Larry Kuenning's home page
Now that I have my Ph.D. (May 2000),
I am looking for teaching work. See my
Note: This material is duplicated at
along with some of my own writing, etc.
Historical Quaker e-texts at this site:
- Isaac Penington (1616-1679), Works
(all four volumes of the current edition by Quaker Heritage Press)
- Solomon Eccles (17th century), "A
Musick-Lector" (1667 tract in the form of a dialog between an Anglican
musician, a Baptist, and a Quaker ex-musician; also shows the participants' views
of many aspects of each other's religions)
- The Old Discipline:
The 1806 Book of Discipline of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, with
annotations indicating differences in other 19th-century Quaker disciplines.
Other sites with historical Quaker e-texts
Larry Kuenning /
Last modified 7/1/2002.