1. MOST wise Lords, in words ye have done me great honor. There let the matter end. I perceive what any one can understand, which is that the centre of the heavens should be here. The heirs of the earth and atmospherea, why should they be carried off to other heavens? Sufficient is it for us that we cultivate our own. I am not competent for so great a work. Rather shall ye choose from amongst yourselves the highest, best, wise man, and make him your God. I will be his servant to do whatsoever he putteth upon me.
2. I have traveled far, and took the measure of many worlds. I declare unto you there are no glories in the far-off worlds, but what can be built up in these heavens, and even on the very earth.
3. Hear me then and judge ye, not for my fitness, but for my unfitness, and so dismiss me save to make me your servant.
4. Send not off the highest raised angels, but make these heavens suitable unto them.
5. Make this kingdom the All Highest heavenly kingdom; and make your God the highest of all Gods, even the Creator. Him shall ye surround with a capital city, a heavenly place paved with diamonds and most precious gems. And his throne shall be the most exalted, highest of all glories. To which none can approach, save by crawling on their bellies. Yea, such majesty shall surround your God as becometh a Creator; and such newly-invented rites and ceremonies, dazzling beyond anything in all the worlds!
6. The rites and ceremonies should be carried to the highest. Without rites and ceremonies a people are as a dead people; they are as an army without discipline. In fact, discipline is void without the formalities of rites and ceremonies. To not have these is to have every one do for self, which is the dissolution of all union. Baal hath spoken wisely on this; we need new rites and ceremonies, adapted for the highest grades. We shall no longer bow to a God we know not, a scattered substance wide as the universe!
7. Because ye have spoken, I am pleased. Because ye have come to my feast, I am delighted. To be with one's own loves, what is greater than that? It hath been said, man shall love all alike; but I say unto you that that is impossible. We have our preferences, and we delight to come together. Who shall say us nay?
8. And yet, my Lords and Lordesses, shall we not deliberate on these things? And council with our best loves upon it; for such is the construction of the mind that it oft seeth better through others' eyes. And, above all, shall we not mature the subject to know if in our own souls we are sincere, doing all things for the good of heaven and earth, and not for ourselves.
9. Ye know how Ahura's kingdom prospered until he began to work for his own glory; let us not, then, fall into his errors, but from his errors learn to avoid similar ones. And now, since the time of the feast is ended, and our respective kingdoms waiting us, I declare the assembly dissolved. Arise, then, my Lords and Lordesses, and go your way. And whatsoever ye may have on this matter, desiring to commune with me, do ye even so through messengers, which ye already have.