1902 Encyclopedia > All Contributors > Authors (Surnames: SHA-SKI)

Authors who contributed articles to Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th and 10th Editions

Surnames: SHA-SKI

SHADWELL, A ., M.A. M.D.; Member of Council of Epidemiological Society; author of ‘The London Water Supply,’ ‘Plague at Oporto,’ ‘Diphtheria at Darenth Asylum,’ etc.

SHADWELL, L. l., M.A,; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn; revising barrister, Middlesex, 1885--1902.

SHAIRP, John Campbell, LL.D.; Professor of Latin at St Andrews Univ., 1861-72 ; Principal of the United Coll., St Andrews, 1868-85; Professor of Poetry at Oxford, from 1877 ; author of ‘Kilmahoe and other Poems,’ ‘Studies in Poetry and Philo-sophy,’ ‘Aspects of Poetry.’

SHARP. Archibald, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E.; formerly Instrustor in Engineering at the Central Technical College, London; author of ‘Bicycles and Tricycles.’

SHARP, David, M.A., M.B., F.R.S.; Past President of Entomological Society of London ; author of ‘Aquatic Carnivorous Coleoptera,’ ‘Insects.’

SHARP, Robert Farquharson, B.A.; Assistant Librarian, British Museum; edited ‘Lytton’s Plays,’ author of ‘Dictionary of English Authors,’ ‘Der Ring des Nibelungen,’ ‘Makers of Music,’ ‘Architects of English Literature.’

SHARP, William ; general editor of the ‘Canterbury Poets’; author of ‘Wives in Exile,’ ‘Silence Farm,’ critical biographies of Rossetti, Shelley, Heine, and Browning; compiled the anthologies, ‘Sonnets of the Century,’ ‘Lyra Celtica,’ etc.

SHARPE, James; formerly editor of the ‘Archer’s Register.’

SHAW, Albert, Ph.D.; editor of the American ‘Monthly Review of Reviews’; author of ‘Local Government in Illinois,’ ‘Municipal Government in Great Britain,’ ‘Municipal Government in Continental Europe,’ etc.

SHAW, Flora L. (Lady Lugard) ; Special Correspondent for ‘The Times’ to South Africa and Australia, Canada and Klondike; author of articles on British colonial questions.

SHAW, Herbert, B.A.; Secretary of the Tyneside Geographical Society.

SHAW, Hon. Leslie Mortier, LL.D.; Secretary of the U.S. Treasury; formerly Governor of the State of Iowa.

SHAW, Thomas. K.C., LL.D., M.A.; M.P. for Hawick District from 1892; Solicitor- General, Scot-land, 1894-95.

SHAW, William Napier, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S.; Secretary of the Meteorological Council from March 1900; formerly Fellow and Lecturer of Emmanuel Coll. Cambridge; Univ. Lecturer in Experimental Physics, Cambridge, 1887-99 ; joint-author of a ‘Text-book of Practical Physics’; has contributed many papers on electrolysis, meteorology, and ventilation to scientific journals.

SHAYLOR, J. ; manager to Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

SHEA, Hon. George: Chief Justice of the Marine Court of New York, 1870-82; author of ‘The Life and Epoch of Alexander Hamilton: an Historical Study,’ ‘The Nature and Form of the American Government,’ etc.

SHEA, John Dawson Gilmary, LL.D. edited the American Historical Magazine, 1859-65; author of ‘Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley,’ etc.

SHEAHAN, James W.; part-author of ‘Chicago: its Past, Present, and Future.’

SHEARER, Thomas; Glasgow.

SHEARMAN, Montague; past President O.U.A.C.: joint-author of ‘Football: Its History for Five Centuries’; author of ‘Athletics and Football.’

SHEARMAN, Thomas Gaskell; formerly joint--author of ‘Shearman and Redfield on Negligence’; author of ‘Natural Taxation,’ ‘Crooked Taxation,’ ‘Distribution of Wealth,’ ‘The Single Tax,’ etc.

SHELLEY, Charles Percy Bysshe; formerly Professor of Manufacturing Art in King’s Coll., London; author of ‘Workshop Appliances.’

SHERRINGTON, Charles S., M.A., M.D., F.R.S. ; Professor of Physiology, Univ. Coll., Liver-pool; Member of Council of Royal Society; late Brown Professor of Pathology, University of London ; Lecturer on Physiology, St Thomas’s Hospital, London; Croonian Lecturer, Royal Society; Member of the Commission on Asiatic Cholera, 1886; Anglo-American Secretary, International Congresses of Physiology, Liège 1892, Berne 1895, Cambridge 1898, Turin 1901.

SHERWELL, Arthur; author of works on Temperance questions.

SHIPLEY, Arthur Everett, M.A., F.Z.S., -Fellow, Tutor, and Lecturer at Christ’s College: Cambridge; University Lecturer on Advanced Morphology of the Invertebrata; Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy in the University, 1885-94; Fellow of Christ’s College, 1887 ; author of ‘Zoology of the Invertebrata’ ; editor of the ‘Pitt Press Natural Science Manuals,’ Biological Series; part--author of ‘A Text-Book on Zoology,’ etc.

SHORT, John Thomas, Ph.D.; Professor of History in the State Univ. of Ohio; author of ‘The North Americans of Antiquity,’ ‘Ohio: a Sketch of its Industrial Progress.’

SHORTER, Clement king; editor of ‘The Sphere’; late editor of the ‘Illustrated London News,’ the ‘Sketch,’ and the ‘English Illustrated Magazine’; author of ‘Charlotte Brontë and Her Circle,’ ‘Sixty Years of Victorian Literature,’ etc. etc.

SIBREE, Rev. James; missionary in Madagascar; author of ‘Madagascar and its People,’ ‘The Great African Island,’ ‘Madagascar before the Conquest,’ etc.

SIDGWICK, Eleanor Mildred (Mrs Henry); Principal of Newnham Coll., Cambridge, from 1892.

SIDGWICK, Henry, M.A.; Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Knightsbridge Pro-fessor of Moral Philosophy from 1883; helped to establish Newnham College; author of ‘Principles of Political Economy,’ ‘Outlines of the History of Ethics,’ etc.

SIEVERS, G. Eduard, Ph.D.; formerly Professor of German Philology, Univ. of Halle; author of an Anglo-Saxon grammar and of works on Teutonic philology.

SIME, James, M.A.; formerly on the staff of the ‘Graphic,’ ‘Nature,’ and other journals; author of a ‘History of Germany,’ and several works on German literature.

SIME, William; author of ‘Haco the Dreamer,’ ‘King Capital.’

SIMONS, William ; formerly Superintendent of Schools, Charleston, South Carolina.

SIMPSON, Rev. A.L., D. D. ; author of ‘The Story of Sir David Wilkie,’ Harvey’s Celebrated Paintings,’ ‘The Upward Path,’ ‘Pioneers.’

SIMPSON, Alexander Russell, M.D.; Professor of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children, University of Edinburgh ; editor of Sir James Y. Simpson’s ‘Lectures on Diseases of Women; author of ‘Contributions to Obstetrics and Gynaecology,’ etc.

SIMPSON, Rev. James Gilliland, M.A.; Principal of Leeds Clergy School; lately Rector of St Paul’s, Dundee.

SIMPSON, Lieut.-Col. W. A.; Assistant Ad-jutant-General U.S. War Department; Instructor U.S. Military Academy, West Point, 1883-87.

SINCLAIR, F. G., M.A., F.L.S.; author of many biological papers in scientific journals, etc.

SINCLAIR, Thomas, M.A., D.Litt.; author of ‘Humanities,’ ‘The Sinclairs of England’; author of ‘The Messenger,’ ‘Love’s Trilogy,’ etc.

SKEAT, Rev. Walter William, Litt.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Ph.D. ; Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, Cambridge, from 1878; Fellow of Christ’s Coll. ; President of the English Dialect Soc. ; author of ‘Etymological Dictionary of the English Language,’ ‘Principles of English Etymology’; has edited luany Early and Middle English texts.

SKINNER, Frank C.; Principal Examiner and Chief of Classification Division, U.S. Patent Office.

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