Abendzeitung, 147
Advanced Research Projects
Agency (D-ARPA), 133-5
Aeromexico, 38, 50, 90
Agrotis, Jenny, 246, 339
Allon, Yosef, 197
Amazonia, 160
American Humanist Association, 267-9, 278
American Magazine, 266
American Medical Association, 182
American Society for Physical
Research, 286
Anderson, Jack, 342
Andropov, Yuri, 71, 76
Animal magnetism, 302
Apollo, 14, 20
Archaeus (renamed Artifex), 300
Archaeus Project, 265
Arigo (J.P. de Freitas), 20
Asimov, Isaac, 262
Astor, Raul, 29, 30
Avneri, Uri, 196-7
Ayalon, Eitan, 241-2, 245
Ballinger, Robert M., 170
Bamakhaneh, 200
Bassey, Shirley, 220
Batcheldor, Kenneth, 1., 297,
298, 301, 337, 346, 347
Beatles, 23
Beckenbauer, Franz, 184
Beit Hachaial, 203
Ben-Haim, Moshe, 208
Bentov, Itzhak, 20
Berglas, David, 242
Berkowitz, D. ('Son of Sam'), 102, 287, 323
Bild, 176
Bolivar, Simon, 259
Brain hemispheres, 284-5, 335
Branson, Richard, 212
Braun, Wernher von, 139
Brazil, 77, 125, 156-62, 249-52
Bresson, Thomas H., 102
Britannis, SS, 100
Bronfman, Edgar, 94-6
Bronfman, Samuel, 94-6, 106, 323
Bul, 332
Bulgari family, 103
Bulgaria, 270-71
Business Week, 182
Byrd, Eldon, 21, 140-44, 191, 230, 300, 301
'Carl' (US Customs official), 92, 97, 102
Carter, Billy, 79
Carter, Jimmy, 72, 76, 77, 79-83, 206, 219
Carter, Rosalynn, 73-4, 78, 80, 82, 83
Cayce, Edgar, 227
Center for Scientific Anomaly
Research (CSAR), 263
Central Electricity Generating
Board, 293
Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), 48, 49-50, 94, 279, 283, 342
Charles, Joseph, 225, 305-7, 339
Chernobyl, 116
Christopher, Milbourne, 280, 307
Citizen Kane, 18
Clarke, Arthur C., 205, 206
Arthur C Clarke's World of
Strange Powers, 205
Childhood's End, 205
Cohn, Roy, 106
Colour Supplement, 322
Combat Arms, 182
Committee for the
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), 233 262-3,
267-70, 276, 278-9, 347
Committee on Unamerican Activities, 267
Computer World, 182
Computing with the Amstrad, 292
Connery, Sean, 220
Coohill, Thomas, 21
Cooper, Gary, 63
Cox, William Edward 256-7, 330
Crespi, Lucita, 78
Crespi, Nino, 78
Crookes, Sir William 240, 252
Crown, The (Pewsey), 321
Czechoslovakia, 271, 312
'D.', Mr, 156-62
Dadashev, Tofik, 272
Dahlen, Severin, 297-301
Daily Express, 88 9
Daily Mail, 23, 117, 245
Davidesco, Iris, 208
Davidson, Ralph P., 136
Davitashvili, Dzhuna, 342
Dayan, Moshe, 61, 242, 243-4, 341
Deacon, Richard, 341
Dean, E. Douglas 334
Death and the Magician (FitzSimons), 347
Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), 169
Denmark, 78, 253-6
Diamontron, 114-15
Dickson, Abb, 256, 257, 330
Dimbleby, David, 22, 60
Dimitrova, Vanga, 270
Dingwall, Eric J., 263, 344, 345 346-8
Direkt-Larm, 118
Discover, 260, 264
Dixon, Bernard, 261
Doctrinal Compliance, 338
Dolphins, 150-51
'Don' (FBI agent), 93, 94, 97-9, 101, 102
Dowsing, 61
Ducrocq, Albert, 22
Duncan, Sir Val, 60-63, 94, 155, 340
Echeverria, Luiz, 33, 36-7, 64
Edison, Thomas A., 248
Edwards, Cliff, 133
Edwards, Mike, 264, 265
Ehrenwald, Jan, 335-6, 345
Electricity, biological effects of 293-4
Electronic Canary, 115-16
Enfield poltergeist case, 251, 307, 316-17
Esquire, 182, 231, 321
Evening Advertiser, 321
Executive ESP (Dean, Mihalasky Shroeder & Ostrander),
Experiments with Uri Geller, 20
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (Gardner), 269
Faisal, King 221
Fantasy-proneness, 224-5, 227-9
Fate, 263
Faustus, Dr, 344
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 93-5, 101-2, 341
Financial Times, 163,182
Fishpond, 293
FitzSimons, Raymund, 347
Fletcher, Bill, 121, 122
Forbes, 182
Ford, Gerald, 144
Franklin, Wilbur, 21, 125, 126 226
Freeman, David, 182
Freud, Clement, 121 212-13, 322
Freud, Sigmund, 212 313
Friede, Eleanor, 336
Fuller, Elizabeth, 301
Gamow, George, 294
Gardner, Martin, 233, 240, 260 261, 269
Garrett, Eileen 20, 241
Garrett , Robert 228
Gauquelin, Michel, 263
Gazes, Diana, 300
Geldof, Bob, 224
Geller, Daniel, 188-90, 191, 212 315
Geller, Itzhak, 19,111, 236, 246
Geller, Margaret, 19, 93, 111 246, 303-4
Geller, Natalie, 191, 212
Geller, Uri early biographical data, 19-22, 41, 209-12, 246, 303-7,
Mexico, 29-91
contacts with CIA, 45-59
Sir Val Duncan, 60-63
Moshe Dayan, 61, 243-4, 341
South Africa, 64
Rosalynn Carter, 73-4, 80, 82, 83
Henry Kissinger, 73-5, 146-7
Paraguay, 75
inauguration of President Carter, 77-83
Brazil, 77, 156-7, 158-60, 250-51
eating habits, 84-6
contacts with FBI, 93-6, 101-2
Bronfman kidnap case, 94-6
at United Nations, 99
'Son of Sam' case, 102-3
Bulgari kidnap case, 103-5
anti-kidnap insurance, 107
wins at casino, 108-110
inventions, 111-19, 121-7
unethical assignments, 120 149-53
Switzerland, 128-31
effects on computers, 128-47
Japan, 140-44
dolphins, 150 51
Solomon Islands, 162-4,166
Korea, 168-75
Germany, 176-7
USA, 177-80
England, 180-82, 212-16
Sophia Loren episode, 183
jet-set life, 183-5
marriage, 186
birth of son, 188-90
coincidences, 190-91, 215-16
Israel tour (1984-5), 191-202
Beersheba court episode, 200-2
methods of critics, 202-3
stage trickery, 203-4
Katz's denunciation retracted 207-8
lucky number, 215-16
at Khashoggi party, 217-24
Views on:
metal-bending, 34-5, 229-30
dowsing and remote sensing, 54-5, 61-2, 160-62, 230, 308-9
security, 68-9
misuse of psychic gifts, 120-21
scientific research, 147, 153-4, 204-6, 226-7
fantasy and imagination, 224-9
critics, 232-4
My Story, 24, 29, 54,100,183 203, 225, 236, 249, 304
Pampini, 225
Germany, 176-7, 183-5
Gidon, 199
Gitlis, Meir, 112-13, 121-3, 325
Glant, Douglas, 146
Golan, Menachem 191
Goldstein, Uri, 201
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 343
Gottschalk, Thomas, 125, 177
Green, Andrew, 322
Greenham Common, 293
Grosse, Maurice, 251, 316-18, 324
Haganah, 49
Haig, Alexander, 145
Hammond, Tony, 167
Hansel, C. E. M., 274
Haolam Hazeh, 20, 196-8, 239, 241-3, 245, 246
Harary, Keith, 342
Hardy, Sir Alister, 349
Harnden, Bonnie, 179
Hashalom Civil Court (Beersheba), 201
Hasted, John B., 21, 205
Hawke, Ronald S., 21, 139
Haynes, Renee, 17
Hebard, Arthur, 290
Herd, Richard, 245-6
Heysel Stadium, 122
Hibbard, W.S., 287
Hirsch, Rany, 183, 245
History of Magic and Experimental Science (Thorndike),
Hitler, A. , 235
Holt, Mr and Mrs, 181
Home, Daniel D., 240, 276, 332-3, 350
Hor Zu, 147
Horowitz, Vladimir, 32
Houck, Jack, 230, 297-302
Houdini, Harry, 332-3, 347
Howard, John, 164, 165, 215
Hoxha, Enver, 269
Humanist, The, 267, 268, 280
Hunter Personnel, 167
Hurkos, Peter, 20
Hyman, Ray, 134, 261, 262
Induction by artifact, 338, 346
Inertial sensor, 116-17
Inglis, Brian, 206, 216, 275-6
The Hidden Power, 276
Institute for Cosmic Biology (Moscow), 279
Internal Revenue Service (US), 202
International Herald Tribune, 102, 174
International Journal of Parapsychology, 344
Israel, 131-2, 191-204, 207-11, 241-5, 342
Israeli Secret Service, The (Deacon), 341
'Jack' (US Embassy official), 56
Jahn, Robert G., 284-91
James, William, 266, 274
Janis, Byron, 32, 62, 100, 108, 215, 218-19, 323
Janis, Maria, 62-3, 215
Japan, 140-4, 155-7, 168, 187
Japan Shipbuilding Industry Federation, 155
Jaroff, Leon, 135, 136-7, 240, 249, 260, 261, 264
Jerusalem Post, 132
John, Elton, 190
Jones, Jim, 235
Jones, Scott 281
Jornal do Brasil, 78
Kaman Tempo, 281
Kammann, Richard, 263
Kanfer, Stefan, 260, 269
Katz, Yasha, 207-8
Kelley, Petra, 145
Kenilorea, Sir Peter, 163
Kepler, Johannes, 275
KGB (State Security Committee), 48, 71, 278-9
Khashoggi, Adnan, 217-24, 344
Khatamee, Masood, 189
Kibler, Austin, 134
Kimche, David, 146
Kim Il Sung, 169
Kissinger, Henry, 73-5, 145, 146-7, 206
Kohli, Ulrich, 128-31
Korea, 168-75
Korn, Susan Elizabeth, 303-5
Kronenhalle (Zurich), 129
Kurtz, Paul, 262, 268
Langley, Samuel P., 227
Lawrence, George, 134
Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, 138, 153
Lazaros, Marcos, M
Leach, Robin, 222
Leacock, Stephen, 25
Lee, C.W., 168
Lee, Daulton, 55
Lee, Martin, J., 290
Leesburg symposium, 282-300
Leighton, Barry, 321
Leitao da Cunha, Senhora, 77
Leon, Rene, 37
Leslie, Leo, 253-6, 330
Leukaemia Research Foundation, 216
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, 222-3
Lopez Portillo, Carmen, 33
Lopez Portillo, Carmen Romano de, 30-44, 52, 67-8, 81, 85-9
Lopez Portillo, Jose, 33, 34, 40, 70, 86, 90
Lopez Portillo, Jose Ramon, 33, 34, 40, 69, 86, 87, 89-91
Lopez Portillo, Paulina, 33
Loren, Sophia, 183, 245
Lozanov, Georgi, 271
Lucy, 78-83
Ma'ariv, 199, 207
McCarthy, Joseph, 267
McDonnell, James S., 264
McRae, Ron, 283
Madrid, Miguel de la, 66
Mafia, 96
Magic, 344-6
Magic or Miracle? 235
Manning, Matthew, 302
Mardor, Avraham, 131
Markwick, Betty, 276
Matchbox Toys 123
Matuzok, V.Y. 174
Maugham, Somerset, 229
Medtronic, Corporation, 265
Meir, Golda, 19, 242, 244
Meister, Matthias, 130, 131
Menell, Clive, 63-4, 206, 340
Mental Radio (Sinclair), 288
Mesmer, F.A., 302
Messing, Wolf, 272
Mexico, 29-44, 45-9, 50-59, 6075, 78, 85, 86-91, 187
Mihalasky, John, 334
'Mike' (CIA agent), 45-9, 50-58 71-3, 75-6, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83,
Mind-Reach (Targ & Puthoff), 20, 273, 290, 346
Mind to Mind (Warcollier), 288
Mind Wars (McRae), 283
Mitchell, Edgar, 20, 125, 126, 139, 147, 185
Mobius Group, 285-6
Moneytron, 115
Montgomery of Alamein, Viscount, 60
Moore, Eddie, 242
Morris, Robert, 294-7
'Morris, Tom', 53-4, 58-9, 85, 89, 90
Mosey, Christopher, 117
Moss, Thelma, 22, 230
Mossad, 49, 244, 342
Muller, Gerd, 184
Musko, 117
Muzankov, Mikhail, 48
Mysteries of the Unexplained, 279
Nabila, 218
Nachshol Electronics, 113
National Department of Investigation (Israel), 202
National Security Agency, 283
Nature, 20, 23,137, 182, 205, 247
Naylor, Bob, 321
Never Say Never Again, 218
New Dimensions of Deep Analysis (Ehrenwald), 336
Newman, Del, 108
New Scientist, 23 114 176, 182 201, 207, 251 331
News of the World, 132-3, 180-82, 246
Newsweek, 22, 63, 64
New York Times, 83
Nicholson, Jack, 81
Nightingale, Anne, 181
Nightingale, Maxine, 108
Oerter, Alfred, 228
Oked, Yitzhak, 132
Oliveira, lose Carlos, 78, 232
Omni, 234
O'Regan, Brendan, 331
Osis, Karlis, 286-7
Owen, A.R.G., 21
Owen, David, 215
Pacific Stars awl Stripes, 143
Pai, Nurit, 242
Palladino, Eusapia, 240,
Panati, Charles, 22, 147
The Geller Papers, 22, 139, 148, 204 206,241
Paraguay, 75
Parapsychological Association, 134
Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), 31, 54
Pauli, Wolfgang, 294
Peled, Dalia, 132
Peres, Shimon, 242, 243
Perlman, Itzhak, 191, 340
Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), 60, 66
Pheromones, 122
Physics Today, 182
Pickens, T. Boone, 145
Piel, Gerard, 261
PK party, 297-302
Playfair, Guy Lyon Geller effects witnessed by, 1115 308-25
early interest in Geller, 15, 249-52
Brazil, 249
Bulgaria, 270-71
Czechoslovakia, 271
Poland, 271
jury service, 327-8, 329-30
If This Be Magic, 285, 297, 337
The Flying Cow, 249
The Haunted Pub Guide., 321
The Indefinite Boundary, 249
PM Magazine, 235, 278
Poland, 271
Popular Photography, 182
Porter, Henry, 279
Prayer, 349-50
Pressman, Zev, 277-8
Price, E. Alan, 21, 22
Price, Harry, 18
Project Alpha, 264, 265
Project Grill Flame, 342
Project ROTSUC, 266
Psychic, 249-50, 334
Psychic Criminology (Hibbard Worring), 287
Psychic News, 348
Puharich, Andrija, 139, 185, 215, 331
discovers Geller, 20
as inventor, 114, 247-8
hypnotism, 248, 338-40
The Nine, 248, 339
Brazilian banknote episode, 250-52
Beyond Telepathy, 247
The Sacred Mushroom, 247
Uri, 120, 225, 247-8, 338-9
Puthoff, Harold research at SRI, 20, 133-5, 137, 148, 230, 244,
261, 273, 276, 342
letter to Piel, 261
Ingo Swann, 282-3, 288-91
at Leesburg symposium, 283-4
See also Mind-Reach
Puysegur, Marquis de, 302
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, 58
Rader, Dotson, 231
Randi, James, 24, 234-5, 239-40, 245, 251, 257, 260, 261, 264,
277-8, 330
Flim-F1am, 277
The Magic of Uri Geller, 24, 240, 245, 251, 277
The Truth About Uri Geller, 24
Rawlins, Dennis 263, 268
Reader's Digest, 279
Reagan, Ronald, 343
Renaissance, 100
Rhine' J.B. 268, 276
Rio Tinto-Zinc Corporation, 60, 62, 340
Robertson, Ron, 153
Robinson, James, 145
Roland Rat, 125
Ron, Benjamin, 135
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 287
Royal Garden Hotel, 255
Rubinstein, Amnon, 203-4, 341
Rydges, 182
Sabreliner, 42-3
Sadat, Anwar, 223, 343
Sagan, Carl, 240, 262
Sakata, Toshibumi, 140-44
Santos-Dumont, A., 227
Sasakawa, Ryoichi, 155
Schachnaey, Ronai, 195
Schmidt, Helmut, 292
Schneider, Rudi, 240, 350
Schwartz, Stephan, 285-6
Science Digest, 182
Science News, 182
Scientific American, 135, 240, 260, 261
Seed sprouting, 125, 143
Serrano, Jorge Diaz, 60, 64-6, 206
Seven Stars Inn (Robertsbridge), 321
Shalem, Danny, 191, 195
Shaw, Steve, 264, 265
Shevchenko, Arkady, 99
Shields, Brooke, 220
Shtrang, Hanna, 85, 86, 114, 186, 90, 191, 308, 314
Shtrang, Shipi, 30, 42 54, 59, 79, 90, 104, 108-9, 114, 130, 166,
218, 316-17, 324
first meets Geller, 19, 308
allegations against, 88, 114, 207
Sinclair, Upton, 288
Skeptical Inquirer, 207, 262, 264
Soal, S.G., 276
Society for Promoting the
Art of Magic (Israel), 195
Society for Psychical Research, 216, 251, 276, 287, 289
Society of American Magicians, 239
Solan, 201
Solomon Islands, 162-7
'Son of Sam', see Berkowitz, D.
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 342
Soviet Consulate (New York), 98 - 9
Soviet Embassy (Mexico City), 47, 54-5
Soviet Embassy (Pyongyang), 174
Soviet Union, 270, 272
Sperry, Roger, 284
Spiegel, Der, 182
Spoonbender, 124, 214
Thomas Dennis, 167
Sputnik, 228
Squid magnetometer, 289-90
SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute), 20,
45,46,61,114,133-5, 137-8, 147, 153, 230, 276-7, 282, 283, 284,
291, 322, 342
Stanford University, 289
Star 177-8, 189
Sterling, Merlene, 190-92
Sterling, Peter, 162-5, 190-92, 340
Stillings, Dennis, 265-6, 300, 330
Stokes, Doris, 216
Stone, Harry, 20
Strange But True- The World's Weirdest Newspaper Stories, 166
Strickland, Peter, 292
Stroessner, Alfredo, 75
Sugano, Frank, 143
Sun, 214
Sunday Sun, 234
Sunday Times, 233, 279
Sun Myung Moon, 169
Swann, Ingo, 282-3, 285, 288 91, 342
Sweden, 117-19
Sydney Morning Herald, 166
Symbiosis, 336
Targ, Russell research at SRI, 20, 133-5, 137-8, 148, 230, 244,
273, 276-7, 282, 291, 342, 346
Soviet Union, 81, 342
letter to Piel, 261
alleged denunciation of Geller 204
See also Mind-Reach
Tavor, Eli, 198, 245
Taylor, John G., 21, 205, 241
Science and the Supernatural, 241
Templegate, 214
Terra Santa College (Nicosia), 225, 246, 305-6, 339
Tesla, Nikola, 248
Thoelke, Wim, 176
Thorndike, Lynn, 344
Time, 135-7, 240, 249, 260, 261, 269
Times, The, 117, 256
Today's Health, 182
Topol, 191
Toronto Sun, 234
Townshend, C.H., 248
Triad Group, 217
Truzzi, Marcello, 239, 262, 263, 270
United Nations Parapsychology Society, 99-100
Uri Awards for Parapsychology, 264
Uri Geller, 108
Uri Geller Associates, 167
Uri Geller: Fup eller Fakta? (Leslie), 253-6
Uri Geller's Strike, 123
US Drug Enforcement Agency, 97
Van de Castle, Robert, 134
Van Vogt, A.E., 247
Vaughan, Alan, 249
Vinod, Dr, 338, 339
Virgin Airlines, 212
Wall Street Journal, 182
Wang (UK) Ltd, 132, 144
Warcollier, Rene, 288
Weissman, Ezer, 200
White, Stuart, 132, 180-82
Wilhelm, John, 153
The Search for Superman, 20, 135, 201, 260-62
Wilson, Colin, 25, 188, 247
The Geller Phenomenon, 25, 188
Wood, Donald, 305
Woodcock, Connie, 234
World Health Organisation, 155
World Medicine, 201
World Religious Unification Mission, 169
Worrall, John, 256
Worring, R.W., 287
Wright brothers, 227
Young, Jimmy, 22
Young Presidents Organisation, 144-7
Yariv, Aharon, 244
Zanex Ltd, 162-6
Zetetic Scholar 263
Zorka, Arthur 256-9, 275, 330
Zukerman, Pinchas, 191
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