1. LET ethe stand as one; ji'ay as two; a'ji as three, and corpor as four. To ethe give motion one hundred, or ninety-nine (as the case may be); to corpor give zero, that is, no motion (of itself); to ji'ay give sixty-six; to a'ji give thirty-three.
2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan; ji'ay, the time of fevers, epidemics, plagues; and a'ji the time of wars, dashing forth with power and grasping; mi, the earth being the subject.
3. There is still another period to all corporeal worlds, LUTS. In the time of luts there falleth on a planet condensed earthy substances, as clay, stones, ashes, molten metals dessiminated, and so on, in such great quantities that it can be compared to snow-storms, piling up corporeal substance on the earth in places to a depth of many feet, and in drifts to hundreds of feet.
4. Luts was by some ancient prophets called UZ, because it was a time of destruction. If luts followed soon after a se'muan period, when portions of the earth were covered with se'mu and rank vegetation, it charred them, penetrating and covering them up. Thus were made, for the most part, the coal-beds and oil-beds in the earth.
5. Luts belongeth more to an early age of a planet, when its vortex is more extended, and when the nebulous clouds in its outer belt are subject to condensation, so as to rain down on the earth these corporeal showers.
6. The time of dan is the opposite of this; and although it is the time of spirituality amongst mortals, and the time of prophecy and inspiration, yet it is the time the earth is rapidly giving off its life force, and its moisture; rapidly growing old.
7. Consequently the two most important periods for the prophet's consideration come within thirty-three and sixty-six, or, as they of old said, man and beast. In which measure man is divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the earth.
8. The student must not consider merely individuals, but nations and peoples belonging to continents. And the relationship that cometh of a'ji or dan, or their percentage, must have reference to such nations or peoples as manifest to its influence.
9. Thus, suppose a grade to run below thirty-three, but not as low as twenty-two, and such a people fall under a'ji for a period of sixty-six years, or even more, war, destruction, death and lust will come upon that people. But suppose the same fall of a'ji come upon a people graded above thirty-three, to sixty-six, war and intellect, with oratory, music and remarkable men of genius will result. But, to carry it still further, the same fall of a'ji coming on a people above sixty-six, they will manifest in multitudinous Lords, Gods and Saviors, and p. 587 in superstitions, rites and ceremonies, which will all more or less pertain to sexualisms.
10. The prophet is thus enabled to determine, by the vortexian currents, the rise and fall of nations, and to comprehend how differently even the same showers and shadows of the unseen worlds will affect different peoples. And the same rules apply in the manifestation of dan; according to the grade of a people, so will they receive its light. If below thirty-three, they will become magicians and prophets without virtue; if above thirty-three, but below xixty-six, they will become self-opinionated malefactors, running into licentiousness for self-sake. But if above sixty-six, they will become true prophets, abnegating self for sake of righteousness.
11. Let the student compare the Faithists of Capilya in India with the Cojuans of the same country; and the Faithists of Moses in Egupt with the Eguptians of the same country. The Faithists of both countries advanced, but their persecutors both went down to destruction. The peace of the Faithists held four hundred years; and then both peoples began to choose kings, which was followed by nine hundred and ninety years of darkness.
12. So that whether the vortices show approaching light or approaching darkness the prophet must bear in mind the grades of peoples. Any given light amongst mortals as to the past, will thus show the date of its occurrence; whilst the heavenly lights will equally foreshow what will come upon any people.
13. It is not sufficient for man to know how to prophesy; but to learn how to overcome the elements of his surroundings. As previously set forth, there are regions of drouth on the earth, which man must learn to overcome, by causing rains to fall. He shall provide explosive gases high up in the air, which shall break the wind currents, establishing vortices from the upper regions downward.
14. And when an epidemic is prophesied to a city, man shall dissipate the falling se'mu, and thus save it from destruction.
15. The inoculation, or vaccination, of flesh with poison, to save it from poison, is to use the battle-ax of satan. Man shall learn the higher law; to save by virtue instead of vice.
16. As to the grades, the student is referred to the Book of Es.
17. Prophecy is not guess-work. Absolute rules govern all things. A few individuals in a nation, or of a people, are a small matter. Nor must the prophet swerve one jot or tittle by the pretensions of a people. As for example: the Brahmans, the Buddhists, the Mohammedans and the Christians, all profess faith in their respective Gods and Saviors; but their professions are false. Their faith is in soldiers and standing armies, and in implements of destruction. The prophet must not, therefore, suffer himself to hearken to individual explanations. He must grade them in their entirety; whether they manifest below thirty-three, or above sixty-six, without regard to pretensions.
18. When the student hath completed his tables of orachnebuahgalah, with the history of the period, and taken the measure of grades of the different nations and peoples of the earth, he will find that he can not only foretell the future, but he can discover the past history for an equally long period of time.
19. And when he hath thus completed two cycles, he can find a third, and then a fourth, and so on, until all the past history of the earth is delivered up to his understanding.