1. HOAB rejoiced not; and he alone of all the people assembled, was burdened in soul. He said: Jehovih! Thou hast rebuked me, and I am cast down. Thou hast shown me Thy Son Hapacha, one of Thy Gods in the lowest of heavens. And Hapacha, Thy Son, hath maintained his kingdom unto Thee till this dawn of light hath come.
2. Yet Thou gavest into my keeping a kingdom far higher than this, even Zeredho; and I went down, as a child that falleth asleep. My kingdom forgot Thee; my people ceased to sing songs unto Thy name. We buried ourselves in darkness.
3. And Thou hast chosen me to be the next succeeding God of earth and her heavens! How shall I fulfill Thy commandments? How shall I know the way to choose Gods and Lords under me who will be steadfast and zealous?
4. As he thus communed with Jehovih, Fragapatti said unto him: Through faith are all things accomplished; without faith, all things are uncertain. He who saith: I know Jehovih liveth and reigneth, hath said wisely. But he who saith: I go forth in Thee, O Jehovih, for I know Thou wilt accomplish, hath said much more. For his words maintain the power of the Father in him.
5. When the morning of the third day had come, Hapacha called the hosts from recreation to labor; and the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of rejoicing; and, after that, Hapacha said:
6. To Thee, O Jehovih, are all things committed, even as from Thee they came forth. Thy Voice is ever upon all men, but they hear Thee not. Thine eye is observant of all men, but they believe it not. To teach men these simple things, is to make Gods of them. To open up their understanding, to find Thee, to know Thee, and to realize Thy Ever Presence, to become one with Thee, this is the labor with Thy Gods, and Thy Lords, and Thy holy angels.
7. In Thy name have I raised up one who is to succeed me in this, Thy kingdom. From Thy Light shall Thy Orian Chief weave a crown for him. With mine own hands will I crown him unto Thee and Thy kingdom.
8. The marshals now brought forward, Penoto, of Caracas, highly learned in discipline, and he stood before the throne of God. Thereupon Fragapatti rose up, saying:
9. Without a key-note a number of instruments cannot be attuned to harmony. Without a faith in an All Highest Person, neither angels nor mortals can live in harmony.
10. Individuals may be strong, but many in concerted action comprise the Father's kingdoms.
11. Neither angels nor mortals can assimilate of themselves; but all can assimilate with the Father, every one perfecting himself differently. Such persons are then assimilated to one another.
12. Whoever serveth his own conception of the All Highest, making himself a servant thereto, is on the right road; and, in the plan of the universe, will drift into an association adapted to himself.
13. Many such, becoming a unit, are powerful over the elements surrounding p. 239a them. Disbelief in an All Highest Person is caused by weakness of spirit, resulting from disease or from pre-natal sin, or by laudation of one's own self. Such persons cannot harmonize, because each one is his own self-esteemed all highest. They are without power, without unison and without sacrifice, accomplishing little good in heaven or on earth.
14. Think not that darkness belongeth only to the earth and the lowest heavens; there are those, who rise to the second resurrection, and then fall into unbelief, and then fall to the first resurrection, and afterward become wandering spirits. And some of them even fall into hell, which is belief in evil and destruction being good; and yet others become drujas, engrossed in the affairs of mortals, and in lust, teaching re-incarnation; and they finally become fetals and vampires on mortals.
15. Whoever hath attained to the height of his own ideal, is on the precipice of hell; but he who, finding the God of his forefathers too small for himself, and so, inventeth one much higher, is a great benefactor. A fool can ridicule the ancient Person; his delight is to pull down; but a wise man furnisheth a greater Great Person. To pull down the All Person, is to pull down His people.
16. To try to make a non-appreciable Person out of Jehovih is to make one's self the opposite of a creator. To learn to create, to invent, to cast one's spirit forth with power to congregate and make, is to go on the right road.
17. To learn to pull down, to scatter, to annul, to disintegrate, to set things apart from one another, to find evil instead of good, to find folly instead of wisdom, to expose the ignorance of others instead of finding wisdom in them; even all these follow after the first inception of disbelief in the All Person.
18. And since, from disintegration of the compact betwixt the Creator and His children, the cord of communication is cut off with the exalted kingdoms in etherea, they have indeed double grounds for disbelief; nor can they comprehend how others can be believers in an All Person, much less have Faith in Him.
19. And the same rule applieth to communities and to kingdoms as to individuals, in regard to the fall consequent in unbelief in an All Person. For a community becometh One Person; a kingdom in etherea becometh One Person; a kingdom in the lower heavens becometh One Person; a kingdom on earth becometh One Person; each and every kingdom being a single p. 240a figure-head of many parts, which is the perfection of each and every individual.
20. Hence, as a single individual can cut himself off from the Father, so can a community, or a kingdom, and so go down to destruction.
21. The strongest, best man in the community is he who laboreth most to perfect the unit, that is, the Person of the community; the strongest man in the kingdom is he who laboreth most to perfect the Person of the kingdom; the strongest man in heaven is he who laboreth most to perfect the All Person of heaven.
22. The weakest of men is the opposite of these; he laboreth to show there is no All Person in anything; verily, he is already falling away from the Father. Yea, he accuseth himself, for he saith: I neither see nor hear an All Person, nor believe I in one.
23. It is a wise man who, finding he is going into disbelief too much, correcteth himself. And he is not less wise, who, finding he believeth too much, and hence, investigateth not at all, correcteth himself.
24. It was said of old, first, testimony; second, belief; third, faith; and fourth, works; but I declare unto you that, with the expanse of knowledge, testimony must be strengthened. For in the olden times, angels and men could be commanded to believe, and they believed.
25. Herein have many of the Lords and the Gods of the lower heavens erred; for they furnished not to those beneath them the necessary testimony comporting with the advanced knowledge in heaven or on earth. A God shall be swift in devising food for meditation; for angels, as well as mortals, without an advanced teacher, are as well off with none at all.
26. It was said of old that a God taught the people on one of the stars to believe Jehovih lived in a straw, and they rose in wisdom, and harmony, and unity. Then, afterward, another God came and taught them there was no Jehovih, because, forsooth, He could not live in a straw; and the people fell into disbelief and inharmony and disunion. Which, then, of these, was the better God?
27. Yet I declare unto you, they were both necessary. For without a habitation and a figure, the Great Spirit cannot be taught to either angels or mortals in the first place. The labor of the Gods is to lead the people p. 241a upward, step by step, until they learn to be Gods and Goddesses themselves.
28. On this earth, mortals were taught through stone and wooden idols; and afterward by engraved images. In some of the mixed tribes it will be necessary to teach them incarnated Jehovih in mortal form, and by sympathy for his sufferings, teach them to follow his spirit up to heaven. But all these subterfuges should be set aside in the kosmon era.
29. This heaven, more than any other heaven of the earth, will be regarded by the etherean kingdoms. Beneath you, even on this part of the earth, will mortals first espouse the Father's kingdom.
30. Of all things, let your labor be first of all to sow the seed of belief in an All Person, the Great Spirit. As ye now sow, and build Jehovih's kingdom in your heaven, so, in the coming of the kosmon era, will the same teaching take root in the souls of mortals.
31. Nor shall ye, under any circumstances, permit Gods or Lords or Saviors to be established as worshipful beings, either in these heavens or on this part of the earth. For this land is dedicated by Jehovih for the overthrow of all idols, of God, and Lord, and Savior, and of everything that is worshipped, save Jehovih, the Great Spirit. Neither shall any of these idols be established with effect in these heavens or on this land. But be ye most circumspect to establish Jehovih, the Light of light, the All Person, in the souls of angels and mortals.
32. Fragapatti ceased, but signaled for Hapacha to ordain Penoto, God of Ipseogee. Hapacha rose up, saying: Penoto, Son of Jehovih! Thou hast been chosen to be God of Ipseogee for six hundred years, and even after, if Jehovih so will. Thou hast passed the examination, and standest above all others.
33. Thou hast been favored with much traveling in heaven; and, for thy benefit, many swift messengers from the emancipated worlds, have explained to thee the dominions of the Great Chiefs.
34. He, through whose fields this world is now traveling, hath stood up before thee. He hath spoken to thee and thy people. Heed thou his words, and thou shalt be one with his kingdoms in wisdom and power.
35. By proxy I have visited the etherean worlds; thou hast not. By being one with this Chief, thou wilt inure to All Light, and soon thou shalt visit his places by proxy also.
36. And at the end of six hundred years, thou and thy harvest will be called for by the etherean hosts. Be thou ready for them! And erst thou depart, thou shalt raise up one sufficient to take thy place, and thou shalt bestow him.
37. Penoto said: Thy will and Jehovih's be done! That which is given me to do, will I do will all my wisdom and strength, so help me, O Jehovih!
38. Hapacha said: By virtue of Thy Wisdom, Power and Love, O Jehovih, vested in me, do I this, Thy Son, ordain God of Ipseogee for the period of six hundred years. Be Thou with him, O Jehovih, and may he and his works glorify Thee forever! Amen!
39. Penoto said: Which I accept and covenant with Thee, O Jehovih, for Thy glory forever. Amen!
41. The light gathered brilliantly over Fragapatti's head, and when the music ceased, the Voice of Jehovih spake out of the Light, saying:
42. In the first days I blew My breath upon the lands of the earth, and man became a living soul. Then, in the second time, I moved My hand upon the earth, and man went forth in power.
43. Thus near hath My Voice approached the earth. Be ye steadfast in My commandments. The time shall surely come, and in the third season, when My Voice shall be heard by mortals.
44. The Voice ceased, and then Fragapatti took the light in his hands, as one would take fine flax, and he turned it about thrice, and, lo, a crown was woven, most brilliant, but of a reddish hue. He said:
45. Crown of Thy Crown, O Jehovih, have I woven for Thy Son, God of Ipseogee. And he handed it to Hapacha, who said: And in Thy name, O Father, I crown him, second God of Ipseogee, six hundred years. Be Thou with him, O Father! Amen!