1. MOSES called together the Heads and the rab'bahs, privily, and spake before them, saying:
2. What have I taken upon me, O Jehovih? Behold Thy sons and daughters have followed me out of Egupt; how shall I bind them unto Thee and not unto me, O my Father in heaven?
3. Jehovih said unto me: Moses, Moses, what I say unto thee, say thou unto the rab'bahs and unto the Heads; saying unto them: Not Moses, nor the Heads, nor the rab'bahs, brought ye out of Egupt; ye were brought out by the Creator, Jehovih, Who is God of all, Captain of all, Head of all, Rab'bah of all.
4. For herein have I drawn the line betwixt My people and My enemies, the idolators of men. Because of signs and miracles, the idolaters make a man-God of their magician and worship him. But who is like unto thee, Moses, My son; in miracles who can match thee in the magnitude of thy proceeding?
5. Who led forth My millions; and delivered them out of a great power without loss of a man, woman or child?
6. But I declare unto thee, thou shalt do a greater miracle than any of these; for thou shalt preserve thyself from becoming an idol before men. For thou shalt proclaim Me unto thy people in all things, teaching them that thou art but a man. And thy Heads and thy rab'bahs shall likewise teach them after the same manner; for I will put away all idolatry from the face of the earth.
7. Neither will I have kings nor queens; I am sufficient unto all men.
8. As Abraham apportioned My people into families, with rab'bahs and with chief rab'bahs, so shalt thou re-establish them.
9. And My commandments, which I gave unto Abraham, will I give unto thee; and My crescent will I re-establish with My rab'bahs. And My crescent shall be the fullness of My law unto the rab-bahs and chief rab'bahs.
10. Moses said: I cried unto Jehovih, p. 522b saying: How shall it be with the square and at high noon? And the angel of Jehovih, speaking in the Father's name, said: To the north-east God, to the south-west Lord, to the north-west Baal; to the south-east Ashtaroth. For Osiris is dead already.
11. To this end, then, prepare ye a place this night, that the Great Spirit may bless us. The rab-bahs and the Heads said: It is well.
12. And when it was night Moses and the rab'bahs and the Heads went away aside; placing sentinels that they might be alone. And when they were thus prepared the light of Jehovih came upon Moses, and the books of the ancients were opened before him. And he administered emethachavah upon them; by the voice of Jehovih he re-established it; with all the rites and ceremonies as they are to this day. And after that the Heads were no longer called Heads, but Chief Rab'bahs; for Moses anointed them; by command of Jehovih he anointed them.
13. And in not many days Moses wrote the Levitican laws; for the inner temple of Jehovih was in spoken words only; but the outer temple was written. Wherefore it was said: The Hebrews have two laws; one which no man else knoweth; and one for them who are not eligible unto faith, being such as were called Leviticans, but not Leviticans in fact, but hangers-on who had followed the Israelites out of Egupt and who for the most part had no God, little judgment and no learning.
14. But of all that Moses did, and taught, and how he labored with his own hands, many books might be written. And it is doubtful if the world ever produced so good and great a man.
15. At the time Moses reached Shakelmarath, he was forty-four years old by the Hebrew sun, but by the Eguptian he was eighty-eight years old.
16. Of Pharaoh and his hosts who were not destroyed in the sea, be it said, they returned home to their places. And not long after that, Pharaoh banished God (Osiris) from the earth, declaring himself the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD,and VICE-GERENT OF THE HOLY GHOST.
17. The scribes and recorders assembled in Kaona and appointed Feh-ya (An Eguptian) to write the departure of the Israelites out of Egupt. And Feh-ya wrote the account and called it THE EXODUS OF THE HEBREWS, and it was p. 523b recorded in the king's House of Records. And copies of it were sent to the large cities, and there recorded also, for such was the law of Egupt. Feh-ya's record was afterward accepted by Ezra, and is that which is known to this day as the First Book of Exodus.
18. The Book of Genesis, as it stood in the Eguptian records, was written by Akaboth and Dueram and Hazed, and was the substance from which Ezra copied it through his scribes, even as it is to this day. The inspiration of Genesis was from the God, Osiris, the false, and his emmissaries, chief of whom were Yotabba and Egupt, who were angel servants to Osiris. And so far as the records now stand the spirit of both books was the Eguptian version of the whole subject.
19. Touching genealogies, in which men seemed to have lived to so great an age, this, then, is the explanation thereof:
20. Thothma had said to his recorders: In searching for the truth of legends, give ye the latitude thereof. For one legend will say, such a man lived seven hundred years ago, another legend will say he lived ten hundred and fifty years ago. The latitude between them is, therefore, three hundred and fifty years, which shall be the time of that man's life. And in this way latitude became confounded with fact, and with no intent to deceive.
21. And behold, it came to pass that the records were worthless; and to make matters worse the records were so voluminous, being more than six thousand books, that the scribes of Ezra could make neither head nor tail of them. Nevertheless, they were all written, in the first place not by the Israelites, but by their enemies; wherein the testimony of the miracles is none the weaker.
22. Thus endeth the history of Moses' deliverance of the Faithists out of Egupt.
23. Hear ye now of Chine of the land of Jaffeth: