I WAS WELL aware that the European events were not happening under
the controlled testing needed by scientists to verify whatever
forces were at work. And yet the happenings were later going to
suggest to some scientists a way of approaching the "Geller
Effect." When thousands of other people, and not just me
alone, were involved, there would be other checkpoints for researchers
to work on, to compare and measure, and to follow up with the
controlled conditions they, as scientists, needed. Even if the
broadcasts just triggered the forces in other people temporarily,
they provided a chance for the scientists to carry their studies
beyond me and to satisfy themselves that the "Geller Effect"
was not just some kind of trickery they were being skillfully
fooled with.
On the way to Denmark, I tried to analyze the spreading of the
effect. A theory began coming to my mind that I still haven't
developed as far as I'd like. I was becoming convinced that everybody
has some kind of hidden power deep inside him, and that it could
be brought out in three possible ways: (1) psychologically, maybe
by suggestion, (2) by actually seeing a demonstration of such
power, or even by just hearing it described (as happened in the
case of Texas and the BBC radio show), or (3) simply by developing
a full belief in it.
I thought that many things might be able to trigger phenomena
like those I was demonstrating. In adults, the power seemed to
last only a short time. But children, I felt deep inside, could
be stronger in reflecting these forces because they haven't accepted
the negative attitudes that all of us pick up in life.
While the powers may be hidden in all of us, there has to be what
you might call a cosmic connection that can be tuned in to. The
main key, I think, is believing. It works like an ignition
key to open up these energies in the body. Seeing or hearing about
these unusual possibilities can establish, I think, a direct channel
to this cosmic connection. I think that very few people go so
far, of course. But when the belief is strong, a person might
be able to click on to it.
I don't mean this in any arrogant way, but I believe that I'm
tuned in to what I call the cosmic connection all the time. Why,
I don't know. But because I'm in touch and cling to it, it gives
me the opportunity to pass it on to others, even if only for brief
moments. So when I go on a television program or give a lecture-demonstration,
it's a good way for me to connect with other people and help them
make the connection with the forces outside ourselves. It's like
exploring a whole new world. and it's very exciting.
There were to be three panelists on the air with me at the Danish
television studio in Copenhagen. One was the head of the Watchmaker's
Guild; another was a psychologist; a third was introduced as a
businessman, but later I discovered that he was a skilled Danish
magician named Leo Leslie.
What I didn't know and didn't learn until later was that Leslie
had gone through elaborate preparations in an attempt to throw
me off. First, he had obtained a chemical called mercury bichloride,
which is supposed to soften metals. His idea was to bend a key
on the program with the chemical in a way that would match the
way the keys bent when I concentrated on them.
In addition, he had arranged with the director for one camera
to focus on my hands and never to leave them for even a fraction
of a second. Further, he had the watch expert deliver five alarm
clocks that were so tricked up that they couldn't start up under
any conditions. In one, they placed a piece of cement; another
was soaked with salad oil; a third was jammed with a paper clip,
and so on.
Leslie had also prepared several nails and keys by nickel-plating
them so that if I used a chemical - which I never do - the objects
would resist it. There were other preparations as well, and I
knew about none of them. I also found out when I arrived that
the program was to include a very frank discussion of sex, which
I didn't want to be involved in - not that I'm against sex, but
it had nothing to do with the type of demonstration I was going
to do and probably would detract from it. They agreed to separate
that segment of the program from mine. I have to admit I was tempted
when they challenged me to concentrate on the bra of one of the
girls in the studio, which was held up by metal clips. She was
gorgeous and beautifully built. Werner Schmid immediately said
no to the idea and reminded me that the prank would be bad for
my image. But I often wonder what would have happened if I had
done that on the air. The Danes are very liberal, and it would
have been interesting.
I was to appear with the panel on two segments of the show, with
an intermission in between The show began, and they brought
out the jammed-up clocks that couldn't run. Of course I knew nothing
about what Leslie had had done to them, and I concentrated on
them as usual, at the same time suggesting to the viewers throughout
the country that they concentrate on their own watches or keys
or whatever at home.
As I tried, nothing at all happened to the clocks in the studio.
I was surprised, because certainly some of the five clocks should
have started running. It was an embarrassing moment for me, as
it appeared that I had failed completely. It made me uncomfortable.
It's an awful feeling to sit in front of a TV camera knowing that
millions of people are watching you fail.
I had better luck with the metals they had brought, because the
energies have nothing to do with any chemicals or nickel plating.
I felt very let down, though, still not knowing what was wrong
with the clocks.
At the intermission, while the other part of the program was on
the air, I went into another studio with the panel. While we were
alone there, I demonstrated several things for them, and they
began to lose their skepticism. Meanwhile, the TV people told
me that the switchboard was being flooded again with phone calls
reporting the same kinds of things that had happened in England,
Norway, and elsewhere on the tour even though the clocks
had not started. As before, the switchboard couldn't handle all
the calls. I began to feel a little better, and then Leo Leslie
confessed what they had done to try to throw me off.
Skeptics in Austria had tried to block me once before. But when
they told me they had used various tricks to block the movements
in watches and clocks, I applied extra concentration and effort,
and the timepieces began to work in some cases anyway. I told
Leslie he should have let me know what he had done, but it was
too late now to do anything about it because we only had a few
minutes on the second segment. When we came back on the air, the
psychologist, the watchmaker, and Leslie told the audience what
they had done, and what had happened during the intermission.
The panel told the viewers they were completely convinced that
my achievement was not the result of illusion or magician's tricks,
and we all had a good laugh about it. Meanwhile, the phone calls
were still coming in from all over Denmark. So in spite of the
tricks played with the timepieces, the program was as successful
as in the other countries.
Leo Leslie told me that he had tried the mercury bichloride to
bend keys and spoons and other metals, but that it was utterly
unable to produce the same type of bending effect, so they threw
out that idea before the program went on the air. It worked partially
on aluminum, but how many keys are made of aluminum? He also told
me that my hands were never outside the range of the TV camera
especially set up to stay on them. Later, Leo Leslie was to write
of this experience in a book. Even though he was a magician, he
became one of my strongest supporters.
The Danish newspapers were as extravagant as the newspapers elsewhere.
They described in detail the strange happenings all across Denmark,
and one of them, the Berlingske Tidende, wrote: "Now
the doubters and the skeptics are beginning to give up. It has
been clearly indicated that Uri Geller has talents which must
be described as the greatest revolution in the history of man."
With words like these, I would have to watch my hat size, but
I doubted that the doubters and the skeptics would give up so
easily. Also, I always keep in mind that the forces or energies
are not really mine; they are just on loan from the cosmic forces
that have been sending them my way.
Just before I left Denmark and headed back to England, a leading
Danish magazine, the Billed Bladet, asked me if I'd try
an experiment with them like the one I had done from Paris to
England: I would concentrate at a certain time, and the magazine
would ask its readers to do the same.
I was very interested in this type of long-distance test, because
if it worked it would back up the test that had been done across
the English Channel from France. It would give a better idea of
how widely the energies could operate, and I hoped it would increase
the interest of scientists in learning more about them. If people
all over a country would continue to give strong evidence that
the forces could spread out over long distances, science just
couldn't afford to ignore it, as the editorial in Nature had
Of course, I had no way of knowing whether it would work or not.
I knew my critics would all say that it was a commercial promotion
for the Danish magazine and for my future lecture tours. Well,
it was. There was no doubt about it. If it worked, it would be
good for the magazine, and it certainly would help my future lecture
tours, and I'm not against that at all. But there was nothing
tricky about it; it was perfectly above-board in every way. We
set a time for representatives of the magazine to be with me in
London, when I would concentrate on their readers, while the magazine
readers would concentrate on broken watches and metal objects
in their houses in Denmark.
When I got to London I planned to stay with friends in an apartment
in a quiet residential area. By this time, the press was constantly
following me everywhere, and it seemed I couldn't get a minute
of peace and quiet for myself. I tried wearing dark glasses, but
they always managed to spot me. They traced me to my friend's
apartment and waited outside. One time, I had to go to another
part of town, and I knew it would be impossible to slip away without
their following me. We peeked out through the curtains, and the
house was practically surrounded. My best friend, Shipi Shtrang,
and Yasha Katz, who along with Werner Schmid were handling all
the details of an eight-city lecture-demonstration tour in England,
were with me. We decided they would pull coats over their heads,
run to the large Land Rover outside, and drive off fast. We hoped
the press would follow them while I slipped off. Shipi was photographed
in dark glasses and was mistaken for me. It worked, and the next
day the press told all about my "vanishing trick."
There were more serious reasons for me to stay as much out of
sight as possible. We had received several threats on my life
in the past, believed to be from an Arab terrorist group. We had
to keep an alert watch on the mail. Werner Schmid had received
another threat by phone the day we arrived in England from Denmark.
I constantly hope for peace, and in fact I've had a dream of being
the first Israeli to give a lecture-demonstration in Egypt. I
know instinctively that whatever forces or intelligences exist
would never be able to be used for war. But there have been many
jokes in this vein. One cartoon in a European paper showed two
tanks locked together and tied in knots around each other. A commander
is saying to his opponent: "No-you bend it back." Another
showed a plane with its fuselage bent in half, and the pilot is
saying to the copilot: "So I said to this guy Geller, okay,
smarty-pants, what else can you do besides bending spoons?"
It's probably all to the good that the energies can't work in
a negative direction. I have been through war as a paratrooper,
and I know its horrors. I was wounded in both arms and my forehead
while raiding a pillbox in the 1967 Six Day War. After being wounded,
I entertained the troops in the front lines. But there was a controlling
force somewhere that didn't want these powers to be used for any
purpose but peace, and never to harm anyone, apparently.
This latest threat sounded serious, and we immediately had a meeting
to discuss what we were going to do about the eight-city tour.
Werner Schmid got in touch with Scotland Yard, which immediately
sent several men to us. A decision was made to move to a large
hotel in London where security guards were set up while we tried
to figure out what to do in the face of the threats. Both the
entrance and the halls of the hotel were guarded.
Since the Danish correspondents, Torben Dahlvad and Ulla Ave.
had arrived to observe the tests we had promised, we notified
them of our change of address. They arrived while we were trying
to decide about going on with the English tour or not. They were
going to monitor the long-distance test and take some photos of
it at the prescribed time, which was 1:00 P.M. Danish time on
a Sunday.
We set up for the test in the hotel room just as if it were going
to be a television program. I was looking forward to it, not only
because I was curious to see if the same things would happen again,
but also because it was something to take our minds off the threats
for a while, and the fact that we had to have security guards
from Scotland Yard all over the place.
The Danish correspondents had brought with them from Denmark several
broken watches and a big collection of knives, forks, spoons,
and keys. They were all placed on a table, and I sat down at it
and got ready to concentrate. I knew I would have to concentrate
strongly if the test was to work at such a distance. At exactly
noon British time, which was 1:00 P.M. Danish time, I began concentrating.
I picked up one of the broken watches and squeezed it hard. Then
I placed it lightly back on the table, and it began ticking away.
I did the same with two other watches, at the same time sending
my thoughts toward Denmark.
For some reason I don't understand, I can tell when the energy
is high, and on this day it felt very high. After the third watch
on the table started up quickly, I told the Danish journalists
that I was convinced it was going to work, and already thousands
of broken watches were beginning to run again in Denmark. Then,
turning my attention to the forks and spoons on the table, I placed
my hands over several of them. They soon began bending. A knife
and a fork broke in two, one of them with a very loud crack. The
Danish reporters and the Scotland Yard men were really startled
by this. One of the reporters gave me the key to the main door
of the magazine's office building. It bent quickly.
After about ten minutes, I told them that it was going to be very
successful - fantastic, in fact. I had no sooner said this than
the phone rang. It was the first report from the magazine office
in Copenhagen. Its switchboard was already jammed with phone calls
from readers, telling the magazine about things happening in their
homes. In a matter of minutes, there was more phone traffic than
it could handle. I was really happy, in spite of all the problems
in England, with threats still coming in on the phone.
I put the success of the Danish experiment out of my mind, as
Yasha, Shipi, Werner, and I tried to come to a decision about
the British tour. It was a hard one to make. But the climate in
England at that time was very tense. A department store executive
active in Jewish charities had been shot in the street, and the
terrorist group had published a list of twenty prominent English
Jews who it said would be assassinated. I didn't want to cancel,
but Werner Schmid insisted that it would be too risky to go on
with the tour.
It was some time later when the Danish magazine published the
full report about what took place on that Sunday afternoon: 1,098
people phoned in, each describing fantastic experiences. One woman
complained that nothing had happened when suddenly her metal glasses
frames bent on her nose. Again, there were hundreds of reports
about broken watches starting up. Lights went out in some homes
or even began to blink on and off. A broken oil furnace suddenly
started up. And remember, this was all without the benefit of
radio or television - it was just me concentrating at the exact
time that thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of Danes concentrated
with me.
So it was not all my energy, it was theirs as well. One fact suggested
to me that the people reporting were not telling their stories
just for publicity: The magazine received reports from many people
who refused to reveal their identities. One woman whose old watch
restarted told the magazine: "NO, I will not divulge who
I am. I am still shaking from the experience." Another left
Denmark that Sunday to visit her grandmother in Sweden. She brought
a copy of the magazine with her and an old gold watch that hadn't
run for years. She put it on top of the magazine, and it started
going. So, apparently the test worked even outside the boundaries
of Denmark. Mrs. R. Smith of Glostrup, Denmark, forgot all about
the test at one that Sunday afternoon, but an old alarm clock
that she had put on a copy of Billed-Bladet started up
But the most startling occurrence was one I hadn't expected at
all. A telephone call came into the magazine office in Copenhagen
from a little island called Oro, in Holbeck Fjord. A seventy-six-year-old
woman, Elisabeth Sorensen, who had just become a great-grandmother,
was visiting her son-in-law, C. V. Brunn, and her daughter there.
The family decided just for fun to try concentrating on the magazine
and get a few old watches running again. Suddenly, according to
the phone call, Mrs. Sorensen found she could bend her knee for
the first time in two years. Danish reporters went out to interview
her and found that she had some kind of degenerative arthritis.
Instead of concentrating on the broken watches, she had concentrated
on her knee.
In this particular house, the watches did not start up, but to
the surprise of her family, Mrs. Sorensen got upand began
walking normally for the first time in twenty-four months. When
the reporters arrived, the little island was still talking about
the event.
I was very happy that Mrs. Sorensen seemed to feel better after
the experience, but I have to repeat that, if her case was real,
she herself was responsible, like those who concentrate on keys,
spoons, and watches. I am far from being a mystical prophet, even
though healing sometimes seems to be triggered when I concentrate.
Sometimes I want to try to help people heal, and wish I could
do better, but I know I'm not ready for healing yet. I do have
a feeling, though, that such a day might possibly come, so I shouldn't
be so surprised when I get a report like the one from Denmark.
Also, if and when I reach the point where healing can be done
on a regular basis, I would want to develop it fully in a controlled
and organized way, and I would want to work with doctors. Especially
to prevent raising false hopes in people, I would want to work
with this kind of thing openly, and only under medical supervision,
just the way I'm working now with scientists at Stanford Research
Institute and the University of London in trying to understand
just what these forces are, how they work, and what they eventually
might be able to do for the world.
Healing, I feel, is another form of these undiscovered energies.
Any kind of healing that involves a new force should be done not
as a challenge to medicine, but with it. It is not something to
be played around with. I'm convinced that I must not deliberately
attempt any kind of healing until a lot more experiments have
been done in cooperation with scientists on the things we are
exploring now - telepathy, psychokinesis, and clairvoyance. Then
the healing could be explored the same way, with medical scientists
instead of physicists and psychologists. If the scientific studies
continue to show the same steady progress in verifying these energies
that they are showing now, I'm sure that the results will encourage
medical men to lose their fears about exploring and testing things
that have been considered unscientific.
I'm convinced that we all could be healers of our own bodies if
we knew how to find the key to unlock these powers. Somewhere
there may be some way to open up certain cells in the brain so
that they could be directed into self-healing, if the process
could be found. Doctors have told me that for the most part it
is nature that does the healing. They do everything they can for
emergencies and to help things along, but the body processes really
do the final healing. I think that nature and God combine to help
us do our own healings and that we will someday learn how to hurry
this along. I know it sounds far-fetched, but I believe it may
be possible in the future for machines or computers to be designed
that will trigger the necessary immunology systems in the body
to bring about self-healing. Once that is developed, we will make
even greater progress in medicine. Being healthy, I am sure, is
within us.
But I also believe that love is one of the keys to health. If
you have love deep inside you, it becomes an incredible power.
I think it's the main key to curing things. A person in a hospital
gets well much quicker when love is involved, but that is only
a small part of what might be possible. I want to avoid giving
anybody the impression that I think these healing energies are
simple, easy, and
available without slow development and without combining them
with modern science. That would be a big mistake. The experience
with the Danish test was unintentional and might be only
a hint, and it was interesting for that reason only. It's a little
bit like the reports you read of medical research in the laboratories,
where they've had success with animal tests, hut the new discovery
is not at all ready to try out on humans. If some benefits come
by coincidence right now, that's fine, but that's as far as it
should go at the moment. I want to be always aware of my limitations.
With the lecture-demonstration tour in England called off, I was
able to get some rest in the United States and had some time to
prepare to go on to Japan for some appearances in that country.
It gave me a chance to think over where I was going and what all
this meant to me and to the rest of the world. What had happened
in both the distant and the recent past convinced me that there
was a plan behind it all, though its outlines faded mysteriously
from sight at times. What was to develop in the next several
months, however, was as much a surprise to me as it was to the
scientific world.
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