1902 Encyclopedia > Schools of Painting > Further Reading on Painting

Schools of Painting
(Part 17)

Further Reading on Painting (List of Works to be Consulted) [447-1]

Painting Generally

Agincourt, Histoire de l'Art, Paris, 1811-23; Bell, Schools of Painting, London 1842; Blanc, Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecoles, Paris, 1848-76; Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, London, 1824; Chabert, Galère des Peintres, Paris, 1822; Daryl, Dictionary of Painters, London, 1878; Duchesne, Museum of Painting, Paris, 1829-34; Eastlake, Handbook; of Painting, 4th ed., London, 1874; Gorning, Geschichte der Malerei, Leipsic, 1867; Havard; Histoire de la Peinture, Paris 1882; Mrs Heaton, Concise History of Painting, London, 1872; Heinrich, Leben und Werke der beruhmtesten Maler, Berlin, 1854; Lecarpentier, Galerie des Peintres Celebres, Paris, 1810-21; Menard, Histoire des Beaux- Arts, Paris, 1873; Montabert, Traité de la Peinture, Paris, 1829-51; Parrocel, Annales de la Peinture, Paris, 1862; Destreman, Histoire de l'Art, Paris, 1882; Diderot, Essais sur la Peinture, Leipsic, 1862; Emeric-David, La Peinture Moderne, 1862; Michiels, La Peinture du IVme au XVIme Siècle, Brussels, 1853; Muntz, Histoire de la Peinture, Paris, 1881; Stendhal, Histoire de la Peinture, Paris 1860; Miss K. Thompson, Handbook to Picture Galleries of Europe, 3d ed., London 1880; Wornum, History of Painting, London, 1847, and Epochs of Painting, 1864; Eckl and Atz, Die Madonna als Gegenstand christlicher Kunstmalerie, Brixen, 1883; Hotho, Gesch. der christichen Malerie, Stuttgart, 1873; Argens, Examen des Ecoles de Peinture, Berlin, 1728; Hobbes, Picture-Collector's Manual, London, 1849; Bryan, Dictionary of Painters, London, 1865; Sivet, Diction. Hist. des Peintres, Paris, 1855; Bartsch, Peintre graveur, Vienna, 1802-21; Sorg. Gesch. der christlichen Malerie, Berlin, 1853; Waagen, Treasures of Art in Britain, London 1854-57; Rebre, Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters, Leipsic, 1885.

Early Mediaeval Schools

Mullooly, Paintings in S. demente, Rome, 1866 ; Perret, Catacombes de Rome, Paris, 1852-57 ; De Rossi, Poma Sotterranea, Rome, 1864-80; Didron, Manuel dlconographie Chrétienne, Paris, 1845 (in this is printed the 11th-century MS. ____, on the hieratic rules of Byzan-tine art) ; Bayet, La Peinture Chrétienne en Orient, Paris, ] 879 ; Carter, Specimens of Ancient Scidpture and Painting, London, 1812; Pownall, "Ancient Painting in England," in Archeologia, ix. p. 141, and other papers in the dame publica-tion ; the Vetusta Monumenta, published by the Society of Antiquaries, has valuable reproductions of the 14th-century wall-paintings in St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, which are now destroyed, except a few fragments in the British Museum ; many articles on mediaeval painting occur in the volumes of the Archaeological Journal, and in the Proceedings of many other societies in England and abroad.

Italian Schools Generally.—Crowe and Cavalcasene, History of Painting in Italy, London, 1864-66, and History of Painting in North Italy, 1871 ; Woermann and Woltmann, History of Painting, ed. by S. Colvin, London, 1880 ; Kugler, Handbook of Painting, London, 1874 ; Lanzi, Storia pittorica, Florence, 1822 ; Rosini, Storia della Pittura Italiana, Pisa, 1839-47 ; Rumohr, Italienische Forschungen, Berlin, 1826-31 ; Förster, Denkmale ital. Malerei, Leipsic, 1870-73 ; Lohme, Kunst und Künstler Ital., Berlin, 1878 ; Burck-hardt, The Cicerone, best ed. London, 1879 ; Coindet, Histoire de la Peinture en Italie, Paris, 1861 ; Liibke, Gesch. der ital, Malerei, Stuttgart, 1878 ; Ottley, Italian School, London, 1823 ; W. B. Scott, Pictures by Italian Masters, London, 1870 ; Mrs Jameson, Early Italian Painters, London, 1859 ; Symonds, Renaissance in Italy (Fine Arts), London, 1877 ; Tytler, Old Masters and their Pictures, London, 1S73 ; Bernasconi, Storia d. Pittura Italiana, Pisa, 1864 ; Clément, La Peinture Italienne, Paris, 1857 (on early painters) ; Pascoli, Vite dei Pittori, Rome, 1736; Poynter, Painting, Early Christian, de, small handbook, London, 1882 ; L. Scott, Renaissance in Italy, small handbook, London, 1883 ; Richter, Italian Art in the National Gallery, London, 1883 ; Frizzoni, L'Arte Italiana nella Gal. Nat di Londra, Milan, 1880, published in the Archivio Storico di MiloMo; Reiset, in the Gaz. des B.-Arts for 1877, gives a valuable series of articles entitled " Une Visite aux Musées de Londres" ; Morelli, Italian Masters in German Galleries, trans., London, 1883, and his valuable series of articles on the Borghese Gallery in Lützow's Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst. This very able art critic, who also writes under the name of " Lermolieff," has developed a somewhat new system of criticism, based on minute observation of the way in which each painter treated details, such as the hand and ear,—in most cases (according to Morelli) a safer guide than the general impression derived from the whole effect or spirit of a picture, and less misleading than a judgment formed from technical peculiarities ; the Comm. Morelli, aided by a good knowledge of the documentary history of art, has thus been enabled to give back to their right authors many paintings which for long have been wrongly named.

Italian Special Schools.-Bordiga, Opere del Gaud. Ferrari, Milan, 1835; . Pagani, Le Pitture di Modena, Modena, 1770 ; Vedriani, Pittori, de, Modanesi, Modena, 1602; Zaist, Pittori Cremonesi, Cremona, 1774; Graseiii, Blog, dei Pittori Cremonesi, Cremona, 1827 ; Arco, Delle Arti di Mantova, Mantua, 1857-58 ; Coddè, Dizionario dei Pittori Mantovani, Mantua, 1837 ; Pozzo, Vite dei Pittori Veronesi, Verona, 1718 ; Ferri, Pittori Milanesi, Rome, 1868 ; Rio, L. da Vinci et son Ecole, Paris, 1855 ; Moschini, La Pittura in Padova, Padua, 1S26 ; Bodoni, Pitture Parmensi, Parma, 1809 ; Otfò, Vita del Parmigianino, Panna, 1784; Leoni, Pitture di Correggio, Modena, 1841 ; Pungiieoni, Memorie storiche di Correggio, Parma, 1817-21 ; Malvasia, Felsinei Pittrice, Bologna, 1678 ; Barotti, Pitture di Ferrara, Ferrara, 1770 ; Laderchi, La Pittura Ferrarese, Ferrara, 1856 ; Baruffaldi, Vite dei Pittori Ferraresi, Ferrara ; Mesnard, La Peinture à Sienne, Paris, 1878 ; Della Valle, Lettere Sanesi, Venice, 1782-86; Lasinio, Pitture . . . di Siena, Florence, 1825 ; Milanesi, Documenti dell' Arte Senese, 1858 ; Boullier, L'Art Vénitien, Paris, 1870 ; W, B. Scott, Pictures by Venetian Painters, London, 1875 ; Ruskin, St Mark's Rest, London, 1879, Stones of Venice, 1856, and Guide to principal Pictures at Venice, 1878 ; Zanetti, Storia d. Pittura Veneziana, Venice, 1771 ; Longhi, Vite dei Pittori Veneziani, Venice, 1762 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie dell' Arte, Venice, 1648 ; Verci, Pittori, de, di Bussano, Venice, 1775 ; Tassi, Vitedei Pittori, de, Bergamaschi, Bergamo, 1793 ; Chizzola, Pitture di Brescia, Brescia, 1809; Calvi, Vita di Francia, Bologna, 1812, and. Vita di Fran. Barbieri (Guerrino), 1808; Ratti, Pittura, de, in Genova, Genoa, 1780; Pascoli, Vite dei Pittori, de, Perugini, Rome, 1732; Mariotti, Lettere Pittoriche Perugine, Perugia, 1788 ; Fiorillo, Gesch. der Malerei in Toscana, Berlin, 1850 ; Marchese, Pittori Domenicani, Florence, 1845 ; Ricci, Mem. diMelozzo da Forti, Forli, 1834 ; Reggiani, Mem. stor. d. Arti della Marca eli Ancona, Macerata, 1834 ; Domenici, Vite dei Pittori Napoletani, Naples, 1840-46,—not trustworthy in its account of supposed early Neapolitan painters ; Crowe and Cavalcasene, Life of Titian, London, 1878, and Life of Raphael, 1880-85 ; Vischer, L. Signorelli und die ital. Renaissance, Leipsic, 1879.

German, Flemish, And Dutch Schools.—Bode, Frans Hals und seine Schule, Leipsic, 1871, Die Künstler von Haarlem, 1872, and Gesch. der holländischen Malerei, 1883 ; Bürger, Études sur les Peintres Hollandais, Paris, 1859 ; Burnet, Rembrandt and his Works, London, 1859 ; Scheltema, Rem-brand, Redevoering, de, Amsterdam, 1S45 ; Fairholt, Homes, de, of the Dutch Painters, London, 1871 ; R. Gower, Figure Painters of Holland, London, 1880 ; Havard, L'Art Hollandais, Paris, 1879, and Histoire de la Peinture Hollandaise, Paris, 1882 ; Kramm, Levens en Werken der Hollandische Kunstschilders, Amster-dam, 1857-64; Rathgeber, Annalen der niederländischen Malerei, Gotha, 1842-44; Renouvier, Les Peintres de l'Ancienne École Hollandaise, Paris, 1857; Van Mander, Le Livre des Peintres, Paris, 1884 ; Riegel, Beiträgezur niederländischen Kunstgeschichte, Berlin, 1882 ; Van Eynden, Geschiedenis der vaterlandsche Schilderkunst, Amsterdam, 1842 ; Vloten, Nederlands Schilderkunst, Amsterdam, 1874; Van Gool, Nieuwe Schouburg der Kunstschilders, Amsterdam, 1858 ; Hotho, Gesch. der deutschen und niederländ. Malerei, Berlin, 1840-43 ; Descamps, La Vie des Peintres Flamands, Paris, 1753-64 ; Dehaisnes, L'Art Chrét. en Flandre, Douai, I860; Fétis, Les Artistes Belges, Brussels, 1857 ; Fromentin, Les Maîtres d'autrefois, Paris, 1876 ; Saint-GenUain, Guide de Tableaux, École Allemande, de, Paris, 1841 ; Héris, Histoire de l'École Flamande, Brussels, 1856; Houssaye, Histoire de la Peinture Flamande, de, Paris, 1866; Michiels, Les Peintres Brugeois, Brussels, 1846, Histoirede la Peinture Flamande, de, 1847, and L'École d'Anvers, Paris, 1877 ; Potvin, L'Art Flamand, Paris, 1868 ; Rooses, Gesch. der Malerschule Antwerpens, Munich, I880 ; Stanley, Principal Painters of Dutch and Flemish Schools, London, 1855 ; Head, Handbook of Painting, German, Flemish, and Dutch, London, 1846 ; Waagen, Die deutschen und niederländischen Malersclmlen, Stuttgart, 1862; Kugler, Handbook of Painting, 2d ed., London, 1S74 ; Crowe and Cavalcasene, Early Flemish Painters, London, 1872 ; J. Smith, Catalogue of Works of Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, London, 1829-42 ; Sandrart, L'Accademia Tedesca, Nuremberg, 1675-79 ; Lindau, Lucas Cranach, Leipsic, 1883 ; Heller, Cranach's Leben und Werke, Nuremberg, 1804 ; Willigen, Les Artistes de Haarlem, Haarlem, 1870 ; Woltmann, Hans Holbein, Berlin, 1865 ; Wornum, Life of Holbein, London, 1866 ; Thausing, Albrecht Dürer, Berlin, 1872-76 ; Mrs Heaton, Life of A. Dürer, London, 1881 ; Heller, Lebenund Werke A. Dürers, Leipsic, 1831 ; Innstadten, Darstellung der Gesch. der Malerei, Vienna, 1853; Knirim, Die Hartzmalerei, de, Leipsic, 1839 ; Passavant, Beiträge zur Kenntniss, de, Berlin, 1846 ; Houbraken, NederlandscheKunstschilders, Amster-dam, 1718-21 ; Immerzeel, De Levens en Werken der Hollandsche, de, Amsterdam, 1842-43 ; Weale, Notes sur Jean Van Eyck, London, 1861 ; Carton, Les trois Van Eyck, Bruges, 1848 ; Heinecken, Neue Nachrichten von Künstlern, Dresden, 1768-71 ; Gwinner, Kunst und Künstler in Frankfurt, Frankfort, 1862 ; Merlo, Nachrichten von dem Leben, de, kölnischer Künstler, Cologne, 1850 ; Busscher, Corporation des Peintres à Gand, Brussels, 1853 ; Taurel, L'Art en Hollande, de, _ Amsterdam, 1872 ; Bürget, Musées de la Hollande, Brussels, 1858-60 ; Aus'm Weerth, Kunstdenkmäler des christ. Mittelalters, Leipsic, 1857-60 ; Saint-Germain, Guide de Tableaux (German, Flemish, and Dutch), Paris, 1841 ; Dohme, Bode-,-and others, Gesch. der deutschen Kunst, Berlin, 1885 ; W. B. Scott, The Little Masters, London, 1879.

Modern German Schools.—Bouniol, L'Art chrétien et l'École Allemande, Paris, 1856 ; Ormos, Peter von Cornelius, etc, Berlin, 1866 ; Ranzoni, Malerei in Wien, Vienna, 1S73 ; Riegel, Gesch. der deutschen Kunst, Hanover, 1876 ; "Wustmann, Gesch. der Malerei in Leipzig, Leipsic, 1879 ; Schasler, Die Wandgemälde von Kaulbachs, Berlin, 1854 ; Pecht, Deutsche Künstler, Nördlingen, 1877-81 ; Leixner, Die moderne Kunst, Berlin, 1878 ; Rosenberg, Gesch. der mod. Kunst, Leipsic, 1882.

Spanish Literature.—-Head, Handbook of Painting (Spanish), London, 1847 ; Stirling, Annals of the Artists of Spain, London, 1848, and Velasquez and lois Works, 1855; O'Neil, Dictionary of Spanish Painters, London, 1833 ; Montecuccoli, Storia della Pittura in Ispagna, Modena, 1841 ; Cumberland, Eminent Painters in Spain, London, 1782 ; Laforge, Des Arts en Espagne, Lyons, 1859; W. B. Scott, Murillo and the Spanish School, London, 1872 ; Curtis, Murillo and Velasquez, London, 1883 ; Davies, Life of Murillo, London, 1819; Viardot, Les Principaux Peintres de l'Espagne, Paris, 1839 ; Eusebi, Las diferentes Escuelas de Pintura, Madrid, 1823 ; Malpica, El Arte de la Pintura, Madrid, 1S74 ; Bermudez, Dicionario de las Bellas Artes en Espana, Madrid, 1800; Robinson, Early Portuguese Painting, Bungay, 1866; Davillier, Mariano Fortuity, sa Vie, dec, Paris, 1875.

French School.—Mrs M. Pattison, Renaissance of Art in France, 1879 ; La Chavignerie, Dictionnaire de l'École Française, Paris, 1S83 ; Béraud, Annales de l'École Française, Paris, 1827 ; Berger, L'École Française, Paris, 1S79 ; Dufour, Peintres Parisiens aux XIV et XV Siècles, Paris, 1879 ; Parrocel, Annales de la Peinture, Paris, 1S62; De Saint-Germain, Trois Siècles de la Peinture en France, Paris, 1808; Laborde, Renaissance des Arts à la Cour de France, Paris, 1850-55 ; Goncourt, L'Art dans le XVIIIme Siècle, Paris, 1880-84.

Modern French School.— Chesneau, La Peinture Française au XlXme Siècle, Paris, 1862 ; Claretie, L'Art Français Contemporain, Paris, 1876 ; Pesquidoux, L'Art au XlXme Siècle, Paris, 1881 ; Jourdan, Les Peintres Français, Paris, 1859 ; Laforge, La Peinture en France, Paris, 1856 ; Laurent-Piehat, L'Art en France, 1859 ; Leclercq, L'École Française, Paris, 1881 ; Merson, La Peinture en France, 1861 ; Meyer, Gesch. der mod. französischen Malerei, Leipsic, 1867 ; Rosenberg, Gesch. der mod. Kunst, Leipsic, 1884 ; Wurzbach, Die französischen Maler, Stuttgart, 1879.

British School.—Graves, Dictionary of British Artists from 1760 to I880, London, 1881 ; Redgrave, Painters of the English School, London, 1866, and Dictionary of Artists (English), 1878 ; Vi*. B. Scott, Our British Landscape Painters, London, 1872; Shepherd, British School of Painting, London, 1880; Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting in England, London, 1861 ; Wodderspoon, J. Crome and his Works, Norwich, 1858 ; Chesneau, La Peinture Anglaise, Paris, 1882 ; Clayton, English Female Artists, London, 1876 ; Cunningham, Lives of British Painters, ed. Mrs Heaton, 1879 ; Dallaway, Painting in England, London, 1849; Hannay and others, Works of Hogarth, London, 1860; Hoare, Academic Annals of Painting, London, 1805-9 ; Dumas, Modern Artists, Paris, 1882 ; Ruskin, Modern Painters, London, 1851-60 ; Our Living Painters (anon.), London, 1859 ; Monkhouse, Masterpieces of English Art, London, 1868 ; Britton, Fine Arts of the English School, London, 1812 ; Brock-Arnold, Gainsborou-gh and Reynolds, London, 1881 ; Leslie and Taylor, Life and Times of Reynolds, London, 1S65 ; Conway, Reynolds and Gainsborough, London, 1886.

Early Treatises on Painting.—Theophilus, Diversar'wni ArHum Schedula, trans., London, 1847 ; Cennino Cennini, Trattato della Pittura, trans., together with other early documents on painting "by Mrs Merrifield, Treatises on Painting, London, 1848 ; Eastlake, Materials for History of Oil Painting, 1847-69 ; the Commentary of Lorenzo Ghiberti, containing a short history of Florentine art, has been published (in French) by Perkins, Ghiberti et son Ècole, Paris, 1836 ; Filarete, Trattato dell' Architettura, &c, written at Florence, 1464, Prethsa Margarita, edited by Aldus, Venice, 1546 ; Da Vinci, Trattato della Pittura, Bologna, 1786, and selections from forty-two autograph MSS. at Milan, edited by Richter, London, 1883; Lomazzo, Trattato d. Pittura, Milan, 1584; Vasari, Vite dei Pittori, first complete edition, Florence, 1568, best edition by Milanesi, Fiorenee, 1878-82 ; Morelli, Notizia d'Opere di Disegno . . . scritta da un Anonimo (a work of the 16th century) ; Bassano, I800, best edition by Frizzoni, Bologna, 1884 ; Bellori, Vite dei Pittori, Rome, 1672 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie dell' Arte, Venice, 1648; Baldinucci, Professori del Disegno, Florence, 1681-88; Du Fresnoy, Art of Painting, London, 1695; Van Lairesse, Art of Painting, trans., London, 1738 ; Piles, Divers Ouvrages sur la Peinture, Paris, 1755. For the bibliography of painting, see Weigel, Kunstcatalog, Leipsic, 1833 and following years; and Reumont, Notizie bibliografiche dei Lavori pubi, in Germania tratt. d. Belle Arti, Florence, 1847-63. (J. H. M.)


447-1 For further lists of authorities see the various articles on the separate painters.

The above article was written by: John Henry Middleton, M.A., Litt.D., D.C.L.; Slade Professor of Fine Art in the Univ. of Cambridge, 1866; later, Art Director of the South Kensington Museum; author of The Engraved Gems of Classical Times and Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Mediaeval Times.

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