"Procurator," a robot serving assembly said, coasting up to Bulkowsky."What is it?" he said irritably; he did not like to be inter- rupted when he was conversing with his wife.
The robot serving assembly said, "Hawk."
To Galina he said, "Big Noodle wants me. It's urgent. You'll excuse me. He walked away from her rapidly and into his com- plex of private offices where he would find the carefully protected terminal of the A.I. system.
The terminal indeed pulsed, waiting for him.
"Troop movements?" Bulkowsky said as he seated himself facing the screen of the terminal.
"No," the artificial voice of Big Noodle came, with its char- acteristic ambiance. "A conspiracy to smuggle a monster baby through Immigration. Three colonists are involved. I monitored the fetus of the woman. Details to follow." Big Noodle broke the circuit.
"Details when?" Bulkowsky said, but the Al. system did not hear him, having cut itself off. Damn, he thought. It shows me little courtesy. Too busy deconstructing the Ontological Proof of the Existence of God.
Cardinal Fulton Statler Harms received the news from Big Noodle with his customary aplomb. "Thank you very much," he said as the A.I. system signed off. Something alien, he said to himself. Some sport that God never intended should exist. This is the truly dreadful aspect of space migration: we do not get back what we send out. We get in return the unnatural.
Well, he thought, we shall have it killed; however I will be interested to see its brain-print. I wonder what this one is like. A snake within an egg, he thought. A fetus within a woman. The original story retold: a creature that is subtle.
The serpent was more crafty than any wild
creature that the LORD God had made.