1. WHEN morning came, Brahma and Yu-tiv rose early, and came and spake together, in joy greeting, and they were moved to shake hands, though such a proceeding was not according to the fashion of the country, save betwixt relatives. And it came to pass that they were much together during the day, and in the evening they walked together, but touched not one the other.
2. Now on the second day, when they walked together, they held hands. And on the third day they joined arms. And on the fourth day they kissed each other. And after that they were only separated at night when they slept. But it came to pass that they were so delighted with each other that they sat up nearly all night, so as not to be separate.
3. And all the while they neglected p. 346b not their devotion to Ormazd; but finally they sat up all night, sleeping not, save in each other's arms.
4. Yu-tiv said: Since we sit up all night, it is wiser to sit on mats than on stools. Brahma said: It is wiser. So they provided mats, half raised and half spread down, for a season, and finally laid the mats full length, and they laid down together. More than that, history saith not.
5. But Brahma followed his trade in that country, and it came to pass they had a son born to them, and his name was Whe-ish; and in time another son, and his name was Vus, and then Git-un, and Vede, and Oos, and Sa-it.
6. Now after they lived together as man and wife, the voice of Ormazd came not to Brahma; though the angel of Ormazd remained, and at times talked to both Brahma and Yu-tiv, his wife. Now during all the time, until after the birth of the sixth son, Yu-tiv had faith in Ormazd, and was a Faithist in her whole heart. But during all these years she had only communion with the angels, and withal had suffered many hardships in common with Brahma.
7. And their love abated not one jot or tittle, and Yu-tiv believed in her husband, and encouraged his aspirations. He had said to her ten thousand times: I know Ormazd will come; through me will He deliver the Faithists out of bondage.
8. And she believed in him; and believed these things would come to pass, and believed her sons would have the Voice of the Creator with them also. But after the birth of the sixth child, Yu-tiv lost faith in the Father! She said: All my life I have been in error. There is no All Person. There is no Voice, save the spirits of the dead. And they know little more of heaven than we. The Creator is dumb, like the wind; His voice is like the wind, it speaketh nothing.
9. And after that, she ceased to use the name Ormazd, or Father, but said, Eolin, after the manner of the ancients. And Brahma ceased more to speak in presence of Yu-tiv of the coming of Ormazd to himself; and he also adopted the name Eolin, signifying, like the wind, void of shape or person.
10. Whilst this state of unbelief was upon them, they had another child born to them, and they called his name Hog, signifying, FACT, or without inspiration; p. 347b an animal that rooteth in the ground.
11. Yu-tiv weaned Hog when he was three years old, and, on the day following, the voice of God came to Brahma, saying: Brahma! Brahma! And Brahma said: Here am I, O Eolin. And the Father said: Be thou faithful another eighteen years! I shall be with thee to the end!
12. Brahma was so delighted, he ran home and told Yu-tiv, but she rejoiced not; she made no answer. Silently she looked upward for a long while, and then she said: Eighteen years! Hog will be twenty-one. And thou and I will be old.