SUNRISE: Theosophic Perspectives
Articles from back issues, organized by volume
Volumes 35-39: October 1985 - September 1990
Volume 35: October 1985 - September 1986
Volume 36: October 1986 - September 1987
Volume 37: October 1987 - September 1988
Volume 38: October 1988 - September 1989
Volume 39: October 1989 - September 1990
Volume 35: October 1985 - September 1986
Volume 36: October 1986 - September 1987
Volume 37: October 1987 - September 1988
Volume 38: October 1988 - September 1989
- " 'Chaos' A New Science?" by I. M. Oderberg (Oct/Nov 88)
- "The Mysteries of Carnac and Atlantis" by Paul Johnson (Oct/Nov 88)
- "What Is the Essence of Man?" by Bas Rijken van Olst (Dec 88/Jan 89)
- "The Sun Temple at Glastonbury" by Lennart Lydeen (Dec 88/Jan 89)
- "Plato's Myths and the Mystery Tradition" by W. T. S. Thackara (Dec 88/Jan 89)
- "South Corner Time: Excavations and Sunrise Observations at Indian Racetrack" by Tom Orbesen (Dec 88/Jan 89)
- "Creative Power in Orphic Myths" by I. M. Oderberg (Feb/Mar 89)
- "Multiple Choices" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Feb/Mar 89)
- "A Look at Dreams" by Gerald J. Schueler (Feb/Mar 89)
- "Theosophy Today and Tomorrow" by Grace F. Knoche (Apr/May 89)
- "Saved by a "Three-ply Tow Rope" by W. T. S. Thackara (Apr/May 89)
- "Gods Are Us!" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Apr/May 89)
- "Science: Looking Ahead . . ." by I. M. Oderberg (Apr/May 89)
- "Revival of the Alexandrian Library" by Paul Johnson (Apr/May 89)
- "Descents into Hades -- Ascents into Heaven" by Eloise Hart (Apr/May 89)
- "One Part of the Truth" by Virginia V. George (Apr/May 89)
- "The Secret Doctrine in the Light of 20th-Century Thought" by Jerry Hejka-Ekins (Apr/May 89)
- "Brotherhood: Basis of Ethics" by John Van Mater, Jr. (Apr/May 89)
- "Death -- and Eternal Spring" by Nhilde Davidson (Apr/May 89)
- "The Once and Future Medicine" by Alan E. Donant (Apr/May 89)
- "Thoughts on the Future" by Rudi Jansma (Apr/May 89)
- "The Spirit of Chelaship" by Mark Davidson (Apr/May 89)
- "As a Man Thinketh: Effects of the Media" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Apr/May 89)
- "Chance or Karma?" by Ina Belderis (Apr/May 89)
- "Three Awakening Sights: Old Age, Disease, Death" by Eloise Hart (Jun/Jul 89)
- "The Three Worlds of Man" by Hans Fersch, M.D. (Jun/Jul 89)
- "House of the Great Kiva: Astronomical Observations" by Tom Orbesen (Jun/Jul 89)
- "A Sense of Wholeness" by Ingrid Van Mater (Jun/Jul 89)
- "The Mirror of Tem" by Gerald J. Schueler (Jun/Jul 89)
- "Power of the Powerless: A Brother's Lesson" by Christopher de Vinck (Jun/Jul 89)
- "How Can We Make A Difference?" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Aug/Sep 89)
- "Lord of the Citadel" by Gertrude W. Hockinson (Aug/Sep 89)
- "The Cooperative Universe" by I. M. Oderberg (Aug/Sep 89)
- "Abortion and the Reincarnating Ego" by Alan E. Donant (Aug/Sep 89)
- Volume 39: October 1989 - September 1990
- "Man, A Cosmic Pilgrim" by Marjorie Hall (Oct/Nov 89)
- "The Effects of Capital Punishment" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Oct/Nov 89)
- "The Resolution of Conflict" by Bernard S. Parsons (Oct/Nov 89)
- "Our Higher Obligation" by Catherine Roberts (Oct/Nov 89)
- "The Secret Life of You and Me" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Oct/Nov 89)
- "The Mysteries of Antiquity" by G. de Purucker (Dec 89/Jan 90)
- "Meister Eckhart: Friend of God" by I. M. Oderberg (Dec 89/Jan 90)
- "Lao-tzu and the Taoist Way of Virtue" by Stefan Carey (Dec 89/Jan 90)
- "Cosmic Atoms, Spores of Gods?" by Grace F. Knoche (Feb/Mar 90)
- "Mysteries of Prenatal Consciousness" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Feb/Mar 90)
- "Treasures of the Alexandrian Library" by John P. Van Mater (Feb/Mar 90)
- "Right Views or No Views?" by Bas Rijken van Olst (Feb/Mar 90)
- "One in Essence, Manifold in Form" by Grace F. Knoche (Apr/May 90)
- "Our Divine Potential" by James A. Long (Apr/May 90)
- "Our Spiritual Home" by W. T. S. Thackara (Apr/May 90)
- "Animals and Man" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Apr/May 90)
- "Seeking the One in the Many" by Jim Belderis (Apr/May 90)
- "Where Am I?" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell (Apr/May 90)
- "The Conscious Ecosystem: Ecology from a Theosophic Perspective" by Rudi Jansma (Apr/May 90)
- "The Sacredness of the Soul" by Ingrid Van Mater (Apr/May 90)
- "The Music of the Spheres" by I. M. Oderberg (Apr/May 90)
- "Homeopathy: Healing the Complex Being" by J. T. Coker (Apr/May 90)
- "What Matters Is Not Only Matter" by Ina Belderis (Apr/May 90)
- "Intuition" by Gitte Bergstrom (Apr/May 90)
- "The Song of Life" by John Van Mater, Jr. (Apr/May 90)
- "Taking Responsibility for Ourselves" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Jun/Jul 90)
- "A Life of Genius" by J. T. Coker (Jun/Jul 90)
- "Experiencing Brotherhood" by Wyn Mitton (Jun/Jul 90)
- "Brothers of the Sun" by Alan E. Donant (Jun/Jul 90)
- "Judge Not" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Aug/Sep 90)
- "Neptune: Celestial Visitor" by Andrew Rooke (Aug/Sep 90)
- "Heresy through the Ages" by Ina Belderis (Aug/Sep 90)
- "Inspiration from Early Japanese Poetry" by Bas Rijken Van Olst (Aug/Sep 90)
- "Illness: A Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Experience" by Robert W. Bonnell (Aug/Sep 90)
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