ATHABASCA STUDY GROUP - Schedule of meetings for year 2006- 2007
Group Secretary Charles 780-675-2713
or e-mail:  
  Date of meetings

Subject of discussion:
  2006 September
2007 January


  Athabasca Study Group Library Athabasca, AB
36 Man and His Bodies Besant, Annie
37 The Path of Discipleship Besant, Annie
38 The Voice of the Silence Blavatsky, H.P
39 The Masters and the Path Leadbeater, C.W.
40 Hints to Young Students of Occultism Rogers, L.W.
1 Ahimsa: Dynamic Compassion Altman, Nathaniel
2 Daily Meditations Beechey, Katherine A.
3 Self-Knowledge: A Yoga For the West Bendit, J.
4 A Study in Consciousness Besant, Annie
5 Inspirations from Ancient Wisdom Blavatsky, Collins, Krishnamurti
6 Isis Unveiled - Volume 1 and 2- Blavatsky, H.P.
7 The Sayings of the Ancient One Bowen, P.G.
8 Human Regeneration Burnier, Radha
9 No Other Path to Go Burnier, Radha
10 Music: Physician For Times To Come Campbell, Don
11 Process of Self-Transformation Chin Jr, Vincent Hao
12 H.P.Blavatsky: Her Life and Work for Humanity Cleather, Alice L.
13 The Ageless Wisdom of Life Codd, Clara M.
14 The Way of the Disciple Codd, Clara M.
15 An Experience in Enlightenment [2 copies] Courtois, Flora
16 The Walking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of Our Lives Grasse, Ray
17 Gifts of the Lotus Hanson, Virginia
18 The Supreme Splendour Hodson, Geoffrey
19 Studies in the Middle Way Humphreys, Christmas
20 Freedom From The Known Krishnamurti, Jiddhu
21 Krisnamurti's Journal Krishnamurti, Jiddhu
22 The Men Beyond Mankind Kunz, Fritz
23 Life: Your Great Adventure Layton, Eunice & Felix
24 The Intuitive Philosophy Mehta, Rohit
25 From Inner to Outer Transformation Mills, Joy
26 Theosophy in Action [2 Copies] Mitchell, Roy
27 The Future Is Now Osborn, Arthur W.
28 Out Of The Silence Rhoades, James
29 What Is Theosophy Ryan, Charles J.
30 A Renaissance Of The Spirit Scott, Mary
31 The Passionate Necessity Shearman, Hugh
32 President's Address Feb. 1960 [Pamphlet] Sri Ram, N.
33 Theosophy: The Divine Wisdom [Pamphlet] Sri Ram, N.
34 The Ultimate Reality and Realization Taimni, I.K
35 The Science of Yoga Taimni, I.K.


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