Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Studies in Occult Philosophy

By G. de Purucker

First Edition copyright © 1945 by Theosophical University Press; copyright renewed 1973 by Theosophical University Press. Electronic version ISBN 1-55700-092-1 (print version available). All rights reserved. This edition may be downloaded for off-line viewing without charge. No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial or other use in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of Theosophical University Press. Due to current limitations in the ASCII character set, and for ease of searching, no diacritical marks appear in this electronic version of the text


Compilers' Preface


Esoteric Hints on Cycles (29K)

Central Asia, Cradleland of our Race (30K)
Side-Lights on H. P. Blavatsky

On Cagliostro (25K)
The Six Great Schools of the Ancients
The Root-Race and its Sub-Divisions

After the Kali-Yuga -- ? (24K)
Notes on the Character of our Fifth Race
Elemental Kingdoms and Cosmic Elements

The Doctrine of Swabhava (35K)
The Sevenfold Seven Principles
Origins of Christianity

The Principles of a Buddha's Constitution (25K)
The Arc of Descent and the Arc of Ascent
Symbolism in the Story of Jesus
Opportunity in Kali-Yuga
The Eucharist

"There is no Eternally Unchanging Principle in Man" (33K)
Planetary Chains and Principles

Development of Man's Principles in the Rounds (35K)
The Mystical Temple of Solomon
How the Human Soul Returns to Earth

The Surplus of Life (42K)
More About the Surplus of Life
The Four Beasts of the Christian Apocalypse
Monkeys, Apes and Early Man
The Child Mirrors the Race

Opening Lines of Genesis (36K)
Remnants of Neolithic and Paleolithic Ages
The Origin of Good and Evil
What Are Cosmic Rays?

Not My Will but Thine Be Done (50K)
Good and Evil
The Life-Period of a Planetary Chain

Evolution into the Human Kingdom -- I (57K)
Evolution into the Human Kingdom -- II
Evolution into the Human Kingdom -- III

The Closing of the Door into the Human Kingdom (48K)
Lunar and Agnishwatta Pitris
The Monads in Man
On Absolute Light
Lokas and Talas
Conscience and Intuition

Root-Races and Life-Waves (47K)
The Seven Colors of the Spectrum
Requisites of Chelaship -- I
Requisites of Chelaship -- II


Part 1 (39K)

Failures of Previous Rounds
The Incarnation of the Highest Seven
The Birth of the Sons of Wisdom
The Great Sacrifice
Spheres of Expectation

Part 2 (43K)

Asuras and Suras
The Seven Embryonic Humanities
Manasaputras, Lunar Pitris, Animal Monads, etc.
The Forces of the Universe


Part 1 (45K)

Tsong-Kha-Pa and Planetary Spirits
Hints on the History of the Root-Races
Spiritual Failures
Correspondences in the Rounds
All Things Contribute to All Things

Part 2 (39K)

Processes After Death
"The Tower of Infinite Thought"
Is It Necessary to Experience Evil?
Avalokitesvara -- The Divine Presence

Part 3 (38K)

Elementals and Elementaries, etc.
Kama-Rupas -- Their Future
The Death of a Sun
Heat and Cold on Jupiter, etc.
Comets and Meteors

Part 4 (38K)

What are the Sishtas?
Differences in the Second Round
The 777 Imbodiments
The Building of the Globes
Devachan and the Seven Principles

Part 5 (42K)

Light From the East
Last Moments Before and After Death
Manvantaras, Kalpas, etc.
The Nature of the Buddhic Principle


The Doctrine of Tulku (51K)
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
Occultism and Psychic Phenomena

Survey of the Teachings on the Planetary Chains (39K)
Immortality and Continuity

Is It Right to Practise Hypnotism? (27K)


The Three Fundamental Propositions of The Secret Doctrine (37K)
Fingerprints and Reincarnation
Maha-Yugas in a Manvantara
Life-Energies from Moon to Earth
The Scientific Reason for not Judging Others
"The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost"
Rationale of Crystal-Gazing
Real Birth-Date of Jesus
Concentration and Meditation

The Nature of the Tibetans (37K)
Tibetans of Today
The Seven Original Human Groups
Cyclic Progression not Repetition
Is the Sun Hot or Cold?
Was the Founding of the T. S. Premature?
Fossils from Third Round
Heart and Intellect Needed in Theosophy
Nature of Cosmic Ether

The Ancient Language of Senzar (36K)
Origin of the Red Indian
Microsomes and Centrosomes
Arctic Origin of Plant and Animal
Heart, the Most Evolved Organ
Teachings on Chakras Esoteric
Is Downward Arc Necessarily Evil?
Recorded Life of Krishna an Allegory
Autonomy of a Theosophical Lodge
Radioactivity and the Rounds
Four Classes of Manasaputras
The Book of Dzyan
The Delphic Oracle

The Door into the Human Kingdom (43K)
Parthenogenetic Reproduction of Rabbits
Theosophy and Occultism
Suffering in Animal Kingdom
Masters not Infallible
The Absolute
Days and Nights of Brahma
Each Root-Race Has its Kali-Yuga
Paradox of the Manasaputras
Genuine Meditation

Twelve Globes in a Chain (40K)
Are Theosophists Non-Social?
Explanation of Heaven and Hell
Man a Host of Monads
Overlapping in Geological Periods
Sufiism and Theosophy
No Communication with the Dead
Divinity, Spirit and Soul
Arguments for Reincarnation
Fundamental Remedy for Suffering
Intellectual Interest in Theosophy
Prayer and Petitioning

Ethics as well as Intellect (38K)
Sub-Races of the Fifth Root-Race
Metaphysics of Consciousness and the Nature of Suffering
No Conflict in Duties
The Nature of Deity
Violent Methods Unwise

Why Were The Mahatma Letters Printed? (38K)
Theosophy and Mahayana Buddhism
The Absolute, a Relative Term
Is the Spiritual Ego Immortal?
Masters do not Interfere
Inspired Dante
The Many and the One in Man
The Manasaputric Light

How to Meet Despair and Depression (24K)
Leave Those in Kama-Loka Alone
The Kama Principle in Mediumship
Thoughts are Elemental Beings
Souls and Monads
The Dual Aspect of Manas

The Absolute and the Infinite (31K)

The Seven Principles (31K)
The Ancient Egyptians
Future of Christianity
Being Truly Human
Seeking a Teacher
The Meaning of Osiris and Isis
The Symbol of the Winged Globe
Theophany, Theopneusty, Theopathy
Rejection of a Teacher's Message
Imagination and Fancy
Pantheism and Universal Consciousness
Meaning of the Term Chaldean

Ancient America, Egypt and India (40K)
Civilizations of Pre-History
Age of the Great Pyramids
Swabhava and the Monad
Reincarnation and Early Christianity
The Three Logoi
Against Medical Inoculation
The Nature of Evil and Free Will in Man

Plato on Two World-Souls (31K)
The Mystery of the Pratyeka-Buddha
The North Polar Continent
The Writing of the Four Gospels
Suggestion and Autosuggestion
Man Made in His Own Image
Soul The Intermediate Principle
The Doctrine of the Trinity
Learning Through Suffering

Symbolism of the Serpent (35K)
Significance of the Swastika
The Seven Jewels of Wisdom
The Question of Creation
The Evolutionary Urge
Explanation of 'Group-Soul'
Where am 'I'?
Lost Souls, Laggard Egos, and the Descent of Matter
Doubtful Value of Certain Visions

Three Kinds of Death (38K)
The Dead and Our Prayers
Life Likened to a Pack of Cards
Proof of After-Death States
Reincarnation and the Earth's Population
The Nightmare of War
Thought and Fantasy
The Spiritual State of Nirvana
Mind, the Slayer of the Real
Lunar Pitris Before Fourth Round
Manasaputras Before Fourth Round
Meaning of Fohat
Racial Buddhas
A Planet and its Satellites
The Penalty of Separateness
Significance of Dreams

Theosophical Attitude Towards Spiritism (39K)
Magnetic Healing at a Distance
Lesser Pathways to Truth
About Group-Souls
The Mistaken Idea of Twin Souls
No Historical Record of Jesus
Obscure Origin of the Gospels
Warnings in Dreams
Prajapatis, Amshaspends, Kabiri, etc.
The Logos as Individual and Hierarchy
Nations and Races as Entities
The Tower of Babel
Pythagorean Injunctions
Evolution and the Control of the Life-Atoms

The Practical Value of Philosophical Thinking (37K)
Time-Period in the Kama-Loka
Formation of the Kama-Rupa
The Sevenfold Kama-Rupic Moon
Not all Planets Have Kama-Rupas
Some Problems of the Devachan
Shortening the Devachan
Worship of the Inner Divinity
The Lamaic Succession in Tibet
No Remission of Sins
Hierarchies Within Hierarchies

The Taking of Human Life (37K)
Self-Consciousness in the Third Round
A Case of Quick Reincarnation or Clairvoyance
The Suicide After-Death State
Man's Relation to the Twelvefold Solar System
Consolation Regarding Death
Death in Battle or Accident
How Old Are the Hindu Schools of Philosophy?
Healing Methods and Karman
Octaves of Radiation in the Cosmic Scale

Theosophic Conception of Destiny (32K)
Marie Corelli
On Foretelling the Future
Mystery of the Growing Plant
Individuality and Personality
Immortality and Good and Evil
Centers of Ancient Mystery-Teachings
A Line of Zoroasters
Mystery-Schools of Today

How Old is the Aryan Race? (35K)
Consciousness After Death
The Occult Doctrine Concerning the Ego
The Status of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana
The Meaning of Aum
The Term Paramita
Was Christianity Responsible for the Dark Ages?

The Ten Avataras of Vishnu (39K)
Is Hypnotic Practice Ever Justifiable?
Vibration, Cohesion, and Attraction
Plato on Reincarnation
Complicate Nature of Man
Meat-eating Versus Vegetarianism
The Monad and the Monadic Essence
Types of Devachan

Can We Help the Kama-Lokic Entity? (41K)
Cataclysms as Ways of Establishing Balance
Karman and Idiocy
Pygmies, Todas, Eskimos, Negroes
Origin of the Surya-Siddhanta
Looking Within
Did Jesus Suffer?
The Puranas and the Great Epics of India
The Separation of the Sexes

Qabbalistic and Theosophic Principles (36K)
Androgynous and Hermaphrodite
The Temptation of Jesus
The Destiny of the Animal Kingdom
Buddhism and Theosophy
How May One Find His Guru?
Do We Ever Incarnate as Beasts?
Cycles in China
Do We Evolve in Eternity?
Theosophists' Attitude Towards Military Force

Real Meaning of Pantheism (36K)
Jesus and Buddha
Ever-Moving Infinite Life
Lao-Tse Legend
The Ancient Pali Language
Buddhism, Brahmanism and the Adwaita-Vedanta
Status of Mahomet
Evil, the Conflict of Wills
Children's Invisible Companions

Cycles Within Cycles (23K)
Rationale of Precipitation of the Masters' Letters and the Hare Brothers' Attack on H. P. B.
Obscurity of Teachers' Lives
Inaction in Deeds of Mercy
Sympathy Through Suffering

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Compilers' Preface

Since Dr. de Purucker's death two collections of writings left by him have been published. Messages to Conventions appeared in 1943. That was a manual of inspired advice to all Fellows of the Theosophical Society interested in the policies, work and purposes of the Theosophical Movement. Wind of the Spirit was published in 1944. This presented the devotional and practical aspect of Theosophy, illuminating the Way for each individual as he tries to live the life. STUDIES IN OCCULT PHILOSOPHY now presents the deep philosophical and mystical reaches of theosophical doctrine. Very fittingly then, these three volumes cover the organizational, the devotional, and the scientific-philosophical -- the triangle of Wisdom which gives power, understanding and vision to the aspirant, lacking any one of which he is as a disciple incomplete.

In this present volume are found no new and fanciful bypaths beaten out and attractively advertised. Its metes and bounds are always the original doctrines presented by H. P. Blavatsky and the Masters. But within these bounds the drilling and the boring sinks deep, and therefore it would be a mistake to consider it a primer in occultism or a simple introduction to Theosophy. Its appeal is to the mind already bound to Theosophy, already dedicated to a constant and determined search for truth. It needs no apologia, no special championing from those already persuaded of its inherent value to the theosophical cause. But the gauge by which it should be measured is broader than this. Acceptance or rejection must in the last analysis come from all students of H. P. B.'s writings, to whatever branch of the great Movement they belong. They must be willing, however, to bring to its consideration minds frankly and openly impartial. This at least is to be expected of those who claim to have placed Truth above all lesser objectives, that Truth which H. P. B. described as "high-seated upon its rock of adamant, alone eternal and supreme."

Surely the time has passed in the slow onward moving of Theosophical activity when the craze for signs and wonders holds attraction. Such are for the fainthearted, as H. P. B. says. What we look for in all Theosophical writing is an explanation of life and its multitudinous mysteries, the presentation of a "philosophy of the rational explanation of things."

A few words may be necessary about the contents of the book itself. The "Transactions of the Headquarters Lodge," which include The Secret Doctrine and The Mahatma Letters series, were talks given at the regular lodge study-evenings at International Headquarters. At these meetings Theosophical books were studied, the topic being presented by some speaker and followed by general discussion. Then it was G. de P.'s custom to pick up the threads of the ideas brought up and to weave them into a coherent picture, correcting misconceptions of teaching, strengthening weak points of logic, explaining seeming contradiction or paradox. It was not his effort to give an exhaustive treatise on any subject, nor do the Compilers feel that this present collation presents the complete philosophy. Its value lies in the richness of hints thrown out, and as a record of what was actually for over a dozen years studied by the group at Headquarters. It likewise shows the wide range of theosophical doctrine with which G. de P. was conversant, his grasp of fundamentals and of details, as well as his manner of teaching, which was not labored or planned, but given extemporaneously and with no attempt to parade a finished style.

In the Question-and-Answer Section the questions for the most part have been left as originally formulated by the questioner. They include inquiries from students scattered all over the world, many of which appeared currently in The Theosophical Forum, and many others of which have been gathered since G. de P.'s death from letters he wrote to students. The Compilers are particularly indebted to scholars at Theosophical University for material thus made available -- C. J. Ryan, Judith Tyberg, Emma D. Wilcox, A. J. Stover, L. G. Plummer, Grace F. Knoche.

The longer articles are from varied sources. 'The Doctrine of Tulku' was written for the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary, edited by G. de P., still in manuscript; 'Buddhas and Bodhisattvas' appeared in The English Theosophical Forum; 'Occultism and Psychic Phenomena' and 'Immortality and Continuity' are reprints from The Occult Review (London); 'Is it Right to Practise Hypnotism?' is condensed from The Occult Review; 'Survey of the Teachings on the Planetary Chains' is from a letter to a student.

With full appreciation of their responsibility in the preparation of this material, the Compilers, as in the two preceding books, have avoided anything but the most necessary editing and therefore have refrained from even such documentation as might by some be considered helpful in a work of this recondite nature.

For invaluable help in checking certain scientific data the Compilers have had the assistance of Dr. Charles J. Ryan and Dr. Henry T. Edge.

Finally, it should be on record that there are certain articles which G. de P. never saw in transcription. These are listed at the end of this volume.



Covina, California, July 11, 1945
