Orange Orders Library

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

The Formation of the Orange Order / Aiken McClelland  
Steadfast for Faith and Freedom : 200 Years of Orangeism / Billy Kennedy (ed.)
A Celebration : 1690-1990 The Orange Institution 
The Order on Parade / Graham G.W. Montgomery and J. Richard Whitten  
The Twelfth, 2003  
Behind Closed Doors / The Hidden Structure within the Orange Camp Examined from an Evangelical Perspective / W.P. Malcomson    
Freemasonry, Conservatism and Loyalism in Ulster, 1792-9 / Petri Mirala    
A History of the Royal Black in Scotland / David Bryce    

Loyal Orange Institution of England

Loyal Orange Institution of Ireland

Independent Loyal Orange Institution of Ireland

Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland

Loyal Orange Institution USA

Loyal Orange Association of British America

Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association of British America

Grand Black Chapter

Apprentice Boys of Derry

and some extras.

Deze CD-Rom is te bestellen door € 30,00 over te maken op postbankrekening 5587552 tnv Stichting Argus te Utrecht, ovv. 'Orange Library'.

You can order this CD-Rom by payment of € 30,00 via Paypal to (subject Orange Library), or send an email to this address for an invoice and instructions.