1902 Encyclopedia > Archaeology > Archaeology - Bibliography

(Part 14)


Archaeology - Bibliography

The General Subject. - Lubbock's Prehistoric Times, Lond., 1865; Tylor's Researches into the Early History of Mankind, Lond., 1870; Steven's Flint Chips, a Guide to Prehistoric Archeaology, &c., Lond., 1870; Ferguson's Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries, their Ages and Uses, Lond., 1872; Lyell's Antiquity of Man (2d ed.), Lond., 1873 Southall's Recent Origin of Man, Philadelphia, 1875; Wilson's Prehistoric Man (3d ed.), Lond., 1876.

England.- Douglas's Nenia Britannica, Lond., 1793; Akerman's Archaeological Index, Lond., 1847, and Remains of Pagan Saxondom, Lond., 1855; Bateman's Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire, Lond., 1848, and Ten Years' Diggings, Lond., 1861; Roach Smith's Inventorium Sepulchrale, Lond., 1856; Wright's The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon (2d.), Lond., 1861; Worsaae's Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, Ireland, Lond., 1862; Davis and Thunam's Crania Britannica, Lond., 1865; Bruce's Roman Wall (3d ed.), Lond., 1867; Jewitt's Grave Mounds and their Contents, Lond., 1870; Evan's Stone Implements of Great Britain, Lond., 1874; Dawkin's Cave Hunting, Lond., 1874; The Transactions and Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, and kindred Societies, and the International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeoloogy held at Norwich in 1868.

Scotland. - Stuart's Caledonia Romana, Edin., 1852; Wilson's Prehistoric Annals of Scotland (2d ed.), Lond., l863; Forbes Leslie's Early Races of Scotland, Edin, l866; Stuart's Sculptures Stones of Scotland (Spalding Club), 1856-67; Simpson's (Sir J. Y.) Archaeological Essays, Edin., 1872; Maclagan's Hill Forts, Stone Circles, &c.; Ancient Scotland, Edin., 1875; Trans. and Proceed. of the Society of Antiquairies of Scotland, 1781; Catalogue of the National Museum of the Antiquaries of Scotland, 1876.

Ireland.- Wakeman's Handbook of Irish Antiquities, Dublin, 1848; Wilde's Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1857; O'Curry's Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, Dublin, 1875; Notes on Ancient Irish Architecture, by Lord Dunraven, edited by Miss Stokes, Dublin, 1875; The Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 1853-61; Proceed. and Trans. of the Royal Irish, Dublin,1857; Notes on Ancient Irish Architecture, by Lord Dunraven, edited by Miss Stokes, Dublin, 1875; The Ulster Journal of Archaeoloogy, 1853-61; Proceed. and Trans. of the Royal Irish Academy, and the Royal Hist. and Arch. Association of Ireland.

Denmark.-Thomsen's Ledetraad til Nordisk Oldkyndighed, Copen., 1836; Worsaace's Alterthumskunde des Nordens, Leipsic 1847, and Nordiske Oldsager (2d ed.), Copen., 1859; Ellesmere's Guide to Northern Archaeology, Lond., 1848; Worsaae's Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, translated by Thoms, Lond., 1849; Engelhardt's Denmark in the Early Iron Age, Lond., 1866 ; Stephen's Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, Copen. and Lond., 1866-68 ; International Congress of Prehistoric Archseology at Copenhagen, 1868; Madsen's Afbildninger af Uanske Oldsager, Copen., 1869-76 ; Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires du Nord, 1836-76 ; Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1866-76 ; Atlas de l'Archéologie du Nord, 1857.

Sweden.—Sjöhorg's Samlingar for Norden's Eornalskära, Stockholm, 1822-24 ; Nillson's Stone Age in Scandinavia (3d. ed.), (translated by Lubbock), Lond., 1868 ; Holmberg's Nordbon under Hednatiden, Stockholm, 1852 ; Montelius's Remains from the Iron Age of Scandinavia, Stockholm, 1869 ; Antiquités Suédoises, Stockholm, 1873 ; La Suède Préhistorique, Paris, 1875.

Norway.—Urda, et Norsk Antiquarisk Tidskrift, Bergen, 1837-47; Nicolaysen's Norske Fornlevninger, Christiania, 1866 ; Foreningen til Norske Mindesmaerker's Bevaring, Christiania, 1852-75 ; Sämlingen af Norske Oldsager i Bergen's Museum, Bergen, 1876.

Germany.—Von Estorf, Heidnische Alterthümer, Hanover, 1846 ; Kemble's Horae Ferales, edited by Franks, Lond., 1863 ; Lindenschmidt, Alterthümer unserer Heidnischen Vorzeit, Mainz, 1858-75.

Belgium.—Dupont, L'Homme pendant les Ages de la Pierre (2d ed.), Brussels, 1872; International Congress of Prehistoric Archeology at Brussels, 1872.

France.—Boucher de Perthes, Antiquités Celtiques et Antédiluviennes, Paris, 1847 ; Cochet, La Normandie Souterraine (2d ed.) and Sepultures Gauloises, Paris, 1855 ; Mortillet and Cartailhac, Matériaux pour l'Histoire Primitive et Naturelle de l'Homme, Paris, 1865-76 ; Lartet and Christy, Reliquise Aquitanien, edited by Rupert Jones, Lond., 1857-76.

Spain.—Antiguedades Prehistoricas de Andalusia, by Don Manuel de Gongora y Martinez.

Switzerland.—Keller's Lake Dwellings of Switzerland, translated by Lee, Lond., 1866 ; Troyon's Habitations Lacustres, Lausanne, 1860 ; Bonstetten's Recueil d'Antiquités Suisses, Berne, 1855, and Supplement, Lausanne, 1860 ; Desor and Favre, La Belle Age du Bronze Lacustre en Suisse, Neuchatel, 1874 ; Mittheilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich, 1841-76.

Austria.—Von Sacken, Das Grabfeld von Hallstatt und dessen Alterthümer, Vienna, 1868.

Italy.—Gastaldi, Lake Habitations of Northern and Central Italy, translated by Chambers, Lond., 1856.

Russia.—Kruse, Necrolivonica, oder Geschichte und Alterthümer Liv., Esth., und Curlands, Leipsic, 1859; Macpherson, Antiquities of Kertch, Lond., 1857.

Greece, Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt.—See the articles under these heads in recent volumes of the Matériaux pour l'Histoire Primitive et Naturelle de l'Homme.

India.—Fergusson's Tree and Serpent Worship, Lond., 1868 ; Anderson's Report on the Expedition to Western Yunan, Calcutta, 1871 ; Archaeological Survey of Western India, Burgess's Report, Lond., 1874.

America.—Stephen's Central America and Yucatan, Lond., 1842 ; Mayer's Mexico as it Was and Is, New York and Lond., 1844 ; Squier and Davis's Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, New York, 1848 ; Squier's Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, 1851 ; Squier's Central America and Nicaragua, New York, 1853; Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes of the United States, Philadelphia, 1851-53; Bancroft's Native Races of the Pacific States of N. America (vols. iv. and v. containing their ancient History and Antiquities), Lond., 1875.

The authorities on CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY are cited in the text.

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