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Chapter XXXIV

1. KAN Kwan again went forth to conquer and subdue, going to the southward, to Ho-tsze, a large city having five tributary cities, ruled over by Oo-long, a king with two hundred wives and thirty thousand soldiers, men and women, well disciplined.

2. Kwan's army was now seven thousand strong, but without discipline; and with no head save himself. And on his march through the country he compelled the farmers to embrace the Te-in religion, under penalty of death.

3. Now when he had come near Ho-tsze, he sent an order for the king to surrender, even after the manner as at the city he had already conquered.

4. Oo-long laughed when told of the kind of company that had come against him, and he sent only women soldiers, eight thousand, to give him battle. When the armies were near together, the Lords said to Kwan: Send thou a truce, and beseech thine enemy to surrender under penalty of death; for the angels of Te-in will deliver them into thy hand, and not one shall die.

5. A truce was sent, and lo and behold, the whole of Oo-long's army surrendered, and made oaths of allegiance to Kwan, and not one was slain. Oo-long, when informed of it, said: Now will I go with all my army and slay this ragged king and all his people,and also my eight thousand who have surrendered. So he marched to batle with twenty-two thousand soldiers. Kwan's army was scattered about the fields. Oo-long said to his captain: Go, thou, tell this foolish king to set his army in line of battle; I desire not to take advantage of a flock of sheep.

6. The captain started to go, but ere he reached the place, he fell down in a swoon, for the angels overpowered him. The king saw his captain fall, and he cried out to his army: It is enough! My army have never seen such fools, and know not how to battle with them. Come, I will lead!

7. At that, he rushed on, followed by his thousands. Instantly, Kwan's army set up their screams and howls, and ran forward in every direction, and lo and behold, Oo-long's army broke and fled, save one thousand two hundred who were captured, Oo-long amongst them; and they were instantly slain. But of Kwan's army only one man was killed.

8. The Lords sent messengers to Te-in in his heavenly place, informing him of Kwan's success. Te-in returned this commandment: In what has been done I am well pleased; but suffer not your mortal king, Kan Kwan, to win so easily hereafter; but let him have losses, that he may not forget me and my Lords and my hosts of angels. Place ye him in straits, and cause him to pray unto me; and his army shall pray also. And when they have thus sacrificed, deliver him and his army from their straits, and make him victorious for a season.

9. Kwan entered the city of Ho-tsze without further opposition, and possessed himself of it. At once he caused thirty thousand laborers to fall to work building a temple to Te-in. Another twenty thousand he caused to pull down houses and make other streets, more beautiful. In twenty-eight days the temple and the streets were completed; and on the twenty-ninth day the sacrifices commenced, and all the people were obliged to swear allegiance to Kwan and to Te-in, or be slain. And on the first day there were slain four thousand men and women (worshippers of different Gods, but for the main part the Great Spirit) who would not take the oath.

10. After that, none refused, and so Kwan gave the city a new name, Tue Shon; and he appointed So'wo'tse governor, and commanded the tributary cities to come under the yoke.

11. After that, Kan Kwan went forward again to conquer and subdue; and the Lords of heaven and their twelve millions of angels went with him and in advance of him, preparing the way. And the news of his success was spread abroad amongst mortals also, well exaggerated; so that the inhabitants of cities far and near feared him.

12. The Lords suffered Kwan to conquer and subdue yet three other large cities without loss to his army; and lo and behold, Kwan began to think it was himself that possessed the power, and not Te-in.

13. The next city, Che-gah, was a small one, of fifty thousand inhabitants. Kwan inquired not of Te-in (through the Lords) as to how to make the attack, but went on his own judgment. p. 420 Now there ruled over the city a woman, Lon Gwie, a tyrant little loved, and she had but four thousand soldiers, and Kwan had seven thousand.

14. Kwan, arriving near, demanded the place; but the queen answered him not with words; but had her soldiers in ambush, and thus fell upon Kwan's army, and put one-half of them to death; and yet the queen suffered small loss. Kwan, not finding his Lords with him, fled, and his remaining army with him. But the Lords urged the queen to pursue him, and she again fell upon them and slew another half, and crippled hundreds more. But the queen suffered small loss.

15. The Lords then spoke to Kwan, where he had escaped, and said unto him: Because thou wert vain and rememberedst not me, who am thy heavenly ruler, Te-in, I have labored to show thee that of thyself thou art nothing. Then Kwan prayed to Te-in, saying: Most mighty ruler of heaven and earth, thou hast justly punished me. I pray thee now, with good repentence, in the bitterness of my shame. What shall I do, O Te-in? I am far from home, in a strange country, and my army is well-nigh destroyed. All nations are against me; a sheep is safer in a forest with wolves than I am in these regions.

16. The Lord said unto Kwan: Now that thou hast repented, behold, I, Te-in, will show thee my power. For thou shalt gather together the remnant of thy army and turn about and destroy the queen and her army, or put them to flight and possess the city.

17. Kwan, on the next morning, being inspired by his Lords, prepared for battle, though he had but seven hundred men. On the other hand the Lords and their angels appeared in the dreams and visions of the queen's army, saying to them: The queen is deceived and led away into a trap. Kwan will be joined in the morning by fifty thousand men. Prepare, therefore, to die to-morrow.

18. On the morrow, then, on the queen's side, the soldiers related their fearful dreams to one another; and hardly had they finished the matter when Kwan's army came upon them. And the angels, more than fifty thousand, took on sar'gis, seeming even like mortals. At sight of this, the queen's army were so frightened they could not flee, save a few, but nearly the whole army surrendered, throwing away their arms and lying down.

19. Kwan and his army fell upon them and slew them, more than four thousand, who were rendered powerless by the angel hosts with them. Kwan then went into the city, doing as previously in other cities, establishing himself and Te-in.

20. Such, then, was the manner of Te-in, the false, of establishing himself in Jaffeth. Hear ye now of Sudga, of Vind'yu, and her heavenly kingdom.

Next: Chapter XXXV