1902 Encyclopedia > All Contributors > Authors (Surnames: ROS-SAY)

Authors who contributed articles to Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th and 10th Editions

Surnames: ROS-SAY

ROSCOE, Sir Henry Enfield, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L., M.D., F.R.S.; Vice-Chancellor, University of London; Emeritus Professor, Owens College, Victoria University; President of the British Association (Manchester, 1887) ; President, Chemical Society, 1882; author of ‘Lessons in Elementary Chemistry,’ ‘Treatise on Chemistry,’ ‘Primer of Chemistry,’ ‘John Dalton,’ ‘New View of the Genesis of the Atomic Theory of Chemistry’ (with Dr Harden).

ROSEWATER, Victor, A.M., Ph.D.; managing editor of the ‘Omaha Bee,’ Omaha, Nebraska ; author of Special Assessments: a Study in Municipal Finance.’

ROSS H M., B.A.; formerly exhibitioner of Lincoln Coll., Oxford ; associate editor of the new volumes of the ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica.’

ROSS, John Mrerry, LL.D. ; edited the ‘Globe Encyclopaedia’ ; author of ‘Scottish History and Literature to the Period of the Reformation.’

ROSSETTI, William Michael ; Professional Assistant to Board of Inland Rev. for Estate Duty on Pictures and Drawings; author of ‘Fine Art, chiefly contemporary,’ ‘Lives of Famous Poets,’ ‘Life of Keats,’ ‘Dante G. Rossetti as Designer and Writer,’ ‘Memoir of Dante G. Rossetti’; editor of ‘The Germ,’ 1850, of ‘Shelley’s Poems,’ of ‘Wm. Blake’s Poems,’ of ‘Poems by Dante and Christina Rossetti,’ of ‘Praeraphaelite Diaries and Letters,’ etc.

ROST, Reinhold, C.I.E., LL.D., Ph.D. ; Oriental Lecturer at St Augustine’s Missionary Coll., Canterbury, 1851-96; Secretary to the Royal Asiatic Soc., 1863-69; Librarian at the India Office, 1869-93; author of ‘Treatise on the Indian Sources of the Ancient Burmese Laws,’ ‘Revision of Specimens of Sanskrit MSS. published by the Palaeographical Society.’

ROWELL, E. T.; Lowell, Mass.

ROWLAND, Henry Augustus, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S. ; formerly Professor of Physics, Johns Hopkins University; recipient of Rumford, Draper, and Matteucci medals for scientific discoveries; Hon. Member Inst. of France, etc.

ROWSELL, Francis W., C.B., C.M.G.; Superin-tendent of Naval Contracts, 1870-79; British Commissioner for the Domains in Egypt, 1879-95; author of ‘Recollections of a Relieving Officer.’

RUDLER, Frederick William , F.G.S. ; Curator and Librarian of the Museum of Practical Geology from 1879 ; of the Musenm of Practical Geology, Jormyn Street, 1861-76; assistant-editor of Ure’s ‘Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures’; joint-author of Stanford’s ‘Europe.’

RUFFINI, Arthur; Royal Naval Academy, Leghorn.

RUGE, Sophus, Ph.D.; Professor of Geography, University of Bresden; author of ‘Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen,’ ‘Abhandlungen und Vorträge zur Geschichte der Erdkundo,’ ‘Christopher Columbus,’ etc.

RUNNION, J. B. ; Chicago, III.

RUSSELL, Hon. Bertrand Arthur William, M.A. ; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; author of ‘German Social Democracy,’ ‘Essay on the Foundations of Geometry,’ ‘Philosophy of Leibnitz.’

RUSSELL, Rev. David; Minister of St Margaret’s Presbyterian Church, Dunfermline.

RUSSELL, Major-General Francis Shirley, C. M.G. ; served in the Ashanti War, 1874; Zulu War, 1879, Boer War, 1881; commanded Royal Dragoons, 1885; Military Attachè, Berlin, 1889; M.P. for Cheltenham, 1895-1900; author of ‘Russian Wars with Turkey,’ ‘Memoir of the Earl of Peterborough.’

RUSSELL, George William Erskine, LL.D.; Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board, 1883-85; Under-Secretary of State for India, 1892-94; for the Home Department, 1894-95; author of ‘A Monograph on the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone,’ ‘Letters of Matthew Arnold,’ ‘Collections and Recollections, 1898.’

RUSSELL, John; late editor of the ‘Border Advertiser ; &ssist.-editor of ‘Chambers’s Journal,’ 1877-94 ; author of ‘The Haigs of Bemerside.’

RUSSELL, J. M. ; Maidstone, Kent.

RUSSELL, William, M.D.; edited ‘Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal’; author of Investigations into some Morbid Cardiac Conditions’; joint-author of ‘Physical Diagnosis.’

RUTLEY, Frank, F.G.S. ; assistant geologist, Geological Survey of the United Kingdom; author of ‘Mineralogy,’ ‘The Study of Rocks.’

RYE, Edward Caldwell; edited the ‘Zoological Record’; formerly Librarian of the Royal Geographi-cal Soc. ; made a valuable collection of the English coleoptera; author of ‘British Beetles : an Intro-duction to the Study of our Indigenous Coleoptera.’


SACHS, Edwin O., A.M.I.C.E.; Chairman of British Fire Prevention Committee; Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society; technical adviser to the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, from 1899; founded in 1897 the British Fire Prevention Committee, and in 1899 the first independent fire-testing station established in Europe; author of ‘Modern Opera Houses and Theatres,’ ‘Stage Construction,’ ‘Fires and Public Entertainments.’

ST JOHN, Molyneux; Ottawa, Canada.

ST PAUL, Anthyme ; author of ‘Histoire Monumentale de la France’; edited ‘Annuaire de l’Archèologue Français,’ from 1877.

SAINTSBURY, George Edward Bateman, M.A.; Professor of Rhetoric and English Literattire, Edinburgh Univ., from 1895; author of ‘A Short History of French Literature,’ ‘The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory,’ ‘A Short History of English Literature,’ etc.

SALMOND, Rev. StewartDingwall Fordyce, D. D.; Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament Exegesis in the Free Church Coll., Aberdeen, from 1876; translated works by Hippolytus, St Gregory, etc. for the ‘Ante-Nicene Library’; author of ‘Exposition of the Shorter Catechism,’ ‘The Life of Christ’ (Bible Class Primers).

SAMPSON, Rear-Admiral William Thomas, LL.D. ; in command of U.S. North Atlantic Squadron, battle of Santiago; afterwards Commandant U.S. Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. ; Member of International Prime Meridian and Time Conference ; U.S. Delegate to International Maritime Conference; Chief of U.S. Bureau of Ordnance, 1893-97.


SANG, Edward, LL.D.; author of ‘Progressive Lessons in Applied Science,’ ‘Life Assurance and Annuity Tables,’ ‘A New Table of Seven-Place Logarithms,’ and other mathematical works.

SAUNDERS, George, B.A.; Berlin Correspondent of 'The Times’; late Berlin Correspondent of the Morning Post,’ etc.

SAWER, J. Charles, author of ‘Odorographia; a Natural History of Materials and Drugs used in the Perfume Industry,’ ‘Rhodologia: a Discourse on Roses.’

SAWYER, Frederick E., F.S.A.; Brighton.

SAYCE, Rev. Archibald Henry, M.A., LL.D., D.D.; Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford; Professor of Assyriology, Oxford; one of the Old Testament Revisers, 1874-84; Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford, 1876-1890; Hibbert Lect., 1887; Gifford Lect., 1900-1 ; anthor of ‘Assyrian Grain inar for Comparative Purposes,’ ‘Translations in Records of the Past,’ 1st series : I Lectures on the Assyrian Language and Syllabary,’ ‘The Monuments of the Hittites, The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotus,’ etc.

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