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Chapter 26
Gavan Feeny Debriefed

"Thank you, Jamie," Frazier said, and sent his page back to the orderly room. Then he turned to the visitor the boy had brought, a man dressed in Higuchian travel habit. "Master Freddy," Frazier said, "I am Captain Keith Frazier." He motioned to a chair, and both men sat. "Thank you for sending word of your arrival. I trust you slept well after your long day in the saddle."

Freddy did not correct him. "I slept quite well, thank you captain. Your page said you had someone you wanted me to meet."

"I do: a young man from the Dkota, Gavan Feeny. He was born in the duchy, on a farm west of here in Killibegs, in the barony of Tasnad. He was stolen by Dkota raiders at age eleven; he'd made a good impression on the raid leader by trying to protect his mother." Frazier grimaced. "She in turn was killed trying to protect him. One might wish our king had been there to witness it.

"From that point Gavan was brought up Dkota, and with kind treatment and youthful resiliency, became Dkota himself in every way—except for his early memories. So at age fifteen—with his foster father's approval, I should add—he came back to see if his younger sister had survived. Then, preferring hunting to farming, he returned to Many Geese.

"Yesterday he returned to us again, with very troubling news. And since you've come as Master Luis's deputy, you need to hear what the boy has told us."

"You have my attention."

"The kernel of his message is that the Dkota and Ulster have formed an alliance with two buffalo tribes from farther west—from what Gavan calls 'the red grass country.' Allied warriors from those tribes had begun arriving at Many Geese—and that was four days ago—to take part in an invasion of Sota. And I do not say 'invasion' carelessly; Mazeppa's stated purpose, Gavan says, is to drive us 'dirt-eaters' out of our country. One might be excused for wondering if we can withstand such an attack, weakened as we are by a molli king who doesn't believe in self-defense."


Freddy's one-word reply reminded Frazier. "But of course it's Gavan you want to hear." He stepped to the door. "Jamie, tell Gavan I'd like to see him, please." He turned back to Freddy. "During Gavan's earlier return we talked at length, and he told me much about the Dkota: among other things, that they consider it rude to order or interrupt. As a people, it seems they are generous, not demanding."

"Thank you, captain. I'll keep that in mind."

A minute later the page was back at the door, followed by a tall, strong, sun-darkened youth. Freddy had been expecting someone smaller, more vulnerable seeming. He got to his feet, and Frazier introduced them. Gavan met Freddy's extended hand, his own hand firm but mild, not squeezing.

Briefly Frazier took charge, not launching into what was wanted or needed, simply telling the youth that Freddy was from Ilanoy, far to the south. That he was a warrior and churchman who'd ridden (Frazier assumed) a long week or more to reach Kato, and that he'd come to aid in the defense of Sota.

Then he invited the young man to sit, and tell what he knew about Mazeppa's plans. Freddy sat again to listen, backward on a chair, thick, pale-haired forearms resting on the chairback, pale gray-blue eyes resting so mildly on Gavan, the boy was not put off despite his Dkota upbringing.

Much of what Gavan told, Freddy already knew, from Frazier's summary and Lemmi's reports—most importantly that the Wolves and Yellow Bears were arriving, and that surely the attack would follow soon.

When Gavan had finished, Freddy thanked him. "I appreciate all you've told me," he said. "It's the wish of the Church that this difficulty between the Dkota and the Sotans be settled without fighting, if possible. I can also tell you that the kingdoms along the Misasip have no intention of killing the buffalo, or invading the buffalo people. The old stories are true—the eastern people did those things before Armageddon. But God undid them, and the Church will not let it be done again, even if the kingdoms become able to.

"And the Church has another concern in this. Many people will die if this war takes place, and such killing can poison the minds and souls of farmers and buffalo hunters alike, leading to hatreds and bloody vengeance for years to come. So if the Church cannot prevent the war, it will try, so far as possible, to let the invaders do the dying, instead of women and children. The more decisive the invaders' defeat, the less will be the Sotan wish for revenge. While being the invader, the Dkota can more easily blame themselves.

"It remains to be seen how successful we will be.

"Now I have questions to ask, that I hope you will answer. They may help us.

"Tell me what the Dkota do to wrongdoers among them."

For just a moment the question knocked Gavan off his center. Then he answered. "Someone, usually someone who has been harmed, complains to the council of elders. Then the cane men—the constables—are sent, and the person accused is brought before the elders, who listen to both sides, and question others who may know something about it. Afterward they decide if any wrongdoing occurred, and what restitution must be paid. Also what penance the wrongdoer must perform to be in harmony with the people again. If the wrongdoer refuses, he must leave the tribe, to live alone or with outsiders. The newscarriers make it known throughout the people. The wrongdoer is no longer Dkota, and is not to be helped in any way."

Freddy nodded. "Um-hm. Last autumn the Church heard whispers that Mazeppa wanted to attack Sota. That he had been lied to by a chief who looks like a white bear, and rides in a sky canoe, an evil person who wishes all people ill. So the Church sent a man among the Dkota to learn what was true in these stories. We hoped he would have returned to us by now, telling us what he'd learned." Freddy paused. "The churchman's name is Lemmi. He has a dark skin, and speaks Dkota. What do you know about him?"

As soon as Freddy said the name, it was clear that Gavan knew something, and when he answered, his voice was soft.

"In our hoop, everyone knew him. He was adopted into the Dkota, and named Mazeppa's son-of-choice. But later Mazeppa announced that his son-of-choice was a traitor to the Dkota."

"Ah. And what is done with traitors?"

"Only the oldest of the elders could remember the last traitor. Now I too am a traitor; I could not be true to both peoples. But Mazeppa does not hold me in his hands.

"The oldest grandfather said the last traitor had been executed by the chief cane man. The bladder of a buffalo was tied over his head so he couldn't breathe, and left there after he was dead, so his soul couldn't get out. Then his body was put on a pyre and burned to ashes, to destroy the evil in him, and the ashes spread to feed a tobacco patch, that in death, the evildoer might provide good to the people."

Freddy nodded, his lips pursed. "And was this done to Lemmi?"

"No. Pastor Morosov is our spiritual leader, and he said Mazeppa had not proved Lemmi's treason. The elders agreed. So Mazeppa said he would keep him where he could do us no harm. And the young men backed Mazeppa, so the elders gave way on this."

"Keep him where?"

"In times past, many Dkota lived in soddies in the winter, north of the great hoop. Some bands still do. It is believed that Lemmi is kept in one of the soddies, guarded by cane men."

Freddy's gaze was calm. "Gavan," he said, "you have helped both your peoples: the Dkota and the Sotans. More than you can know yet."

He got to his feet, Gavan rising with him. "It is clear the Dkota are a good people," Freddy continued, "but misled now by the white bear chief. I will want to talk with you further. Your knowledge will help us understand what the Dkota consider justice, so we can be just to Mazeppa and his warchiefs when the fighting is over. Those who do not die in the fighting."

Freddy crossed himself. "I can hear confessions, and even a person with nothing to confess may want to talk about things that trouble them. I expect to be in Kato for some time, staying with the bishop. Any time you wish to speak with me, send word. I'll come if I can."

He turned to Frazier. "Captain," he said, "I would like to meet your duke now."

That was both the truth, and a good way to dismiss Gavan. Frazier called Jamie in and told him to continue working with Gavan on reading and writing. "If Gavan is willing," he added.

Gavan nodded, and left with the page. Freddy recognized a troubled soul when he saw one, but this was also a strong soul.

* * *

As the two men walked to the duke's apartment, Frazier asked a question. "What was that about a sky canoe and a white bear chief? He hadn't mentioned them to me."

"I suppose it didn't occur to him when you talked yesterday. We've heard of them before, the man and the sky canoe. Stories travel. We may know more later."

The captain didn't know what to make of that reply, and let it pass. "Do you think we can win this war?" he asked.

"Sooner or later," Freddy replied, "Mazeppa will lose. The sooner, the better, to reduce the demands for vengeance, that generator of further hatreds, self-perpetuating spiller of blood."

The Higuchian's gaze was mild but firm. "The Order is involved in this for only one reason: to prevent that deadly cycle. And it has ordered five of us to see to it. Obviously our five swords can't win it, so it will have to be yours—Sotan swords and Sotan resolve—with our guidance."

* * *

Frazier nodded. He'd hoped for more, but what the Higuchian said felt right to him.


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