British Masonic Library

a collection of rituals, used by various masonic orders in Great Britain.

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

United Grand Lodge of England

Freemasons' Guide and Compendium / Bernard E. Jones    
Bristol Masonic Ritual 1st Degree   
The C
astle Ritual by Northumbrian Past Masters, 1986    
The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry, 1999   
Emulation Ritual, 1999  
Emulation Ritual - The Inner Working of the Board of Installed Masters, 1999  
D.M. Goudielock 1st Degree   
D.M. Goudielock 2nd Degree      
D.M. Goudielock 3rd Degree   
D.M. Goudielock Inner Working   
The Logic Working of Craft Ceremonies, 1988   
Logic Ritual - Inner Working, 1991    
The Oxford Ritual of Craft Freemasonry, 1993   
The Revised Ritual of Craft Freemasonry, 1993  
Ritus Oxoniensis Being the Ritual of Craft Freemasonry as Antiently Practised in the Province of Oxfordshire, 1988  
Stability Ritual (Sometimes known as the Muggeridge Working), 1992    
Stability Ritual - Installation Ritual - Board of IMs (Inner Working)   
The Sussex Ritual of Craft Freemasonry, 2001  
M.M. Taylor's Handbook of Craft Freemasonry, 2000  
The Universal Book of Craft Masonry, 1988   
Universal Ritual - Inner Working, n.d.   
Authorised West End Ritual of Craft Freemasonry, 1990     
West End Ritual of Craft Freemasonry - Inner Working & Induction of a Past Master, n.d.   

Information for the Guidance of Members of the Craft, 2007   
Constitution of the UGLE, 2005, with amendments up to March 2007   
General Index to Constitutions of the UGLE; General Regulations RAM and Grand Charity, 2007    
Trust Deed Regulations and Documents Regarding to the Grand Charity, 2004   

Regular Grand Lodge of England

Apprentice First Degree Ritual, 2005    
Fellow-Craft Second Degree Ritual, 2005   
Master Mason Third Degree Ritual, 2005  

Worshipful Society of Freemasons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers (Operatives)

Ritual I°, Indentured Apprentice, 1993
Ritual I° and II°, Indentured Apprentice, Fellow of the Craft, 1973
Ritual III°, Fitters and Markers, 1973.
Ritual III°, Fitters and Markers, 1993.
Ritual III° and Lecture, Fitters and Markers, 1994
Ritual IV°, Setter Erectors, 1973
Ritual IV° and Lecture, Setter Erectors, 1995
Ritual V°, Super Intendent, 1973
Ritual VI°, Part I, Passed Master, n.d. 
Ritual VI°, Part II, Passed Master, n.d.   
Constitutions, Rules and Regulations, 1977    
An Introduction to the Society, 1989    
Directory and Calendar, 1999-2000    

International Co-Freemasonry Le Droit Humain British Federation

Ritual of the Three Craft Degrees, 1960

Order of Women Freemasons

Year Book 1992-1993   
Constitutions, 1960   
Constitutions, 1977   
Constitutions, 1982   
By-Laws Lodge Brawdgarwch No. 230 Installed Masters, 1968   
Bye-Laws Carreg Wen Mark Lodge, 1980    
By-Laws Lodge Caredig, No. 183, 1965    
Bye-Laws Doris Jones Memorial Lodge No. 300, 1979   
Bye-Laws Lodge Prescelli, No. 241, 1971    

Grand Orient d'Angleterre

Rituel Maçonnique des Ateliers, Jersey, 1966

Grand Lodge of Scotland

Scottish Craft Ritual, First Degree, 2001   
Scottish Craft Ritual, Second Degree, 2001    
Scottish Craft Ritual, Third Degree, 2001    
Scottish Craft Ritual, Mark Degree, 2001    
The Candidate, n.d.
The Mark Master Mason, n.d.    

Order of Royal Arch Masons 

Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch / Bernard E. Jones    
Aldersgate Working, 1934
Aldersgate Working, 1999
Complete Workings, 1997
Domatic Working, 1998
Metropolitan Working, 1952

The Oxford Ritual of Royal Arch Masonry, 1956    
Perfect Ceremonies, 1993
The Staffordshire Royal Arch Ritual, 1991    
The Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch: Standard Chapter of Instruction, n.d. 
The Ritual of the Royal Arch, as worked in the Province of Sussex Ritual, 1997
The Warwickshire Working of the Royal Arch Ritual, 2000    
Worcestershire Working, n.d.

General Regulations Royal Arch Masons, 2005   
Appendix to the RA-Regulations, 2005    

Order of Mark Master Masons and the Degree of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity Royal Ark Mariner

Ritual, England, 1968
Ritual, England, 1973
Ritual, England, 1981
Ritual, England, 1992
Ritual, Scotland, 2001

Ritual Installation Master, 1988
Ritual Installation Master, 1998
Ritual Royal Ark Mariner, 1994
Ritual Installation Commander, 1998
Constitutions and Regulations Grand Lodge England and Wales, 2000

The Royal Ark Mariner Degree: Its Origin and History

Order of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas

Ritual no. 1 (SM, RM, MEM, SEM), England, 1995
Ritual no. 2 (Installation), England, 1997
The Cryptic Degrees : Scottish Working, 1927
Constitutions and Regulations Grand Council England and Wales, 2000

Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas

Knight Templar/Order of the Temple, England, 1974
Knight Templar/Order of the Temple, England, 1990
Knight Templar/Order of the Temple, England, 1996
Knight Templar/Order of the Temple, England, 2000
Knight Templar/Order of the Temple, Scotland, 1940
Knight Templar – Eminent Preceptor, 2000
Knight Malta, England, 1977
Knight Malta, England, 1994
Knight Malta, England, 2001 
Knight Malta, Scotland, 1939
Knight Malta – Eminent Prior, 2000
Statutes Great Priory England and Wales, 2000
The Origin and History of the United Religious and Military Order

Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests

Ritual, 1980
Ritual, 1990
Regulations Grand College, 2000
Knight Templar Priest as a Rite of Memory
A Brief History of Grand College
Appendant Degrees

Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas

Ritual no. 1 (St. Lawrence the Martyr, Knight of Constantinople), England, 1940
Ritual no. 1 (St. Lawrence the Martyr, Knight of Constantinople, Grand Tilers of Solomon), England, 1988
Ritual no. 1 (St. Lawrence the Martyr), England, 2004
Ritual no. 2 (Red Cross of Babylon), England, 1912
Ritual no. 2 (Red Cross of Babylon), England, 1988
Ritual no. 2 (Knight of Constantinople), England, 2004
Ritual no. 3 (Grand High Priest), England, 1928
Ritual no. 3 (Grand High Priest), England, 1987
Ritual no. 3 (Grand Tilers of Solomon), England, 2004
Ritual no. 4 (Installation of Master), England, 1977
Ritual no. 4 (Red Cross of Babylon), England, 2004
Ritual no. 5 (Grand High Priest), England, 2004
Ritual no. 6 (Installation of a Master), England, 2004
Constitutions and Regulations 2001 (England and Wales)

Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine

Rituals of the Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and Novice and Knight of St. John the Evangelist, England, 1917
Ritual no. 1 (Installation), England, 1996
Ritual no. 2 (Reception), England, 1996
Ritual no. 3 (College of Priests-Mason), England, 1986
Ritual no. 3 (College of Priests-Mason), England, 2002
Ritual no. 4 (Senate of Princes-Mason), 1974
Ritual no. 4 (Senate of Princes-Mason), 2002
Rituals of the Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and Knight of St. John the Evangelist Scotland, 1924
Ceremonies of the Knights of Rome and Red Cross of Constantine, Scotland, 1939
Statutes / Year-Book Grand Imperial Conclave England and Wales, 2004
The History and Origin of the Masonic and Military Order

Royal Order of Scotland

Ritual, appr. 1950s
Ritual, 1980
R.O.S. - Constitution and Laws, 1972
R.O.S. – Constitution and Laws, 1986
R.O.S. Millennium Kalendar
The Royal Order of Scotland / R.S. Lindsay
The Royal Order of Scotland: The Second Hundred Years

Supreme Council 33º of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England, Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas

The Ceremonies of a Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of Heredom, England, 1995
18th Degree - Rose Croix - S.C. for Scotland, 1962
30th Degree - Grand Elect Knight Kh - S.C. for Scotland, 1982
30th Degree - Notes for a New Knight K..., London 1991
32nd Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, London, 1989
Rose Croix : History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales / A.C.F. Jackson   
A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°   
A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 19°-29° and Résumé of 30°  
The Rules of the Supreme Council 33° for England and Wales, 1999    

Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan

Ritual No. 1, Ceremony of Induction 1º, 2000    
Ritual No. 2, Ceremony of Admission of a Prince 2º, 1988   
Ritual No. 3, Ceremonies of Installing and Commissioning a Supreme Ruler, 1995   
Ritual No. 3-6, Ceremonies of Installation of a Supreme Ruler, Commissioning of a Supreme Ruler, Installation of a Past Supreme Ruler as a Supreme Ruler and Proclamation of a Supreme Ruler continuing in Office, 2005   
By-Laws of the Royal Kent Conclave No. 83, 2000      
Century : A History of One Hundred Years of the Order of the Secret Monitor / by E.G. Gregory White

Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

1st Degree - Zelator (2005)
2nd Degree - Theoricus (2005)
3rd Degree - Practicus (2005)
4th Degree - Philosophus (2005)
5th Degree - Adeptus Minor (2005)
6th Degree - Adeptus Major (2005)
7th Degree - Adeptus Exemptus (2005)
Ceremonial for Official Visits / Founding a New College (2005) 
Entrance to the Mystic Circle (2005)
Ordinances of the SRIA, 2005
Directory 2005 A History of Rosicrucian Thought and of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia / T.M. Greensill, 2nd (revised) edition, 2003

Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia

1st Degree - Zelator (1930)
2nd Degree - Theoricus (1930)
3rd Degree - Practicus (1930)
4th Degree - Philosophus (1930)
5th Degree - Adeptus Minor (1930)
6th Degree - Adeptus Major (1930)
7th Degree - Adeptus Exemptus (1930)
8th Degree - Magister (1930)  
Our Mystic Circle

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