
Book Title Book Author
After-Death Consciousness and Processes Geoffrey Farthing
Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World Gerald Massey
An Outline of Theosophy C.W. Leadbeater
Ancient Wisdom, The Annie Besant
Apollonius of Tyana G.R.S. Mead
Aspects of Divine Law Geoffrey Farthing
Avataras Annie Besant
Because Author Unlisted
Book of Real Fairies, The Alma Kunz Gulick
Causal Body and the Ego, The Arthur E. Powell
Clairvoyance C.W. Leadbeater
Creative Power, The Clara M. Codd
Crown of Asphodels, The H.B.
Death and After Annie Besant
Deity, Cosmos and Man Geoffrey Farthing
Devachanic Plane, The C.W. Leadbeater
Dharma Annie Besant
Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
Does the Bible Teach Reincarnation and Karma Robert G. Katsunoff
Dreams C.W. Leadbeater
Dreams and Dream-Stories Anna Kingsford
Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, The A.P. Sinnett
Elementary Theosophy L.W. Rogers
Esoteric Christianity Annie Besant
Esoteric Buddhism A.P. Sinnett
Exile of the Soul, The Roy Mitchell
Expanded Theosophical Knowledge A.P. Sinnett
Gods In Exile J.J. Van Der Leeuw
Hints to Young Students of Occultism L.W. Rogers
How We Remember Our Past Lives C. Jinarajadasa
Hymn of Jesus G.R.S. Mead
The Idea of Re-birth Francesca Arundale
Idyll of the White Lotus Mabel Collins (M.C.)
Incidents in the Life of Madame Blavatsky A.P. Sinnett
Inner Government of the World, The Annie Besant
Invisible Helpers C.W. Leadbeater
Karma Annie Besant
Key to Theosophy, The H.P. Blavatsky
Letters From a Sufi Teacher Shaikh Sharfuddin Maneri
Life After Death, The C.W. Leadbeater
Life of Jehoshua, The Franz Hartmann, M.D.
Looking Forward Clara M. Codd
Magic: White and Black Franz Hartmann, M.D.
Man: Fragments of a Forgotten History Mohini Chatterji and Laura C. Holloway
Masters, The Annie Besant
Melchizedek J.C. Grumbine
Modern Theosophy Claude Falls Wright, FTS
Mystery of Life, The Clara M. Codd
Nature's Mysteries A.P. Sinnett
Next Step in Evolution, The J. Emile Marcault and Iwan A. Hawlinczek
Occult World, The \A.P. Sinnett
Ocean of Theosophy, The W.Q. Judge
Our Relation to Children C.W. Leadbeater
Path of Attainment, The D.N. Dunlop
Perfect Way or The Finding of Christ, The Anna Bonus Kingsford and Edward Maitland
Practical Theosophy C. Jinarajadasa
Reincarnation- A Study in Human Evolution Dr. Théophile Pascal
Reincarnation in the New Testament James M. Pryce
Right Angle, The Geoffrey Farthing
Secret Doctrine, The H.P. Blavatsky
Some Glimpses of Occultism C.W. Leadbeater
Spiritual Healing Dora Kunz
The Canadian Theosophical Association would like to thank Quest Books, the imprint of The Theosophical Publishing House ( for their permission to reproduce "Spiritual Healing".
Spiritual Life, The Annie Besant
Stanzas of Dzyan H.P. Blavatsky
Study in Karma, A Annie Besant
Talks On The Path of Occultism - A Commentary on At The Feet of the Master Annie Besant & C.W. Leadbeater
Textbook of Theosophy, A C.W. Leadbeater
Theosophic Study Roy Mitchell
Theosophical Gleanings Two Students
Theosophical Light on the ChristianBible Henry T. Edge
Theosophical Seal, The Arthur M. Coon
Theosophy Annie Besant
Theosophy in Action Roy Mitchell
Theosophy: Its Beneficent Potentialities Geoffrey Farthing
There Is No Death C.M. Codd
Thoughts on "At the Feet of the Master" G.S. Arundale
Uttara Gita B.K. Laheri
Varieties of Psychism J.I. Wedgewood
Vernal Blooms William Quan Judge
Voice of the Silence, The H.P. Blavatsky
Vril: The Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton
When We Die Geoffrey Farthing
Wisdom of the Upanishats, The Annie Besant