It has to do with being, he thought to himself, knowing this because, and only because, of the beam of pink light, which was a living, electrical blood, the blood of some immense meta-entity. Sein, he thought. A German word; what does it mean? Das Nichts. The opposite of Sein. Sein equaled being equaled exis- tence equaled a genuine universe. Das Nichts equally nothing equaled the simulation of the universe, the dream-which I am in now, he knew. The pink beam told me that.I need a drink, he said to himself. Picking up the fone he dropped in the punchcard and was immediately connected with his home. "Rybys," he said huskily, "I'll be late." "You're taking her out? That girl?" His wife's voice was brittle. "No, goddam it," he said, and hung up the fone. God is the Guarantor of the universe, he realized. That is the foundation of what I have been told. Without God there is noth- ing; it all flows away and is gone. Locking up the store he got into his flycar and turned on the motor. Standing on the sidewalk-a man. A familiar man, a black. Middle-aged, well dressed. "Elias!" Herb called. "What are you doing? What is it?" "I came back to see if you were all right." Elias Tate walked up to Herb's car. "You're totally pale." "Get in the car," Herb said. Elias got in.