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Chapter III

1. JEHOVIH spake to God, ruler of atmospherea and of the earth, saying: Well done, O My Son! The beginning of the end of thy trials is at hand. I have spoken in the highest heavens, in My etherean worlds; in the gardens of Haot-saiti, near the arc of Spe-ta, to My Daughter, who hath attained to One with Me, a p. 319a Nirvanian in the regions of Chen-gotha, the holy Cpenta-armij.

2. Her ship, an airavagna, with five hundred million etherean deliverers on board, hath started on the road Salkwatka, swiftly bound to thy regions, to thy new plateau, Craoshivi.

3. Send thou word to Yima to come, and to Vishnu, and to Os, each to come in rank, attended by ten millions, grade above seventy, with es'enaurs, and marshals, and captains, and generals, to come to Craoshivi.

4. And send thou invitations to thy Diva to come, and to thy sub-Gods, and to thy Lord Gods, and to thy Lords, in all the divisions of heaven and the divisions of the earth; and to bring of their people all above grade fifty. And to thy marshals give thou a list of all who will be with thee in Craoshivi on that day. And thy marshals shall apportion and divide and arrange all thy hosts thus assembled in Craoshivi, according to grade, approaching thy throne in four lines, east and west and north and south, and thy throne shall be the extreme east.

5. And in the centre of the cross shall thy marshal provide space sufficient for the hosts of Cpenta-armij to land her airavagna, and to disembark. But at the extreme boundary of the lines of thy hosts thou shalt draw a circle, and thither shall thy light makers erect pillars of light, making the circle as a wall of light; and, as the diameter of the circle is to the distance down to the earth's surface, so a tenth thereof shalt thou make as the summit of the apex of the canopy of thy capital chamber, for the Holy Council of thy Goddess, Cpenta-armij.

6. God said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih! And thereupon God sent word by his messengers, as commanded by the Great Spirit; sent invitations to all the Gods and Lords of heaven and earth, commanding them to come to Craoshivi.

7. And the Lord Gods, and Gods and Lords, thus notified, appointed substitutes to rule in their places. And they made otevans, every one suitable to the number of angels he was to take with him, and they embarked and rose up from their several places in atmospherea and the earth, and, being guided in their courses by such experts as had learned the way, they came to Craoshivi, where they were received by the chief marshal of God and his officers, and allotted their several places, according to their respective grades. But as the plateau was above grade fifty in the earth's vortex, so p. 320a there were no angels of less grade than fifty amongst all the hosts assembled.

8. And Jehovih commanded God to number the angels thus assembled in Craoshivi, and there were seven thousand millions, and nine hundred and seventy-five millions, and eight hundred thousand, officers and all.

9. And the day and the hour of their assembling, when they were numbered, was the self same time that Cpenta-armij's fire-ship arrived at Chinvat, when her light burst in full view to the hosts of God in Craoshivi. And they all beheld her coming; saw the manner in which a Chieftainess cometh to the lower heavens. And because of the great glory before them, they burst forth in a song of praise to Jehovih, the seven thousand millions.

10. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Ascend thy throne, My Son, and allot the Council and thy officers to their place, for quickly now, behold, My Daughter will descend. And when she cometh. My Voice will be with her for the years and the days of the dawn of dan.

11. So God caused his Council and his marshal and his Diva to take their places and be in readiness for the emancipated Sons and Daughters. And presently the descending star grew brighter and larger, larger and brighter, till like a sun she shone abroad over all the plateau of Craoshivi.

12. In awe stood the Gods at sight of the sublime spectacle; for the light of the airavagna was brilliant, and unlike all the lights of the lower heavens, and new to nearly all the people.

13. Nearer and nearer descended the ship of light, till soon the music of her hosts descended down to those beneath, who, awe-stricken and buoyant with delight, burst forth, entranced with the glory thereof, singing, by the force of Jehovih's light upon them, the same glorious anthem.

14. And now the marshals spread the way, for close at hand came the airavagna, over the bows of which Cpenta-armij shone like a central sun, and with her, her visiting hosts, Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wah-Gon; so, but for Cpenta-armij holding out her taper hand, the hosts below had hardly known which of the four great lights Jehovih had sent. Presently the curtains swept across the high pyramid of the capital, and then the transparent blankets and crystal frame-work; and now shot down the anchors, three hundred thousand; lower and lower, slowly came the mighty ship, till her screen-work, from which the anchors hung, touched the very floors of the p. 321a capital; and, all radiant with holiness, before God and his hosts stood the ethereans, the glory of the most high heavens.

15. The attendants then quickly spread the homa; the masters of arches opened the floor and sides of the airavagna, and there, seated or standing, was ready the central part of the etherean Council chamber, even as if the throne of God had been built for it. Then came forth the Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij, accompanied by Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wa-Gon, and arriving before the throne stood, waiting for the salutation and the sign.

16. God, still sitting on the throne, said: Daughter of Jehovih, Chieftainess of Haotsaiti, in the name of the Father! And hereupon he gave the sign ARC OF SPE-TA! Cpenta-armij and her three companions saluted in the SIGN OF THE CIRCUIT! Which was the highest compliment any God of the earth had ever received.

17. Cpenta-armij said: By Jehovih's command am I before thee, O God. In Love and Wisdom and Power am I come. Behold, My Voice is His Voice, Creator of Worlds!

18. God said: My throne is founded in Jehovih's name. Come thou and honor it, and bring thy most high Gods and Goddesses with thee.

19. They went forward then, and all the Gods and Goddesses, and Lords and Lordesses stood up, saluting by shaking hands; and then Cpenta-armij went and sat in the midst of the throne. Meanwhile, the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of thanksgiving.

20. Cpenta-armij, being under the Voice of Jehovih said: For joy created I man and woman; for seasons of labor and seasons of recreation. Be ye mirthful before Me, and jubilant toward one another, in remembrance of My creations. And when I call you to labor, behold, My hand will move upon you for the furtherance of My kingdoms in their resurrections.

21. Hereupon the multitude broke off from their places and stateliness, and commingled together joyfully. And all that were on the throne came down and went into the multitude, saluting and rejoicing.

Next: Chapter IV