1902 Encyclopedia > Rome > Further Reading - Modern Rome

(Part 37)



Works on Christian Rome

16th and 17th Century Books: Panvinius, De Praecipuis Basilicis, 1570; De Albericis, Hist. S. Virginis de Populo, 1599 ; De Angelis, Bas. S. Mariae Major., 1621 ; Severano, Le Sette Chiese di Roma, 1630 ; Landucci, S. Maria del Popolo, 1646 ; Rasponi, De Basil. Lateran., 1656 ; Torrigio, Sacre Grotte Vaticane, 1675 ; Fontana, Tempio Vaticano, 1694 ; Bonannus,
Tem. Vatic. Historia, 1696.
18th Century: Crescimbeni, S. Maria in Cosmedin (1715), S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (1710), and Bas. di S. Anastasia (1722) ; Boromino, La Chiesa e Fabbrica d. Sapienza, 1726 ; Casimiro Romano, S. Maria in Ara Coeli, 1736 ; Fonseca, Bas. S. Laurentii in Damaso, 1745 ; Erra, S. Maria in Campitelli, 1750 ; Besozzi, S. Croce in Gerus., 1750; Cancellieri, Basilica Vaticana, 1786; F. di San Pietro, S. Giorgio in Velabro, 1791.
19th Century: Paulinus, Basil. S. Pancratii, 1803 ; Nicolai, Bas. di S. Paolo, 1815, and De Vatican. Bas., 1817; Nibby, Forma degli Antichi Tempj Cristiani, 1825 ; Dionysius, Vat. Basil.
Crypt. Mon.
, 1828-40 ; Bunsen, Guttensohn, and Knapp, Basiliken des Christ. Roms, Munich, 1842 ; Canina, Arch. dei Tempj Cristiani, 1843-46 ; Fontana, Migliori Chiese di Roma (1855), Bas. di S. Paolo (1878), and Musaici delle Chiese di Roma (1870) ; Valentini, fine monographs on the Basilicas of the Vatican, the Lateran, and S. Maria Maggiore, 1832-45 ; Gori, Bas. di S. Lorenzo, 1862 ; Hübsch, Alt-christlichen Kirchen, Carlsruhe, 1862 ; De Montault, Les Souterrains de S. Pierre, Paris, 1866 ; Burckhardt, De Origine Basilicarum Christianarum, 1875 ; De Fleury, Le Latran, Paris, 1877 ; De Lorbac, S. Pierre de Rome, 1879 ; Geymüller, Les Projets Primitifs pour la Bas. de S. Pierre, Paris, 1875-80 (gives
a valuable series of facsimiles of the designs made by Bramante, Raphael, Fra Giocondo, Sangallo, and others) ; Létarouilly, Le Vatican et la Basilica de S. Pierre, ed. Simit, Paris, 1882 ; Debleser, Rome et ses Monuments, 1882 (especially useful to the Catholic traveller for its information about church ceremonies and other religious matters).

GENERAL WORKS.—Pistolesi, Il Vaticano, 1829-38 ; Nibby, Roma Moderna, 1839 ; Marchi, Mon. dell' Arte Crist. primitiva, 1844 ; Massimo, La Torre Anguillara in Trastevere, 1847 ; Létarouilly, Edifices de Rome Moderne, Brussels, 1856-66; Gregorovius, Geschichte . . . Roms im Mittelalter, Stuttgart, 1859-72, and Die Grabmäler der Päpste, Leipsic, 1857 (both
these valuable works have been translated into Italian) ; Garrucci, Mon. del Mus. Lateran., 1861, and Storia dell' Arte Cristiana, Prato, 1872-80 ; De Rossi, Roma Sotterranea, 1864-80, and Musaici e Pavimenti delle Chiese di Roma (in progress), and (edited by him) Bull. di Archaeo. Cristiana, 1863 (in progress), also Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae, 1861 (in progress) ; Gerbet, Rome Chrétienne, Paris, 1866; Pellegrini, Edifici de' Bassi Tempi, 1870 ; Rio, L'Art Chrétien, Paris, 1861, and Epilogue à l'Art Chrétien, 1872 ; Dohme, Kunst und Künstler Italiens, Leipsic, 1878 ; Wey, Description de Rome (well illustrated), 1871.
Inscriptions.— Forcella, Inscrizioni nelle Chiese di Roma, 1869-84 ; Gaietti, Inscriptiones Rom. Infimi Aevi, 1760. A number of mediaevai wall-paintings in Rome, such as those
in the Vatican library and in S. Martino ai Monti, though worthless as works of art, are very valuable for their representations of buildings now destroyed or altered. The great oil-painting, now in the museum at Mantua, which gives a bird's-eye view of Rome as it was in the 16th century, is published in the valuable work by De Rossi, Piante di Roma anteriori al Sec. XVI., 1879, which contains also other early plans and drawings of the city.

MUSEUMS AND SCULPTURE.— Pistolesi, Il Vaticano, 1829-38 ; Visconti, Mus. Chiaramonti and Pio-Clementino, and Museo Gregoriano, 1803-43 ; Wolff, Bildwerke des Vaticans, etc.,
Berlin, 1870 ; E. Q. Visconti, Sculture della Villa Borghese, 1796, and Scult. del
Pai. Giustiniani
, 1811 ; Winckelmann, Opere, best edition by Fea, Prato, 1830 ; Vitale, Marmi nel Pal. Torlonia, n.d. ; Benndorf, Die Bildwerke des Lateran. Mus., Leipsic, 1867 ; Schreiber, Antike Bildwerke der Villa Ludovisi, Leipsic, 1880 ; Bottari, Museo Capitolino, Milan, 1821-22 ; Matz and Von Duhn, Antike Bildwerke in Rom, Leipsic, 1881 ; De Montault, Musées et Galeries de Rome, 1880 ; Bernoulli, Römische Ikonographie, Stuttgart, 1881. (J. H. M.)

The above section of the article ROME was written by: John Henry Middleton, M.A., Litt.D., D.C.L.; Slade Professor of Fine Art in the Univ. of Cambridge, 1866; later, Art Director of the South Kensington Museum; author of The Engraved Gems of Classical Times and Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Mediaeval Times.

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