1. JEHOVIH said: In the time I created life on the earth, and in the waters, and in the air above the earth; I brought the earth into hyarti for a thousand years.
2. And the earth gave out light because of the darkness of the heavenly forests whither I had brought her.
3. Man said: To know the beginning of things; what greater delight than this?
4. To know when the earth was made; and how the living were created!
5. The thousands of millions of kinds and species!
6. God said: Was not this answered unto thee? According to the light that man was capable of receiving, so was he answered.
7. Man inquired: But why was not the truth told? Why the six days? And why the rib?
8. God said: That which man can accept, and is good for him, is given unto him. That which man can not comprehend, can not be revealed to him.
9. Behold, even now, as hath been shown, thou usest false symbols to illustrate the number ten.
10. Wouldst thou make man worship angels because they took on forms by his side?
11. Then thou wouldst lose influence over him, and angels would be his guides.
12. All teaching shall be to make man comprehend the Almighty's dominion upon man.
13. Symbols and images that do this, are true lights, though false in fact.
14. Man said: How shall man find light, knowledge, wisdom, truth? Is there no all teacher? Learning is void, because based on false grounds? The senses are void, because they themselves are perishable and imperfect?
15. The insane man knoweth not his insanity. May not any man be also insane, and know it not?
16. Where shall man find a true standing point to judge from?
17. Uz said: All thou seest and hearest, O man, are but transient and delusive. Even thine own corporeal senses change every day.
18. To-day thou triest to raise up thy son in a certain way; but when thou art old, thou wilt say: Alas, I taught him differently from what I would now.
19. Man inquired: Is this not then the best course, to devote myself wholly to doing good?
20. Es answered: Who shall tell thee what doing good is? Knowest thou?
21. Man said: To provide the best of everything for my wife, and for my sons and daughters, and contribute to the poor.
22. Es said: Hadst thou created man, thou hadst given him hair or feathers and a cushion for his head?
23. Bethink thee, then. Give thou one thing too much to thy wife and sons and daughters, thereby preventing the calling out of their own talents, and, alas, thy works will be bad instead of good.
24. Contribute to the poor one fraction too much, and thou injure instead of doing good.
25. Give him one fraction too little, and thou shalt rebuke thyself.
26. Man inquired: What, then, are good works? Shall I preach and pray for others?
27. God said: Man, thou shalt judge thyself as to what thou shalt do.
28. Within every man's soul, Jehovih hath provided a judge that will soon or late become triumphant in power.
29. Man said: Hear me: I am tired of reason and argument.
30. Now will I covenant with Jehovih. He only shall answer me; He will give me light:
31. To Thee, O Jehovih, I commit myself, to be Thine forever.
32. To serve Thee by doing nothing p. 551 for mine own selfish ends; but by doing the best I can for others, all my days.
33. My flesh body will I baptize every day in remembrance of Thee; for my body is Thine, and I will keep it clean and pure before Thee.
34. Neither will I suffer my spiritual body to be injured by wicked thoughts or passions of lust; for my spirit is Thy gift to me also.
35. Twice every day shall my spirit body be covenanted to Thee, in which times all earthly thoughts shall depart away from me. And whatsoever light Thou bestowest on me, that shall be a guide and ruler over me for the day thereof.
36. In the morning at sunrise will I turn to Thee, that I may be spurred up to swiftness in doing good and in manifesting Thy light in my behavior. And at night before I sleep will I recount my day's labor, that I may see wherein I was short in doing with all my wisdom and strength.
37. Thou, O Jehovih, shalt be my Confessor and Advisor; to Thee will I give praise without ceasing. My prayers and anthems to Thee shall be without number. This do I perceive is the highest of all aspiration.
38. For what better is it for God or the spirits of the dead to tell me a thing than for mortals to tell me? Is not all wisdom necessary to be proved within each and every man? Is it not better that my vision reach up to heaven and see it myself, than to be told of it by the angels?
39. It is wiser for mortals to become pure as angels, than for angels to become impure as mortals. Nay, I will not drag the spirits of the higher heavens down to the earth. If they came and told me, it would be but hearsay testimony at best.
40. I will commune with them and weigh their words, as to whether they be wise and adapted to founding Thy kingdom on earth.
41. Am I not done, O Jehovih? Thou hast sealed up thy kingdoms from me. Henceforth I will neither preach nor hear preaching. Only to labor and to do good, and be in peace within my own soul, and with my neighbors, and to glorify Thee.
42. I will do no more, nor will I multiply words with any one under the sun.