blankets. I was either not quite asleep and hallucinating, or else I was already asleep and dreamed the whole thing; but it seemed to me that just before I dropped into a deep well of unconsciousness, Sunday raised his head and looked me right hi the eye, speaking to me. "You stinkl" he said distinctly, hi the girl's voice.-And that was the last I remember. When I woke, someone was standing over me. Bat ft was neither Sunday nor the girl. It was Marie; and she handed me a cup of hot coffee. "Sorry to wake you,** she said. "But I can use yout help if we're going to get off today." "Get off today?" I echoed stupidly. She stood there, looking down at me for a long second. That's what we talked about last night, wasn't it?" she said. "Do you remember?" I started to say I didn't But then it came back to me. She was right, of course. That was, indeed, one of the things we had talked about last night We had made plans to leave today-all of us, together. "Yes," I said. I lay looking at her, part of me hating myself and filled with self-contempt at letting myself be bought so easily; and part of me remembering last night and looking forward to tonight "I'll be along in a bit" "Good," she said. She went off. I got up and dressed. The girl and Sunday were not to be seen. During the period on the lizard raft with no way to do anything about it my beard had grown to a respectable length. But I had always liked the feel of being clean-shaven, and as soon as we found the lakeshore home, I had been happy to discover a razor and go back to being naked-faced once more. Normally, I Eked shaving. It was part of the familiar ritual of coming awake in the morning-and I did not come awake in the morning easily. But this morning the habitual scraping actions did not clean off a layer of guilt left on me by the night before. In a sense, I had sold Sunday and the girl down the river for the selfish satisfaction of my own desires. Sunday, of course, did not know what was going on. But he was not going to have the old freedom he was accustomed to, living with the dog-pack alongside him, whether he knew it or not Also, he was going to have to share me with a couple of extra humans-and that was not going to make him happy, either. He had adjusted to the girl; but the girl loved him-Marie and Wendy did not, and there was no guarantee that they ever would. As for the girl, she had already made it plain how she felt about the situation. I washed the last of the soap off my face and began to pump myself up with counter-arguments. We had been bound eventually to bump into other people with whom we would want and need to associate. Sunday had been destined to have to learn to share me with other people, finally. The girl, likewise. The three of us could not go on forever being exclusively insane together, as we had been until I faced the freshwater sea and the fact that Swannee was gone for good. It was not going to be easy adapting, for me either, I told myself. But I was going to have to do it So were the girl and Sunday. That was life-you could not always have what you wanted. By the time I went over to get some breakfast from Marie and help her prepare to move out, I had the top layer of my mind-if nothing beyond that-thoroughly convinced that I was not only doing the best thing for all concerned, but being considerably self-sacrificing to boot It took us most of the day to get ready. Marie had two carts fitted with bicycle wheels, which she had trained certain of her dogs to pull The carts themselves were obviously homemade, but remarkably well put together. Marie, apparently, had a definite mechanical talent They were light and rolled easily. But they had one real drawback-no springs except the bicycle parts that supported the wheels. They would be an right on road surfaces, but I could not see them lasting more than a few days loaded and going cross-country, as we were going to be doing sooner or later. However, since we had nothing in the way of materials and tools around to provide them with springs, I decided not to say anything. There was no point in borrowing trouble. We started out shortly after noon. The girl-she had showed up in time for breakfast, after all-Sunday, and I made up the advance guard, about fifty yards ahead of the rest. Behind us came Marie, walking, and the two carts, with Wendy riding one and the other loaded with food, water and gear for all of us, plus the.22, which I had given to Marie. Three dogs pulled each cart; and all the rest moved in a tight and disciplined patrol around the carts and Marie. The others travelled at a fair walking speed for crosscountry; but they did not make as good time as Sunday, the girl and I would have by ourselves, because they stopped more often for one reason or another-and often, the reason was Wendy. The original three of us, up in front of them all, however, could pretty well ignore the problems of these others. It was almost like being off on our own again. Sunday, of course, did not mind the slower pace at all. It gave him that much more time to explore tilings. He and the dogs, I noticed^ had already solved the problem of coexistence in typical animal fashion-by ignoring each other. Once, when Sunday lagged behind, one of the forward dogs trotted past him at a distance of less than ten feet, and neither one so much as glanced at the other. Several times I took advantage of being alone with the girl to try getting her to talk some more. But she was not in the mood, evidently. Nor would she look at me. "All right," I told her, at last "You work it out by yourself, then.** I stepped out ahead, putting her from my mind and concentrating on scouting for our whole group. A few hours after we had.left Marie's place, I ran across something like a logging road, or a farmer's tractor path among the trees, and followed it up until I could see through a thinning screen of forest to what was obviously a small town, down in a small cup-shaped valley area surrounded by open fields. It was about three hundred yards from the edge of the forest to the nearest buildings. I turned about and headed back to contact Marie. Just in case there was anyone hi that town* I did not want us to come strolling in followed by a leopard and a pack of dogs. Some nervous citizen was liable to take a shot-at Sunday, in particular. The rest were a fair distance behind me. Evidently, I had gained on them more than I had thought At any rate, we got together once more and together came up to the edge of the woods to take a look at the town through some binoculars Marie had brought Through the binoculars, the town seemed deserted. There was no sign of movement, human or animal. I handed the binoculars to Marie, who was beside me. "Take a look," I said. She did. That's Gregory, I take it?" I said, when she put the binoculars down. "Yes," she said. But she was frowning. After a short pause she added, but slowly and still frowning, "It's got to be." "Got to her I asked. "What do you meanr **I mean ft is Gregory-I recognize it," she said. "But I don't know... there's something different about it" "Nobody in sight," I suggested. "That, too," she said. "But something else. It looks changed, somehow. Only I can't say how." I took the binoculars back from her and studied the buildings I could see. Aside from their stillness hi the late afternoon sun, there was nothing that struck me immediately as unusual about the town. Then I noticed a house with the builds down on all of its windows. I looked at the other houses. Those nearby did not have their blinds drawn. If all had, of course, it could simply have meant that a tune change bad come through the area at night and caught the inhabitants after they had settled to steep. But the houses close to the one with the blinds drawn had theirs up-then, moving the glasses, about, I found first one, and then four more houses where all the shades seemed to be down, it could mean nothing, of course, "Do they know you in Gregory?** I asked Marie. "Oh, yes," she said. "We did all our shopping here." I turned to the girl. "Hang on to Sunday. Keep bun with you," I said. "Marie, you and I can take a walk in with a couple of the dogs-just a couple-and see if there's anyone there." I left my rifle behind, and made Marie leave hen. We stepped out into the sunlight and walked toward the buildings. It was all so ordinary that I felt a little ridiculous; and then* when we were about fifty feet out in the open, a figure came shambling around the corner of the house with the blinds down and faced us. I did not get a good look at it It was very big, either an unusually large man or woman aD bundled up in loose furs, or something else. Even its face was furry, or hidden by a beard. But it came around the corner of the building and lifted one arm. There was a wink of fight from the end of the arm; and the dog furthest in front of us-leading the rest of us by perhaps fifteen feet-leaped into the air with a howl that broke off abruptly as it fell back on its side in the grass, to fie there stflL I dove to the ground, pulling Marie down with me; and something sizzled over our heads as we lay there. A second later, there were sounds like rifle shots from the town and the singing of bullets over our heads. "Back!" I said to Marie. "Crawl! Back to the woods!" We turned and went on our bellies. The shots continued, and once or twice I heard the sizzle overhead again; but nothing touched us. It seemed a long, long crawl. We were almost back when we came across the second dog we had taken with us, a lean German shepherd-type that had been named Buster, lying dead. In his case, it was a bullet from behind that had gone in at the back of his head and taken off half of his lower jaw when it came out Flies were already buzzing around the corpse. We crawled on, Marie and I, until the shadows of die trees were about us. Even then, we continued on hands and knees a little further before we risked standing up. Then we turned and went back to join the girl and Wendy for a look at the town. But there was nothing to see. The fur-covered figure was no longer in sight; and the shooting had stopped. "What was it?" said Marie. She was shaking and her voice was tight "I don't know," I said. I turned to the girl. "Did you get a look at it through the binoculars?** The girl nodded. "Was it a man or a woman?" The girl shook her head. "Why won't you talk?" Marie suddenly screamed at her. "Easy," I said to Marie. "Easy." I spoke to the giri again. "Not a man or a woman either? You mean you couldn't telir The giri nodded. *You could telir She nodded again. "You could tell it wasn't a man or a woman?** I said. "What was it then?** "I don't know," said the giri, unexpectedly. "A thing.** She turned and walked off. I went after her, but she would not even stand still to be questioned, let alone answer, after that Defeated, I went back to Marie. "Maybe something out of the future that wandered through its own mistwall into Gregory, bete," I said to her. "Anyway, whatever H is, it doesn't seem to want to come after us-just seems to want us to leave it alone. I think we'd better go around this town. What'g the next one up the line called? And how far is it?" "Eton," said Marie. "And it's about five miles.** "That's where we'll head, then," I told her. We stayed within the cover of the woods and made a circuit of Gregory. By the time we were around the town, the afternoon was fairly well advanced; but we pushed on, hoping to reach Elton. We never did, though. After nearly three more hours of travelling without a sight of a road or a town, we came to bluffs overlooking a river. A big river; easily a quarter of a mile across. There was obviously no going farther that day. We set up camp on the bluff, and in the morning I went down to the river's edge to take a look at the situation. The water was fresh and cold. The edge where I stood was overgrown with wiHows and seemed to drop off deeply; but a little farther downstream the river made a bend, and there was a sandy beach and shallow water. I explored that far, accompanied by Sunday and the girt The current of the water seemed to slow, going around the curve, and there was plenty of driftwood on the beach to make into a raft I went back to Marie on the bluff. She was making coffee and she gave me a cup. "So you want to cross the river," she said; after I had told her what it was like, there. I shrugged. **We don't have to," I answered. "We can go upriver, or downriver, and we may even run into a bridge, somewhere, crossing it But summer isnt going to last forever; and the more I think about it, die more it seems to me that we ought to keep heading due east If s our best chance to find some large civilized group that* s survived the time storms.'* So it was settled-more or less. I did some planning, out loud, with Marie and the girl listening. The dogs could swim, of course. So could Sunday and we adutta- or, rather, we two adults and the one near-adutt, who was tile girt Wendy, the equipment and the supplies could be rafted over. Reducing the raft load to Wendy and our possessions meant we would need only a relatively small raft Luckily we had a hammer and even some nails along, although, actually, I had decided to save the nails and chain the logs of the raft together with the dog chains, for maximum safety. As I mentioned earlier, I had been looking forward to the evening-and Marie. However, it developed that Wendy was either coming down sick with something, or upset by die travel; Marie gave me to understand that, as far as that night went, she would be tied up with family matters. So as not to waste time, I took advantage of the long twilight to go down on the beach and make a start gathering the togs for the raft, then chopping them to length with Marie's axe. Sunday and the girl went down there with me; and as things turned out, I built a fire and went on working by that, even after the sunset left us; so that we ended up making a separate camp down there. Just before I turned in for the night, something occurred to me. "You know," I said to the girl, looking across the fire to where she sat with Sunday, "we left that raft of the lizards in one hell of a hurry, that night I remember pulling you through the water; but I don't really remember how well you can swim-or even if you can really swifli. Can you? Do you think you can make it across the river?" I expected a nod or a shake of the head at the most But to my surprise, she answered in words. 'Tm not going." I stared at her. "What do you mean-you're not going?" I exploded. "Do you think you can stay here on this side of the river, alone? Get that thought out of your mind. You're going." She shook her head, looking not at me, but at the fire. I sat, staring at her, too angry for words. Then I took hold of my anger with both hands, figuratively speaking, and tried to tqiic; calmly. "Look," I said, as reasonably as I knew how. "We've been together for some time, you and I and Sunday. But nothing lasts forever. You must have known that sooner or later we were going to be meeting other people and joining them, or they'd be joining us....** I went on talking, calmly and persuasively, using all the arguments I had used to myself the day before, and doing, I thought, a good job of it It was only common sense I was telling her; and I pointed this out to the girt Aside from her youth and sex, any single person stood a much reduced chance of survival. What would she do with herself? Practical matters aside, Sunday would miss her. For mat matter I would miss her, myself.... I was talking away quite earnestly, and even beginning to think that I was getting through to her, when she got up suddenly and walked away out of the circle of firelight leaving me in mid-sentence. I stared after her into the darkness. Something cold came in out of the night and sat down on my chest. For the first time, it occurred to me that she could actually be meaning to do what she had just said she would. An hour after sunrise, Marie, Wendy, our equipment, supplies, dogs and all were down on the beach watching me finish off the raft Watching and helping, as much as they could. It was Marie who brought up the subject of the girt WI think," said Marie, looking over to where the girl sat on a log, stroking Sunday1 at her feet, "everybody should do then-share." "She's not going,** I said. Marie stared at me. "She's not going?** Marie said. There was an odd note in her voice-a note which could have meant anything. I could not interpret it at aU. "You don't mean that?" "I don't mean h," I said. "She does." "Oh?" said Marie. She looked over at the girl again. "Ifs her idear "That's right" Maw stood for a moment, watching the girt "No," Marie said, finally. "She'll go." I did not say anything more, myself. I concentrated on finishing the raft When I was done, we launched it and loaded it with the contents of the two bicycle carts and the carts themselves. It floated well, a square of good-sized logs almost ten feet by ten feet in area; and there was plenty of room on it for Wendy-though the little girl was pale as moonlight and dearly frightened to death of riding across the river on the rocking log surface. While Marie coaxed and soothed the child, I took six of the dog-leash chains I had set aside while I was making the raft Three of these I put around Sunday's neck to make a choke-collar for him. I fastened the second three to the first and looped them around a log too big for the leopard to drag. Then I went to the raft and picked up the.22 rifle and its box of shells. **What are you doing?** Marie interrupted her efforts with Wendy to stare at me. "That's mine. You gave H to me." Tin taking it back," I said. I walked away, not listening to what else she said. The girl had come to stand concernedly over Sunday and examine his chains-Sunday, himself, had hardly blinked when I had put them on him. He lay basking in the sun. I walked up to the girl and shoved both rifle and shells into her hands. "You can learn to shoot this," I said. "Keep the sheik dry and use them up only when you really need to. Whatever you do, make sure they're not dirty when you put them in the rifle. And make sure no dirt gets in the barrel of the rifle. If it does, take some string from your pack, and tie a dean patch of cloth on the end of it Drop the string through the barrel and keep pulling the doth through the barrel until it looks shiny from end to end, when you hold it up and look at the light through it, the way you've seen me do. Have you got that?" She took the box and gun from me without a word. Tm leaving Sunday with you," I said. "Don't unchain him until we've been gone at least a day and a night If Fm not around, I think he'n stick with you; and hell be even more protection to you than the gun. Remember, winter's coming on in a few months. Try to find some place where you can settle in and be protected until it warms up again." She looked at me. "WelC I said. "Goodby." She did not move or speak. I turned and went back to Marie. Marie had Wendy on the raft and was already stripped down to a yellow one-piece swimsint. She looked good in it, as I would have expected since the night before hut I had not stopped to think about such niceties myself. Now, out of tribute to her own bathing dress, I left my shorts on-a foolish bit of male modesty which I had not planned on, earlier. But I had spare underclothing in my backpack, and I could hang the wet shorts outside the backpack to dry as I travelled, after we reached the other side. I looked back once more at the girl and Sunday, and waved. Neither one responded, of course. I got into the cold river water, holding on to the raft along with Marie. The dogs took to the water on their own, after us; and we began the swim across. As I said, the water was cold, in spite of it being midsummer. The current swept us farther downriver than even I had expected by the time we made the crossing; and by that time, in spite of considering myself a fairly strong swimmer, I was grateful to have the raft to ding to, and sympathetic to the dogs who had no such thing, (hie of them, indeed, got the idea at one point to try and climb up on the raft; but a sharp command from Marie made him drop back off it. All in all, though, we must have been in the water more than half an hour by the time we finally struggled ashore on a small sandy spot backed up by a space, about two house-lots in size, of sand and grass reaching back to the edge of a fairly thick woods. I had gotten out, hauled the raft hi close and lifted Wendy ashore, and was beginning to unload the raft when a tense word from Marie made me straighten up and turnaround. Five men had come out of the trees-about half-way out between trees and water. They stood perhaps twenty yards or so from us in a semi-circle, hemming us in agamst the river's edge. They were all well-dressed- dressed for the outdoors, that is. Each of them wore thick-soled country-style boots, ^with high tops disappearing up inside heavy trousers; and above the waist they all wore leather or firm-cloth jackets, with the collars of winter-weight shirts showing at the neck; and all but one of them wore some kind of hat Every one of them had at least one handgun belted around his waist as well as a rifle in his hands. The one without a bat stood a little forward of the rest and seemed to be the leader, though he was younger than any of the others, and even looked to be a good half-dozen years younger than I was. But he was as tall as I, and wider of shoulder, in his jacket. His face was heavy-boned; and like mine, ft was dean-shaven-all the rest wore beards of varying lengths. He grinned at me as I reached for the rifle on the raft "Leave it lay," he said. I stopped reaching. "Guard!" snapped Marie. "Point!" Swiftly, the dogs fanned out around us, each facing one or more of the men, which in most cases meant that there were a couple of dogs on each; and each canine form went into its own version of a tense on-the-mark position, tike a trained bird dog pointing quail. The rifles of the men came up. "Hold ft!" said the young man. "Keep your dogs there if you don't want them shot!" Marie said nothing, but the dogs stood stilL The young man dropped the butt of his rifle to the ground and leaned on the gun in friendly fashion-though I noticed the rest of^them kept then* weapons ready to use. He smiled at us again. "Wen," he said. "What's it like on the other side of the river?" "There's nothing much there," I said. I was freezing to death, standing mid-thigh deep in the water, but I did not want to move out of arm's reach of the rifle on the raft. "What's it like on this aider "Nothing much on this side, either," the young man said. "Couple of empty towns...." He was answering me, but he was watching Marie. They were all watching Marie. It was that yellow swim-suit ! had not been unaware that she had put it on with at least part of her mind on what it would do to me. Now, it was doing the same thing to these men; only with them ft was, I thought, turning out to be a bit too much of a good thing. But yet, instead of doing something sensible, tike taking a jacket or blanket from the raft to cover herself, and in spite of the fact that, like me, she had to be both wet and cold, she continued to stand where she was, deliberately inviting their stares. Not only that, but now she had to start talking, to draw that much more attention on herself. "What do yon think you're doing?" she cried, pulling Wendy to her. "As if my child wasn't frightened enough, you have to come charging out of the woods like this with guns-* She had begun to rub the little girl down with the towel Wendy had worn around her neck, as a seal to keep water spray from getting under the blanket in which she had been wrapped during the raft voyage. The activity may have been purely motherly, but it was almost as effective as if Marie had begun to do the dance of the seven veils in front of our visitors. A couple of them were grinning slightly. "Well now, Tm sorry,** said the young leader. "Awfully sorry." His men grinned a little more widely. "You ought to be!" said Marie, towelling away. "Just because something's happened to the world doesn't mean the people cant be decent! Anybody with any brains would offer to help, instead of bursting out fike that, fike thugs-" "Well be glad to help," said the young man. "You don't understand us, that's why we came over, to help you-" "I should think so!" snapped Marie. "That's more tike ft. Here, when there's hardly any people left in the world, those that are left need to stick together. Wen, maybe I shouldn't jump down your throat tike that-"She was still continuing to towel Wendy vigorously in her almost-dance, in spite of the fact that Wendy now, plainly, wanted only to be released. "But if you'd just had to swim an icy river tike that, you'd be a little upset too, when a bunch of men with guns-" "Mommy, Fra dry nowl" Wendy was protesting, squirming hi Marie's grasp. Hold still, dear!" said Marie. "As I was saying, a bunch of men with guns-" I caught ft then,, out of the corner of my eye; fust a flicker of movement Suddenly, I saw What was happening, and why Marie had been standing there, chattering and bouncing about to bold their attention. While she had been putting on her tittle show, the dogs had been about their own business. Apparently she had trained them well. As long as the eyes of the man ft watched was upon it, the dog guarding him stood tensely still, at point But the moment that attention moved elsewhere for even a fraction of ft second, the dog stole forward-one step, two steps, even half a step, as if ft was stalking a rabbit lying still and hidden in a cornfield. To begin with, the dogs had been almost as far away from the men as Marie and I were. Now, they bad halved the distance between them and our welcoming committee. Now, ft was no longer a case of the men being able to kOl all the dogs before the dogs could reach them. They might kill a good half of the dogs, but the other half stood an almost equal chance of reaching them while they were doing that. In the same moment that I saw the flicker of movement, the man with the gun, at which the movement had been directed, saw it too. Evidently the dog had gotten too far inside our fields of vision to move without being noticed. Tek-" shouted the man. The dogs! Look!" The young leader jerked his eyes from Marie and swept them around the semicircle of half-crouching canines. At the same time the others started to jerk their guns up. But I had already taken advantage of the fact that their attention was off me to sweep up the rifle off the raft into my own hands. "Hold ill" I shouted. I had the rifle to my shoulder, aimed at Tek's belt The dogs were ready. "Hold it-just like he says!" barked Tek-if that was the young leader's full name. He himself stood perfectly StUL His men froze. That's better,** he said, hi a calmer voice. He looked once more at Marie and me and smiled; but I could see a little shininess of sweat on his face. A 30.06 slug through the intestines is not a happy prospect; and I was close enough so that even if I was a poor shot, I shouldn't miss. "That*8 much better. You don't want to waste any of these good dogs, now do you, ma'am? We'll just back out of here and let you folks go your own way, since that's what you seem to want If we can't be friends"-and he was smiling at Marie alone, now-"then that*s just how it'll have to be. Sorry, though. It'd have been nice to know you. Now, we'll just start backing up...." And he did start backing up. His men imitated him. The dogs immediately followed, step for step, as if invisible threads connected each of them to the man on which the dog focused. "Hold!" said Marie. The dogs stopped; and die men kept backing, each holding his rifle in one hand, down by his side and out of the way. I kept my own rifle steady at my shoulder. The men reached the edge of the trees and slipped back into their shadow, all but Tek, who stopped briefly. "Keep going," said Marie. "Sure. See you sometime," called Tek. "Only if we don't see you first!" answered Marie, grimly. Tek waved. He paused for a second and looked directly at me. He made a little gesture like tipping a nonexistent hat. "You're a lucky man!" he called to me. "Dont anyone ever tell you you're not!" There was no sneer in his voice. There did not have to be. His message was clear enough. I was negligible-it was Marie and her dogs who were driving him off. For a second I flared into a rage-and for a second I almost charged out of the water after him, to call him a Uar to his face-then that answer-seeking reflex in the back of my mind pounced on his clear intent like Sunday pouncing on a scuttling fieldmouse. He was trying to get me to charge after him hi just that fashion. The dogs were not dangerous from a distance without my rifle covering them from behind. If I got out in front they could shoot me, then kill the dogs safely from a distance they had now regained between themselves and the canines. So I did not rush out, after all. Instead, I laughed. I laughed loudly, hoping he would hear me-but he was already gone into the shadows of the trees, and I could not tell if he was still within earshot or not I came out of the water then, but slowly, and handed the rifle to Marie. "Watch the woods," I said. I turned back to haul the raft, safely, far enough out of the water so that the river current could not pull it away until we had unloaded it Then I took the rifle back from Marie while she rubbed some life back into my body and towelled herself dry. Meanwhile, there had been no further sign of Tek and his men. Marie posted a couple of dogs at the very edge of the woods, on watch; and we turned to unloading the raft. Once we were unloaded, I built a fire to warm us up. It was only after the fire was going well and.Marie had some soup heating on its flames, that I thought to look back across the river to see if the girl and Sunday had witnessed our encounter with Tek and his men. But a glance showed me that we had drifted so far down river in our crossing, that the beach where I had left girl and leopard was now around the bend of the further shoreline, out of sight I turned bade to the soup, grateful for its SUing heat, but feeling a little empty inside all the same. After I dressed, I scouted with Marie and a few of the dogs to see if the neighborhood was really clear of Tek and his compafieros. We found that the woods into which they had gone was actually only a narrow fringe of trees, perhaps a couple of hundred yards hi width, paralleling the river. The woods were clear of human life and beyond them rose a small slope to a sort of shallow river bluff, from which we could see over a fairly wide, open, grassy area. There was no sign of Tek and company there, either, and no sign of mistwalls, or anything else, moving. We went back and made camp by the river, where we had landed. Marie and I both figured we deserved a little holiday. The next day we pushed on east, with me scouting wen ahead. A few of the dogs were beginning to take to me, finally-perhaps the water bad washed off enough of Sunday's smell to make me socially acceptable to them-and there were a couple I could trust to obey a few simple commands. Marie drilled them with me; and they responded well. One was a bitch-a sort of large cocker spaniel mix and the more intelligent of the two. The other was a lean, nervous, German shepherd type, male and looking half-starved. The bitch was called Merry and the German shepherd was Cox. They would heel, stand, guard and scout for me in a drde, at a sweep of my arm -and that was pretty good, considering our limited acquaintance. So, they and I got along pretty weU, moving perhaps four hundred yards or so in front of Marie, Wendy and the rest I was off by myself, as I liked it; but travelling with two dogs was not like travelling with Sunday. They would obey commands; Sunday almost never had-except by accident They travelled at my pace; I had been used to travelling more or less at Sunday's. They were deadly weapons I could control Sunday had been almost uncontrollable and absolutely unpredictable. But there was one great point of difference that oat-weighed all their virtues. The crazy cat had loved me- loved me for myself atone. It was a love induced by accident and the tune change effect, but nonetheless it was there. And I-I had gotten used to it Merry and Cox could have been as cheerfully working for Tek at this moment, if Marie had drilled them into obeying him instead of me. So I put thoughts of Sunday out of my mind-I had not dared to think of the girl from the first Now I allowed myself the thought that it was lucky she was on die far side of die river, and Tek with his men, on this. Hopefully she would run into some decent people on her side. People being naturally spread out over the spectrum of human character as they were, she had as good a chance of finding good people as she bad of finding bad ones. I put her out of my mind, too. No man-and no girl-could have the world just the way they wanted it, always. By noon of the second day after we had crossed the river, we moved out of the relatively open area beyond the river bluff on this side and began to come on rolling country covered by what was obviously farmland, scattered with deserted-looking farm houses. The change was gradual enough so that it was impossible for us to tell whether the change from open country to cultivated earth was natural or the result of a time xhange. But in any case, the appearance of the area did not jibe exactly with Tek's words about only a "couple of empty towns" on this side of the river. We passed by the deserted-looking farmhouses at a healthy distance; and at no time did the dogs give any kind of alarm. So three days of travel went by quietly with no sign of Tek and his group, or any other humans, and no sign of trouble. Then, on the morning of the fourth day we spotted a mistwall standing off to our right, and I changed our line of march to angle toward it Marie objected to the whole idea. Her own instinct was to head away from the noiatwall; and I could not blame her. "AH right,** I said, turning away. "You go on. I should catch up to you in a couple of days. If not, you'd better not wait for me." I took perhaps a half dozen steps away from her before she made a sound; and then I heard her behind me. "What can I do? What can I dor It was an aching, tearing sort of cry. I turned around and saw her* her eyes squeezed shut, her face white, her fists clenched at her sides, and all her body rigid. I went back to her. Suddenly, I understood how it was with her. From her point of view, she had contributed to our partnership everything she had to contribute. She had abandoned what little security she still had left, following the time storm, to go with me-more for Wendy*s sake, I suspected, than for her own. She bad been adjustable, faithful and hardworking, a good partner by day and night She had trusted her dogs, herself-and even her daughter-to me. And still, here on some reasonless whim, as it seemed to her, I was going to risk everything on a chance mat could just as easily be avoided. I put my arms around her and tried to get her to soften up; but she was as rigid as ever the girl had been in one of her states of shock. But I simply stood there and kept holding her, as I had kept holding the girt in those instances, and after a white, I thought I felt some yielding in her. She shuddered and began to cry, in great, inward, throaty, tearing sobs that were almost tearless. However, after a white, even these began to quiet down; and I began to talk, quietly, into her ear while I held her. "Listen to me," I said, There only were three things I might not have gone along with you on; and now that Sunday and the girl are gone, there's only one. But that's something I've been stuck with all my life. Now that I've taken on the question of figuring out the time storm, I don't have any choice. I've got to go through any mist-walls I find and see what's on the other side of them-Tve got to, you understand? There's no choice for me when I come to something tike this. There never has been." **I know yon don't love me," she said into my chest. "I never asked for that But where will we go if you dont come back? What wffl we do?" "You'll do just fine," I said. "All you have to do is sit down for half an hour and wait, while I step through the mistwaU and take a look at what's beyond it before I come back out" "Anr she said. "That's right AH," I told her- "You'll have to take my word for it; but with most of the mistwalls I've seen, the two sides of them were pretty much the same, front and back. The odds are against anything being there that's either very good or very bad. If it's bad, 111 duck back right away. If it's good, it could mean a new, safe future for all of us. You ought to be pushing me to go and look, not holding me back!" "Oh, you'll do what you want," she said and pulled away from me. But evidently it was settled; we set off for the mistwalL At the point where we came up to it, the mistwafl crossed a little hollow crowned by trees on both sides, so that there was a sort of natural trough some sixty yards wide and perhaps a hundred long leading to it I had picked this point as one where Marie, Wendy and the dogs could stay more or less hidden from anyone observing from the higher level of land surrounding them. We had spotted the mistwall early, and we reached the trough, or hollow, perhaps an hour before noon. The mistwall itself was completely unmoving-now that I thought of it, I had never seen a motionless mistwall begin to travel, or a moving one stop. It could be that there were two different varieties of time tines involved... now that was a new thought I got everyone down in the hollow and climbed back out to the surrounding level to make sure they were invisible from anyone looking across the outside plain. They were, and using the binoculars reassured me that there was no sign of movement between the clumps of trees on the plain itself. They should be perfectly safe for an hour or so while I was on the other side of the mist-mill-certainly they would be safe for the time it would take me to go, turn around and come back, if I found something on the other side I did not like. Going back down into the hollow, I found myself trying to remember if I had ever seen anyone or anything alive moving voluntarily through one of the mistwalls. But I could remember none. Marie held me tightly for a long moment before she would let me leave them for the mistwall itself-and even Wendy dung to me. The little girl had been getting over her shyness where I was concerned, these last few days since the girl and Sunday had been gone. I felt a sudden touch of discomfort at the realization that I had not reacted to the small overtures the child had been making in my direction. It came to me suddenly and heavily that it was some obscure connection between her presence and the absence of the other two, the girl and Sunday, that had kept me cool to her. Now, suddenly, I felt guilty. It was not Wendv*s fault that things were happening as they were. At any rate, I broke away from Marie and her at last and walked into the dust and the mist, as tense as one of the dogs walking into a strange backyard. The physical and emotional feeling of upset took me before I had a chance to close my eyes against the dust-but again, as on that earlier time I had gone through the mistwall to find Marie's place, the sensations were less than I had felt beforev I found myself wondering if it was possible either to bufld up an immunity to going through the walls, or else simply to get used to the reactions they triggered in living bodies. I pushed ahead blindly, the ground becoming a little rough and uneven under my feet, until the lessening of the dust-sting against the skin of my face told me I must be coming out on the other side of the time change line. I opened my eyes. I stood now in nigged territory. If I was not among mountains, then certainly I was in the midst of some steep hills. Directly ahead of me was some sort of massive concrete structure, too large for me to see in its entirety. The part I was able to see was a mass of ruins, with new grass sprouting at odd points among the tumbled blocks of what had evidently been walls and ceilings. What had smashed it up so thoroughly was hard to imagine. It didn't look so much as if it had been bombed as if it had been picked up and twisted, the way you might twist a wet towel to wring it dry. About it, the steep slopes, covered with gravel and a few fir and spruce trees, looked deserted under the cloudless, midday sky. The air temperature was perceptibly cooler titan it had been on the other side of the mistwall, as if I was now at a noticeably higher altitude-though I had not felt the elevator-sort of inner ear sensations that would suggest a sudden change to a lower air pressure. There were no birds visible and no sounds of insects. Of course, if tins new land was high enough it could be above the flight zone of most insects. However, whatever the structure before me had been at one time, now it was a ruin only. There was no sign of fife anywhere. It was far-fetched to think that there could be anyone in that pfle of rubble who might have a greater understanding of the time storm man I did, let alone ideas on how to five with it or deal with it. I might as well go back through the mistwall to Marie, Wendy and the dogs. But I hesitated. There was a reluctance in me to cut short this business of being off on my own-almost as much reluctance as there was in me to face Marie and admit tiw whole experiment of going through the mistwall had been profitless. I compromised with myself finally; it would do no harm to go around the ruin and a little farther into this new territory, until I could see the whole extent of it and perhaps make some guess as to what it had once been. The concrete of what was left of it appeared as modern, or more so, than anything in my native time-it might even have come from a few years beyond my original present It was an odd feeling that was pushing me to explore farther-a small feeling, but a powerful one. There was something about that jumble of concrete that plucked at my problem-solving mental machinery and beckoned it I swung to the right, approaching the ruin and circling it at the same tune. As I got closer, the building turned out to be larger even than it had looked at first, and it was not possible to see it all at once. After a while, however, I got to where I could get a sight down one long side line of it. I still could not really see it as a whole, because it curved away from me, following the contours of the hill on which it was built; but it seemed to become progressively less of a ruin as its structure receded from me, and its interest to me grew. It reminded me a little of my own life, beginning as a wreck and developing into something with a shape, purposeful, but too big to see and know as a whole. I felt almost as if the building was something familiar, fike an old friend built out of concrete; and I prowled further on alongside it It continued to sprawl out and curve away from me as I went; and after I had gone perhaps a quarter of a mile, I realized that I never would be able to see the thing as a whole. It was simply too big, and it spread out in too many directions. I might have turned back then; but I noticed that the building was relatively undamaged in the further area of it I had now reached. Facing me were some windows that were whole, in sections of gray concrete wall that looked untouched. Farther on, there was even a door that looked slightly ajar-as if H needed only to be pushed open to let anyone into the interior. I went toward the door. It was a heavy, fire-door type; and when I put my weight into H and pulled, ft swung outward slowly. Inside was a flight of bare concrete stairs with black Iron pipe railing, leading upward. I mounted the stain slowly and quietly, the rifle balanced in my hands, ready to use, even while the sensible front of my mind told me mat this was ridiculous. I was wasting my time on a deserted and destroyed artifact; and H was nigh time I was heading back to Marie and Wendy, who would be worrying about me by now. Reaching the top of the stain, I let myself through another door into a long corridor, with only a bare white wall and window to my left, windows through which die sun was now striking brilliantly, bat aglhter with glass doors and interior windows to my right, through which I could see what seemed to be row on row of offices and laboratories. I took a step down the corridor, and something plucked lightly at the cuff of my left pantleg. I looked down. What appeared to be a small black thread had been fastened to the wall of each side of the corridor and now lay broken on the floor where my leg had snapped it "Who's there?*' asked a voice over my head. I looked up and saw the grille of a speaker-obviously of some public address system that had been built into this corridor when the whole structure had been put up. "Hello?" said the voice. It was tenor-weight, a young man's voice. "Who is it? Just speak up. I can hear you.*1 Cautiously, I took a step backward. I was as careful as I could be hi picking up my foot and putting it down again. But still, when the sole of my boot touched the corridor surface, there was a faint, gritting noise. "If you're thinking of going back out the way you came in," said the voice, "don't bother. The doors are locked now. It's part of the original security system of tins installation; and Fve still got power to run it" I took two more quick, quiet steps back and tried the door to the stairway. The door handle was immovable and the door itself stood motionless against my strongest push. "You see?" said the voice. "Now, I don't mean to keep you prisoner against your will. If you want to leave, I can let you out I just thought we might talk." "Can yon see me?" I asked. "No," he answered. "But Fve got instruments. Left see... you're about one hundred and ninety centimeters tall and weigh eighty-two point five three plus kilos. On the basis of voice tone and body odors, you're male, blood temperature approximately half a degree above normal, heartbeat fifty-eight-cool-headed customer, plainly- blood pressure a hundred and eight over eighty-seven. You're wearing some synthetics, but mostly wool and leather by weight-outdoor clothes. My mechanical nose also reports you as carrying a combination of metal, wood, oil and other odors.that imply a rifle of some kind, plus some other metal that may be a knife; and according to the other scents you carry, you've been outside this building only a little while after coming from some place with a lot of grass, few trees and a warmer, moister climate." He stopped talking. *Tm impressed," I said, to start him up again. I did not trust his promise to let me go just for the asking; and I was looking around for some way out besides the locked door. There were the windows-how many stairs had I climbed on the way up? If I could break through a window, and the drop was not far to the ground... Thank you," said the voice. "But it's no credit to me. It's the equipment. At any rate, reading from what I have here, you're out exploring rather than looking for trouble. You aren't carrying equipment or supplies for living outdoors, even though the odors on you say that's how you've been living. That means such equipment and supplies you have must be elsewhere. You wouldn't be likely to leave them unattended-some animal might chew them up to get at whatever food you were carrying, so you probably have others with you. They aren't in view anywhere around the area outside the building, or I'd know about them, and you're the only one inside, besides me; so that means you just about had to come through that stationary line of temporal discontinuity, out there." I stopped looking for windows. Now I actually was impressed. The equipment had been remarkable enough in what it could tell him about me; but any idiot could sit and read results from gauges and dials, if he had been trained well enough. This kind of hard, conscious reasoning from evidence, on the other hand, was something else again. "What did you call it-a temporal discontinuity?" I asked. That's right Have you got another name for it?" said the voice. "It really doesn't matter what it's called. We both know what we're talking about** "What do you call it when it moves?" I asked. There was a long second of silence. "Moves?1* said the voice. I damn near grinned. "All right," I said, "now Fll do a little deducing. Ffl deduce you haven't left this building since the time storm struck.1* Time storm?" The overall pattern of your temporal discontinuities,** I said. "I call that a time storm. I call individual discontinuities like the one out there, time lines. I call the haze in the air where one is, a mistwalL" There was a pause. "I see,** he said. "And you haven't left this building since that mist* wall appeared out there, or since whatever it was, first happened to this building?" That's not quite the way it's been,** be answered. Tve gone outside a few times. But you're right, essentially. I've been here since the first wave of disruption hit, studying that discontinuity you came through. But you- you've been moving around. And you say there're discontinuities that move?** "Some of them travel across country," I said. "Where they've gone by, the land's changed. It's either changed into what it's going to be sometime in the future, or into what it was, once, in the past" "Very interesting...** Ihe voice was thoughtful. Ten me, are there many people out there, where the moving dis--time lines are?" "No," I said. "If s been some weeks and I*ve covered a lot of ground. But I've only found a handful. The Hawaiian Islands seem to have come through pretty weU. You can hear broadcasting regularly from there on shortwave and other stations on the radio, now and then-** "Yes, I know," the voice was still thoughtful. "I thought it was the discontinuities cutting off most of the reception." "I doubt it** I said. "I think there just aren't many people still left in the world. What was this placer' **A federal installation. Research and testing,** said the voice, absently. "What's ft like out there?" **lf s tike a world-sized crazy quilt, cut up into all sorts of different time areas, marked off one from each other by the mistwalls-by the time lines or discontinuities. The big problem is the situation's still changing. Every moving time tine changes everything where it passes." I stopped talking. His voice did not pick up the conversation. I was busy thinking about the words "research and testing." "You said you'd been studying the time tine, there," I said. "What have you learned so far?** ''Not much,** his voice was more distant now, as if he had moved away from the microphone over which he had been speaking, or was caught up in some other activity, so that he was giving me only a part of his attention. "What you call the mistwall appearance seems to be a matter of conflicting air currents and temperature differentials between the two zones. But there doesn't seem to be any material barrier... you say they sometimes move?" That's right,** I said. "Any reason why they shouldn*t7** "No, I suppose... yes," he said. "There's a reason. As far as I've been able to measure, these lines of discontinuity stretch out beyond the reach of any instruments I have. In other words, they go right off into space. You'd assume any network of forces that massive would have to be in balance. But if certain of the lines are moving, then it has to be a dynamic, not a static, balance; and that mean*....*" "What?" "I don't know,*' he said. "Maybe I'm just letting my human ideas of size and distance influence me. But I've got trouble imagining something that big, shifting around internally.0 He stopped talking. I waited for him to start up again. But he did not "Look," I said. "I just sort of ran from this overall situation, the way you'd run for shelter from a thunderstorm, for the first few weeks. But now Fm trying to find out if there isn't some way to get on top of the situation- to control it-** "Control?1* I waited a second; but be did not say any more. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Did I say some kind of dirty wordr* "You don't understand," he said. "If the whole disturbance is bigger than our planet, possibly system-wide- and in some sort of dynamic balance, the idea of controlling it is...." He hesitated. For the first time there was something like emotion in his voice. "Don't you realize we never have been able to control even a hurricane-no, not even a thunderstorm like the one you were talking about-when this first hit us. Have you any idea of the mflgnitwV of the forces involved in something Hke this, if it's stretching all over die solar system?" "What makes you think it is?" I asked. He did not answer. "All right," I said, after a moment. "If you're not going to talk, let me out of here and we'll say goodby. I was going to invite you to come along with me-out where you can study the moving lines as well as this static one. But I gather that's not the way you like to work." I turned on my heel, went back to the stairway door and pushed. But it was still locked. "Waft,** he said. "Do you have other people with you?" "Yes," I told him. "How about you? Are you alone herer That's right," he said. There were a couple of hundred people in the installation here, when the disruption first hit When I got my senses back, I was the only one left I was in the hyperbaric chamber at the time-not that I can figure out why that should have made a difference.** "I've got an idea about that," I said. "I think some of us are just naturally immune-statistical survivors." "Survivors." "Of the time changes. It's only a thought Don't ask me for details.** "An interesting thought..." The voice trailed off. Down the long inner wall of the corridor, one of the doors opened, and a short, lightly boned figure in white slacks and white shirt stepped out and came toward me. He was so small that my first thought was that he could not be more than twelve or fourteen yean old fat spite of his adult voice; but when he got closer, I saw that his face was the face of a man in his hue teens or early twenties. He came up to me and offered me his hand. "B01 Gault," he said. It was a strong name for someone that light I shook hands with him. "Marc Despard," I answered. I think Fd like to go with you, after all," he said. I studied him. He was in no way frail or abnormal, just fight and smafl. At die same time, his lack of size and the spurious air of being half-frown about him, made me hesitate now at the thought of adding him to our party. I had just not expected anyone so... so physically insignificant, to be the person behind die voice I had been talking with. For a moment I felt a touch of exasperation. AH my hie, until I had run into the gM and the crazy cat, I had gotten by nicely with no responsibility for anyone but myself. But since this damned tune storm started, it seemed I had done.nothing else but play guardian and protector-to girls, leopards, women and children-and from the look of Bill Gault, I now had another responsibility on my hands. I could imagine what would happen if this featherweight should try to stand up alone to one of Tek's men, for example. "Well, you can't just walk out there like that," I said. "Haven't you got some heavier clothes and some hiking boots? And if you've got a gun of any kind around, bring that along, too, with whatever hi the way of a pack and extra clothing you can scrape up." "Oh, Fra all prepared," Bill Gault said. "I've had things ready for some time, in case I did decide to leave." And you know-he had. He took me down the corridor to a room where he outfitted himself in synthetic wool and leather gear that filled me with envy. Evidently, this installation had been testing, among other things, various kinds of special-duty outerwear for the armed services. When he was done, he looked tike an officer in the ski troops, lacking only the skis. The well-stuffed backpack he wore was a marvel; and he had both a revolver and the latest hi army lightweight, automatic rifles. I looked at the rifle particularly. "You don't have another one tike that lying around, do yon?" I asked. "This is the only one," he said. "But there's a machine pistol, if you'd like it" I looked at him. He had looked so ready hi his outdoor garb, it had been hard for me to remember that he had been boxed up here since the time storm had started. But one good innocent sentence like that brought back the realization in a hurry. "You've got ammunition for it?** "Lots of ammunition." he said. "And," I said, "you were actually going to let us walk off without it? You were going to leave it behind?" "Well, you've already got a rifle," he said, nodding at the 30.06. "And a machine pistol's not very practical for hunting.*' I shook my head. "Get it," I said, "and as much ammunition for it as you think I can reasonably carry." He did. It was an UzL And the damn fool would have left it behind. "Let's go," I said, loading my pockets and belt with the spare clips he had brought, until I felt heavy enough to walk bow-legged. "That is, unless you've got some other useful surprises to spring on me." "Nothing I can think of," he said. "Food-" "Food's no real problem," I said. "There seems to be canned goods enough to last the few of us who're left for the rest of our lifetimes. Come on." He ted me out The door opened mis time when I pushed on it We went down the stairs and out of the building; and I led him back to the misrwalL "What should I expect?" he asked, as we came up to it His tone was so casual that, for a second, I did not understand. Then I looked at him and saw that his face was pale. Calm, but pale. "You're thinking of how it was when the time storm first caught your I said. He nodded. "It won't be that bad. It seems to get easier with experience. Hang on to my belt, though, if yon want; and if I feel you let go, m put down the rifle and lug you through myself. But try and stay on your feet if you can, because we can use both these guns if we can get them out" He nodded again and reached out to hook fingers in my belt "You*!] have to close your eyes against the dust when we get close," I said. "Just concentrate on keeping on your feet, and staying with me." We went into the mistwaU then. It was not bad at aH for me, this time; but I could imagine how it might be for him. I was so undisturbed by the passage through that I had attention to spare when I heard Marie's voice on the far side of the mistwaU, as we started to come out of the far side of it **... shoot it!" Marie was crying, almost hysterically. "No," said another voice. "If you make them hurt him at all, 111 shoot you!" It was the girl talking and making the longest speech I had ever heard her utter. I took a few more steps forward out of the dust and opened my eyes. There was a regular convention in session in the hollow where I had left just Marie, Wendy and the dogs. They, of course, were still there; and aU the dogs were on guard position, not making a sound. Wendy was holding tight to her mother, and Marie was facing away from me. Beyond Marie were the girl and Sunday. The girl sat crosslegged on the ground, with the.22 rifle aimed at Marie. The girl's back was against the back of Sunday. He also was seated, on his haunches, and looking bored -but the tip of his tail was twitching ominously. He faced outward at a half-ring of figures, all with their rifles facing in Sunday's direction but looking momentarily baffled. Tek and his gang had come visiting us again and, apparently, encountered a problem. The appearance of myself and Bill Qault out of the mistwall did nothing to make their problem any easier. In fact, clearly it came as a severe jolt. They stared at us as if Bill and I were ghosts materializing before their eyes; and a sudden intuitive conclusion clicked into place in the back of my mind. Just as I once had, obviously they were in the habit of avoiding mistwalls. No doubt, everybody still on the face of the earth today avoided them, instinctively, remembering the emotional upset and discomfort of their first experience with any part of the time storm. And here were Bill and I, strolling out of this particular mistwall as casually as walking from one room into another. Hard on the heels of mat bit of understanding came another. The scrap of overheard conversation I had heard suddenly resolved itself. Clearly, the "it" Marie had been telling Tek and his men to shoot had been Sunday; and, just as clearly, Sunday and the girl had come here hunting me-which meant that Tek and company had probably been following them, as well as the dogs and us, an this time. I had gotten this far with my thoughts, when the frozen moment in which the girl and Tek's gang stared at me was abruptly and joyously smashed asunder by Sunday. Plainly, he heard, smelted, or otherwise recognized me in spite of his back being turned He jumped to his feet, turned about, and came bounding at me like a kitten, purring like an outboard motor and stropping himself up against me with unrestrained enthusiasm. I had a second to brace myself, but being braced did not help much. When a hundred and forty pound leopard throws an affectionate shoulder block into your midsec-tion, you realize the advantages of four legs over two. At least when one cat makes loving demonstrations to another, the recipient has a couple of spare feet to prop himself upright with. I staggered and nearly went down. Meanwhile, Marie had turned around to see what was going on and saw me. "Marc!" she cried There was so much desperate relief in her voice, I was almost ready to forget that she had seemed on the verge of entering into partnership with the enemy to get rid of Sunday and the girl. But our difficulties were not at an end, because now she also came to throw her arms around me. "You've been gone for hours!" she said. I had no time to point out that I had not even been gone one hour, al the most; because Sunday, seeing her coming, had already classed her as a potential attacker and finally decided to do something about her. I fended her off with one arm, while just managing to dap Sunday hard on the nose to check the lethal paw-swipe with which he would have turned our little reunion into a very real tragedy. I succeeded-but of course, success left me with a rebuffed woman and a rebuffed leopard at once, on my hands. Marie was hurt that I should shove her off. Sunday was destroyed. I tried to soothe the leopard with my hands and the woman with my voice at the same time. "Marie-nol" I said. "Bless youl I love you-but stand back, wiQ you? Sunday's likely to claw you in half." *Then what are you doing petting the animal?" cried Marie. "So he wont get loose and claw somebody else! For Christ's sake-** I yelled at her, "stand back, will you? Keep Wendy back-" I was running out of breath. Sunday had forgiven me and was once more trying to throw frantic, affectionate shoulder blocks into me. "Down, Sunday!" I managed, finally, to wrestle the leopard to the ground and tie on him while he ticked cheerfully and lovingly at any part of my person that was within tongue-reach. I looked up and glared at the girl. "What are you doing on this side of the river?" I snarled. "He pulled himself loose!" she said. I went on glaring at her. She was an absolute, barefaced Bar. Sunday would have choked himself to death on those chains I had used to restrain bun, before he would have been able to pull himself free. Of course, the girl had turned him loose herself, deliberately, so that they could both follow me. I knew it, and she knew I knew it; and I could see she didnt care a hoot mat I knew it Girl, leopard and woman-I could not do a thing with any of them. I looked around for something in my own class to tie into; and my gaze lighted on Tek. The man was two axe-handles across the shoulders and besides being six years or more younger than I, had that easy, muscular balance of movement that signals the natural athlete. He could, almost undoubtedly, have held me off with one hand while beating me to death with the other; but just at that moment, if I had not been occupied with the absolute necessity of keeping Sunday flattened out, I would have picked a fight with Tek for the simple joy of having something legitimate to hit I had dropped both the machine pistol and the rifle, necessarily, needing both hands to handle Sunday and Marie. But the pistol was only a short arm's length from me. I scooped it up, now, pointing it at Tek, and noticed that BiU Gault had maintained enough presence of mind to lift his army automatic rifle into firing position under bis arm. In terms of sheer firepower, we two more than matched up to the hunting rifles carried by Tek and his men, and the dogs could mop up any other difference that existed. But then, Tek took me completely by surprise. "Hold it!" he shouted, before I could say anything more. "Hold it-Tm with your To my astonishment, he threw his rifle toward Marie and walked unarmed up to us and turned around to face his former crew. He grinned at Marie and nodded pleasantly tome. "Just give the orders," he said to me. "I wont pick up my gun unless you say so." There had been a moment of frozen disbelief on the part of his men when he had switched sides. But now there was a general outcry from them. "TekT "Teh, you bastard--what are you doing to us?** Tek, damn it!" "Tek...." **Sony,fI he said, shrugging his shoulders and smiting at them. **J can tell when I've run into a better team, that's all. If you're bright, you'll come over on their side, too. If you're not, don't blame me." Three of the five of them began to argue with him an at once. He said nothing, though, and gradually then-voices died down. One of the two men who had not tried to argue him out of it finally spoke. He was a narrow-bodied balding man in his late thirties or early forties, with-a sharp, hard face. That was all pretty quick and easy," he said. "Almost fike it was planned, the quick way he went over to them. Come on, the rest of you. Let*s clear out and leave Tek with them, if mat*s what he wants." The men shifted uneasuy. I looked at Tek, but he was staling off at the horizon, ignoring the whole matter with an indifference as sublime as Sunday's could be on occasion. But the other man who had not argued with Tek now spoke up. "Sure, Oarney," he said. "Let's all go off and let yon run things instead of Tek-is that it? I'm sticking with him. Come on, everybody.** He walked across to us and laid his rifle down beside Tele's. But I noticed he laid it down carefully. It was * bolt action, and he bad the bolt uppermost; and when he stepped back from it, he was only a couple of feet away from a quick grab to regain it Slowly, one by one, the others came over. AH except the man called Garney, who had suggested they leave Tek behind. When at last they were all standing with us, leaving Garney alone, Tek took his eyes off the horizon slowly and gazed at hint. "Well," he said, gently. "So Song then, Garney. Maybe you better head off in a different direction from where we're going.** "All right, Tek," said Garney, "that's all right I wouldn't want to have anything more to do with any of you.** He backed up a few steps, watching us. Then, evidently deciding mat it was simply not practical to back the long distance it would take to get him out of our rifles* range, he turned his back and walked swiftly away. He went off, up over the lip of the hollow and disappeared. Tek's men who had joined us moved to pick up then-rifles. "Leave them layP said Tek, They stopped, staring at him; and he nodded in my direction. "Leave them, until the chief here tells us what to do." I became suddenly conscious of the fact that they were all staring at me; and that I was still lying sprawled out on Sunday, trying to control him with one hand, white I clung to the Uki and attempted to keep it pointed, with the other, Sunday had quieted down somewhat by tins time; so I scrambled to my feet, cuffed him lightly when he tried to recommence his greetings to me and faced Tek with his men. "AH right," I said. "Let's talk about this. I don't remember hanging out any sign asking for volunteers." Tek shrugged. MAUI can do is try,** he said. "Marc!** said Marie, sharply. She looked at me for a second as if she was going to say something then and there, then closed her mouth and crossed the little distance between us. This time, I was glad to see, she made it a point to approach me on the opposite ride from Sunday. She came up to me and took hold of my arm, whispering in my ear. "Marc, are yon crazy?** she demanded. "Isn*t it better to have these men as friends, instead of enemies?" I was about to answer sharply, when I thought better of it. I nodded to Tek. "Ask him how he'd answer that,** I said out loud. "Go ahead.** Something like a dark shadow seemed to pass across Marie's face; and she looked at me oddly. But she stepped back from me without a word and turned to face Tek. "I asked Marc if it wasn't better to have you as friends instead of enemies,** she said, loudly and clearly. "He said to ask you now you'd answer that." "Sure," said Tek, "if I was him, Td want to know how you'd know you could trust us.** She stared at him. He smiled back. "You see, now,** he said, *Tm not trying to put anything over on anybody. I volunteered to join you an on my own. It's up to the chief there-what did you say his name was? Marc? It's up to Marc.** **Aod up to me, tool** said Marie, sharply. "And you, too, of course, ma'am,** said Tek. "But-no offense to yon and your dogs-but Fd worry a bit more about Marc, here, if it came right down to picking one of you over the other to have trouble with. Him, his pet leopard, and his friend there." He nodded to Bill Gault I had almost forgotten BflL Now, I called him over and introduced bun to Marie, Wendy, and the girl, while still keeping a cautions eye on Tek and the others. AH the time, the back of my mind was working. The truth of the matter was, if Bin and I were to dig into this business of the time storm seriously, we would need troops to take the ordinary work and fighting off our hands. Plus the fact that we might well be adventuring through a mistwall into a situation where a number of people with guns were needed. Abo, something Tek had just said had sparked off a notion in the back of my mind. While listing the things that might worry him about having me for an enemy, Tek had specified Sunday as one of them. I had grown so used to Sunday that I had almost forgotten how unnatural it was to other people to see a full grown leopard tagging after me like a kitten. The tendency was for the watchers to assume I had a lot more control over him than I actually did-as wen as to assume that he was a great deal brighter and more responsive than his cat brain would ordinarily allow. There was a bluff I could run. "All right," I said, Til tell you what we can do. We can take all of you on a probation, and see how youTl do. Leave your guns piled where they are; and if any of you have to go someplace away from the camp, where yon might run into trouble, one or two of the dogs can go with you. Meanwhile, 1*0 set the leopard to watch you. He may not be able to tell me what you talk about; but if any of you make any move that looks as if yon mean to hurt one of us, he can tear you apart before youll know what hit you." I looked them over. "Wen?" I said. "How about h? Want to join us on those terms?" They looked at me hesitantly-all but Tek. Then they looked at Tek. "Maro-" began Marie, and then checked herself. "Whatr I looked at her. "Nothing," she said. I looked back at the men. "How about hr "Speaking, just for myself, of course," said Tek, "I mink that*s fine-real fine. I've got no intentions of being anything but a good friend to you aH anyway, so your leopard doesn't worry me a bit. But that's just me. The others are going to make their deals with you on their own.** "AH right,** I said. "Suppose the seven of you find a place to sit down together over there about ten yards away from your guns and the rest of us. I've got some things to do." Tek led off agreeably. He sat down, and the rest followed. I turned my attention to the girl, who was now getting to her feet She had been holding her rifle grimly aimed at Marie, afi the while, but now she lowered it "Are you all right?" I asked her. "You haven't been hurt or anything? Have you been getting enough to eat?" She looked at me with a very strange expression. For a moment I swore she was going to answer me. But habit took over. She turned without a word and walked away from me to where Sunday was, a few steps away, and began petting him, with her back to me. "I take it that means 'yes'!" I called after her. She did not reply, of course. The voice of Marie spoke in low, but tight, tones in my ear. "Marc, she's not staying, she or that leopard, either." I turned to stare at her. She looked ready to fight "Of course they're staying,** I said. "Then I'm leaving, with Wendy and the dogs." "And Tek and his men right behind you," I said. I had not meant to put it that bluntly; but I was just about out of patience. "Go ahead." She glared at me fiercely for a moment, then turned and went to Wendy. But she made no move to begin a departure. I looked around for Bill Oault saw him standing watting a little distance away and beckoned him over to me. He came and I led him off out of low-voiced earshot of the rest "I didn't mean to lead you into a touchy situation fike mis," I said. "You can go back to your installation, if you feel tike it, and X won't blame you." "No," he said. "You were right. I couldn't really learn anything more, shut up there. The only way to study the situation is to look at as many of the discontinuities as I can find. We ought to keep on the move and, every time we get near one, have a look at it" "Good," I told him. "By the way, you never did ten me what your field is. Were you a research scientist, a lab man, or what?" "Well, no," he said. "I do have a degree in physics... but actually, I was just technical editor for the installation." He gazed at me uncomfortably. "Technical editor!" I said. "That*s right" "Wen, what the hell can you do, then?" I demanded- I was about at the end of my temper, anyway; and this last disappointment threatened to cut me loose. I had taken it for granted he was some sort of scientific expert, at least "I can do a lot!" Bill said, swiftly. "I can observe, make tests and record-and I know something about physics, as I said. Also, Fve been up to my eyebrows in everything we worked on at the installation for the five years Fve been there. I'm not helpless," "AH right," I answered. "But you're going to have to show me." He did. During the two weeks that followed, my opinion of him, starting from the sub-basement level of that moment, went steadily up. He had brought with him in his backpack some remarkably small, but durable instruments to measure temperature, air pressure, wind velocity and humidity, phis a few less common things like electrostatic levels and magnetic flows. He also designed a number of long rods for pushing these into and through a mistwall, while we stood safely outside. This is not to say we did not enter the walls. In the final essential, it was necessary to go through them. As we moved across country in the days following the addition of Tefc and his men to our group-to say nothing of Bffl himself, and the rejoining of the girl and Sunday- we ran into at least one, and sometimes more, nustwaBs a day. We would make all the tests on them that Bill could think of; but once he had the results noted down, it was a matter of he and I going through them, that is, unless it were a moving mistwall we were investigating, in which case we spotted them early through binoculars and moved to outflank and see behind them. We did not go into diem as blindly as I had gone into earlier ones. Among other designs of Bill's were rod or rope devices to be thrown through the mistwall and dragged back, to give us an idea of the ground situation and atmosphere beyond. Hie third time we used them, what we learned kept us from walking off a cliff on the far side of the mistwall, before we would have had a chance to open our eyes. But, in the end, in almost every instance, we still had to go through personally. We found a number of different situations, from raw desert to empty city, on the far sides of these walls; and we profited from what we found. Fourteen days after our group had come to its full size, we were riding in a sort of motorcade, afl of us, including the dogs. Our vehicles consisted of a couple of brand new motor homes for sleeping and living quarters, preceded by a couple of jeep carryalls and followed by a pickup truck, all three smaller vehicles with four-wheel drive, carrying the armed members of the party while we were on the move. With wheels under us, outflanking the moving mistwalls became not only easier, but more certain. There were four of us who carried weapons to start with-myself, Marie, Bill, and also the girl. She had become attached to that 3.2 of hers. In fact, she refused to give it up, and when I had her fire it for me, I found that she had not merely kept it in good condition, she was developing into a good shot. At short to medium range in rough country, a tight gun like a.22 could be as effective as an elephant gun, in every way but impact, if the person shooting it was accurate enough; and I was glad to have her able to use it. By the end of the first week we added a fifth gunner- Tek. The man had worked hard to do anything that was asked of him; untfl he had begun finally to make a believer even out of me. The conclusion I came to at last was that whatever it was he wanted, for the moment, at least, it included cooperation with the rest of us. I walked him off a short distance from our night camp on the end of our seventh day together and asked him a lot of questions about himself. The answers were unhesitating and interesting. His full name was Techner, pronounced Tek-ner," Wilson Am-bervoy-he had been named for a couple of grandparents. He had been good enough as a high school football player to get a scholarship ID the University of Indiana- and Indiana had fielded a Big Ten team which did not play mediocre football. However, he had not taken the study end of college seriously and had flunked out midway through his sophomore year. Luckily-he was usually lucky, Tek told me frankly-he got a job immediately with an uncle who owned a paint store. The uncle was in poor health and inside of half a year, Tek was managing the store. About that time, he got into real estate. With the cosignature of his paint store uncle, Tek swung a mortgage and bought a twelve-unit apartment building. To run it, he brought in a friend named Ricky, a drinking baddy the same age as himself, who had a knack for card games and was in the habit of having a poker session in his former bachelor apartment every night after the bars closed. He and Tek remodeled two of the apartment units of their building into one large one to make, as Tek put it, "a pretty impressive-looking cave"; and the after-hours card games expanded. Meanwhile, they made it a point to rent the rest of the units to girl friends of TekV, and a number of these would also drop in on the card game after hours to make sandwiches, pour drinks and watch the game. If the supply of these girls ran short, Tek went out prospecting and found some more. The result was that there were always a number of good-looking girls around the card game, and young male strangers began dropping in for a hand or two, just to meet them. Tek's buddy did well with his cards. He paid Tek a percentage of his winnings as rent for the apartment; and the other units became very much hi demand among Tek's girl friends, so that he was able to raise the rent several times and still keep every unit filled. "... You understand,1* Tek said to me. "Nobody cheated in the card games. There was nothing professional about the girls. Just everybody had a good time, and Ricky and me had it for free-well, maybe we came out a little bit ahead, but when we did, we just spent it on more good stuff....** And then the time storm had come along; Tek had been taking a nap. When he woke, he was alone hi the apartment building. Alone in an empty town. He ended up going out adventuring, and one by one, he ran into the other men of his gang, whom he recruited out of a sort of pack-instinct for leadership. "But that wasn't really what I was after," Tek said to me as we walked together, with the camp and the fire we always built for it distant in the twilight before the small town on the outskirts of which we had stopped for the night "You know, even before this time storm, or whatever you call it, came along, I was beginning to get a little filled up on the apartment, the fun and games, and all the rest of it. I was beginning to want to do something -I don't know what I still don't know. But just roaming around, living off the country, isn't it either." Tek stopped and looked at me in the growing ®tii®nga®. "They're not bright, you know," he said, "those five back there I picked up. Garney was the brightest of them aft; and he was nothing you could build on. Now, Httie old Bill Gault there, he's bright; and you are, too. Someday maybe you'll tell me what you did before this happened and where you came from; and I'll bet itH be interesting. And this business of yours with the mistwafls- it might lead to something. That's what I want Something." He stopped talking. "All right," I said. "Let's head back.** Halfway back to tile camp, I came to a conclusion. "You can start carrying a rifle tomorrow," I told him. "But don't forget you're still under orders. Mine." "Right,** he said. ''But Td be on your side anyway." Tor now, you would," I said dryly. He laughed. "Come on, man,** he said. "Anything can happen if you look far enough into the future. If anything comes along to change the situation that much, you'll know about it as soon as I wfll." So we moved on with five gunners instead of four, and things went almost suspiciously welt The plan Bill and I had evolved was based on our theory that our best chance to get on top of the time storm was to keep looking for the most advanced future segment we could find. Hope-rally the more advanced an area we could hit, the more likely we were to find the equipment or the people to help us deal with the time storm. If we were going to be able to do something about it, that was where we were most likely to find the means. If we were going to be forced to five with it-perhaps we could find the techniques and patterns we needed in something beyond our present time slot As I bad discovered earlier, however, the time changes seemed to be weighed toward the past, rather than toward the future. We found three futuristic-looking segments behind mistwalls; but they were either apparently stripped of anything or anyone useful, or else their very futureness was in doubt It was two weeks and two days before we found a segment that was undeniably part of a city belonging to a time yet to come-a far future time, we thought at first Though of course, there was no way we might tell how much time would have been necessary to nuafcp changes. This particular segment was behind the second mistwaU we had encountered that day. The first had showed us nothing but unrelieved forest, stretched out over descending hills to a horizon that was lost in haze, but which must have been many miles off. Such a landscape might be part of a future segment but it was not passable by our wheeled vehicles, and it promised nothing. We puHed bade through the mistwall-it was then about ten in the morning-paused for an early lunch and went on. About 2:30 P.M., we saw a second, stationary mistwall and moved up to it We were travelling along a gravel road at the time, through what seemed like an area of small farms. The mistwall sliced across a cornfield and obliterated the corner of what had once been a tall, white and severely narrow farmhouse-an American Gothic among farmhouses. We left our motorcade in the road, and Bill and I walked up the farm road into the farmyard, carrying most of the instruments. The rest straggled along behind us but stayed back, as I had repeatedly warned them to, a good twenty yards from where we were working. I said the rest stayed back-I should have said all the rest but Sunday. The leopard had put up with seeing me go through mistwafls for about two days after he and the girl had rejoined us and had contented himself with overwhelming me with pleased greetings when I returned. Like all our humans, he obviously had a powerfully remembered fear of the time lines, in spite of having crossed one at Marie's place. But after Bill and I had penetrated through ttie third wall we had encountered, I had heard something odd behind me and looked to see Sunday coming through the mistwall behind us, tossing his head, bis eyes closed and mewling like a lost kitten. He broke out and came to me-still with his eyes dosed and evidently depending on nose alone-and it had taken me fifteen minutes to soothe him back to quietness. However, going back through the mistwall later, he had been much less upset; and two days later he was accompanying us with the indifference of a veteran. Of course, as soon as he started coming through the nustwatts after us, the girl did too. But it was possible to order her not to; Sunday could not be kept back. So, fat this case, as had become his habit, Sunday followed Bill and me up to the mistwall and waited whOe we made our measurements and tests. These showed it to be little different from the many other walls we had tested. But when we finally went through this time, we found a difference. We came out in a-what? A courtyard, a square, a plaza... take your pick. It was an oval of pure white surface and behind, all about it, rose a city of equal whiteness. Not the whiteness of new concrete, but the whiteness of veinless, milk-colored marble. And there was no sound about it Not even the cries of birds or insects. No sound at alt ,14 "... We were the first" wrote Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner- "Who ever burst, Into that silent sea....* If you know that bit of poetry, if you love poetry the way I do, you will be able to feel something like the feeling that hit Bill and me when we emerged from the mistwall into that city. Those lines give it to you. It was with us and that city beyond our time, as it had been with that sea and Coleridge's Mariner. It was a city of silence, silence such as neither of us had ever heard, and such as we had never suspected could exist-until that moment We were trapped by that silence, held by it, suddenly motionless and fixed, for fear of intruding one tiny noise into that vast, encompassing and majestic void of sound-lessness, like flower petals suddenly encased in plastic. It held us both, frozen; and the fear of being the first to break it was like a sudden hypnotic clutch on our minds, too great for us to resist We were locked in place; and pertafM we might have stood there until we dropped, if it had be®n left to our own wills alone to save us. But we were rescued. Shatteiingty and suddenly, echoing and reechoing off to infinity among die white towers and ways before us, came the loud scrape of claws on ft hard surface; and a broad, warm, hard, leopard-head butted me in the ribs, knocking me off my frozen balance to fall with a deafening clatter to the pavement, as my gun and my equipment went spilling all around me. With that, the spell was smashed. It had only been that first, perfect silence that operated so powerfully on our emotions, and that, once destroyed, could never be recreated. It was an awesome, echoing place, that city, like some vast, magnificent tomb. But it was just a place once its first grip on us had been loosed. I picked myself up. "Let's have a look around," I said to Bill. He nodded. He was not, as I was, a razor addict; and over the two weeks or more since I had met him, be had been letting his beard go with only occasional scrapings. Now a faint soft fuzz darkened his lower face. Back beyond the mistwall, with his young features, this had looked more ridiculous than anything else; but here against the pure whiteness all around us and under a cloudless, windless sky, the beard, his outdoor clothing, his rifle and instruments, all combined to give him a savage intruder's look. And if he looked so, just from being unshaved, I could only guess how I might appear, here in this unnaturally perfect place. We went forward, across the level floor of the plaza, or whatever, on which we had entered. At its far side were paths leading on into the city; and as we stepped on one, it began to move, carrying us along with it. Sunday went straight up in the air, cat-fashion, the moment he felt it stir under his feet, and hopped back off it But when he saw it carrying me away from him, he leaped back on and came forward to press hard against me as we rode-it was the way he had pressed against me on the raft during the storm, before he, the girl and I had had to swim for shore. The walkway carried us in among the buildings, and we were completely surrounded by milky whiteness. I had thought at first that the buildings had no windows; but apparently they had-only of a different sort than anything I had ever imagined. Seeing the windows was apparently an a matter of angle. One moment it seemed I would be looking at a blank wall-the next I would have a glimpse of some shadowed or oddly angled interior. It was exactly the same sort of glimpse that you get of the mercury line in a fever thermometer when you rotate the thermometer to just the proper position. But there was no indication of life, anywhere. Around us, over us, the city was lifeless. This was more than a fact of visual observation. We could feel the lack of anything living in all the structures around us like an empty ache in the mind. It was not a painful or an ugly feeling, but it was an unpleasant feeling just for the reason that it was not a natural one. That much massive construction, empty, ready and waiting, was an anomaly that ground against the human spirit. The animal spirit as well, for that matter; because Sunday continued to press against me for reassurance as we went. We stepped off the walkway at last-it stopped at once as we did so- and looked around at a solid mass of white walls, all without visible windows or doors. "Nothing here," said Bill Gault after a while. "Let's go back now." "No," I said. "Not yet." I could not have explained to him just why I did not want to give up. It was the old reflex at the back of my head, working and working away at something, and feeling that it was almost on top of that missing clue for which it searched There had to be something here in this empty city that tied in with our search to make reason out of the time storm, the time lines, and aQ the business of trying to handle them or live with them. I could feel it "There's no one here,** Bill said. I shook my head. "Let's get inside," I said. "Any one of these buildings will do." "Get inside? How?" He looked around us at the marble-white, unbroken walls. "Smash our way in somehow," I said. I was looking around myself for something to use as a tool. "If nothing else, the machine pistol ought to make a hole we can enlarge-" "Never mifld," he said, in a sort of sigh. I turned back to look at him and saw him already rummaging in his pack. He came out with what looked like a grey cardboard package, about ten inches long and two wide, two deep. He opened one end and pulled out part of a whitish cylinder wrapped in what looked like wax paper. The cylinder of stuff was, evidently, about the same consistency as modelling clay. With its wax paper covering off, it turned out to be marked in sections, each about two inches long. Bill pulled off a couple of sections, rewrapped the rest and put it away, back in his pack. The two sections he had pulled out squeezed between his hands into a sort of thin pancake, which he stepped over and pressed against one of the white walls. It clung there, about three feet above the ground. "What is it?" I asked. "Explosive," he said. "A form bf plastic-" He pronounced it plas-teek, with the emphasis on the second syllable-"but improved. It doesn't need any fuse. You can do anything with it safely, even shoot a bullet into it. Nothing happens until it's spread out like that, thin enough so that sufficient area can react to the oxygen in the air." He moved back from the wall where he had spread out the pancake, beckoning me along with him. I came, without hesitating. We stood about thirty feet off, waiting. For several minutes nothing happened. Then there was an insignificant little poof that would hardly have done credit to a one-inch firecracker; but an area of the white wall at least six feet in diameter seemed to suck itself inward and disappear. Beyond, there was a momentary patch of blackness; and then we were looking into a brightly tit chamber or room of some sort, with several large solid-looking shapes sitting on its floor area, shapes too awkwardly formed to be furniture and too purposelessly angular to seem as if they were machinery. Like the room, like the walls, they were milky white in color. But that appearance did not last long. Without warning, the damaged' wall blushed. I don't know how else to describe it. From white it turned blood-red, the reddishness most intense around the edges of the hole blown in the wall and toning down from there as it spread outward. And it spread with unbelievable speed. In a moment, the color change had swept over all the walls and pavement around us and raced on to turn the city, the whole city, to red. Far off among the buildings, a faint, siren sound began. It was uncomfortably as if the city was a living thing we had wounded, and now it was not only bleeding internally but crying. But this was just the beginning of the change. "Look!" said Bill. I turned back from gaping at the city to see Bin pointing once more at the hole in the wall. The red around the ragged rim of broken material had darkened and deepened until it was almost black-a thick and angry color of red. But now, as I watched, that dark-red edge began to develop a hairline of white-glowing white-hot-looking brightness beyond the edge of darkest red. And this tiny edge of white thickened and widened, tinged with pink where it came up against the dark red, but continuing to thicken in whiteness on its other, broken edge that touched only air. "It's healing itself," said Bill I had not realized it until he put it into words, but that was exactly what was happening. The white that was appearing was new wall surface, growing down and inward, beginning to fill the hole that we had blown in the wall. I took a step forward as soon as I realized this, then stopped. The hole was already too-small for me to go through, easily; and those white-glowing edges did not look like anything I would want to brush up against on my way past. "All right," I said to Bill, "let's try it someplace else, and next time be a little quicker about going through, once we've opened it up." "No. Wait," he said, catching hold of my'arm as I started off to a further section of the wall. "Listen I" I stopped and listened. The distant, wailing, siren-sound had been continuing steadily, but without any indication of coming any closer to us and the scene of the action. But now that Bill had my attention, I heard another sound superimposed on the first* It was the noise of a faint, dull-toned but regular clanking. The sort of thing you might hear from a large toy tractor, if it had been constructed with its movable parts, out of plastic rather than metal. And this sound was coming toward us. I had the machine pistol up and aimed without thinking; and Bill had his gun also pointed, when the source of the noise came around the corner of the same building where we had blown the opening in the wall. It came toward us, apparently either not understanding, or understanding but ignoring, the menace of our guns. I stared at it, unbelievingly, because I had a hard time making up my mind whether it was creature or machine. By the time I had reluctantly concluded it was a creature, it was less than a dozen feet from us and it stopped. A machine I might have risked pumping a few slugs into. A creature was another matter entirely. Aside from the fact that killing another living thing has some emotional overtones to it, there were a great many more dangerous possibilities involved for us if it was alive, and our hostile response was not successful. So we simply stood and looked it over, and it looked us over. It looked-it's hard to say how it looked in mat first minute. Something like a Saint Bernard-sized, very short-limbed, very heavy-headed, bulldog shape, with a clump of three tails or tentacles, about two feet in length, sprouting from each shoulder. The whole body was covered with rectangular bony plates about a couple of inches at their widest, which flexed at their jointures with the plates surrounding them to allow the body beneath them to move. Smaller plates even covered most of the massive head. The two eyes were brown and large. "Don't shoot!" I said to Bill, without taking my eyes off the creature. I don't know what movement of his, if any, triggered off that reaction in me. At the moment, I only know two things. I had been searching from the very beginning, for an x-factor, a Game Warden, a missing piece to the puzzle of the time storm; and the old reliable search-reflex in the back of my mind now was practically shouting at me that this might be it. And-second, but no less important -the whole improbable being radiated an impression of non-enmity. That impressive armor, that ferocious head, somehow added up, not so much to something threatening, as to something rather clumsy and comic-even lovable, like the bulldog it faintly resembled. Stifl, I would have had trouble convincing Bin of any of that alone-but luckily, just at that moment, I got corroborative testimony from a completely unexpected source-Sunday. Up until now the leopard had not moved; but now, suddenly, he strolled past me, right up to the creature, and proceeded to strop himself in a friendly manner up one side of it and down the other. He then sniffed it over a few times and gravely returned to me. That did it Bill lowered his gun. "Heflo," I said to the creature. The word sounded almost ridiculous in the context of our confrontation, here in mis silent, strange place. The creature said nothing. *Tm Marc Despard," I said. This is Bill Gault" Still no answer. "Marc," said Bill, in a strained, thin voice. "Let's start backing up, slowly. If it lets us go, we can back right into the mistwaB, and maybe it won't follow us-** He broke off because some sounds were finally beginning to come from the creature. Sounds that were something like a cross between the internal rumblings of indigestion and the creaking of machinery that had not been used hi a long time. "Due....** said the creature, in a deep-tone, grating voice. "Yanglish.** It fell silent. We waited for more sounds, but none came. "Start backing if you want," I answered Bio, still keeping my gaze, however, on the creature. *Tm going to stay and see if I can't find out something about this.** "I...." said the creature, loudly, before Bill could answer me. There was a pause while we waited for more. "I am....** it said, after a second. Another pause. Then it continued, in jerks, almost as if it were holding a conversation with itself, except mat the pauses between bits of conversation became shorter and shorter until they approached ordinary sentence-length human speech. *1 am....** said the creature again. "... Porniarsk.** "Porniank. I am... an of...." **I am Poraiarsk Prime Three... of... an...." "I am Porniarsk Prime Three, an... avatar... of Pomiank....** "... Expert hi Temporals General. I am me... thud... avatar of Porniarsk... who is an... expert on the Temporal Question.'* "It's a robot of some sort,** said Bin, staring at Porniarsk's avatar. "No," it said. "I am Porniarsk. Avatar, secondarily only. I am living-... alive. As you are." "Do we call you Porniarsk?" I asked. There was a pause, men a new sort of creaking, unused machinery noise; and the heavy head was nodding up and down, so slowly* awkwardly and deliberately that the creature called Porniank looked even more comic man before. It broke off its head-movements abruptly at the top of a nod. "Yea," it said. "Porniarsk Prime Three is... a full name. Call me Porniarsk. Also, he. I am... male.** "We'll do that," I said. "Porniarsk, I'm sorry about damaging your city here. We didn't think mere was anyone still around." "It is not... it isn't my city,*1 said Porniarsk. 1 mean it's neither mine as avatar, nor is it something that belongs to me as Porniarsk. I come from...." He had been going great guns, but all at once he waft blocked again. We waited, while he struggled with his verbal problem. "I come from many... stellar distances away,** he said, finally. "Also from a large temporal... time... distance. But I should say also that, in another measure, I am... from close to here." "Close to this world?" Bill asked. "Not...** Porniarsk broke off in order to work at the process of shaking his head this time, "to this world, generally. Just to... here, this place, and a few other places on your Earth." "Is this place-this city or whatever it is..." asked Bill, "from the same time as the time you come from?" "No," said Porniarsk. "No two times can be alike-no more than two grains of sand be identicaL" "We aren't stupid, you know," said Bill For the first tune Fd known him, there was an edge in his voice. "If you can tell us that much, you can do a better job of explaining tilings than you're doing.** "Not stupid... ignorant," said Porniarsk. "Later, perhaps? I am from far off, spatially; from far off, temporally; but from close, distance-wise. When you broke the wall here, this city signalled; I had been for a long period of my own time on the watch for some such happening at any one of the many spots I could monitor; and when the city signalled, I came." "Why is the city so important?" I asked. "It isn't,** said Porniarsk, swinging bis heavy head to look at me. "You are important I believe. FJ1 go with you now unless you reject me; and at last, perhaps we can be of use to ourselves and to the universe." I looked at Bill. Bill looked at me. "Just a minute," I said. "I want to look this place over. Ifs from out of our future, if my guess is right There may be a lot of things here we can use." "Nothing," said Porniarsk. "It is only a museum-with all its exhibits taken away long since." He made no visible move that my eyes could catch, but suddenly, all the walls about us seemed to suck themselves in and produce circular doorways. "If you would like to look, do so," Porniarsk said. He folded his short legs Inward muter him and went down like a large coffee table with its four supports chopped away by four axemen at once. "I wiU wait Use-time is subjective." I was half-ready to take him at his words that the "city" was no use to us; but BQl was beckoning me away. I followed him away and around a corner, with Sunday trailing along after me, out of sight of Porniarsk. BiU stopped, then, and I stopped. Sunday went on to sniff at an open doorway. "Listen," whispered Bin, "I don't trust it" "Him," I said, absently. "Pomiarsk-he said he was male.** "He also said he was an avatar," said Bifl. The incarnation of a deity.** Bill's carping pricked me the wrong way. "-Or the incarnation of an idea, or a philosophy, or an attitudeP I said. "Why don't you read all of the entry in the dictionary next time?** Abruptly, I realized that he was scared; and my jumping on him was the last sort of move likely to help matters. "Look, he's just the sort of thing we've been hunting for. Someone out of the future who might be able to help us handle this time storm business." "I don't trust... him," said BiU stubbornly. "I think he's just planning to use us." "He can't," I said, without thinking. "Why notr Bill stared at me. He had me, of course. I had responded out of my feelings rather than out of my head-or, to be truthful, out of my reflex for pattern-hunting, which was still yelling that I might have.found the missing piece necessary to complete the jigsaw puzzle. I did not know why I was so unthinkingly sure of the fact that while we might be able to use Porniarsk, he could not use us. I had thought that the end result of my certainty about Swannee's survival had taught me some healthy self-doubt But here I was, certain as hell, afl over again. *Tve just got a hunch,** I said to Bill men. "But in any case, we cant pass him up. We've got to, at least, try to get the information we need out of him. Now, you can see the sense of that, can't you?** He hesitated in answering. I had hit him on his weak side-the side that believed hi scientific question and experimentation. "Of course you can," I went on. "There's no point to anything if we throw away the first good lead we've found to making sense out of things. Let's go back now and take Porniftrsk along with us to the rest of them. There'll be plenty of time to find out what he's after personally, once we've got him back in camp. Whatever he's got, ril feel a lot safer when he's got the dogs, Sunday and the rest of our guns all around him-don't you agree?" Bin nodded reluctantly. "All right," he said. "But I want to look into a few of these buildings, anyway." "Well do that, then." I could afford to give in on a small point, now that he'd yielded on the large one. "But I've got a hunch Porniarsk's right, and there's nothing to find." So, accompanied by Sunday, we searched through a couple of the now-open buildings. But it was just as I'd thought Porniarsk had not been tying so far as we could discover. The buildings were nothing but a lot of empty rooms-in immaculate condition, without a trace of dust or damage-but empty. Echo-empty. In tile end we went back and collected Porniarsk. He clattered to his feet as we came up and fell in step with us when I told him we were headed back through the mistwaU to the rest of our people. However, I stopped when we came to the nearer edge of the wall. *Td like you to wait here, Porniarsk,'' I told him, "while Bill and I go through first. Give us a chance to tell the rest of our people about you and tone down the surprise when you show up. Is that all right with you?** "All right,** said Porniarsk, clunking down into lying position again. "Call when you want me to come after you." "We win," I said. I led BiU and Sunday back through the mist When we opened our eyes on the other side, it was to find a deserted, if cozy-looking, farmyard. The cooktent had been set up in the yard and Marie had both charcoal grilles going, but no one was on duty except the dogs. Clearly, the others were all inside the farmhouse-the very sort of place I had ordered them never to go into unless I told them it was safe, and only after a couple of us had done a room-by-room scan* with guns, first. There were too many nasty surprises, from booby traps to ambushes, that could be set up in a place like an abandoned building. "Get out herel" I shouted. "Get out here, all of you!" I had the satisfaction of seeing them come scrambling out of the door and even out of a couple of windows, white-faced, possibly thipMng we were under attack from somewhere, or perhaps another mistwall was bearing down on us. It was not the best of all possible times to rub a lesson in; but I took a few minutes once they were outside to read them out for what they had done. "Well, it's ridiculous!" said Marie. "It isn't as IF we walked in there blind. Tek and the girl took their guns and checked it out first" Of course that put a different face on the matter, but I was hardly in a position to admit so at the moment I looked over at Tek and the girl. He, of course, had been too smart from the beginning to make his own excuses; while the girl, of course, was simply following her usual practice of not talking. But I met her eyes now; and grim, angry eyes they were. "They did, did they?" I said. "And who ordered them to dothatT "I asked them to,** said Marie. "You did?" "Yes, I did!" said Marie. "For God's sake, Marc, the rest of us have to start doing things on our own, sooner or later, don't we?" I was finding myself slipping into a public argument with my people-not the best thing for a leader, if he wants to hold his position. "Right! And I'll ten you when. Meanwhile-" I went on before she, or any of the rest of them could say something more, "Bill and I brought back someone for you all to meet Brace yourself-he's not human. Bill, do you want to can him?" "PomiarskI" shouted Bin, turning to the mistwall. Marie and the rest also turned toward the mistwaU, with a swiftness that cheered me up somewhat I had meant what I had said to Porniarsk about preparing them for the shock of meeting him. Now die thought in my mind was that a little shock might have a salutary effect on them. We were not an army of world-conquerers, after all. Half a dozen determined adults with decent rifles could wipe us out or make slaves of us at a moment's notice, if we took no precautions. Porniarsk came clanking through the mistwall into view and stopped before us. I am Porniarsk Prime Three," he announced, in exactly the same tones in which he had introduced himself to BU1 and me. The third avatar of Porniarsk, an expert in temporal science. I hope to work together with you so that we all may benefit the universe." "Yes," said Bill dryly. "Only, of course weVe a little more interest in helping ourselve* first" Porniarsk swiveled his heavy head to look at Bill. "It is the same thing," Porniarsk said. "Is itT said Bill. Porniarsk creaked off a nod. "What you've observed as local phenomena," he said, "are essentially micro-echoes of the larger disturbance, which began roughly half a billion years ago, according to your original time pattern." "Oh?" said Bill He was trying to be indifferent, but I could catch the ring of interest in his voice that he was trying to hide. "Wen, just as long as it can be fixed." It cannot be fixed," said Porniarsk, "The knowledge is not available to fix it" "It isnt?" I said. Then what's all this about helping the universe?" "The whole problem is beyond my time pattern and any other time pattern I know," said Porniarsk. "Yet our responsibility remains. Though we cannot solve, we can attack the problem, each of us like the ants of which you know, trying to level a mountain such as you are familiar with. With each micro-echo, each infinitesimal node attacked, we approach a solution, even if it is not for us to reach it" "Wait a minute-" began Tek. He had not liked my blowup over their going into the house without my orders, even though he had said nothing. And now, the note of potential rebellion was clear in Ms voice. "Hold it!" I said, hastily. "Let me get to the bottom of this first Porniarsk, just how far does the whole problem extend-this problem of which our troubles here are a micro-echo?" "I thought," said Porniarsk, "I had made clear the answer to that question. The temporal maladjustments are symptoms of the destruction of an entropic balance which has become omnipresent The chaos in temporal patterns is universal." None of us said anything. Pomiarsk stood watting for a moment and then realized he had not yet reached our basic levels of understanding. "More simpty put," he said, "all time and space are affected. The universe has been fragmented from one order into a wild pattern of smaller orders, each with its own direction and rate of creation or decay. We can't cure that situation, but we can work against it We must work against it; otherwise, the process will continue and the fragmentation will increase, tending toward smaller and smaller orders, until each individual particle becomes a universe unto itself." ... And that* s all of what he said then that I remember, because about at that point my mind seemed to explode with what it had just discovered-go into overdrive with the possibilities developing from that-on a scale that made any past mental work I had ever done seem like kindergarten-level playtime, by comparison. At last, my hungry rafs teeth had found something they could tear into. They ten me that, after a while, I came to and gave everybody, including Pomiarsk, orders to pack up and move on; and I kept the avatar and all of us moving steadily for the better part of the next three weeks. Just moving, not stopping to investigate what was beyond the mistwall, or in any of the buildings or communities we passed. Pushing forward, as if I was on a trek to some far distant land of great promise. Moments of that trek, I dimly remember. Kit only moments. I was too fun of the end result of all the speculations I had been making about the time storm- now paying off all at once. I did have flashes of awareness of what I was doing, and of what was going on around me. But it was afl background, unimportant scenery, for the real place I was in and the real thing I was doing, which was The Dream. In The Dream I was the equivalent of a spider. I say "the equivalent or because I was still myself; I was just operating like a spider. If that doesn't make sense, I'm tony, out it*s the best I can do by way of explanation. As description, it hardly makes sense to me either; but I've never found another way to describe what that particular Drain-hurricane was like. In The Dream, then, I was spider-like; and I was clambering furiously and endlessly about a confusion of strands that stretched from one end of infinity to the other. The strands had a pattern, though it would have taken someone infinite in size to stand back enough to perceive it as a whole. Still, hi a way I cant describe, I was aware of that pattern. My work was with it; and that work fitted me with such a wild, terrible and singing joy that it was only a hairline away from being an agony. The joy of working with the pattern, of handling it, sent me scrambling inconceivable distances, at unimaginable speeds, across the strands that filled the universe, with every ounce of strength, every brain cell engaged in what I was doing, every nerve stretched to the breaking-point It was a berserk explosion of energy that did not care if It destroyed its source, that was myself, as long as things were done to the pattern that needed doing; and somehow mis was all associated with my memories of my first determination to put my brand on the world about me; so that the energy sprang from deep sources within me. Actually, what I was experiencing was beyond ordinary description. The pattern was nameless. My work with it was outside definitions. But at the same time, I knew inside me that it was the most important work that ever had been and ever would be. It carried an adrenalin-like drunkenness that was far beyond any familiar self-intoxication, People talk, or used to talk, about drug highs. This high was not a matter of chemistry but of physics. Every molecule of my body was charged and set vibrating in resonance with die pattern and the work I was doing upon it. Meanwhile, I continued, with some detached part of my consciousness, to lead and direct my small band of pilgrims; effectively enough, at least, so that.they did not depose me as a madman and set up some new leader in my place. Not-as I found out later-that they did not all notice a difference in me and individually react to, or nse, that difference to their own purposes. When I returned wholly to myself, I found that a number of things were changed. It may have been sheer accident that I was able to return at aH, but I don't think so. I think I was ready to back off from the pattern, at least for a while; and what triggered my return was only a coincidence, or the first summons able to reach over the long distance to that part of me that was out there on the web-strands of the universe. It was Sunday-I almost said, "of course"-who brought me back. Apparently, he had been sticking to me fike a paid attendant all through this three week period. I would guess he had sensed enough of the fact that a major part of my mind was missing, to make him worried. Most of tiie time I must have paid him no attention. But during my brief flashes of awareness of those about me, I remember being annoyed by the fact that I was literally tripping over him every time I turned around. In this instance, I was momentarily partway back in my full senses, and I had deliberately left the others, gone off out of sight and sound of the others to find a place where I could sit on a rock and be alone for a bit Sunday had followed me; and he pushed himself on me after I was seated, almost crawling into my lap. I snouted at him to go away; and in exasperation, when he paid no attention, I cuffed at him with my open hand. It was not a hard blow. I had never bit Sunday hard; but sometimes, swinging at him was the only way to get ®cross the idea that I was serious about what I wanted. Stifl, as I struck at him, that little part of my mind that was back, apart from the pattern, was beginning to feel a twinge of gutlt for hitting him. Only, abruptly, that guilt was lost in a much deeper feeling of shock, and suddenly, I was stone-cold sober, free of the web-pattern for the first time in three weeks. Because I missed him. My hand swung through nothing but empty air, and I almost fell off the stone. Sunday had dodged-and that was all wrong. I don't mean wrong, physically, of course. Naturally, his cat reflexes made my human ones look silly. If he had wished, at any time in alt the while we had been together, he could have seen to it that no finger of mine ever came dose to him. But he never had. He had never dodged before. It was one of the effects of the time storm upon him. When I would lose my temper and slap him, he only closed his eyes, flattened his ears, and crouched down like a kitten before an annoyed mama leopard. But this time, he had dodged. And he sat now, just out of arms' length, gazing at me with an expression that, for the first time in our months of being together, I could not read. "Sunday?" I said wonderingly. He came to me then, with a bound, pushing against me, licking at my hands and face and purring like a mo-torboat Just as he evidently had known I was gone, now IK knew I was back. Indeed, indeed I was back-and it Was wonderful from my point of view as well. I hugged the old son of a bitch and came close to crying over him, in return. It was at this moment that a shadow fell across us both; and I looked up to see the girl. Where she had come from-whether she had been standing off at a distance, watching Sunday and me-I dont know. But there she was; and the look on her face was like the look now on Sunday's. I almost reached out my arms to her also, as naturally and instinctively as I was hugging and punching Sunday; but just as I was about to do so, the back of my mind said, "Hold M Whafre you doing? She's no crazy leopardF And I hesitated. It was only a second's hesitation, but apparently ft was enough. The look went out of her face, and the next thing I knew, she was gone. For a wild moment I thought of going after her; men I told myself there was no point in it until she got over whatever had made her leave. Her going like that had left me with an empty place Inside me and just above my heft buckle, though. I sat where I was, fondling Sunday until I felt normal again, then got to my feet; and the two of us headed back toward the others, who were at a noon camp just over a rise to our left. I joined them; and nobody seemed to notice anything different about me. However, beginning at once, and through the three days that followed, I quickly began to discover differences in them. It dawned on me that those in my inner circle of people had been as aware of my abnormal mental state as had Sunday and the girl and had gone on pretending to everybody else that I was perfectly normal, for reasons of their own. The reason in Marie's case was obvious. As the consort of the leader of our little band, she had a self-interest in seeing that I was not deposed for reasons of mental incompetence. Tek, apparently, liked the position of follower for some strong reason of his own. I got the impression that he was waiting for something, and the time was not yet ripe for whatever it was. Bin volunteered Mr reason, "Thank God you're all right again," be said to me, the first time we were off together out of earshot of the others, on an advance patrol in the pickup. "If you'd gone on that way, with your mind a thousand miles off most of the time, for another week, this outfit would have fallen apart." "Oh, I dont think so," I said. "Tek and Marie would probably have worked out some kind of agreement to keep the tribe together." He looked at me, I.thought, a little oddly. "Even if they had," he said, "tbat'd be as bad as falling apart We're not out here just to survive. We're out here to find out what makes the temporal discontinuities operate. With you not in charge, any hope of that'd be lost." "Not necessarily," I said. "Necessarily. I can't control them, and you're the only other intelligent person here." He was serious. "Don't underestimate Tek," I said. "He's smart," said Bill grimly. "He's not intelligent He can't appreciate the value of going after knowledge for its own sake. If be ever tries to take over from you, Fll kitt him. I told him so." I stared at Bill. Evidently, he meant what he had said. "There's no danger," I said. "Anyway, you'd better wait until I call for help, before you go thinking of killing anyone. We don't want anybody shot by mistake." "All right" said Bill. Exactly as if he was agreeing not to pass the salt at breakfast until I asked for it "Good," I said. "Now everything's just the way it has been. Let's forget it" Only it wasnt-just the way it had been, I mean. For one tiling, Marie had gone away from me in a manner that's hard to describe. She acted no differently wan she ever had, but it was almost as if she had given op hope that there could be anything more than an alliance of convenience between us. Put that way, it doesn't sound like anything too important. But it left me feeling guilty in spite of the fact that I was fully convinced that I owed her nothing; and, in addition, I was helpless to do anything to mend the situation. Tek had also changed. He was as much at my orders as ever, but I found him taking charge of the other men whenever there was a vacuum of command, quite as if I had appointed him my lieutenant And finally, there was the girl.... For one thing, she had evidently acquired a name while my mind was off on the web. It sounded like "EUy" when the others used it; but Marie, when I asked her, told me that it was actually Ellen and that Tek had given it to the girl. Well, at least that made more sense. It was unlikely she had suddenly remembered her name, when she had gone this long time without remembering anything else. But when I asked Tefc what made him think he could name her, he denied be had. "I had to call her something," he said. "I asked her what she wanted for a name, and that's the one she picked for herself." Ellen was a pretty enough name in its own way; I wondered where she had gotten it But "Elly," or however they might have spelled its contraction, was ugly, I thought I could not bring myself to use it. As far as I was concerned she was stilt "the girl"; but I was plainly a minority of one in that Tek was paying a good deal of attention to her, and she was spending most of her time in his company. For no particular reason, I found I didnt approve of that either. She had developed more than I had noticed-I pow noticed-since those first days when the only tilings that looked human on her were a shirt and jeans. She wore dresses now that, possibly with Marie's help, had been altered to fit her, and her ban: was always clean, tied in a ponytail at the back of her head. She was even starting to develop a few curves. AH this was to her credit, of course. Site was as sparing with words as ever, but the change in her made her seem a good deal older; and possibly that was what had attracted Tek's interest in her. As I say, I found that I didnt approve-although there seemed no specific reason I could nafl down for going to him and telling him to leave her alone. In the first place, even if he agreed, I knew her better than to think she would leave him alone, particularly if I was the one who ordered it In the second place, I had been ready to abandon her behind me on the bank of mat river, so who was I to assume any responsibility for her? Finally, what did I have against Tek, anyway? Since he had been with us, be had been a model of propriety and obedience to orders; and she was only somebody born yesterday. So why make it any of my business? I still didn't like it I was stuck with the irrational feeling mat he was nowhere near good enough for her. Unfortunately, I couldn't even get her alone to ten her so. I bad been wrong about thinking she would get over what had put her off when I had hesitated in reacting to her, back on the rock where Sunday had returned me to my complete self. As far as she seemed to be concerned, I was invisible and inaudible. To hell with her, I thought, and put my mind to deciding what our tribe should aim for next. We had evidently been travelling with no goal at all, being kept moving by my half-minded, but compulsive, determination. The evening of the day I made up my mind to put the whole question of the girl and Tek out of my mind for good, I waited until after dinner and then got Porniarsk and Bill together. "Come along with me in one of the jeeps," I said. "It's time we had some discussion about this whole business of the time storms. I want to talk to the two of you, alone." "No," said Porniarsk. "You want to talk to me, alone." Bill looked startled and then bleak. He was not much at giving away his feelings through his expressions, but I had teamed to read him fairly well by this time; and what I now read was that Porniarsk's words were like a slap in the face to him. "Sorry, Pomiarsk," I said. "I'm the one who decides how many of us are going to talk, and when." "No," said Bill. "You talk to him alone. It may be important" He turned around and walked off. I opened my mouth to call him back and then closed it again. Inside that boy-sized body and behind that innocent face was the identity of a mature and intelligent man; and he had just shown himself capable of thinking in larger terms than I, in my reaction against Porniarsk's words. I turned to look at the alien. It was still early evening and the whole landscape around us was softened and gentled by the pinkening light. Amidst all that softness, tile bony-plated, uncouth form of Porniarsk looked like a miniature dinosaur out of a brutal and prehistoric age. Porniarsk said nothing now, merely stood looking at me and waiting. There was no way I could guess whether he had understood my reaction and Bill's and was simply unconcerned with our human feelings, or whether he had understood neither of us at all, I had been pretty well ignoring Porniarsk during the last few weeks of my involvement with The Dream; and in fact, there seemed little to be learned from him unless he chose to inform us. His speech by this time was as human as that of the rest of us; but the thoughts behind his words, when he did speak, remained indecipherable. He moved from one statement to another by a logic mostly invisible to our human thinking. And yet-he was not without some kind of emotion, even some kind of warmth. There was no more sentiment to be read in the tones of his voice, or in his actions, than in those of a robot; but he seemed... likeable. I don't know what other word to use. He seemed to radiate a sort of warmth that we all, including the men we had acquired along with Tek, felt and responded to. Even the animals seemed to feel it I had seen how Sunday had taken to him at first sight. The dogs also, in their rare free moments when they were not under command or tied up, would seek him out, wagging their tails and sniffing him all over each time as if this was a first meeting, before ending by licking at his armor-plated hide. Porniarsk paid them no more attention than he did Sunday or one of us humans when he was not exchanging specific information on some point or other. He seemed not to need to eat Whenever he had no place in particular to move to, he would fold up and drop into a lying position with a clatter like that of a dumped load of bricks. But whether he ever slept in this position, I had never been able to find out Certainly, I had never caught him with his eyes closed. So-Porniarsk was a conundrum. He usually left us no choice but to accept him pretty much as he was. And now, with Bill having walked off, I found myself about to do just that, one more time. "All right, Pomiarsk," I said. "It's you and me then. Come on." I climbed into the jeep beside which we had been standing as we talked. Pomiarsk made one of the astounding leaps he seemed to be capable of with only a slight flexing of his post-like legs, and crashed down into the seat beside me, on his haunches. The jeep rocked sideways on its springs-I had estimated before this that if Pomiarsk weighed an ounce, he must weigh well over three hundred pounds-but recovered. I started the vehicle up and we drove off. I did not go more than a few hundred yards, just enough to put us out of earshot of the rest of the camp. Then I killed the motor and turned to Pomiarsk. It was an odd feeling to find myself almost nose to nose with that massive, bulldog-like head. For the first time I noticed his eyes were not just brown in color, but so deep a brown as to be almost black. This dose, I could see their pupils contract and expand in cat-fashion, while we talked. "All right, Porniarsk,*' I said. "I need your help. You evidently know a lot more about the time storm effects than we do. I want to stop this random moving around just in hopes well run into a piece of country that's future enough for us to be able to do something about the mistwalls and the rest of it I need you to help me figure out where to head." "No,** said Porniarsk. "Nor I said. "You do not need me to help you find a trigger area,*1 said Porniarsk. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said. This, coming on top of his rejection of Bill, was enough to stir my temper again. "It's supposed to mean that my assistance is not required to set you on.the road to the destination you wish. You've already set yourself on that road." I took rein on my emotions. I reminded myself that I had to stop anthropomorphizing him. He was probably only trying to tell me something, and the fact that he was not built to think like a human was getting in the way. "Since when?" I asked, as calmly as I could. "Since your temporary abstraction, and during your partial involvement with the overall problem, ever since the moment in which my words caused you to visualize the magnitude of it Am I making myself-" Pomiarsk broke off uncharacteristically in mid-sentence. "Am I talking sense?" "I don't know," I said. "How'd you know why I collapsed, or about how Fve been since?' Tve been watching you," he said, "and drawing conclusions from what you do. The conclusions are those I just stated." "Whafvc I been doing, then?" "Going," he repeated, with no hint of impatience in his voice, "toward a trigger area." I felt a sort of delicate feeling-an instinct to caution. There was no way be could have known what had been working in the back of my mind with The Dream, these last few weeks; but he was talking one hell of a lot as if he had read my mind. "That could be, an accident," I said. "What makes you think if s anything more than an accident?" "You withdrew," he said. "But then you recovered enough to guide your party, if not hi a straight line, hi a consistent direction by the most travellable route, toward the location of an area I know to contain devices of assistance at a technological level, which might achieve a first step of halting the moving tines of temporal alteration-temporal discontinuities, as Bill calls them, or mist-walls, as you say.** I stared at him. "If you know about a place like that," I said, "why haven't you done something about the temporal-oh, hell, whatever you want to call them-before now?" "The devices are devices of assistance, but not of a design which will assist me. I'm a avatar, as I told you, an avatar of Poraiarsk Prune Three. The devices would be of assistance to Porniarsk himself, but he's otherwise engaged." "Tell him to drop whatever's otherwise engaging him then, and get over here." "He wouldn't come," said the avatar. "This planet is your problem. The problem of Porniarsk is a larger one. It involves many planets Hke this. Therefore, he has such as I who am his avatar, so he can have several manipulative sets of himself at work. But all I am is an avatar. Alone, I can't manipulate the forces involved here, no matter how competent the device of assistance available tome." I shook my head. "All right, then, Porniarsk-or Poraiarsk's avatar-" I began. "Porniarsk is fine," he interrupted. "You*ll never meet Porniarsk himself, or any of his other avatars, so there's no danger of confusion." "I don't know about that," I said. "You've got me pretty confused right now. I don't understand any of mis." "Of course," said Porniarsk, agreeably. "You're uneducated." "Oh? Is that itT "How could you be otherwise? You've never had the chance to learn about these forces and their effects. I can't educate you, but I can explain specific elements of the situation as you run across them. Trying to explain them before you encounter them won't work because yon don't have either the vocabulary or the concepts behind the vocabulary." "But I will when I run into these elements?" I said. "Is that itr "On encountering the experience, you'll see the need for the appropriate terms, with which you might then be able to understand enough of the underlying concepts to work with." "Oh?" I didn't mean to sound sarcastic, but this kind of conversation with Porniarsk had a habit of driving me to it "My understanding's not guaranteed then?" "Be reasonable," said Porniarsk; and this kmd of appeal m colloquial, uninflected English from the genial gargoyle sitting next to me, had to be experienced to be believed. "How can / guarantee your understanding?** How, indeed? He had a point, there. "I give up," I said, and I meant it "Just teH me one thing. How did I happen to know enough to head in the right direction?" MI don't know," Porniarsk answered. Td expected that, sooner or later, you'd ask me if there were any future areas containing the means to do something about the time storm effects locally, that is, here on this world. Then I could have directed you to such an area. However, you've directed yourself to one without me. I don't understand how. Porniarsk himself wouldn't understand how, though perhaps he could find the answer. Fm only an avatar. I can't" "All right, ten me what to do now, then," I said. Pomiarsk's head creaked in a negative shaking. "There's nothing I can advise you on until youVe experienced the immediate future area of the assistance device technology," he said. "Now that I've seen you do this much by yourself, Fd be cautious about advising you in any case. It might be that you'll learn more, and faster, on your own." "I see," I said. "That's fine. That's just fine. Then tell me, why did you stop Bin from coming out here with us, if you weren't going to tell me anything anyway?" "Bill wouldn't believe me," said Poraiarsk. "He doesnt trust me." "And I dor The gargoyle bead leaned slightly, almost confidentially, toward mine. "You've learned something you shouldn't have been able to learn by yourself," said Porniarsk. "You've touched the greater universe. Of course, you don't trust me, either. You're too primitive to trust an avatar of another kind, like myself. But in your case, trust isn't necessary." "Oh?" I said. "Why?" "Because you want to believe me," said Porniarsk. "If what Fm saying is true, then you're headed toward something you want very much. That*s not the same thing as trust; but trust can come biter. For now, your wanting to believe will da" So we drove back to camp in the last of the twilight and m silence. I only asked him one question on the way back. "Do you really give a damn about any of us?" I said. "Or are you just interested in the time storm?" "Porniarsk cares for all life," his steady voice answered. "If he didn't, he'd have no concern with the time storm. And I am Porniarsk, only in an additional body." It was a cold comfort I believed him; but at the same time, I got the feeling that there was something more he was withholding from me. In any case, there was nothing to do now but keep going. Oddly, I trusted him. Something had happened to me since The Dream; and that was that, in a strange way, I had come to feel an affection and responsibility for him, along with an the others. It was as if a corner of my soul's house had put up a blind on one window to let hi a little sunshine. I did take Bfll aside the next day and give him a rough briefing on my conversation with Porniaisk. Bill fulfilled Porniarsk's prediction by being highly skeptical of the avatar's motives and implications. "It sounds to me like a con game," he said. "If s part of a con game to flatter your mark. Did you feel you were headed any place in particular, these last three weeks?" I hesitated. Somehow, I didnt get the feeling that Bill was ripe right now for hearing an account of The Dream, and how it had been with me. But there was no way to answer his questions fully without telling him about my back-of-the-brain spiderwork. "I had a feeling I was tied into something important," I said. That's as far as it went" "Hmm," said Bin, half to himself. "I wonder if Porn-iarsk's telepathic?" "That's as far-fetched as me supposed to be knowing where we're going, when I didn't know where we're going," I said. Bill shrugged. If we hit this trigger area place soon, you'll have known where we're going," he said. "No reason there shouldn't be as much truth to telepathy. When did Porniarsk say we'd reach the area?" Of course, wound up as I had been by what he'd had to say about me personally, Td forgotten to ask him. Til find out," I said and went off to look for the avatar. Porniarsk politely informed me that we should hit the trigger area in about a day and a half the way we were travelling; and, yes, it would be behind a mistwall like all the other mistwalls we'd seen. As to what was inside, it was best I experienced that for myself first, before Porniarsk did any explaining. He was not wrong. Late in the afternoon of the following day, we spotted a stationary mistwall dead ahead; and two hours later we set up evening camp a couple of hundred yards from h. The countryside here was open pastureland, rolling hflls with only an occasional tree but small strands of brush and marshy ponds. Here and there a farmer's fence straggled across the landscape; and the two-lane blacktop road we had been following, since its sudden appearance out of nowhere ten miles before, ran at an angle into the nnsfwaU and disappeared. The day had been cool. Our campfires felt good. Autumn would be along before long, I thought, and with that began to turn over ideas for the winter; whether to find secure shelter in this climate or head south. I made one more attempt to get Porniarsk to tell me what lay on the other side of the mistwall; but he was still not being helpful "You could at least ten us if we're liable to fan off a cfiff before we come out of the wall, or step into a few hundred feet of deep water," I growled at him. "You won't encounter any diffs, lakes, or riven before you have a chance to see them," Porniarsk said. "As far as the terrain goes, it's not that dissimilar from the land around us here." "Then why not tell us about it?" "The gestalt win be of importance to you later." That was all I could get out of him. After dinner, I caHed a meeting. Porniarsk attended. I told the others that Porniarsk believed that, beyond this particular mist-wan, there was an area different from any we'd run into so far. We might find equipment there mat would let us do something about the time storm and the moving mist-walls. Bill and I, in particular, were interested in the chance of doing so, as they all knew. For one thing, if we could somehow stop the mistwalls from moving, we could feel safe setting down someplace permanently. Perhaps we could start rebuilding a civilization. It was quite a little speech. When I was done, they all looked at me, looked at Porniarsk, who had neither moved nor spoken, and then looked back at me again. None of them said anything. But looking back at them, I got the clear impression that there were as many different reactions to what I had just said as there were heads-there to contain the reactions. "AU right then," I said, after a reasonable wait to give anyone else a chance to speak. "We'll be going in, in the morning. The ones going will be Bill, me, and three others, an with rifles and shotguns both, in one of the jeeps. Anybody particularly want to be in on the expedition, or shall I pick out the ones to go?" TH go," said Tek. "No,** I said. "I want you to stay here.** I looked around the firelit circle of faces, but there were no otter volunteers. "All right then," I said. "It'll be Richie, Alan, and Waite. Starting with the best shot and working down the list." The fourth man, Hector Monsanto, whom everybody called "Zig," did not look too unhappy at being left out He was the oldest of the four men we had acquired along with Tek, a short, wiry, feathery-featured individual in his late thirties, who looked as if most of his life bad been spent outdoors. Actually, according to Tek, he had grown up in a small town and had been a barber who spent most of his time in the local bars. He was the oldest of the four and the least agile. The other three were in their early to mid-twenties and could move fast if they needed to. So, the following morning we tried H. It took about an hour or so for Bill to satisfy himself, by throwing a weighted line through the mistwall and pushing pipe lengths screwed together to beyond the mistwafl's far edge, that the terrain beyond was both level and safe. Then we brought the jeep we were going to use up to the wall and got in with our weapons. I climbed in behind the wheel with Bill on the other front seat Alan, Richie, and Waite got into the back. We made a pretty full load. Then Sunday, purring loudly, as if congratulating us afl on a permission no one had given him, leaped up into Bill's lap and settled down for the ride; and, before I could shove him out, the girl began to climb into the back seat holding a rifle. "Hold it!" I roared. "Everybody out!" We off-loaded, everybody except the girl and Sunday, who took advantage of the available empty space to settle down that much more firmly. "Now, loot-" I began to the girl. *Tm going," she said. Sunday purred loudly and cleaned the fur on top of one of his forepaws. It was a double declaration of insubordination. Of course, there was no way I could stop diem. I could put them out of the vehicle, but they could walk in right behind us. Sunday had proved that, unlimited times. In fact, I had known-everybody had known-that he would be coming along. I had not counted on the girl I glared around me. This particular expedition was sorting itself out in exactly the wrong way. I don't know what made me so convinced mat there might be danger beyond this mistwall. I'd gone into a number of others confidently enough. Perhaps it was Porniarsk's refusal to tell me exactly what was beyond the wall. At any rate, X felt the way I felt; and for that type of feeling, I was taking all the wrong people and leaving all the wrong people behind. An ideal expeditionary group would have been myseff, Tek, and a couple of the men, none of whom meant a great deal to me-except myself; and I was too much of an egotist to think that I couldn't survive whatever mystery lay in front of me. Sunday, the girl, Bill, even to a certain extent, Marie and little Wendy, were people I cared about to one degree or another and would just as soon have kept safely in the rear area. But Bill could not be left behind, in justice. The quest to understand the time storm was as much his as mine. Sunday could not be kept out, in practice; and now the girl had proclaimed her. intention to go in with us whether I wanted her to or not Meanwhile Tek, who outside of myself was the one person fit to take charge of those left behind, if enemies of some kind suddenly appeared over the horizon behind us, could, by no stretch of common sense, be taken. Ever since Marie, Wendy, and I had run into him and his group, I had been half-expecting that any day, we might bump into another such armed and predatory gang. "All right!** I said. "If everybody's going to go, we'll have to use the pickup. Let's get it cleared out!" The pickup was our main transport. In the back, H had all our camping equipment, food, fuel, and other supplies. We had unloaded part of what it contained to set up camp the night before; but if it was to be used as a battle wagon, the rest of the box had to be cleared. We moved back and went to work. Twenty minutes later, we once more approached the mistwall; this time in the pickup, in low gear. The girl and Bill and I were in the front seat with the windows rolled up, with me as driver. In OK open box behind were Alan and Waite and Richie, holding a disgruntled Sunday on a leash. I'd shut the leopard out of the cab by mam force and snapped his leash around his neck when he tried to join the three of us in the cab. As I pushed the nose of the pickup slowly into the first dust of the mist-wall, there was a heavy thud on the roof of the cab. I stopped, rolled down the window and stuck my head out to glimpse Sunday, now lying on the cab top. I rolled the window back up and went on. The mist surrounded us. The dust hissed on the metal of the pickup's body, as the motor of the truck grumbled in tow gear. We were surrounded by an undeviating whiteness in which it was impossible to tell if we were moving. Then the whiteness lightened, thinned, and suddenly we rolled out into sunlight again. I stopped the truck. We were in a rocky, hiDy section of country. The thin, dear air that made everything stand out with sudden sharpness signalled that we were at a higher attitude, and the sparseness of vegetation-no trees and only an occasional green, spiny bush-suggested a high, desert country, like the altiplano of inland Mexico. The landscape was mainly rock, from hard dirt and gravel, to boulders of all sizes. Rough, but not too rough for the jeeps to get through; and, if a dear route could be found between the boulders, probably even the pickup could be nursed along. The ground before us was fairly clear and level, but boulder-strewn slopes rose sharply to the right and left of us. Directly ahead, the level space dipped down into a cup-shaped depression holding what appeared to be a small village. The buildings in the village were odd; dome-shaped, with floorless, front porch extensions, consisting simply of projecting roofs upheld at each end by supporting poles. Under those roofs, out in the open, there seemed to be a few machines or equipment-mechanical constructs of some kind. No human beings were visible. Beyond the village, the ground rose sharply into a small mountain-it was too steep to be called a hill-wearing a belt of trees halfway up its several hundred feet of height On one side of the mountain, the bare peak sloped at an angle the jeeps could possibly manage. But the other slopes were all boulder-strewn and climbable only by someone on foot On top, crowning the peak, was a large, solid, circular braiding, looking as if h had been poured out of fresh white concrete ten seconds before we appeared on the scene. That was as much as I had a chance to notice, because then everything started to happen. A number of objects hit loudly on the body and cab of the truck, one shattering the window next to Bill. At the same time, there was a yowl of rage from Sunday and I caught sight, fleetingly, of the leopard leaping off the roof of the cab to the right, with his leash trailing in the air behind him. Suddenly the rocks around us were speckled by the visages of dark-furred, ape-like creatures. The guns of the men in the box were firing. The girl, who had been seated between Bill and myself, scrambled over Bill crying out Sunday's name, opened the door of the pickup on that side, and disappeared. Bin exited after her; and I heard the machine pistol yammering. I jerked open the door on my side, rolled out on to the hard-pebbled earth, and began firing from a prone position at any furry head I could see. There was a timeless moment of noise and confusion- and then without warning, it was over. There were no longer any creatures visible to shoot at, except for perhaps four or five who lay still, or barely stirring, on the ground. I fired a few more rounds out of reflex and then quit. The other guns fell silent. I got to my feet. Sunday stalked back into my line of vision, his tail high in self-congratulation. He headed for one of the two furry figures that still moved. I opened my mouth to call him back; but before he could have reached the creature, a rifle in the box behind me began to sound again, and both the moving bodies went motionless. "Quit thatl" I shouted, spinning around. "I want one alive-" I broke off, suddenly realizing I was talking to a man who wasn't listening. Richie, his round face contorted, was kneeling behind the metal side of the pickup box, firing steadily at the dark-furred shapes; and he kept at it until his rifle was empty. I climbed into the box and took the gun away from him as he tried to reload it "Simmer down I" I said. He looked at me glassy-eyed, but sat without moving. There wasn't a mark on him. But the other two were hit Alan had one side of his face streaming blood from what seemed to be a scalp wound. He was holding up Waite, who was breathing in an ugly, rattling way with his face as white as the building on the peak. His right hand was trapped behind Alan; but he kept frying to bring his left hand up to his chest, and Alan kept holding it away. My head cleared. I remembered now that the barrage that had come at us had contained not only thrown rocks but a few leaf-shaped, hiltless knives. One of the knives was now sticking in Waite's chest tow on the left side. It was in perhaps a third the length of its blade; and evidently it had slid in horizontally between two ribs. Waite coughed, and a tittle pink froth came out the corners of his mouth. "He wants to get the knife out," said Alan, pleadingly to me. "Should we just pull it out, do you thinkr I looked down at Waite. It did not matter, clearly, whether we took the knife out or not. The blade had gone into his lungs and now they were filling up with blood. Waite looked back up at me with panic in his eyes. He was the quiet one of Tek's four men and possibly the youngest. I had never been sure if he was really like the others, or whether he had simply gotten swept up and tried to be like them. There was nothing I or anyone else in our group could do for bun. I stood looking down at him, feeling my helplessness, like something in my own chest being raggedly cut This was one of the people I had been thinking meant little or nothing to me and would be easily expendable. I had not ^stopped to realize how close a group like ours could come to be, living together like a family, moving together, facing a possibly dangerous world together. Maybe he would die more quickly without the knife blade in him and' removing it would be the kindest thing we could do for him. "If he wants it out, he might as well have it out," I said. Akin let go of Waite's arm. The arm came up, and its hand grasped the handle of the knife but could not pull ft out Alan half-reached for the knife himself, hesitated, tried again, hesitated, and looked appealingly at me. I reached down and took hold of the handle. The blade stuck at first then slid out easily. Waite yelled-or rather, he tried to yell, but it was a sound that ended in a sort of gargle. He pulled away a little from Alan and leaned over forward, face lilted down intently toward the bed of the box, as if he was going to be sick. But he was not He merely hung there sagging against the grip of Alan's arms, his gaze calm and intent on the metal flooring; and then, as we watched, he began to die. It was like watching him dwindle away from us. His face relaxed and relaxed, and the focus in his eyes became more and more general, until all at once there was no focus at all and he was dead. Alan let him down quickly but softly on the bed of the box. I turned and climbed out of the box back on to flu ground. I saw Bill standing on this side of the truck now and Sunday nosing curiously at one of the bodies. Suddenly, it struck me. "Girl!" I shouted at Bill. "The girl! Where is she?" "I don't know," said Bill. I ran around the front of the truck and the bouldered slope on the side I'd seen her disappear. "Girl!" I kept shouting. "Girir I couldn't find her. I found one of the dead ape-creatures, but I couldn't find her. I started threading back and forth among the rocks as I worked up the slope; and then, suddenly, I almost fell over her. She was in a little open space, half-sitting up with her back against a boulder and a torn-off strip of her shirt tied around one leg above the knee. For a moment I thought she was already dead, like Waite-and I couldn't take it It was like being cut in half. Then she turned her head to look at me, and I saw she was alive. "Oh, my God!" I said. I kneh down beside her and wrapped her up in my arms, telling myself I would never let go of her again. Never. But she was as stiff and unresponsive in my grasp as a wild animal caught in a trap. She did not move; but she did not relax either, and finally, this brought me more or less back to my senses; I didn't want to let her go, but I stopped holding her quite so tightly. "Are you an right?" I said. "Why didn't you answer me?" "My name's Ellen," she said. "fa that all!" I hugged her again. "AH right! You'll be Ellen from now on. I won't ever call you anything else!" "It doesn't matter what you call me," she said. "I'm not going to be here anyway." She was still stiff and cold. I let go of her and sat back on my knees so that I could see her face; and it was as unyielding as the rest of her. "What do you mean, you aren't going to be here?" She was talking nonsense. She had evidently been hurt or wounded in the leg, but that could hardly be serious. "Tek and I are going away by ourselves. It's already decided," she said. "We were just waiting to make sure you got through this last mistwall all right. You can keep Sunday. He only gets in the way all the time anyway." She turned, grabbed hold of the boulder against which she had been leaning, and pulled herself upon one leg. "Help me back to the pickup," she said. My bead was whirling with that crazy announcement of hers. I stared down at her bandaged leg. "What happened to you?" I said, automatically. "I got hit by a rock, that's all. It scraped the skin off and bled a little, so I wrapped it up; but it's only a bruise." "Try putting your weight on it." Something automatic in me was doing the talking. "Maybe it's broken." "It's not broken. I already tried." She took hold of my arm with both her hands. "It just hurts to walk on it Help me." I put an arm around her, and she hopped back down the slope on one leg, by my side, until we reached the cab of the pickup, and I helped her up on to the seat I was operating on reflex. I could not believe what she had said; particularly, just now, when I had just realized how important she was to me. It was the way I had found myself feeling about Waite, multiplied something like a million times. But there were things demanding decisions from me. Richie and Alan were still hi the back of the truck with the body of Waite. I looked at them. Somebody had to take the pickup back through the mistwall with the girl and Waite. Richie was the unhurt one, but his eyes still did not look right "How badly are you hurt?" I asked Alan. "Hurt?" he said. "I didn't get hurt." "You could fool me," I said dryly. He didn't seem to get it. "Your head I How bad's the damage to your head?" "My headr He put up a hand and brought it down covered with blood. His face whitened. "What is it?" he said. "How bad...." His bloody hand was fluttering up toward the head wound, wanting to touch it, but afraid of what it might feel "That's what I want to know," I said. I climbed into the cab and bent over bun, gingerly parting the hair over the bloody scalp. It was such a mess I couldn't see anything. "Feel anything?'* I asked, probing with my fingertips. "No... no.. yes!" he yelped. I pulled my hands away. "How bad did that feel?" I asked him. He looked embarrassed. "Not too bad-I guess," he said. "But I felt it, where you touched it" "All right" I told him. "Hang on, because I'm going to have to touch it some more." I probed around with my fingers, wishing I'd had die sense to bring bandages and water with us. He said nothing to indicate that I was giving him any important amount of pain; and all my fingers could find was a swelling and a relatively small cut "It's really not bad at all," he said sheepishly, when Td finished. "I think I just got hit by a rock, come to think of it" "All right," I said. My own hands were a mess now. I wiped them as best I could on the levis I was wearing. "Looks Uke a bump and a scratch, only. It just put out a lot of blood. If you're up to it, I want you to stay." "I can stay," he said. "All right, then. Richie!" Richie looked at me slowly as if I was someone caning him from a distance. "Richie! I want you to drive the pickup back through the mistwall. You're to take the girl and Waite back, then pick up some bandages, some antibiotics and a jerry can of drinking water and bring it back to us. Understand me?" "Yeah...." said Richie, thickly. "Come on, then," I said. I climbed out of the box of the pickup and he came after me. I saw him into the cab and behind the wheel. "He'll take you back to the camp," I told the girl and closed the door on the driver's side before she could answer-assuming, that is, that she had intended to answer. The pickup's motor, which had been idling all this time, growled into gear. Richie swung it about and drove out of sight into the mistwall, headed back. I looked around. Bill was standing about twenty yards ahead of me. Beside him was Fornlarsk, who must have followed us through the mistwall at some time when I wasn't looking. They seemed to be talking together, looking down into the village, the machine pistol hanging by its strap, carelessly, from Bill's right arm. It was incautious of him to be so relaxed, I thought We had driven off one attack, but there was no way of knowing we might not have another at any minute. I went toward them. As I did, I had to detour around the body of one of the attackers, who had apparently been trying to rush the pickup. It lay face-down, the ape-like features hidden, and it reminded me of Waite, somehow. For a moment I wondered if there were others among its fellows that were feeling the impact of this one's death, as I had felt that of Waite. My mind-it was not quite under control right then, my mind-skittered off to think of the girl again. Of Ellen-I must remember to think of her as Ellen from now on. It was so strange. She was small and skinny and cantankerous. How could I love her like this? Where did it come from, what I was feeling? Somehow, when I wasn't paying any attention, she had grown inside me, and now, she took up all the available space there. Another thought came by, blown on the wandering breeze of my not-quite-in-control mind. What about Marie? I couldn't just kick her out But maybe there was no need for worry. AH Marie had ever seemed to want was the protection inherent in our partnership. It might be she would be completely satisfied with the name of consort alone. After all, were were no laws now, no reason that I couldn't apparently have two wives instead of one. No one but us three need know Marie was a wife in name only... of course, the girl would have to agree.... I stopped thinking, having reached Bill and Porniarsk. They were still looking down at the village. I looked down, too, and, to my surprise, saw it populated and busy. Black, furry, ape-like figures were visible all through its streets and moving in and out of the dome-shaped houses. Most, in fact, seemed to be busy with whatever objects they had under the porch-like roofs before the entrances of their buildings. But a fair number were visible simply sitting in the dust, singly or in pairs, doing nothing; and a small group were in transit from one spot to another. They were within easy rifle shot of where we stood, and the three of us must have been plainly visible to mem; but they paid us no attention whatsoever. "What the hell?" I said. "Is that the same tribe that hit us just now?" "Yes," said Bill. I looked at him and waited for him to go on, but he nodded at Porniarsk instead. "Let him tell you." Porniarsk creaked his head around to look sideways and up at me. "They're experimental animals," Porniarsk said, "from a time less than a hundred years ahead of that you were in originally when the time storm reached you." "You knew about them?" The thought of Waite made my throat tight "You knew about them waiting to kill us, and you didn't warn us?" "I knew only they were experimental animals," said Porniarsk. "Apparently part of their conditioning is to attack. But if the attack fails, they go back to other activities.** "It could be..." said Bill slowly and thoughtfully, "it could be their attack reflex was established to be used against animals, instead of the people of the time that set them up here; and they just didn't recognize us as belonging to the people level, as they'd been trained to recognize it" "It's possible," said Porniarsk. "And men, if they attacked and failed, they might be conditioned to stop attacking, as a fail-safe reflex." "That's damned cool of the both of you," I said, my throat free again. "Waite's dead and you're holding a parlor discussion on the reasons.** Bill looked at me, concerned. "All right, all right," I said. "Forget I said that Fm still a little shook up from all this. So, they're experimental animals down there, are they?" "Yes," said Porniarsk, "experimental animals, created by genetic engineering to test certain patterns of behavior. Up there on the height behind their community is the laboratory building from which they were observed and studied. The equipment in that structure that was designed for working with this problem is equipment that, with some changes and improvements, may be able to aid in controlling the effects of the. time storm, locally." Bin was staring straight at me. His face was calm, but I could hear the excitement under the level note he tried to speak in. "Let's take a look, Marc." "All right," I said. "As soon as the pickup comes back, we'll go get a jeep and try that long slope on the right of the peak." The only vehicle-possible route to the peak led down through the main street of the village. When Alan got back with a jeep, we left him there; and Porniarsk, Bill and I drove dowa the slope and in between the buildings. We. had perhaps twenty feet to spare on either side of us as we went through the village, for the central street-if you could call it that-was twice the width of the other lanes between buildings. The furry faces we passed did not bother to look at us, with a single exception. A slightly grizzled, large, and obviously male individual- none of them wore anything but a son of Sam Browne belt, to which were clipped the sheaths that held their knives and some things which looked like small hand tools -sat in front of one building and stared from under thick tufts of hair where his brows should be, his long fingers playing with the knife he held on his knees. But he made no threatening moves, with the knife or anything else. Took at that old man," said Bill, pointing with the muzzle of his machine pistol at the watcher. "I see him,** I said. ''What do you want me to do about him?" "Nothing, Fd suggest,** said Porniarsk. My question had not really called for an answer, but perhaps he had not understood that "That one's the Alpha Prime of the mates* community. The name *Old Man* fits him very well. As Alpha Prime, his reflexes, or conditioning, dictate a somewhat different pattern of action for him alone. But I don't think he or the others wffl act inhnically again* unless you deliberately trigger some antagonistic reaction.** "What are they an doingr Bin asked. I looked in the direction he was staring. There were a number of porches along the left aide of the street, each with one or two of the experimentals under them. I picked out one who was operating what was clearly a spinning wheel. Another was cutting up a large sheet of the leathery material their harnesses were made out of, plainly engaged in constructing Sam Brown belts. But the rest were working with machines I did not recognize and either getting no visible results, or results that made no sense to me. One, in particular, was typing away energetically at a sort of double keyboard, with no noticeable effect, except for a small red tab that the machine spat out at odd intervals into a wire basket. The worker paid no attention to the tabs he was accumulating, seeming to be completely wound up in the typing process itself. They're self-supporting, after a fashion,** said Porniarsk. "Some of what they do provides them with what they need to live. Other specific activities are merely for study purposes-for the studies of the people who put them here." "Where are those people?" I asked. "Can we get in touch with them?" **No." Porniarsk swiveled bis neck once more to look at me from the seat beside me. "They are not here.** "Where did they go?" They no longer exist,** said Porniarsk. "No more than all the people you knew before your first experience with the time storm. You and Bill and the rest of you here, including these experimental creatures, are the ones who have gone places." I took my attention off the street for a second to stare at him. **What do you mean?** I mean you, and those with you, are people the time storm has moved, rather than eliminated," Porniarsk answered. Tin sorry, that can't be explained properly to you yet, by someone like me, not until you understand more fully what has been involved and is involved in the temporal displacements. Remember, I told you that this disturbance began roughly half a billion years in your past?" I remembered. But ft had only been a figure to me at the time. Who can imagine a time-span of a half a billion years? "Yes," I said. "It also began several million years m your future," said Porniarsk. "Perhaps it might help you to think, provisionally, of the time storm as a wave-front intersecting the linear tune you know-the time you imagine stretching, from past to future-at an angle, so that your past, present and future are all affected at once by the same action." "Why didn't you tell us this before?" demanded Bin. "Unfortunately, the image I just gave you isn't really a true one," said Porniarsk. "You forget the matter of scale. If the time storm is like a wave-front on a beach, we and our worlds are less than individual atoms in the grains of sand that make up that beach. What we experience as local effects appear as phenomena having very little resemblance to the true picture of the wave-front as a whole. I only mention this because it's now become important for Marc to be able to imagine something of the forces at work here." The front wheels of the jeep jolted and shuddered over some small rocks. We were moving beyond the end of the village street and up over open ground again. I gave my attention back to my driving. The drive up even the easy side of the peak was rough enough, but the jeep was 'equal to it With enough foresight, it was possible to pick a route among the really heavy boulders that would otherwise have barred our way. A little more than halfway up, we hit a relatively level area of hard earth, surrounding the basin of a natural spring coming out of the cliff; and we stopped to rest and taste the water, which was cold enough to set our teeth on edge. I had not been conscious of being thirsty, except for a fleeting moment when I told Richie to bring back a jerry can of water with the other things. He had; and I had forgotten to get a drink then. Now I felt a thirst like that of someone lost in the desert for two days. I drank until my jaws ached, paused, drank, paused, and drank again. After a bit we went the rest of the way up to the top of the peak, where the building was. Seen up close, it turned out to be a structure maybe sixty feet in diameter, with only one entrance and no windows. Like a blockhouse at a firing range, only larger. The entrance had a door, which slid aside as we came within a stride of it We had a glimpse of darkness beyond, then lighting awoke within, and we stepped into a brightly illuminated, circular interior, with a raised platform in the center and open cubicles aH around the exterior wan, each cubicle with a padded chair, its back toward the center of the room and its cushions facing a sort of console fixed to the wall. "What is it?" asked Bill, almost in a whisper. He was standing with Porniarsk and me on the raised platform but unlike us, turning continually on his heel as if he wanted to get a view of all hundred and eighty degrees of the room at once. "It is," said Porniarsk, "something you might think of as a computer, in your terms. It's a multiple facility for the use of observers who'd wish to draw conclusions from their observations of the inhabitants in the village." "Computer?" Bill's voice was louder and sharper. That's all?" "Its working principle isn't that of the computers you're familiar with," said Porniarsk. "This uses the same principle that's found in constructs from the further future, those Fve referred to as devices-of-assistance. You'll have to trust me to put this construct into that future mode so it'll be useful hi the way we need." "Howll we use it?" Bill asked. "You won't use it" said Porniarsk. "Marc will use ft." They both turned their heads toward me. "And you'll teach me how?" I said to Porniarsk. "No. You'll have to teach yourself," Porniarsk answered. "If you can't, then there's nothing anyone can do." "If he cant HI try," said Bill tightly. "I don't think the device wiU work for you if it fafls for Marc," said Porniarsk to him. "Tell me, do you feel anything at this moment? Anything unusual at all?" "Feeir Bill stared at him. "You don't feel anything, then," said Porniarsk. "I was right Marc should be much more attuned. Marc, what do you feel?** "Feel? Me?" I said, echoing Bill. But I already knew what he was talking about I had thought at first I must be feeling a hangover from the fight with the inhabitants of the village. Then Fd thought the feeling was my curiosity about what was inside this building, until I saw what was there. Now, standing on the platform in the center of the structure, I knew it was something else-something tike a massive excitement from everywhere, that was surrounding me, pressing in on me. "I feel geared-up," I said. "More than just geared-up, I think," Pomiarsk said. "It was a guess I made only on the basis of Marc's heading for this area; but I was right Pomiarsk hoped only that a small oasis of stability might be established on the surface of this world, in this immediate locality. With anyone else, such as you, Bill, that'd be all we could do. But with Marc, maybe we can try something more. There's a chance he has an aptitude for using a device-of-assistance." "Can't you come up with a better name for it than that?" said Bill. His voice was tight-tight enough to shake just a little. "What would you suggest?" asked Pomiarsk. I turned and walked away from them, out of the building through the door that opened before me and shut after me. I walked into the solitude of the thin, clean air and the high sunlight There was something working in me; and for the moment it had driven everything else, even Ellen, out of my mind. It was like a burning, but beneficent fever, like a great hunger about to be satisfied, like the feeling of standing on the threshold of a cavern filled with treasure beyond counting. It was all this, and still it was indescribable. I did not yet have it but I could almost touch it and taste it; and I knew that it was only a. matter of time now until my grasp closed on it Knowing mat was everything, I could wait now. I could work. I could do anything. The keys of my kingdom were at hand. Then began a bittersweet time for me, the several weeks that Pomiarsk worked on the equipment in what we were now calling the "roundhouse." It was sweet because, day by day, I felt the device-of-assistance coming to life under the touch of those three tentacle-fingers Pomiarsk had growing out of his shoulders. The avatar had been right about me. The original Pomiarsk had not suspected there would be anyone on our Earth who could use the device without being physically connected to it But evidently I was a freak. I had already had some kind of mental connection with this place, if only subconsciously, during the days of The Dream in which I had pushed us all in this direction and to this location. I said as much to Pomiarsk one day. "No," he shook his head, "before that, I'd think. You must have felt its existence, here, and been searching for it from the time you woke to find your world changed.** "I was looking," I said. "But I didn't have any idea what for." "Perhaps," said Pomiarsk. "But you might find, after the device is ready and you can look back over all you've done, that you unconsciously directed each step along the way toward this place and this moment, from the beginning." I shook my bead. There was no use trying to explain to him, I thought, how I had never been able to let a problem alone. But I did not argue the point any further. I was too intensely wrapped up in what I could feel growing about me-the assistance of the device. It was only partly mechanical. Pomiarsk would not or could not, explain its workings to me, although I could watch him as he worked with the small colored cubes that made up the inner parts of seven of the consoles. The cubes were about a quarter the size of children's blocks and seemed to be made of some hard, translucent material. They clung together naturally in the arrangement hi which they occurred behind the face of the console; and Porniarsk's work, apparently, was to rearrange then* order and get them to cling together again. Apparently, the rearrangement was different with each console; and Porniarsk had to try any number of combinations before he found it It looked like a random procedure but, evidently, was not; and when I asked about that, Porniarsk relaxed his no-information rule enough to tell me that what he was doing was checking arrangements of the cubes in accordance with "sets" he already carried hi his memory center, to find patterns that would resonate with the monad that was me. It was not the cubes that were the working parts, evidently, but the patterns. Whatever he was doing, and however it was effective, when he got a collection of cubes to hang together in a different order, I felt the effect immediately. It was as if another psychic generator had come on-fine in my mind. With each addition of power, or strength, or whatever you want to call it, I saw more clearly and more deeply into all things around me. -Including the people. And from this came the bitter to join with the sweet of my life. For as, step by step, my perceptions increased, I came to perceive that Ellen was indeed intending to leave with Tek as soon as my work with the device had been achieved. She was staying for the moment and had talked Tek into staving, only so that be and she could hold down two of the consoles, as Porniarsk had said all of the adults in our party would need to do when I made my effort to do something about the time storm. After that, they would go; and nothing I could say would stop her. The reasons why she had turned to Tek as she had, I could not read in her. Her personal feelings were beyond the reach of my perception. Something shut me out Porniarsk told me, when I finally asked him, that the reason. I could not know how she felt was because my own emotions were involved with her. Had I been able to force myself to see, I would have seen not what was, but what I wanted to see. I would have perceived falsely; and since the perception and understanding I was gaining with the help of the device were part of a true reflection of the universe, the device could give only accurate information; consequently, it gave nothing where only inaccuracy was possible. So, I was spfit down the middle; and the division between the triumph and the despair hi me grew sharper with the activation of each new console. After the fourth one, the avatar warned me that there was a limit to the step-up I could endure from the device. "If you feel you're being pushed too hard," he said, "tell me quickly. Too much stimulus, and you could destroy yourself before you had a chance to use the device properly." "It's all right" I said. "I know what you're talking about" And I did. I could feel myself being stretched dairy, closer and closer toward a snapping point But that point was still not reached; and I wanted to go to the limit no matter what would happen afterwards. It was the pain of Ellen's imminent leaving that drove me more than anything else. With the device beginning to work, I was partly out of the ordinary world already. I did not have to test myself by sticking burning splinters in my flesh to know that the physical side of me was much dwindled in importance lately. It was easy to forget that I had a body. But the awareness of my immaterial self was correspondingly amplified to several times its normal sensitivity; and it was in this immaterial area that I was feeling the loss of Ellen more keenly than the amputation of an arm and a leg together. There was no relief from that feeling of loss except to concentrate on the expansion of my awareness. So, psychically, I pushed out and out, running from what I could not bear to face-and then, without warning, came rescue from an unexpected direction. It was late afternoon, the sunlight shutting in at a low angle through the door to the roundhouse, which we had propped open while Porniarsk worked on the last console. Bill and I were the only other ones there. We had opened the door to let a little of the natural breeze and outer sun-warmth into the perfectly controlled climate of the ulterior; and in my case, this had brought the thought of my outside concerns with ft, so that for a moment my mind had wandered again to thinking of Ellen. I came back to awareness of the roundhouse, to see Bin and Porniarsk both looking at me. Porniarsk had just said something. I could hear the echo of it still in my ear, but without, its meaning had vanished. "What?" I asked. "It's ready," said Porniarsk. "How do you feel-able to take this seventh assistance? You'll remember what I told you about the past increases not being limited? They each enlarge again with each new adaptation you make to the device. If you're near your limit of tolerance now, the effect of this last increase could be many times greater than what it is presently; and you might find yourself crippled in this vital, non-physical area before you had time to pull yourself back from it" "I know, I know," I said. "Go ahead." "I will, then," said Porniarsk. He reached with one of his shoulder tentacles to the console half behind him and touched a colored square. For a second there was nothing. Then things began to expand dramatically. I mean that literally. It was as if the rides of my head were rushing out and out, enclosing everything about me... the roundhouse, the peak, the village, the whole area between the mistwalls that now enclosed me, all the other areas touching that area, the continent, the planet... there was no end. In addition, not only was I encompassing these things, but all of them were also growing and expanding. Not physically, but with meaning-acquiring many and many times their original aspects, properties, and values. So that I understood aH of them in three dimensions, as it were, where I before had never seen more than a single facet of their true shape. Now, seen this way, all of them-all things, in-chiding me-were interconnected. So I found my way back. With the thought of interconnection, I was once more in The Dream, bade in the spider web spanning the universe. Only now there were patterns to its strands. I read those patterns clearly; and they brought me an inner peace for the first time. Because, at last, I saw what I could do, and how to do it, to still the storm locally. Not just in this little section of the earth around me, but all around our planet and moon and out into space for a distance beyond us, into the general temporal holocaust I saw clearly that I would need more strength than I presently had; and the pattern I read showed that success would carry a price. A death-price. The uncaring laws of the philosophical universe, in this situation, could balance gain against loss in only one unique equation. And that equation involved a cost of life. But I was not afraid of death, I told myself, if the results could be achieved. After all, in a sense, I had been living on borrowed time since that first heart attack. I turned away from the patterns I was studying and looked deeper into the structure of the web itself, reaching for understanding of the laws by which it operated. Gradually, that understanding came. Porniarsk had used the word "gestalt" in referring to that which he hoped I would perceive if I came to the situation here with a free and unprejudiced mind; and the word had jarred on me at the tune. The avatar, we had all assumed, came from a race more advanced than ours-whether it was advanced in time or otherwise. I had taken it for granted that any twentieth-century human terms would be inadequate to explain whatever Porniarsk dealt with, and that he would avoid them for fear of creating misunderstandings. -Besides, "gestalt" came close to having been one of the cant words of twentieth-century psychology; the sort of word that had been used and misused by people I knew, who wanted to sound knowledgable about a highly specialized subject they would never take the time to study properly and understand. Granted, the avatar was probably using the human word nearest hi meaning to what he wanted to say, I had still felt he could have explained himself in more hard-edged technical or'scientific terms. But then, later, he had also used the word "monad**; and, remembering that, I now began to comprehend one important fact The forces of the time storm and the device he was building so I could come to grips with them, belonged not so much to a physical, or even a psychological, but to a phUosphiced universe. I was far from understanding why this should be. In fact, with regard to the whole business, I was still like a child hi kindergarten, learning about traffic lights without really comprehending the social and legal machinery behind the fact of their existence. But with the aid of the device, I had finally begun, at least, to get into the proper arena of perception. Briefly and clumsily, in the area in which I would have to deal with the time storm, the only monads-that is, the only basic, indestructible, building blocks or operators- were individual minds. Bach monad was capable of reflecting or expressing the whole universe from its individual point of view. In fact, each monad had always potentially expressed-it; but the ability to do so had always been a possible function, unless the individual monad-mind had possessed something like a device-of-assistance to implement or execute changes in what it expressed. Of course, expressing a change hi the universe, and causing that change to take place, was not quite as simple s wishing and making it so. For one thing, all monads involved hi a particular expression of some part of the universe at a particular moment were also involved with each other and had to be hi agreement on any change they wished to express. For another, the change had to originate in the point of view of a monad capable of reflecting all the physical-not just the philosophical-universe as plastic and controllable. The time storm itself was a phenomenon of the physical universe. In the limited terms to which Porniarsk was restricted by our language, be had explained to me that it was the result of entropic anarchy. The expanding universe had continued its expansion until a point of intolerable strain on the network of forces that made up the space-time fabric had been reached and passed. Then, a breakdown had occurred. In effect, the space-time bubble bad begun to disintegrate. Some of the galaxies that had been moving outward, away from each other and the universal center, producing a state of diminishing entropy, began, in spot fashion, to fall back, contracting the universe and creating isolated states of increasing entropy. The conflict between opposed entropic states had spawned the time storm. As Porniarsk had said, the storm as a whole was too massive for control by action of the monads belonging to our original time, or even to his. But a delaying action could be fought. The forces set loose by the entropic conflict could be balanced against each other here and there, thereby slowing down the general anarchies enough to buy some breathing time, until the minds of those concerned with the struggle could develop more powerful forces to put in play across the connection between the philosophical and physical universes. I was a single monad (though, of course, reinforced with the other seven at their altered consoles), and not a particularly capable one basically. But I was also something of a freak, a lucky freak in that my freafciness apparently fitted the necessity of the moment That was why I could think, as I was privately doing now, of creating an enclave in the time storm that would include the whole earth and its natural satellite, instead of merely an enclave containing just the few square miles surrounding us, which had been Porniarsk's hope. "I'll need one more console adapted," I said to Pora-iarsk. "Don't worry, now. I can handle it." "But there's no one to sit at it,'.' said Bill. "That's correct," said Porniarsk patiently. "There are only seven other adults in your party- I haven't any effectiveness as a monad. Neither has the little girl." "She hasn't?" I looked hard at the avatar. "Not... in effect," he said, with a rare second of hesitation. "A monad is required to have more than just a living intelligence and a personality. It has to have the capability of reflecting the universe. Wendy hasn't matured enough to do that If you could ask her about it, and she could answer you, she'd say something to the effect that to her the universe isn't a defined entity. It's amorphous, unpredictable, capable of changing and surprising her at any moment. For her, the universe as she now sees it is more like a god or devil than a mechanism of natural laws-something she's got no hope of understanding or controlling." "All right" I said. "I'll settle for the fact she's at least partially a monad." There's no such thing," said Porniarsk. "A monad either is, or is not. In any case, even if she was a partial monad, a partial monad is incapable of helping you." "What about when it's combined with another partial monad?" "What other partial monad?" Bin asked. The Old Man, down at the village." This is even worse than your idea of using Wendy,** said Porniarsk. For the first time since we'd met him, die tone of his voice came close to betraying irritation with one of us. "The experimentals down below us are artificially created animals. The very concept of *universe' is beyond them. They're only bundles of reflexes, conditioned and trained." "All but one of them," I said. "Pomiarsk, dont forget there're a lot of things I can see now with the help of the seven sets you've already produced, even if they dont have monads in connection with them yet. One of those things is that the Old Man may have been bred in a test tube-or whatever they all came from-but he's got some kind of concept of 'universe,' even if it's limited to his village and a mile or so of the rock around it When we first came in here and passed the initial test of their attack, all the rest of them immediately took us for granted. Not the Old Man. By design or chance, he's got something individual to measure new things against, plus whatever it takes to make new decisions on the basis of that measurement And you can't deny he's adult." No one said anything for a moment. "I don't think," said Bill at last, "that Marie's going to like Wendy being hooked up to something like the Old Man." "Wendy won't be. TheyTl both just be hooked in with all the rest of us. Anyway, I'll explain it to Marie." "HowTl you get the Old Man to cooperate?" "He doesn't have to cooperate," I said. "I'll bring him up here, connect him to one of the consoles and chain him to it with Sunday's chain. Then give him a day or two to get used to the feel of assistance, and his being in connection with my mind. Once he feels the advantages these things give him, my bet is he'll get over being scared and become interested." "If you use force to bring him up here," said Pomiarsk, "you'll undoubtedly trigger off the antagonisms of his fellow experimentals." "I think I can do it without," I said. 'Tve got an idea." With that, I left the two of them and went back down to our camp, which was set up at the foot of the peak. I unchained Sunday and went looking for Marie. Sunday could only be trusted to stick around the camp when I was there. He had shown no particularly strong hunting instincts before in all the time I had known him; but for some reason the experimentals seemed to fascinate him. Since the first day of our camp at the foot of the hill, when I had caught him stalking one of the village inhabitants who was out hunting among the rocks, we had kept him chained up when I was up on the peak. It was possible he might not have hurt the experimental, but the sight I bad had of him, creeping softly along, belly almost dragging the ground and tail a-twitcn, was too vivid to forget At any rate, DOW I let him loose, and he butted bis head against me and rubbed himself against my legs an the time I was looking for Marie. I found her, with Wendy, down at the creek by the foot of the peak, doing some washing. It was not die time to mention that I wanted Wendy at one of the consoles. The little girl had come to trust me; and-I don't care how male and solitary you are-if a small chad decides to take to you, you have to carry your own instincts somewhere outside the normal spectrum not to feel some sort of emotional response. Anything unexpected or new tended to frighten Wendy; and any concern or doubt about it by her mother made the fright certain. The idea would have to be presented to Wendy gently, and with Marie's cooperation. I spoke to Marie now, instead, about die other matter I had in mind. "Have you got any of that brandy left?" I asked. She put down in a roaster pan some jeans of Wendy*s she was wringing out and shook her hands to get the excess water off. She had her own slacks rolled up above her knees and her legs and feet bare so that she could wade into die creek. The work had pinkened her face and tousled her hair. She looked, not exactly younger, but more relaxed and happy than usual; and for a second I felt sad that I had not been able to love her after aD, instead of Ellen. "What's die occasion?" she asked. "No occasion,*" I said. *Tm hoping to bait the Old Man in die village down there, so I can get him up to die roundhouse. We want to try him with die consoles. You do have some brandy left?** "Yes," she said. "How much do you want?" "One full bottle ought to be plenty," I said. "Is there that much?" 'Tve got several fuH botfles," she said. "Do you want ft right away, or can I finish up here first?" Td Ufce to get down to die village before dark." *TU be done in five minutes." Tine, tiien," I said and sat down on a boulder to wait It took her closer to fifteen than five minutes, as it turned out, but there was still at least an hour or so of sunset left We went back to die camper; she got me an unopened bottle of brandy, and I walked down to the village with it The whole thing was a gamble. I had no idea what kind of body chemistry the experimentals had. From what Pomiarsk had said, they had evidently been developed by future humans from ape stock; chimpanzee at a guess. The larger part of their diet seemed to be some sort of artificially prepared eatable in a cube form that came from inside one of the dome-shaped buildings. But since the building was small, and the supply of the cubes seemed to be inexhaustible, I had guessed that there was some kind of underground warehouse to which the building was merely an entrance. However, in addition to the cubes, the experimentals were at least partly carnivorous. They went out into the rocks around the village in the daytime to hunt small rodent-like wrinialg with their throwing knives; and these they either ate raw on the spot or carried back into their buildings at the village to be eaten at leisure. AH these things seemed to add up to the strong possibility that they had digestive systems and metabolisms pretty similar to a human's. But there was no way of being sure. All I could do was try. The Old Man was not out in the open when I first walked into the village, but before I was half a dozen steps down the main street, he had emerged from his dwelling to hunker down in front of his doorway and stare at me steadily as I approached. I detoured along the way to pick up a couple of handleless cups or small bowls that one of the local workmen was turning out on his machine. Fd thought earlier of bringing a couple of containers from our camp, then decided the Old Man would be more likely to trust utensils that were familiar to him. I came up to within ten feet of him, sat down cross-legged on the hard-packed, stony dirt of UK street, and got my bottle from the inner jacket pocket in which I had been carrying it. I put both cups down, poured a little brandy into both of them, picked up one, sipped from ft and started staring back at him. It was not the most livery cocktail hour on record. I pretended to drink, pouring as little as possible into my cup each time, and putting somewhat more into the other cup, which slowly began to filL The Old Man kept staring at me; apparently, he was capable of keeping it up without blinking as long as the daylight lasted. Eventually, even the small amounts of liquor with which I was wetting my tongue began to make themselves felt. I found myself talking. I told the Old Man what fine stuff it was I was drinking, and I invited him to help himself. I speculated on the interesting discoveries he would make if he only joined me and became friendly. He continued to stare. Eventually, the other cup was as full as it could safely be, and the sun was almost down. There was nothing more I could do. I left the cups and the bottle with the top off and got to my feet "Pleasant dreams," I said to him, and left Back once more in the rocks a safe distance from the village, I got out my field glasses and peered down in the direction of his building. It was almost dark, and one thing the experimentals did not have was artificial lighting. They all disappeared into their buildings at dusk and only reappeared with the dawn. But by straining my vision now, I was able to make out a dim figure still in front of die Old Man's building. I squinted through the binoculars, my eyes beginning to water; and, just as I was about to give up, I caught a tiny glint of light on something moving. It was the bottle, being upended in the general area of the Old Man's head. I gave an inward, silent whoop of joy. Unless he had decided to use the brandy for a shampoo, or unless he turned out to have a body that reacted to alcohol as if it was so much branch water, I had him. I waited until the moon came up, then got the pickup and drove by moonlight down through the main street of the village to the Old Man's building. I took an unlit flashlight and went in the building entrance. Inside, I turned the flashlight on and found the Old Man. He was curled up hi the corner of the single room that was the building's interior on a sort of thick rug. He reeked of brandy, and was dead drunk. He was also no lightweight I had not thought it to look at him, for all the experimentals looked small and skinny by human standards; but apparently they were nothing but bone and muscle. Soil, I managed to carry him out to the pickup and get him inside the cab. Then I drove back out of the village to the camp. At the camp, I took him oat of the pickup, unchained Sunday and put him in the pickup, put the chain and collar on the Old Man and lifted him, still snoozing, into one of the jeeps. By this time, I was surrounded by people wanting to know what I was doing. MI want to try him out on the equipment up at the roundhouse," I said. "He drank almost a full bottle of brandy, and he ought to sleep until morning, but with afl this noise he may just wake up. Now, will you let me get him put away up there? Then I'll come down and tell you all about it" "We already had dinner," said Wendy. "Hush," said Marie to her, "MarcTl have his dinner when he gets back. You're coming right back down?" "In twenty minutes at the outside," I said. I turned on the lights of the jeep and growled up the hillside in low gear. The partitions between the consoles had supports that were anchored in die concrete floor of the roundhouse; and I chained the sleeping Old Man to one of these. As an afterthought, I took from the jeep the canteen of drinking water we always kept with each of the vehicles and left it beside him. If he got drunk like a human, he was likely to have a hangover Hke a human. Then I growled my way back down again to the camp to turn Sunday loose, answer questions, and have my dinner. To everybody except Porniarsk and Bill, who already knew what I had in mind, I explained my capture of the Old Man with a half-truth, saying I wanted to see if he could be useful as a partial monad when we tried to use the equipment in the roundhouse, the day after tomorrow. It was not until later that evening, in the privacy of the camper, after Wendy was asleep, that I talked to Marie about using the little girl at one of the consoles. Surprisingly, Marie thought it was a very good idea. She said Wendy had no one to play with but the dogs, and she had been wanting badly to get in on what die adults were doing. I slept that night, but I did not rest As soon as I closed my eyes I was off among the strands of the spider web, riding the shifting forces of the time storm about our world. I scuttled about, studying diem. I already knew what I would have to do. Every so often, for a transitory moment, die forces in this area I had chosen came dose to a situation of internal balance. If, at just die right moment, I could throw all the force controlled by the eight other monads and myself against the tangle of conflicting forces that was the storm, hopefully I could nudge this tiny corner of the storm into a state of dynamic balance. Why do I say "hopefully"? I knew I could do it-if only Wendy and the Old Man, under die assistance of the device, would give me amplification enough to act as an eighth monad. For it was not power I needed but understanding. As clearly as I could see die forces now, I needed to see them many times more clearly, in much finer detail Close in, focused down to die local area which was all that Porniarsk had envisioned me bringing into balance, my vision was sharp enough. But on wider focus, when I looked further out into die time storm, die fine detail was lost One more monad and I could bring those distant, fuzzy forces into clarity. It was merely a matter of waiting until morning, I told myself, finally, and made myself put die whole problem out of my head. At my bidding, it went; which was some-dung such a problem would never have done a week before. But then another draught came to perch on my mind like a black crow. I was aware I had never been what die world used to call a kind or moral man, a "good" man, as my grandfather would have said. I had always let myself do pretty much what I wanted, within practical limits; and I had never been particularly caring, or concerned (or other people. But ethical laws are a part of any philosophical universe; they have to be. And was it entirely in agreement with those laws, now, my carrying these eight other people-nine, if you counted the Old Man as being in the people category-into a joust with something as monstrous as the time storm, only because of my own hunger to know and do? Granted, I could not see any way hi which they could be hurt. The only one I was putting on the line, as far as I knew, was myself. But there are always understandings beyond understandings. Perhaps there was some vital bit of information I did not have. On the other hand, perhaps that was not really what was bothering me. I looked a little deeper into myself and found the real fishhook in my conscience; the unanswered question of whether, even if I knew there was real danger to the others, I would let that be reason enough to stop me. Perhaps I would go ahead anyway, prepared to sacrifice them to my own desires, my own will. This question was harder to put out of my mind than the time storm problem, but in the end, I managed. I lay, open-eyed and without moving, until the dawn whitened the shade drawn over the window on the side of the camper across from the bunk on which I lay with Marie. I got up and dressed quietly. Marie slept on, but Wendy opened her eyes and looked at me. "Go back to sleep," I told her. She dosed her eyes again without argument (Probably only humoring me, I thought) Dressed, I glanced at Marie, half-tempted to wake her and say a few words to her. But there was no good reason for mat, I realized, unless I only wanted to leave her with some enigmatic, but portentous, statement she could remember afterwards and worry over, wondering if she could have done something more for me in some way; and things might have been different I was a little ashamed of myself and let myself out of the camper as softly as I could. Outside, the morning ah* was dry and cold, I shivered, even under the leather jacket I was wearing, and fired up the coleman stove to make a pot of coffee. All the time I was making it, I could feel the Old Man's presence in the back of my mind. He was connected to the console, which meant he was in connection with me. I could feel that he was awake now and suffering from the hangover I had anticipated. The discomfort was making him savage-I could tell that, too. But underneath the savagery he was beginning to wonder a little at what his mind could now sense of me, and through me, of the larger universe. I made my coffee, drank it, and drove one of the jeeps to the roundhouse. Inside, around where the Old Man had been, it was a mess. He had been sick-I should have thought of the possibility of that In addition, he had urinated copiously. I cleaned up, cautiously. Now that he was awake, I had enough respect for those ape-like arms of bis not to let him get a grip on me. But he let me work on until I was right next to him, without making any move in my direction. He was still staring at me all the time, but now there was a speculative gleam in his brown eyes. He had now realized who it was his mind connected to. I could feel him in my head, exploring the connection and the situation. I had guessed right Now, he was interested. But his mind was still alien to me, much more alien than Porniarsk's. I took a chance, disconnected him from the console, unhooked his chain from the stanchion, and led him outside, to ensure that any further eliminations he was moved to would take place somewhere else than in the roundhouse. I found a boulder too heavy for him to move and with a lower half that was narrower than the top, so that the loop of chain I locked around it could not be pulled off over the top. I rechained him to this. The boulder was on the far side of the roundhouse, so that he could neither see bis village nor be seen from h, assuming that his fellows down there had distance vision good enough to pick him out Then I left him with some bread, an opened can of corned beef and a refilled canteen of water, and went down to my own breakfast He let me go without a sound, but his eyes followed me with their speculative look as long as I was in sight All the way down the mountain, I could feel his mind trying to explore mine. Once bade at the camp, I got out the binoculars and looted over the village. Its inhabitants were out of their homes and about their daily activities. None of them seemed to be missing die Old Man or showing any curiosity about the lack of his presence. That much was all right, then. I went back, put the binoculars away and ate breakfast All the others were up and also breakfasting; but there was a tension, a taut feeling in the very air of the camp. I did not feel tike talking to anyone; and the rest seemed to understand this. They left me alone while I was eating-an but Sunday, who clearly sensed that something unusual was up. He did not rub against me in his usual fashion, but prowled around and around me, his tail twitching as if his nerves were on fire. He made such an ominous demonstration that I was alarmed for Bill, when at last, he started to come toward me. But Sunday drew back just enough to let him get close, although he circled the two of us, eyeing BQl steadily and making little occasional singing noises in his throat "I don't want to bother yon,** Bill said. His voice was hardly more than a murmur, too low for any of the omen to overhear. "If s an right,** I said, -What is itr "I just wanted yon to know,** be said, "you can count on me." "WeH," I said, "thanks." "No, I really mean count on me," he insisted. 1 hear you,** I said. Thanks. But all you'll have to do today is sit at that console and let me use you." He looked back at me for a second in a way that was almost as keyed-np and strange as Sunday's present behavior. "Right," he said and went off. I bad no time to puzzle over him. There was Sunday to get into the cab of the pickup and the doors safely dosed on him; and the leopard was just not agreeable to going m this morning. In the end I had to haul him in as a dead weight, swearing at him, with one fist closed on the scruff of his neck and my other arm around his wedge-shaped cat chest below his forelegs. I didn't dare have any of the omen help me in the mood the leopard was in -even the girl Though, in fact, she was busy at the moment, doing something in the motor home with Marie -and she probably would not have come anyway if I'd called. I finally got Sunday in and the door dosed. Tmmedilate-ry he found himself trapped, he began to thrash around and call to me. I dosed my ears to the sounds he was making and got my party into the jeeps and headed up the side of the peak* I was already at work with the back of my head, monitoring the present interplay of the forces in the storm, as far as I could pick them out A real picture of the pattern out as far as die Moon's orbit would have to wait until the others were all at their consoles and connected with me. I thought I was gaming some advantage from them already, which was a very good sign. Either I had been building psychic muscle since die last two consoles had been finished, or the Old Man was proving to be even more useful than I had hoped. Actually, in one way, he had already exceeded expectations; because I was still as strongly linked to him as I had been when he had been connected to die console and chfrinful f®wp