When we look back over our century, over
the years from AD 2000 to the present, 1st January, 2099, we can see how many
of our present benefits have their roots in the twentieth century, and even
earlier. |
The Twenty-First Century has been a
brilliant one, in contrast with its predecessor, with war - and the greed which
often inspires war - largely in abeyance. While we celebrate its fruits, we
look ahead to new challenges. And, as ever, to the unexpected - even the
unlikely. |
Some developments which seemed promising in
AD 2000 have not matured. The expectation that we would have robot and android
servants, for instance, is no more. Androids were too cumbersome and
energy-consuming. The first models gave off hydroxils of a poisonous nature,
and were banned. We have superceded them with something more adaptable - our
dupes. |
Let us leave that topic aside for a while,
in order to consider the larger socio-economic benefits of Our Twenty-First
Century. |
Ambitions for closer cooperation between
neighbouring countries, the striving for longevity, and the understanding that
better health is achievable though better housing, sanitary improvements, and
diet: the fulfillment of these concepts, and the abolition of most diseases,
has transformed the world in which the majority of us live. As a result,
consumerism has largely given way to contemplationism. |
One thing we must expect from the future is
the unexpected. Chaos Theory and experience combine to teach us that much. No
one, a century ago, could have conceived that a handful of truly remarkable,
benevolent, and charismatic individuals would arise simultaneously, strongly to
influence the course of history. Nor would those predecessors of ours have
expected the human species to turn to a mode of life so much less dependent on
technology than was theirs. |
At the start of this century, which we now
think of as the Age of Idealism, six men and women came to power in the various
nations that then existed, in Europe, the Americas, Russia, Central Asia,
China, and Africa. This happened between the years of 2009 and 2023, as if six
Nelson Mandelas had been born. What were the odds against these six powerful,
enlightened and incorruptible people emerging at the same time? Perhaps no
greater than the odds against such leaders as Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Soekarno,
and others emerging almost simultaneously in the twentieth century. The
Twentieth had the ill luck, we the good. |
The world at this time was aghast at a
nuclear conflict which had broken out between North and South Korea,
practically destroying both countries and afflicting all surrounding areas. As
a result, a new world order - if possible free of national rivalries, old
grudges, and ideologies - was actively sought for. |
The Six Idealists inspired the will of the
people to fashion the better world. A Global Unity Proclamation was signed in
2050, on the first day of the new year.. |
Norway cut itself off from the rest of the
world, declaring itself a Utopian State in 2055. Norway still remains a small
isolated republic, at a time when the rest of the globe has grown closer via
the Ambient. With its abundant oil and fish, Norway is able to maintain a low
economic level of independence |
The Ambient (originally the American
Bio-Electronic Network*) had its origins in last century's Internet. The Six
Idealists encouraged the propagation of this new mode of communication. A
simple implant of a slice (the sophisticated heir to the 'chip') in the brain
of seven-year-olds has meant that we can commune with anyone anywhere, via the
watchwrist on our arm. |
The Ambient has proved to be a great
amusement, as well as a profound advance. It was universally installed from
2059 onwards. As well as trading information, we can share in the joys and
sorrows of distant populations. Ambient has also proved to be the cure for
xenophobia. Xenophobia could not withstand understanding. The most optimistic
prophesy of last century could not have anticipated this. |
As frontiers dissolved, so the universal
currency, the Clasp, pervaded market after market, washing away all little
local coinages, those symbols of nationalism. By 2069, there remained but the
one currency in the world - and that mainly electronic. |
We are still really at the beginning of
entire new regions of experience. It is fortunate that medicine now permits us
to enjoy life until we reach the age of two hundred or more. |
We are more spiritual than previous
generations. We enjoy better sex with more people from all round the world.
SWA, or Sex-with-Ambient, has proved a great human joy, a true sharing of
being. |
One result is that travel has increased
exponentially. Most people are - in the old sense - homeless. It is nothing to
visit the colonies on the Moon or Mars, or to stay in Solar Study City on
Mercury. The more adventurous visit the far more distant satellites of Jupiter,
with their remarkable celestial scenery. |
Travel now has a new meaning. It is slow
and comfortable. Our avions are virtual stratospheric villages as they float
round the globe at a mere eight hundred kilometres an hour. |
This new development, of which as yet we
have seen only the beginnings, has caused other seemingly promising
technologies to stagnate. We have already mentioned the failure of robotics.
The computer, on which the Twentieth Century set such store, has lost its place
in our thinking. No doubt this is because the old hypothesis that increasing
computer complexity would generate consciousness has been exposed as a
fallacy. |
The computer has shrunk to the ring we
operate on our index finger. It has not conquered the world as the world once
expected. Although, when that has been said, it conducts our avions in safety
through the stratosphere and our traffic in safety over our
highways. |
The Idealistics, as the community is known,
still exhibit great creativity. They have inspired the quest for a global
religion which has yet to bear fruit. Scholars still quarrel. Global currency
is evidently easier to negotiate than spiritual currency. |
One development is certainly of this
century alone - the coming- into-being of the dupe. Dupes are the tangible
result of pure science. We, in this fortunate century, do not share in the
apprehensions with which our predecessors greeted bioengineering. The genetic
engineer is now a lauded member of society. |
Through the researches of these scientists,
the origin of human consciousness was discovered. This may prove to be the most
far- reaching event since humankind first developed its own special conscious
mind. Many animals have consciousness, but only humans are self-aware, and have
knowledge of life and death. |
Human consciousness has developed within
the slim fault line between the Newtonian macroverse and the microverse of
quantum physics and particle mechanics. Within this vital wafer, we have
generated the ability to see into ourselves, our dreams, and to view the
external universe. With this consciousness, we have changed the world - and
continue to change it. |
The genetic Idealistics managed to alter
genetic structures so that this wafer could be engineered out of existence. A
small sample culture was bred along these lines. It then became a simple matter
to clone the resultant semi-humans. They are today's dupes. |
Dupes walk among us. More importantly, they
work among us. They can be trained as obedient dogs can be trained. They are
faithful. They do not dream. They have no music. They have no aim in life. They
cannot be said to think. And they have obviated human labour. |
Gone are all the mechanical and electronic
devices with which the houses of our predecessors were cluttered. Instead, we
have our dupes. Dupes do not mind work. They do not mind being a subject race.
They do not mind anything. They have no minds. |
There are those who claim that these
seemingly innocent dupes are embodiments of the Shadow side of human life. When
we regard their bland, expressionless faces, it is hard to concede the truth of
this contention. |
It is a fact that a dupe's lifespan is
brief, no more than a century long. But dupes have freed human beings to enjoy
living. The long-held dream of no work with no guilt has at last been
realised. |
Admittedly, there is a negative side to
this great boon. Men and women have been freed either to become wanderers and
philanderers or to concentrate on the inner life, according to their
personalities. But dupes were sent out to colonise Ganymede and Europa,
satellites of Jupiter and neighbours to each other. Some thousand dupes were
despatched to those distant worlds - and beyond, as far as Pluto. The Jovian
dupes, improperly supervised, ran wild. Since they have retained the ability to
reproduce, we must fear that they have evolved, and are no longer amenable, as
once they were. |
They are now developing a new form of
consciousness, adapted to the harsh conditions under which they live. The most
recent spaceship to arrive on Ganymede from Earth was sabotaged on landing, and
its human passengers slaughtered. |
It is to be feared that we have
inadvertently brought a version of alien life into being. The dupes have
already rejected the name of 'dupe'. They now proclaim themselves to be
'Desses' - perhaps a shortened form of the word 'descendants'. This suggests
that they mean to supercede us. Happily, they are some way distant from Earth.
There are hopes we can live in peace with this new variety of human species
when - as must happen - we encounter each other. |
*For more about the Ambient, see White
Mars. |
Tomorrow's Yesterdays
was first published in Nature, January,
2000 it is copyright © 2000, Brian W. Aldiss. Reproduction here is by kind
permission of the author. All rights reserved. |